HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-3322-8-15ORDINANCE NO. 332M.15 ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE ALLEN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AND ZONING MAP, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED, RELATING TO THE USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF 913* ACRES OF LAND LOCATED IN THE THOMAS G. KENNEDY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 500, CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, PRESENTLY ZONED AS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 74 FOR OFFICE (0) AND FLOODPLAIN -OFFICE (FP -O) BY CREATING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO 121 FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-7), MULTI- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (MF -18) AND CORRIDOR COMMERCIAL (CC) USES AND ADOPTING DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, A CONCEPT PLAN, A STREET CONCEPT PLAN AND BUILDING ELEVATIONS; PROVIDING FOR A CONFLICTS RESOLUTION CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Allen, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas and the ordinances of the City of Allen, Texas, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair ' hearing to all the property owners generally and to all persons interested and situated in the affected area, and in the vicinity thereof, and in the exercise of its legislative discretion, have concluded that Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations and Zoning Map of the City of Allen, Texas, as previously amended, should be amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations and the Zoning Map of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, as previously amended, be further amended relating to the use and development regulations of 91.3* acres of land located in the Thomas G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, being more particularly described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference ('the Property"), which is presently zoned as Planned Development No. 74 for Office (0) and Floodplain — Office (FP -0) by establishing Planned Development No. 121 for Single Family Residential (R-7), Multi -family Residential (MF -18) and Corridor Commercial (CC) to be used and developed in accordance with the use and development regulations set forth in Section 2 of this Ordinance. SECTION 2. The Property shall be developed and used in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Allen Land Development Code, as amended, except to the extent modified by the Development Regulations set forth below: A. BASE ZONING DISTRICT: The Property shall be developed and used only in accordance with the Single Family Residential (R-7), Multi -family Residential (MF -I8) and Corridor Commercial (CC) standards of the ALDC, except as otherwise provided herein. ' B. CONCEPT PLAN: The Property shall be developed in general conformance with the Concept Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "B," and incorporated herein by reference. No building permits shall be issued by the City for the Mixed Use (Employment and Residential) Zones, the portion of the Transition Zone located south of Granada Drive and east of Street 3, or alternative options of the Mixed Use Flex Zones until detailed site plans for development within these areas have been approved. ' C. STREET CONCEPT PLAN: The Property shall be developed in general conformance with the Street Concept Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "C," and incorporated herein by reference. 1 1 D. BUILDING ELEVATIONS: The Property shall be developed in general conformance with the Building Elevations attached hereto as Exhibit "D;' and incorporated herein by reference. E. FLEXIBLE DESIGN STANDARDS: The City's Director of Community Development, Director of Engineering, Director of Parks and Recreation, Chief Building Official, and/or Fire Chief, as the case may be, shall have the authority, but not the obligation, to approve a request to modify the development regulations identified in Table 1, below, subject to the criteria and limitations set forth in Table 1 to the extent such regulations apply to the Property: Table 1: Flexible Design Standards Code Standard Extent ofAdminismarive Cuero Admfnfsfretar of Modi ca(ian Permitted Moth talion 1. Concept Plan Map a Location of location may be shifted no more i. Most maintain the Director of any Required than 60 feet in any direction connectivity intended by the Community Steel Concept Plan Development, u. Most maintain the Director of continuation and/or Engineering and the connectivity with any Building Official. existing streets where possible b. Area of any Each required Open Space . i. Shall maintain the frontages Director of Required Parkland area may be reduced by required by the Concept Plan Community Open Space/ no more than 10% of the area it Area may be adjusted to Development, Parkland shown on the Concept Plan accommodate shifting of any Director of new Required Sheets only Engineering, the Building Official and the Director of Parks and Recreation. 2. Development Standards a. Streetscape Street tree planning may be adjusted Any changes to the streetscape Director of standards based on the development context standards shall be based on Community and sucel cross section. specific development context Development, such as existing vegetation, Director of natural features, drainage, and fire Engineering, and access and is subject to approval the Building by the City. Official. b. Side yard Side yard setbacks for lots located Any such changes to the side Director of setback across the street from any front yards based on compatibility of Community yard may he modified. shcelscape. Development, Director of Engineering, and the Building O ficin . c. Driveways Driveways may be allowed to be Driveways may abut other Direct. of closer than the 10 foot minimum driveways or the property line Community spacing in order to reduce curb cuts provided both driveways meet the Development, and expand from yard space. minimum driveway width and Director of drainage requirements. Engineering, and the Building Official. Ordinance No. 3322.8-15, Page 2 I 1 F Table 1: Flexible Desi n Standards Code Standard Extent of Administrative Criteria Administrator of Madifteation Permitted acter Zones Uses Modification d. Lot Size Lot sizes may be reduced by up to Lots can be reconfigured to Director of 5% ofthe size originally shown n address compliance requirements Community %9 the Concept Plan and reconfigured of applicable City ordinances (i.e. Development, as necessary to conform with City setbacks, drainage needs, etc) Director of ordinance requirements. The lots, Engineering and the regardless of size, can be moved ter) Building Official. within the overall character ama as P S long as total lot count is more than P S P 95% of the Concept Plan P I S IP e. Lot Coverage The maximum lot coverage for the Lot coverage may increase to Director of Mixed Use Character Zone may be accommodate unique Community increased to a maximum of 95%. development proposals provided Development, the development on the lot Director of continues to comply with Engineering and the applicable setbacks and other Building ficial. development standards. f. Measurement Adjustments can be made to the The point of measurement for Director of of minimum requirement thin the minimum lot determining compliance with Community lot widths of width is measured in the front yard minimum lot width requirements Development, Cul -0e -sac setback line for lots located on a may be relocated as necessary to Director of lots cul -&-sac's radius. accommodate a unique Engineering and the configuration of a cul-de-sac lot Building Official. by measuring a line the ends of which line shall he located a the "midpoint" of the two side lot lines which intersect the front lot line. g. Mixed Use The minimum width for public, The minimum width of a Mixed Director of Street Mixed Use Streets may be reduced Use Street may be reduced if (i) Community Minimum to un unobstructed width of ma less all buildings fronting on the Development, Width shun 24 feet, exclusive of on -street Mixed Use Street are 30 feet in Director of parkmg and shoulders. height or less, or access widths Engineering and the and venical clearances are Fire Chief. adequate for fire and rescue operations. Streetscape configurations are subject to modification through the construction plan review and approval process to accommodate utilities, sight visibility, safety and similar. Street trees may not be planted in the dedicated street Right of Way unless they are documented in civil plan documents according to these regulations. PERMITTED USES: All parcels are assigned to one of the following Character Zones as designated on the Concept Plan: Neighborhood, Transition, Mixed Use, and Mixed Use Flex. Uses permitted in this planned development are set forth in Table 2. Ordinance No. 3322-8-15, Page 3 Table 2: Zoning District Land Use Table P= Permitted S=SUP acter Zones Uses -a 9= %9 ;ed ter) P P P P S P P S P P P I S IP Ordinance No. 3322-8-15, Page 3 E U Table 2: Zoning District Land Use Table Character Zones Uses ADULT DAY CARE q 'o _ r O L Y `e � q Y a �� S � q C K9 S k ha Y` S AMUSEMENT, COMMERCIAL (INDOOR) P P P AMUSEMENT. COMMERCIAL (OUTDOOR) S S S ANTIQUE SHOP P P P ARTISANS AND ARTIST STUDIO P P P ASSISTED LIVING S S S BAKERY OR CONFECTIONERY P P P BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS P P P BICYCLE SHOP/REPAIR SERVICE P P P BOOK. CARD OR NOVELTY SHOPS P P P CARPENTRY. PAINTING SHOP S S S CATERING P P P CHURCH S S S CLINIC. MEDICAL P P P COMMUNITY CENTER P P P DAY CAKE FACILITY P P P DRUG STORE OR PHARMACY P P P FABRICS OR NEEDLEWORK SHOP P P P FARMERS MARKET S S S FLORIST/PLANT STORE P P P FOODSERVICE S P S FRATERNAL ORG.. LODGE. CIVIC CLUBS S P S GARAGE, PUBLIC PARKING P P P GROCERY P P P HARDWARE STORE P P P HARDWARE STORE (over 3,000 sq n.) S S S LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING. PICK-UP ONLY P P P MICRO BREWERY P P P MUSEUM, LIBRARY. ART GALLERY (PUBLIC) P P P OFFICE USE P P P PARK OR PLAYGROUND(PRIVATE OR PUBLIC) P P P RADIO OR TV BROADCAST STUDIO P P P REAL ESTATE SALES OFFICE (TEMP.) P P P RECREATION CENTER (PRIVATE OR PUBLIC) P P P RESTAURANT P P P RESTAURANT/PRIVATE CLUB P P P RETAIL SIORE P P P SPECIALTY/HEALTH FOODS P P P STUDIOS P P P THEATER S S S VETERINARY HOSPITAL, ANIMAL CLINIC OR ANIMAL BOARDING FACILITY S S S - ' Use category detemdned at fine of sne plan or plat. An SUP is required for multifamily uses in Block A. ' G. DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS: The Dimensional Standards shall be as set for in the following Table 3, as further defined in the Character Zones. Ordinance No. 3322-8-15. Page 4 I TABLE 3 Character Zone Neighborhood Transition Mixed Use Mixed Use Flex Standa (Emplayment 1f under if under Mixed and Residential) Transition Use Minimum Front yard setback po feet 10 feel 10 feet 10 feet 10 feel 3 t"( / 10 feet 0 feet between 10 feet 0 feet lb mcca 10 feet Minimum Side yard setback for comer lot lots/ 10 feet for IoW 101wt for comer lot co." lot Minimum Rear yard sedare 10 feet 10 feet for main 0 feet to I'eea for 0 feet structure" main structure" Minimum height of None None, except Three Scones None, except Thu Stories buildings multdamily multifamily buildings must buildings must have a have a morrmum of minimum of three stories stones Maximum height of building Two woks ma Three stories Five stories oat Three stories Five stories not to to exceed 35 feet not to exceed 40 to exceed 60 not to exceed exceed fill feet in in height feet in height feet in height" 40 feet In height" except for height multifamily buildings which shall not exceed five stones nor exceed 00 feet no height" Minimum lot area (sq. ft) 4,000 1.800 for single NA 1,800 for NA family attached; single family 2.700 for single attached, family 2.700for detached; single family multifamily lots detached, shall be in multifamily accordance with lots shall be m the Base Zoning accordance applied to the with the Base Character Zone. Zoning applied to the Character Zone. Minimum lot width 50 feet 20 feet for None 20 feet for None single family single family attached, attached 30 feet for 30 feet for single family single family detached; detached, multifamily lots mulufaimly shall be in lots shall be in accordance with accordance the Base Zoning with the Base applied to the Zoning Character Zone applied to the Character Zone. Minimum lot depth 80 feet 60 feet none for None W', none 1'or None multifamily multifamily Minimum area per 1.800 sq. ft. 800 sq. ft . 500 500 sq ft 800 sq ft . 500 sq ft residential dwelling unit sq ft. for 500 sq. ft. for multifamily mulnfatml Maximum lot caccruce 65% 75% 75% 759E 75% Ordinance No. 3322-8-15. Page 5 I Character Zone Neighborhood Transition Mixed Use Mixed Use Flex Stan da (Employment if under If trader Mixed and Residential) Transition Use MaximmnFAR for no.- None None 2.0 Nene 2.0 residential uses Maximum Residential 62 unnstacre 108 units/ sere NA 108 units/ NA Density (per net acre) single family acre for single detached/ NA family for multifamily detalwatt NA for multifamily Minimum mixed use ratio NA NA No less than NA If Black B is 50% at the first developed under a floor units of mixed-use plan, multifamily then no primary suucome, in the use may exceed Mixed Use 90% of the Residential development Zone, facing within Block B Montgomery Blvd and Strew 5, most he retail ruaJ . For a situation where the side of one house is across the street from the front of another, the Setback may be allowed to differ in order to create a varied street condition: per approval through the Flexible Design Standards. Air conditioning units may not be placed in side yards less than 7 feet. 6 Subject to adjacent Setback and Firewall requirements in the Building code. Rear yard setback is for front entry lots only. Rear entry garages must comply with the standards in Section H.1.b for the ' Neighborhood Character Zone and Section H.2.b for the Transition Character Zone. s Building rear setback measured from property line unless there is alley access in which case the setback is measured from the edge of alley pavement to be congruent with rear, garage setback. Subject to Budding Code separation requirementaThe garage setback is measured to the face of wall and not the garage door. in Subject to Budding Code separation requirements. it Buildings adjacent to a single family residential use shall not exceed 4 stories nor55 feet in height. 14 "Retail Ready" means space constructed at a minimum interior height of 14 feel (with mechanical chases, devices and utility access provided) which may be used for normal uses and can be converted into retail use. Pnor to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a retail use in a `Retail -Ready" space, the space must comply with all building and construction codes for retail use. The intent of `Retail -Ready" space is to provide the Flexibility of occupying a space in accordance with market demand and allowing the use in such space to change to retail uses in accordance with the market. H. CHARACTER ZONE STANDARDS: 1. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER ZONE a. Base Zoning Distrito: The base wiling district for the Neighborhood Character Zone is "R- 7", Single Family Residential. b. Parkin, Garages & Fences: The location, configuration, spacing, and construction of off- street parking, garages, and fences within the Neighborhood Character Zone shall conform to the ALDC except as modified below: Ordinance No. 3322-5-15, Page 6 I 1 Parking, Garages& Fences Parking and Fence Placement Alley Pavement V RMOMat i Reim GaaQrz Ae;� I Seaeri 1 ..... _1... ....... ....... fi.... PmwaYunN ROW SieerallJ tanaarape Slap feet; or W • Face of garage door a min. 3 O feet behind the building Front fapade line along that frontage, and • Allowing form least 20 feet O of depth from grange wall exterior to property line if • 5 feet from edge of typical pavement or O • 20 feet or greater from edge of typical pavement" O Rem is Rem -loaded lots contiguous to Phase 1 of Montgomery Ridge must have rear garage setbacks of 20 feet or greater. • 5 feet from edge of typical pavement or • m 5 feet minimufrom face of Fence garage where above ground O franchise appurtenances exist (for lots with rear garages with a 5 foot wtbwk) ARey/Mews Served Lots I. Front -loaded garages shall not be allowed on lots served by an alley/mews. 2. For lots with rear garages with a 5 foot setback, fences in alleys shall be setback not less than 5 feet beyond the face of the garage wall where above -ground franchise appurtenances (meters, transformers, communication pedestals, etc.) will be located clew of alley maneuvering. Gas meters shall be located in structure wall. 3 Side entry, now garages are not permitted. 4 The garage setback is measured to the two of wall and not the garage door This note shall be place on the final plat for properties in the Neighborhood Character Zone. IMvewaya 1. Driveways shall allow space for utilities and waste collection. 2. Front entry driveways shall have colored concrete with a color mix that is uniformly colored throughout and not sprayed, overlayed or otherwise applied to top layers Stamped surfaces are permitted. Decorative treatment of driveways shall be limited to private property. 3. Garage doors shall be decoative 2. TRANSITION CHARACTER ZONE a. Base Zonine District: The base zoning district for the Transition Character Zone is "MF - 18" Multifamily Residential District. b. Parkin. Garaees & Fences: The location, configuration, spacing, and contraction of off- street parking, garages, and fences on the Property shall conform to the ALDC except as modified below: Ordinance No. 3322-8-15, Page 7 ' Parking and Fence Placement for Single Family Residential Use Aby Psmenent I From Entry Garages not ...".........-..... Front pedned on lots 40 feet wide f 1 ............... �1 or less �y�-tm smoan Rea Gnage O y 5 feet from edge of typical a rd Rearpavement or J feel' or greater from edge of typical Q typical pavement 1 Ordinance No. 3322.8.15 Page 8 • 5 feet from edge of typical 10 j pavement or; .p ...._. . 5 feet minimum from face of O 'ence garage where above ground soeai franchise appurtenances exist (for Iola with rear garages with a 5 fool setback) AlleyyMaws Served Lots 1 All lots thin face an adjacent green must provide on -street parking within a reasonable distance. 2. For lots with rem garages with a 5 foot setback, fences in alleys shall be setback not less than 5 feet beyond the ' face of the garage wall where above -ground franchise appurtenances (meters, transformers, communication pedestals, etc.) will be located clear of alley maneuvering. Gas meters shall be located at structure wall. 3 Side entry, rear garages are not permitted. 4. The garage setback is measured to the face of wall and not the garage door. This note shall be place on the final plat for single family properties in the Transition Character Zone Driveways I. Driveways shall allow space for utilities and waste collection. 3. MIXED USE (EMPLOYMENT AND RESIDENTIAL) CHARACTER ZONE a. Base Zonine Distrito: The base zoning district for the Mixed Use (Employment and Residential) Character Zone is "CC" Corridor Commercial District. b. Parking & Garages: The location, configuration, spacing, and contraction of off-street parking & garages on the Property shall conform to the ALDC except as modified below: 1 Ordinance No. 3322.8.15 Page 8 I Parking Placement a..WMFia.. ia. A minimum of 10 feet O behind principal building fagade line on a Secondary Frontage Street; or 6 feet minimum At least one block face Q must be designated as Primary Frontage At least one block face must be designated as O Secondary Frontage - Remaining block faces have no minimum Ordinance No. 3322-8-15. Page 9 Required OR -Street Parking 1 50% of Structured Parking perimeter must be placed behind principal building fapade. ' 4. MIXED USE FLEX CHARACTER ZONE a. Land designated as "Mixed Use Flex" on the Concept Plan may develop in accordance with the development regulations identified above for the Mixed Use (Employment and Residential) Character Zone or the Transition Character Zone. The Base Zoning District for each parcel within the Mixed Use Flex Character Zone shall be the respective Base Zoning District under which said parcel develops. For example, if a parcel in the Mixed Use Flex Character Zone develops under the Mixed Use (Employment and Residential) Character Zone, then the Base Zoning District shall be "CC", Corridor Commercial District. b. Determination of the character zone and development regulations for a tract of land designated "Mixed Use Flex" will be made at the time either (a) a site plan is submitted for said tract of land, or (b) a preliminary plat is submitted for said tract of land. c. The land subject to an approved site plan or preliminary plat may only be developed in accordance with the respective development regulations unless, prior to construction on such land, a new site plan or preliminary plat is submitted and approved for such land subject to the previously approved site plan or preliminary plat. 5. DEFINITIONS a. "Principal Building Fagade" means the front facade of the main building on a lot. b. "Primary Frontage" means the frontage of a lot which shall be designated as the front of the lot, bear the address for the lot and contain the principal entrance into a building on the lot. The principal building fagade for a budding on such lot shall cover a minimum of 70% of the length of the Primary Frontage. Ordinance No. 3322-8-15. Page 9 c. "Secondary Frontage" means frontage other than the Primary Frontage along which a facade of the principal building on such lot shall cover a minimum of 50% of the secondary frontage. 1. BUILDING MATERIALS/ELEVATIONS: L In addition to building materials defined as "masonry" in the ALDC, cementious-fiber clapboard (not sheet) with at least a 50 -year life warranty shall be deemed to satisfy the masonry requirement. 2. All townhome, multi -family and non-residential structures shall be of an urban styling. 3. Traditional 3 Coat Stucco shall be allowed for typical use. J. STREET CLASSIFICATIONS: This section establishes standards for all elements within the public right-of-way including travel lane(s), on -street parking, streetscape/parkway standards, and sidewalk standards. 1. A license agreement between the City and the Owner or Developer of the Property (or portion thereof) to be developed setting forth the terns, conditions, and obligations of the Developer and its successors in title (including, but not limited to, any property ownersthomeowners association established to own and maintain the common areas developed within the Property or portion thereof) to maintain the parkways in the public right-of-way must be in effect prior to acceptance by the City of Allen Engineering Department of any subdivision developed within the Property. 2. Street and alleys within the Property shall be developed in accordance with the cross sections for the street classifications set forth in Table 4 and the related graphics. Table 4 Street Classification Summary Table Street Street Width (in feet) Vehicular on -Street Sidewalk Street Classification (Recommended minimum) Lane Widths Parking Width Trees (in fat) (in feet RO. Curb to Curb Pedestrian W. Zone Montgomery 90 75 with 6 on side I l Yes, one side, 6 (min) Yes Boulevard 17 median with parallels' 107tail parking; 10 on other side Mixed Use 64 47 15.5 15.5 Yes, on both 6 Yes Street sides Neighborhood 54-62 28-36 15.5 10 Yes, one or both 6 (min) Yes sides, designated bum -out Mews Alley 24 16 0 16 None None None Alley 20 16 no based curbs 0 16 None None None e Parking along Montgomery Boulevard may be added only after the constr clim of the roadway and nonresidential development is constmcted to front the street. If no nonresidential develops, the street will remain without on -street parking. Ordinance No. 3322-8-15, Page 10 1 1 Street Type: Boulevard MONTGOMERY BOULEVARD STREET CROSS SECTION A -A 16 SECTION z 14 Proposed 5 foot sidewalk adjacent to Montgomery most also Incorporate a 1 foot brick soldier course separation from the back of curb. Ordinance No. 3322-8-15. Page 11 a. 6- g' fiy*GULn♦irey • inM ♦ Meti+n ♦ irMl • nM � lay I Mx•Ip VWp tYn t•'/ Iw 1•m inJ • P•wN • � 65 9ellsx SNmm• lana Zorc 90' MONTGOMERY BOULEVARD STREET CROSS SECTION A -A 16 SECTION z 14 Proposed 5 foot sidewalk adjacent to Montgomery most also Incorporate a 1 foot brick soldier course separation from the back of curb. Ordinance No. 3322-8-15. Page 11 1 1 Street Type: Neighborhood 4'SldewalWutiliry 4 Sldewalk/UbIny• 6' 9'-6" 10' 10- I S. •SMee Lend Travel p walk =cape Lane 26'F -F 10' StripPavernent ..w� e Min.54 Babb - RO.W. Iarts 13. 6' t9 • 6n 6 arkM9.. Lard- Side-• • scape walk Stop 10' ....Y..qt MIn. 4 • Selback _.T •�2'�•6 Zone 4' 13' MONTGOMERY RIDGE STREET CROSS SECTION Ordinance No. 3322.8.15, Page 12 1 1 Street Type: Mixed Use Street 7'SidewNk/UaNy SiAPwalk Etat, i 0 a ant. Esn,l� i vt Min. c 6' 9'-6" a' 15'-6" 15'-6" B. 9'-6", 6' `v SWo- ^ parking Travel revs p v n Side-� walk scope Laos 47' Lane scope walk �^p Strip PeuemeM ,7 10' Min. .. 64' -.2 .... ;� 10' Min. Setback -6 R.O.W. Zone Setback B'_g" C g'_6^ Zane MONTGOMERY RIDGE STREET CROSS SECTION MIXED USE STREET Ordinance No. 3322-8-15, Page 13 1 F Street Type: Mews Alley 1.16'F—F : 45 Pavement unary • ROW. MONTGOMERY RIDGE STREET CROSS SECTION MEWS ALLEY Ordinance No. 3322-8-15, Page 14 1 1 Street Type: Alley 1"T2 Min. 16'F—F Sewad+t Pavement 8'eard+6om aisy Aley PwemeM 20' MONTGOMERY RIDGE STREET CROSS SECTION ALLEY Ordinance No. 3322.8.15, Page 15 K. STREETSCAPE AND LANDSCAPE STANDARDS: 1. Landscaping within the public right-of-way shall be in accordance with the standards in Table 4 ' and this Paragraph K. 2. Street trees shall be required per the street classifications in Table 4 within the Landscape Strip. The trees shall be selected from those in Table 5. 3. Trees shall be planted not less than 30 feet and not greater than 40 feet apart on center (measured per block face) along all streets as required by Table 4. 4. Street trees may be used to mitigate existing trees that are removed as part of the development process per standards in the ALDC, Article VII, Section 7.06 — Tree preservation. 5. Street trees may be planted after home construction, but must be planted prior to issuance of final inspection for occupancy for each respective home. 6. Street trees shall not be placed new intersections where they may present a sight obstruction. 7. Sidewalks and street trees shall be maintained by a property owners/homeowners association to be established prior to the issuance of the first building permit for the portion of the Property being developed. 8. Substantially enhanced pedestrian crossings, both visually and tactilely, shall be constructed at intersections which intersect Montgomery Boulevard, and entrances to the development. A property owners association or homeowners association shall enter a license with the City ' whereby said association shall be required to pay the cost for the difference between maintenance of a standard City street pavement and any enhancements. 9. Cluster mailboxes may be used in this development. 10. Landscaping over 2 feet tall may not be placed within the visibility triangles. 11. A 1 foot wide brick soldier course for the 5 foot sidewalk is required for the 10 foot trail and is in addition to the required width of sidewalk or trail. 12. Root barriers shall be required for any street trees within 10 feet of a street or sidewalk. 13. Street trees or trees siding adjacent to any pedestrian surface must have a minimum vertical clearance of 10 foot at maturity. 14. A trail easement is required with an offset of at least 5 feet from the edge of trail anywhere it meanders outside the dedicated City Right-of-way. 15. A 10 foot landscape easement is required on both sides of Montgomery Blvd. 16. Pedestrian amenities, to be maintained by a property owners association or homeowners association, shall be provided, which may include but not be limited to following site famishing,/improvements (e.g., benches, tables, drinking fountains, trash receptacles, planters/omamenml pots, street trees decorative tree grates, bicycle racks and other bicycle amenities, trellis/arbors, artwork/sculpture, outdoor dining, decorative/omamental railing, decorative and functional lighting, lampposts, decorative way -finding signage, raised pedestrian crossings, banners, decorative/textured pavement, and other pedestrian improvements). Ordinance No. 3322.8.15 Page 16 I 1 Table 5 Approved Street Trees Wein trees 25-40 feet Siderox lonlanu 'nosum Chittamwood Pistaciachinensis Chinese Pistachio *male selection only Cu ressusarizonica Arizona Cypress Diospyrostexanat Texas Persimmon Diospyrosvirginima Common Persimmon Fraxinustexensis Texas Ash Magnolia grandiflont'Little Gem' Little Gem Magnolia Note: minimum 6 foot planting snip and 30- 40 foot spacing. Large trees 40 feet and taller Caryaillinomsis Pecan ercusbuckle i Texas Red Oak emuslace i Lacey Oak Quencuumacroscarpa Eur Oak ercusmuhlenber ii Chinquapin Oak Quencuspolymorpha Mexican White Oak uercusshumardii Shumard Red Oak ercusvir'niana'Cathedral' Live Oak 'Cathedral' ercusvir'niana'Hi 'se' Live oak 'Hi hrise' Ulmusamericana'Accolade' American elm'Accolade' Ulmusamericana'Frontier' American elm 'Frontier' Ulmuscrassifolia Cedaz Elm Note: minimum 6 foot planting strip and 30 —40 foot spacing. L. RUNOFF COEFFICIENT: The runoff coefficient for estimating stormwater flow shall be 0.8 (unless otherwise determined through a detailed impervious area study approved by the Engineering Department) and the Time of Concentration (Tc) shall be 15 minutes. M. FLOODPLAIN RECONFIGURATION: The fully -developed floodplain may he reconfigured in accordance with the Concept Plan, so long as no adverse impact is demonstrated by a flood study indicating no rise in 100 -year water surface elevation, no increased velocities, and no decrease in valley storage, approved by the Engineering Department. SECTION 3. To the extent of any irreconcilable conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance and other ordinances of the City of Allen governing the use and development of the Property and which are not expressly amended by this Ordinance, the provisions of this Ordinance shall be controlling. SECTION 4. Should any word, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this Ordinance, or of the Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations, as amended hereby, be adjudged or held to be void or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of said ordinance or the Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations, as amended hereby, which shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. An offense committed before the effective date of this Ordinance is governed by prior law and the provisions of the Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations, as amended, in effect when the ' offense was committed and the former law is continued in effect for this purpose. SECTION 6. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this Ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations of Ordinance No. 3322.8.15. Page 17 I 1 1 the City of Allen, as previously amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) for each offense. SECTION 7. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Allen, and it is accordingly so ordained. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 11" DAY OF AUGUST 2015. APPROVED AS TO FORM: �k d Peter G. Smith, C ATTORNEY (kbl:71U/15:72700) APPROVED: Stephen Terrell, MAYOR ATTEST: Shelley B. George, C, CITY SE TARY Ordinance No. 3322-8-15 Page 18 1 Ordinance No. 3322.8.15. Page 19 EXHIBIT "A" ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION ' BEING A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE THOMAS G. KENNEDY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO 500, CITY OF ALLEN, COLL IN COUNTY, TEXAS. AND BEING A PORTION OF A CALLED 111 43 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN GENERAL WARRANTY DEEDS FROM NEMA MONTGOMERY MURDOCK. TRUSTEE OF THE VENA MONTGOMERY MURDOCK DECLARATION OF TRUST TO BLESSED ACRES. LP. (10237% INTEREST), RECORDED N COUNTY CLERK'S FILE NO 20000324000335840. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY. TEXAS, (O P R C C T ), LELAND MILLER MONTGOMERY TO BLESSED ACRES. L.P., (10.50% INTEREST), RECORDED IN COUNTY CLERK'S FILE NO 20000324000335050, O.P.R.C.C.T; ELLEN MONTGOMERY McCAFFERTY TO BLESSED ACRES, LP. (1050'x, INTEREST), RECORDED N COUNTY CLERKS FILE N0. 20000324000335050. O.P.R.C.C.T.; WILLIAM S MONTGOMERY, J R. TO BLESSED ACRES L.P.. (10.50% INTEREST). RECORDED N COUNTY CLERK'S FILE NO. 70000324000335970, O.P,R,CC.T., AND A PORTION OF A CALLED 111 780 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED N GENERAL WARRANTY DEEDS FROM MONERY, INC. TO WRETCHED LAND. L P. (0.13263% INTEREST) RECORDED IN COUNTY CLERKS FILE NO. 20061012001474620. O.P.R.C.CT; MARIAN MILLER MONTGOMERY TO WRETCHED LAND, L. P., 113.13037% INTEREST). RECORDED IN COUNTY CLERKS FILE NO, 20061012001474500, O.P R.0 C T, A SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED FROM WELLS FARGO BANK. N.A., TRUSTEE OF THE WILLIAM S MONTGOMERY FAMILY TRUST 1004 TO WILLIAM S MONTGOMERY JR, TRUSTEE OF THE WILLIAM S. MONTGOMERY, JR FAMILY TRUST 1994 WA (11.25%, INTEREST), NENA CARROLL MONTGOMERY. TRUSTEE OF THE NENA CARROLL MONTGOMERY FAMILY TRUST 1904 IRA (11.25% INTEREST); ELLEN MONTGOMERY McCAFFERTY TRUSTEE OF THE ELLEN MONTGOMERY MOCAFFERTY FAMILY TRUST 19N UTA (11.25% INTEREST) AND LELAND MILLER MONTGOMERY, TRUSTEE OF THE LELAND MILLER MONTGOMERY FAMILY TRUST 1904 UTA (11 25% INTEREST), RECORDED N COUNTY CLERK'S FILE NO 2005-0135155, OP R.CC T. ALSO BEING ALL OF THAT CALLED 20 2(138 TRACT DESCRIBED N DEED TO WRETCHED LAND. L P. N COUNTY CLERKS FILE NO 2006 7 01 2001 4 74810, O.PRC.C.T: SAID TRACT OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS 1 Ordinance No. 3322.8.15. Page 19 BEGINNING AT A 1/2 -INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP STAMPED'HALFF ASSOC INC' FOUND FOR THE ' SOUTHEAST CORNER AT THE TERMINUS OF MONTGOMERY BOULEVARD IF KA BELAIR DRIVE, A OD FOOT RIGHT OF WAY AT THIS PONT) AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF ALLEN IN THE AGREED FINAL JUDGMENT RECORDED IN VOLUME 5724, PAGE 38, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF REAL PROPERTY OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, (O.P.RA P C.0 T.), AND BEING N THE SOUTH LINE OF THE REMAINDER OF THAT CALLED 32.41 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED TO MONTGOMERY FARM GARDEN DISTRICT, LTO RECORDED N COUNTY CLERK'S FILE NO. 20080829001402580. 0 P.R.C.0 T., AND BEING IN THE NORTH LINE OF SAID 111.789 ACRE TRACT OF LAND; THENCE SOUTH 88'1758' EAST ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 111,789 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AND SAID 3241 ACRE TRACT OF LAND, A DISTANCE OF 1.281 43 FEET TO A POINT IN THE APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE OF WATTERS CREEK, THENCE ALONG THE APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE OF WATTERS CREEK, THE FOLLOWING. SOUTH 01.54'12' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 128.85 FEET, SOUTH 2390'SO' EAST. A DISTANCE OF 285.21 FEET: SOUTH 35.11'39' EAST. A DISTANCE OF 148.78 FEET, SOUTH 099120' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 95 41 FEET, 1 Ordinance No. 3322.8.15. Page 19 I SOUTH 36'x'47' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 70.00 FEET: SOUTH 1750'25' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 63.06 FEET: SOUTH 26'0090' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 00.00 FEET; SOUTH 2735'17 WEST. A DISTANCE OF 17764 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO CITY OF ALLEN, N VOLUME 4856, PAGE 2837. DEED RECORDS OF COLLN COUNTY. TEXAS (D R.C.C.T ); THENCE ALONG THE COMMON UNE OF SAID CRY OF ALLEN TRACT AND THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT, THE FOLLOWING. SOUTH 80'30'21' WEST. A DISTANCE OF 100.21 FEET, SOUTH 78'3('03' WEST. A DISTANCE OF 3367 FEET. SOUTH 81'0358' WEST. A DISTANCE OF 58.05 FEET; SOUTH 54'20'24' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 64.32 FEET; SOUTH 52°0747 WEST, A DISTANCE OF 8715 FEET; SOUTH 09'7743' WEST. A DISTANCE OF 427.38 FEET; SOUTH 0730'57' EAST. A DISTANCE OF 433.65 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID CRY OF ALLEN TRACT: NORTH 66'10.10' EAST, AT A DISTANCE OF 66706 FEET PASSING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID CITY OF ALLEN TRACT SAME BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED TO WATTERS CREEK OWNER, LLC N THE DEED RECORDED IN 20130719001017670. O.PACC.T, CONTINUING ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND AND SAID WATTERS CREEK TRACT OF LAND IN ALL FOR A DISTANCE OF 610.62 FEET TO THE WESTERLY RKTHT-0F4NAY LINE OF U S. HIGHWAY NO 75, (A VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC RIGHT-OF- WAY). THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT -0F -WAY LINE OF SAID US HIGHWAY NO 75. THE FOLLOWING: SOUTH 13'1700' WEST. A DISTANCE OF 212 42 FEET, SOUTH 14'45'16' WEST. A DISTANCE OF 627 OB FEET, SOUTH 22'56'16" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 293.54 FEET; SOUTH 17'4848' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 921 71 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE AFOREMENTIONED 20 2036 ACRE TRACT, Ordinance No. 3322-8-15. Page 20 EXHBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION cont. ' SOUTH 07'54'52` WEST, A DISTANCE OF 16.45 FEET: I SOUTH 36'x'47' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 70.00 FEET: SOUTH 1750'25' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 63.06 FEET: SOUTH 26'0090' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 00.00 FEET; SOUTH 2735'17 WEST. A DISTANCE OF 17764 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO CITY OF ALLEN, N VOLUME 4856, PAGE 2837. DEED RECORDS OF COLLN COUNTY. TEXAS (D R.C.C.T ); THENCE ALONG THE COMMON UNE OF SAID CRY OF ALLEN TRACT AND THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT, THE FOLLOWING. SOUTH 80'30'21' WEST. A DISTANCE OF 100.21 FEET, SOUTH 78'3('03' WEST. A DISTANCE OF 3367 FEET. SOUTH 81'0358' WEST. A DISTANCE OF 58.05 FEET; SOUTH 54'20'24' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 64.32 FEET; SOUTH 52°0747 WEST, A DISTANCE OF 8715 FEET; SOUTH 09'7743' WEST. A DISTANCE OF 427.38 FEET; SOUTH 0730'57' EAST. A DISTANCE OF 433.65 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID CRY OF ALLEN TRACT: NORTH 66'10.10' EAST, AT A DISTANCE OF 66706 FEET PASSING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID CITY OF ALLEN TRACT SAME BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED TO WATTERS CREEK OWNER, LLC N THE DEED RECORDED IN 20130719001017670. O.PACC.T, CONTINUING ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND AND SAID WATTERS CREEK TRACT OF LAND IN ALL FOR A DISTANCE OF 610.62 FEET TO THE WESTERLY RKTHT-0F4NAY LINE OF U S. HIGHWAY NO 75, (A VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC RIGHT-OF- WAY). THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT -0F -WAY LINE OF SAID US HIGHWAY NO 75. THE FOLLOWING: SOUTH 13'1700' WEST. A DISTANCE OF 212 42 FEET, SOUTH 14'45'16' WEST. A DISTANCE OF 627 OB FEET, SOUTH 22'56'16" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 293.54 FEET; SOUTH 17'4848' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 921 71 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE AFOREMENTIONED 20 2036 ACRE TRACT, Ordinance No. 3322-8-15. Page 20 I Ordinance No. 3322-5-15, Page 21 EXHBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION cont. THENCE NORTH 88'2514' WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID 202036 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 130.30 FEET TO THE APPROXIWITE CENTERLINE OF WAITERS CREEK, SAME BEING IN THE EAST UNE OF CHASE OAKS GOLF CLUB -ALLEN, AN ADDITION TO THE CRY OF ALLEN AS SHOWN ON THE PIAT FILED FOR RECORD IN CABINET F, PAGE 524, P.R.0 C T : THENCE KONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID WATTERS CREEK AND THE EAST LINE OF SAID CHASE OHCS GOLF CLUB -ALLEN, THE FOLLOWING NORTH 41'4711' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 130.96 FEET. NORTH 14'58'30' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 8298 FEET; NORTH 48'3807' EAST A DISTANCE OF 12940 FEET; NORTH 15'2714' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 27.90 FEET; NORTH 76'55'31' WEST. A DISTANCE 37.17 FEET; SOUTH TT1727' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 76 47 FEET; NORTH 71-21'41V WEST. A DISTANCE OF 32 31 FEET; NORTH 40"45'59' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 36 96 FEET: NORTH 34'09'15' W EST, A DISTANCE OF 30 87 FEET, NORTH 65'0128 EAST, A DISTANCE OF 21.45 FEET: ' SOUTH 872541" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 101.88 FEET, NORTH 71'1307" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 34.83 FEET; NORTH 18'04'48 WEST, A DISTANCE OF 44.69 FEET; NORTH 55'5427' WEST. A DISTANCE OF 172.38 FEET, NORTH 40' 1933" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 40.18 FEET: NORTH 53'31'58 EAST, A DISTANCE OF 52.74 FEET; NORTH 4806'38" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 102.73 FEET; NORTH 48281 T WEST, A DISTANCE OF 36 49 FEET; NORTH 70.08'17" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 61.39 FEET; NORTH 26'28'14' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 19.25 FEET; NORTH 07'21'14' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 28 09 FEET; NORTH 02'3T25' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 79 55 FEET; I Ordinance No. 3322-5-15, Page 21 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION cont. ' THENCE NORTH 82'3917 WEST, DEPARTING THE CENTERLINE OF SAID WATTERS CREEK AND ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF AFOREMENTIONED CHASE OAKS GOLF CLUB -ALLEN ADDITION, A DISTANCE OF 711.40 FEET, I THENCE NORTH 48'1727' WEST CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID CHASE OAKS GOLF CLLR -ALLEN ADDITION, A DISTANCE OF 31703 FEET TO THE MOST NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID CHASE OAKS GOLF CLUB -ALLEN TRACT AND THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF THAT CALLED 145.3 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED TO MONTGOMERY TREE FARMS, LLC RECORDED IN COUNTY CLERKS FILE NO 20080713000874180, O P.R.0 C.T.. THENCE NORTH 4T13'33- WEST ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT AND SAID 145.3 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 709.13 FEET, THENCE LEAVING THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 111 789 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AND SAID 145 3 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OVER AND ACROSS THE SAID 111 789 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AND ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF MONTGOMERY RIDGE, PHASE 1, A PROPOSED ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ALLEN, NOT YET FIELD OF RECORD. THE FOLLOWING NORTH 43'10'35' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 82.17 FEET, NORTH 0749'39 EAST, A DISTANCE OF 21 53 FEET. SOUTH 87'34'19 EAST, A DISTANCE OF 22.20 FEET: NORTH 07'64'49 EAST, A DISTANCE OF 117.17 FEET, NORTH 61'19'33' WEST. A DISTANCE OF 292.98 FEET; NORTH 30'40'27' WEST. A DISTANCE OF 9.07 FEET; NORTH 55`34'03' EAST. A DISTANCE OF 296.27 FEET; NORTH 08'38'10' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 135.05 FEET: NORTH 23'28'1 T EAST, A DISTANCE OF 15 79 FEET; NORTH 55'34"53' EAST. A DISTANCE OF 14.31 FEET; NORTH 34'25V7' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 54.00 FEET; NORTH 55'34'57 EAST, A DISTANCE OF 59.50 FEET, NORTH 00'40'43' EAST. A DISTANCE OF 118 82 FEET; NORTH 87.42'09 WEST, A DISTANCE OF 2 03 FEET; NORTH 00'40'43' EAST. A DISTANCE OF 818.38 FEET: NORTH 89'19'17' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 2000 FEET: NORTH 00'40'43' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 78.23 FEET: Ordinanm No. 3322-8-15. Page 22 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION cont. ' NORTH /84713* EAST. A DISTANCE OF 90.13 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A NON -TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HIVING A RADIUS POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 18'45W EAST, A DISTANCE OF 315.00 FEET 1 1 NORTHWESTERLY WITH SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5747'53* FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 317.77 FEET, A CHORD BEARING OF NORTH 42'29or WEST AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 301A7 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CURVE NORTH 08'59'23' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 185.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING A COMPUTED AREA OF 91 300 ACRES OF LAND. MORE OR LESS Ordinance No. 3322-5-15, Page 23 I r EXHIBIT'S" CONCEPTPLAN 3 I n aLXA! Open SPxtlTNY 1 )9AC Open Spw.e Ta [nn�f .P HomeP Po'n lry Dc—, finePlan trek en¢rCre y 1.1 PD 6.0 MIMIL I I GATEWAY�I ^N NGJuly 8, 2015 ® City ofAllen PD - Montgomery Ridge PTO Concept Plan Ordinance No. 3322.8-15, Page 24 1 1 1 + i 1 1 1 n nye 1 Q l � l/ 3 I n aLXA! Open SPxtlTNY 1 )9AC Open Spw.e Ta [nn�f .P HomeP Po'n lry Dc—, finePlan trek en¢rCre y 1.1 PD 6.0 MIMIL I I GATEWAY�I ^N NGJuly 8, 2015 ® City ofAllen PD - Montgomery Ridge PTO Concept Plan Ordinance No. 3322.8-15, Page 24 go I 1 I1 EXHIBIT "C" STREET CONCEPT PLAN N CM1.xm b� � Al r •�+YYYernr Iin n Ibud nrr�4�n1 I T., Iken.rmr TM• fIL Oa�Spnr O n y-.u..a 4r� � f6snarM .nf•. err u.r, TpO R.I �/rbo0lbn . }y.i.'M S7�T�r. n�w•vnsl. �_ �• w�rr• N Pr..�TNrur.rr. uaK GATEWAYPLANN!r City of Allen PD. Montgomery Ridge ■ ■ fi' Street Concept Plan Ordinance No. 3322-5-15. Page 25 M� � mnnr • I I nu ♦t Q _ f i Vit/ Y t I t wry N CM1.xm b� � Al r •�+YYYernr Iin n Ibud nrr�4�n1 I T., Iken.rmr TM• fIL Oa�Spnr O n y-.u..a 4r� � f6snarM .nf•. err u.r, TpO R.I �/rbo0lbn . }y.i.'M S7�T�r. n�w•vnsl. �_ �• w�rr• N Pr..�TNrur.rr. uaK GATEWAYPLANN!r City of Allen PD. Montgomery Ridge ■ ■ fi' Street Concept Plan Ordinance No. 3322-5-15. Page 25 I EXHIBIT "D" BUILDING ELEVATIONS m.�.r a mrrr a ns. �. +nom mwu aayw wsaw • .aab� a .w., enn, ne.. �.,..� w:a, Ordinance No. 3322.8-15. Page 26 EXHHtIT "D" BUILDING ELEVATIONS cont ♦ww.aM1 A rmsY w w , fx c.n..n Idw, <ampotiio tlw Mav Jn .NO1�0 Mr.M wmft,a Ga6f"'".. Ordinance No. 3322-5-15. Page 27