HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1978 - 06/01 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL ■■■���... ��� June 1, 1978 [ q Present: Mayor M.B. Pierson Ems; Councilmen: Charles Chandler, Joe Farmer, Glenn Andrew and H.C. Brooks, Jr. Absent: H.R. Daugherty Motion Andrew Second Farmer to adopt minutes as read. Motion carried unanimously. Boyd Williams and Jack Crampton of T P & L ewe before the council to receive the council's approval of the rate increase granted by the Public Utilities Commission: This increase wan approximately T% for the residential veer and would go in effect June 26. Motion Brooke Second Farmer to approve the rate increase as approved by PUC. Motion carried unanimously. &-ti Bill Persons appeared to present his request for an adjoitmeat in the city limit line in our extra terrritorial juisdletim. His property contains about 100 acres on the Allea/Pleno boundary. Stan McWilliams, our attorney and Hain Wyse are to study his proposal and set up again for the June 15th meeting. A Public Hearing was held on property located oi 2170 met of the Sonic for B & C Enterprises. Their request was for a special exception in a GBPI zone to allow for the operation of a car wash. P & Z approved this request subject to the addition of a fence on the met and west sides and with proper set -backs. Motion Brooks Second Chandler that the request be granted subject to the specs of P & Z. Motion carried unanimously. 9q1 The parking problem on Jupiter Road was discussed again. Anthony Hancock stated that he felt the oily solution to the problem in to prohibit parking m either side of Jupiter from Hwy 5 to 2170. Mation Andrew Second Farmer to provide no parking within 10' of the pavemest on either side of Jupiter between 2170 and Hwy 5. Motion carried unasammaly. �, da The two items in the proposed changes for the Building Code were discussed again with decisions made on both. After discussing the possibility of the insulation being a definite energy saver with Jack Crampton and Boyd Williams, a motion was made by Chandler and Second by Farmer to adopt this requirement with Mr. Richardson writing the specifications. Motion carried 4 For 0 against. A letter was read from Ron Gantry, Fire Chief recommending an electric smoke detector for each residence and that it be on a separate breaker. If the home is 2 story that me be placed on each floor. Bob Acker, Fire Marshall also recommended this addition to the codes as all new building codes have already adopted this portion. Motion Farmer Second Chandler to adopt an ordinance requiring smoke detectors, with the specs to be worked out with Mr. Richardson, Bob Acker and the Mayor. Motion carried 4 For 0 against. #-ZO Mrs. Peter Sonllas of 561 Ridgemont appeared in regard to her water bill, the speeding on Jupiter road and the garbage service. Robert Moon in the Windridge II addition in formed the council that he still had a drainage problem, partially caused by dirt not graded down. The mayor informed Mr. Moore that we would get the dirt moved so that he can maw his easement, and that we will have Ron Fix, our engineer, back down to look at the situation. Motion Brooks, Second Farmer, to pay the bills. Motion carried unanimously. Motion rmer Second Brooks to adjourn. Mot carried mimouPly. V _t_ea reeadd and approved thin the day of 7 1978. ars— on Mevor ' S .