HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1979 - 03/01 - RegularL REGULAR SESSION City Council March 1, 1979 Present: Mayor M.H. Pierson Councilman: Joe Farmer, Charles Chandler, Glenn Andrew, H.C.Brooks, Jr. and H.R. Daugherty. Motion Andrew Second Cbandler to approve minutes of the February 15th meeting with tae amendment to the motion by Andrew regarding the paving of 2 Dues of Jupiter. The motion was to include "pitting Jupiter to the correct grade" and not just to pave the two lames. Motion carried 5 for 0 against. Motion Farmer Second Daugherty to approve minutes of the joist school board/city council meeting of February 26th. Motion carried unanimously. The Mayor sammaced that a decision had been made regarding the selection of a City Manager. Jobs McCarty of Arlington, and employed by H.C.T.C.O.G. had been chosen and would begin work March 19th. Mayor Piersom stated that the council felt that Mr. McCarty would be able to provide the administrative leadership that the city seeded. A Public Hearing was held on the annexation and zoning of Greenwood Valley Addition, which is under contract to purchase by Del Morten and Joe Duacan. They have requested sans mtien subject to the zoning being approved for PD rather than the R2 which annexed property ususaiiy tames is with. The size of the smaller lots were a concern to the council and after much diswsesion, Mr. Mortoa amended his request by stating that 79% would have a miaimum of the 65' x 110' size lots. A Proposal was thea made by the mayor that they approve the plat with the 65' x 110' minimums with the stipulation the 50% had to also meet the 7500' mi++""^^ requirement. A decision van than made by Mr. Morton to compromise. He stated that be would agree that no more than 35% of the entire sub division would be 65 x 110' and the remaining 65% would have to duet all 3 of the minimum requirements as minlnm lot sizes. Motion was than made by Farmer Second by Chandler that whatever the total amount of lots, that so more than 35% may be less than 7500' mi.im,—. Mr. W.Lee Moore asked at that time to speak as he understood that it was a public hearing. Mr. Moore is a property weer north aid south of this sub division and wanted to see the council hesitate allowing smaller bones because of the anpease to the city to service them and that although he was a long time friend of Mr. Morton, be asked that the council oppose this request. After as explanation as to the size of these houses, which will be approximately 18001, the council moved an to approve this request for zoni.. with Mr. Farmer amending his motion to include aueation. The vote was 4 for 1 against. (Mr. Daugherty) &--u K o?61-t UTA Letter from Plansiag and Zoning vas read with the following recommendations; 1. Approval of site plan for Triangle Shopping Ceater subject to meeting with Dr. Horn is regard to his request for a rear screening for the rear of the property. 2. Approval of a zoiiag request from C.A. Riclarde, to change zoning on property, lot 3A -block 1, Young Addition, from R-16 to LR. Motion Andrew Second Chandler to Public Hearing for March 15 on the second request. Motion carried unanimously. The council received a letter of resignation from Rex Womack,frem the Placing sad Zoning Committee. Mr. Womack was resigning to rua is the City Council Election. Motion Chandler Second Farmer to accept. Motion carried 5 for 0 against. Glenn Aadrew mode a motion to impose a temporary step on the review of preliminary plats or preliminary general development plane, or any other type of plats that are presented to the council for 90 days or until the mew subdivisicetecomes effective, whichever is shortest. Amy plat that has already been reviewed, preliminary or final, would mot be effected. Motion seconded by Daugherty. Motion carried unanimously. Rom Fix, City Engineer, reported that the work on the 15" interceptor line at Hoy 5 wan completed Tuesday and the cleanup is sow is progress. Because of the amber of large subdivision on the east side of town, he proposed that the City Council authorise the immediate acqusition of Right of Ways for the east 15" line, also, for the extension of the west 15"lice up to 75, and for the acquisition of the few easements needed for the proposed water line construction. The proposed budget for this work is $24,400. Del Morton asked that Mr. Fix be allowed to go ahead mad handle the securing of easements sad contracts to lay the line from the lift station to the north side of Rwy 2170 and that be would escrow the funds. Motion Daugherty Second Farmer to go ahead with Mr. Fix recoanemdntions to do preliminary and final specs and to do the securing of easements far these projects. Motion carried unanimously. As our Charter requires the City Attorney be appointed by the Council, the motion was made by Farmer Second Andrew to appoint Lyam Jeffcoat an City Judge, Don Crowder as alternate, and Donis Schwartz an alternate City Attorney. Motiea carried unanimously. March to be the anniversary date for this appointment. Motion Andrew Second Dougherty to accept bids an a 51 Panel Truck and ■ 1959 Chevrolet Pick Up, bids to be,opened at the April 5th meeting. Motion carried 5 for 0 against. Walter Curtis, Tax Assessor, presented the computer services offered by Region X and Western Data. He recommended that the city sad school tax office go with Western Date for several reasons, especially because of the immediate information at hand and for better control of accounting. Mr. Farmer dismissed himself from voting because of his association with Region X. Motion Daugherty Second Chandler to go along with Mr. Curtis recommendation that we use Western Data services. Motion carried 4 for 1 abstaining. Alternate traffic patterns were shown to the council, depicting the flow of traffic from 75 dwa Belmont and McDermott, thea tieing back is to E. Main St. The future of McDermott is of vital importance to the school is order for than to plan ahead for the Middle School growth. Motion Andrew Second Daugherty to proceed with a Public Hearing for April 5th, on the proposal to close a portion of McDermott to Cedar beginning at the R.$ toner of Lot 7, Block 1, O.D., thence north 80' to the S.E. comer of Lot 12, Block 2 Old Domation, thence E. 330' to the S.E. toner of Lot 5 Blodkl5 Old Donation, thence South 80' to the M.E. toner of lot 5, Block 12 Old Dometicm, thence went 330' to the A.E. corner of lot 7, block 1, and to approach Ron Fix to do a lard evaluation mad for him to be on bond at that meeting with his input. Motion carried 5 for 0 against. Motion Farmer Second Andrew to pay the bills Motion carried 5 for 0 against. Mots 8 epmd Farmer to adjoun.Son carried unanimously. J