HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2024 - 03/04 - Called i PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD 111 CALLED MEETING MINUTES MARCH 4,2024 Parks and Recreation Board Present: Luke Hollingsworth,Vice Chair(left early) Karen Simpson, Secretary(arrived late) Geoben Johnson Becky Breining Jacob Jimenez Jill Kelley City Council Liaison: Ben Trahan City Staff: Kate Meacham, Director, Parks and Recreation Elissa Malone,Recreation Services Manager, Parks and Recreation Teresa Thomason, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum of the Parks and Recreation Board present, Vice Chair Hollingsworth called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. on Monday,March 4,2024, in the Cypress Room at Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center. Action Items 1) Conduct Election of Officers for FY2023-2024 Vice Chair Hollingsworth opened the floor for nominations of Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary.After a short discussion, the following motions were presented. Motion: Upon a motion by Member Johnson and a second by Member Kelley,the Parks and Recreation Board voted five (5) for and none(0) opposed to appoint Luke Hollingsworth as Chair. The motion carried. Motion: Upon a motion by Vice Chair Hollingsworth and a second by Member Johnson, the Parks and Recreation Board voted six(6) for and none(0) opposed to appoint Karen Simpson as Vice-Chair. The motion carried. Motion: Upon a motion by Vice Chair Hollingsworth,the Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Board Minutes March 4,2024 Page 2 Board voted four(4) for and two (2) opposed to appoint Geoben Johnson as Secretary. The motion carried. 2) Approve Minutes from December 11,2023,Regular Meeting. Motion: Upon a motion by Vice-Chair Simpson and a second by Member Johnson, the Parks and Recreation Board voted six(6) for and none(0) opposed to approve the December 11, 2023, Regular Meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried. 3) Recommend that City Council Adopt the Standards of Care Necessary for Day Care Exemption. Elissa Malone, Recreation Services Manager, shared the Standards of Care Necessary for Day Care Exemption. Motion: Upon a motion by Member Johnson and second by Member Kelley,the Parks and Recreation Board voted six(6) for and none(0) opposed to recommend that City Council Adopt the Standards of Care Necessary for Day Care Exemption. The motion passed. 4) Review and Recommend City Council Adopt the Recreation Plan. Kate Meacham, Director,reviewed updates to the Recreation Plan. Motion: Upon a motion by Member Johnson and a second by Vice-Chair Simpson, the Parks and Recreation Board voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to recommend the City Council adopt the Recreation Plan. The motion carried. Discussion Items. 5) Review ADA Transition Plan Outcomes. Kate Meacham, Director, gave the Board an overview of the ADA Transition Plan Outcomes. 6) Items of Interest a. Items for Future Agendas—Allen USA, Holly Jolly Attendance b. CAPRA Virtual Visit—April 1, 2024—April 4, 2024. c. Next Meeting—Monday, April 8,2024 Adjourn Motion: Upon a motion by Member Johnson and a second by Member Breining, the Parks and Recreation Board voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 p.m. The motion carried. Parks and Rccreation Board Minutes March 4,2021 Page 3 These minutes approved on the day of April 2024. Chair Secretary