HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1977 - 03/17 - RegularC L REGULAR SESSION March 17, 1977 City Council, City of Allen Present: Mayor Frank Dugger Councilpersons: B.C. Brooks, Jr. Eileen Tollett, Charles Chandler and Mickey Pierson Absent: Bob Lowman Motion Pierson Second Tollett to adopt minutes as read. Motion carried 4 For 0 Against. Walter Hicks, City Engineer, presented the bid tabulations for the Street Project #1091, a letter of recommendations, as well as a budget for the project. The following bids were received: Shellenberger, Inc. $387,611.70 L.H. Lacy Co 373,486.20 Texas Bdtullthic Co. 338,545.68 Uvalde Const. Co. 320,265.80 Mr. Hicks projected budget being $370,000, which will include the engineering fee,the inspections and contingency. He also reported an over run on the drainage project. The original bid was for #193,125.40, with added expenses of $13,280 to replace a water line, and 2,000 to extend the storm sewer to alley A, making a total of approximately $210,000, plus the engineering fee, inspections and tests, making a proposed total cost of 226,000, which is $96,000 over the $500,000 bonds that we sold in 1976 for these projects. It was agreed tka t no decision would be made on letting the bid until a study of our finances could be made. Walter Hicks was asked to be present at the next meeting and that a decision would be made at that time. Motion Pierson, Second Tollett to reset the date to award the bid to April 7. Motion carried 4 For 0 Against. Bob Acker, Fire Marshall reported a key rate schedule for this year had been received, which was a 35¢ rate, under 3¢ from last years' rate, however, we are still being penalized on our building codes and enforcements and also for lack of dual electric power at the Pump station. In order to clarify the reasons for these penalities, be presented a copy of the letter to the state insurance board, giving the qualifications of our inspector, hoping to get a reduced rate. Tom Wise, of Fox & Jacobs, appeared to request permission to begin work on the homes in Wdndrddge II, although the paving has just begun. However, he pointedout that the paving, willonly take 12 working days to complete and that they would assume complete resnonsibildty. Mayor Dugeer advised Mr. Wise to send us a letter stating that no one would be permitted to mcne in until the streets are approved. Mr. Wise stated that they would send a letter affirming that no houses would be released for occupancy until Windridge II has the final acceptance by the City of Allen on the paving and utdlit„ improvements. Motion Pierson Second Chandler to grant his request. Brooks, Chandler and Pierson voted For and Mrs. Tollett voting no. Motion carried. Lawrence Spree, 402 Allenwood, came before the Council concerning his gas billing with Lone Star Gas, as he had receivedseveral no bills after he moved in and then received one for $173, for4months, which Allen City Council Regular Session March 17, 1977 Page 2 was estimated by the averaging of his neighbors bills. Mrs. Sores felt that this was unjustified; however, the Council didn't feel that there was anything that they could do, other than make some suggestions, as the Council had gone all the way to Austin trying to fight the Gas Co. There were two variance requests; a side yard at 718 Bush and a front variance at 200 Yob Hill. Motion Pierson Second Brooks 4 For 0 Against. A study of water deposits for the surrounding towns was presented, along with the request to increase our rate, as we have had a net loss of approximately $400 the last 3 months. Two steps have been taken to try to remedy the losses from move outs; one was to join the Credit Bureau Services and the other is to have a questionaire card printed to be filled out at the time of a deposit, which will hopefully make it easier to trace the oersons and collect the amount owing, if they move out without notice. Motion Pierson Second Chandler to set our water deposit at$25.00. Motion carried 4 For 0 Against. Z,� e2// Along with this ordinance to be drawn no setting the water deposit, and the problem of people moving out without paying their final bills, Mickey Pierson made a motion that no service be restored to any property, whether business or residence until the bill is cleared. This motion was seconded by Brooks and carried 4 For 0 Against. In regards to the Budget Review, Felix Smith the City Auditor requested that an Executive Session be held April 7, at 6:30 P.M. Chief Hancock presented a copy of Highland Park's ordinance for the On Street Parking problem. After much discussion again it was agreed that they would come to some conclusion at the next meeting. There was discussion on the report that there was inadequacies in the pours in Windridge II street paving. Council advised Jimmy to inspect or hire someone else to do it if necessary. Due to some complaints received by the Council regarding the ASA's policies, they are to be invited to the April 7 meeting. Motion Pierson Second Brooks to send certified letters to all property owners who have lots that need to be cleared or cleaned up, advising them to do so within 10 days. Motion carried 4 For 0 Against. All Department Heads are to be notified to turn in their budget requests for next year's budget by May 1. Motion Tollett Second Chandler to bills as presented. 4 For 0 Against. The Secretary"dvised to take bids on used Burrougb posting machine and the Master Addressor Machine. Motion Chandler Second Pierson to adjourn. 4 For 0 Against. These minutes read end approved on this the _2 day of [ays.�c, 1977.