HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-2580-12-06ORDINANCE NO. 2580.12-06 ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, DESIGNATING A CERTAIN AREA WITHIN THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AS TAX INCREMENT FINANCING REINVESTMENT ZONE NO. 2 ("CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT"); ESTABLISHING THE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH ZONE; CREATING A BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR SAID REINVESTMENT ZONE AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO; CONTAINING FINDINGS; PROVIDING A SEVERABH.ITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council desires to promote the development or redevelopment of a certain contiguous geographic area within its jurisdiction by the creation of a Reinvestment Zone, as authorized by the Tax Increment Financing Act, Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code (the "Act"); and WHEREAS, in compliance with the Act, the City called a public hearing to receive public comments on the creation of the proposed Reinvestment Zone and its benefits to the City and the property in the proposed Reinvestment Zone; and, WHEREAS, in compliance with the Act the City Council notified the governing body of each taxing unit that levies real property taxes within the proposed Reinvestment Zone of its intent to establish the Reinvestment ' Zone; and, WHEREAS, in compliance with the Act, notice of the public hearing was published in The Allen American, a paper of general circulation in the City, such publication date being not later than seven (7) days prior to the date of the public hearing; and, WHEREAS, such hearing was convened at the time and place mentioned in the published notice, to wit, on the 12th day of December, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, which hearing was then closed; and, WHEREAS, the City, at such hearing, invited any interested person, or the person's representative, to appear and speak for or against the creation of the Reinvestment Zone, the boundaries of the proposed Reinvestment Zone, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and as depicted in the map attached hereto as Exhibit "B," whether all or part of the territory described in Exhibit "A" and as depicted in Exhibit "B" should be included in such proposed Reinvestment Zone, the concept of tax increment financing, and the appointment of a Board of Directors for the proposed Reinvestment Zone; and, WHEREAS, all owners of property located within the proposed Reinvestment Zone and all other taxing units and other interested persons were given the opportunity at such public hearing to protest the creation of the proposed Reinvestment Zone; and, WHEREAS, the proponents of the Reinvestment Zone offered evidence, both oral and documentary, in favor of all of the foregoing matters relating to the creation of the Reinvestment Zone, and opponents, if any, of the Reinvestment Zone appeared to contest creation of the Reinvestment Zone; and, ' WHEREAS, the City has reviewed a preliminary project and Reinvestment Zone financing plan attached hereto as Exhibit "C," and has sent a copy of the plan to the governing body of each taxing unit that levies taxes on real property in the proposed Reinvestment Zone; and, WHEREAS, in further compliance with the Act, the City has made a formal presentation to the governing body of each taxing unit (or such taxing unit waived such requirement) that levies taxes on real property in the proposed Reinvestment Zone, such presentation included information on the boundaries of the proposed Reinvestment Zone, the tentative plans for development of the proposed zone, and an estimate of the general impact of the proposed Reinvestment Zone on property values and tax revenues. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The facts and recitations contained in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found and declared to be true and correct. SECTION 2. The City Council, after conducting such hearing and having heard such evidence and testimony has made the following findings and determinations based on the evidence and testimony presented to it: a) That the public hearing on adoption of the Reinvestment Zone has been properly called, held and conducted and that notice of such hearing has been published as required by law and delivered to all taxing units overlapping the territory inside the proposed Reinvestment Zone. b) That creation of the proposed Reinvestment Zone with boundaries as described in Exhibit "A" and as depicted in Exhibit "B" will result in benefits of the City, its residents and property owners, in general, and to the property, residents and property owners in the Reinvestment Zone. c) That the Reinvestment Zone, as defined in Exhibit "A" and as depicted in Exhibit `B," meets ' the criteria for the creation of a Reinvestment Zone as set forth in the Act in that it is a contiguous geographic area located wholly within the corporate limits of the City and meets the criteria set forth in the Act for designation as a Reinvestment Zone. d) That the total appraised value of all taxable real properly in the proposed Reinvestment Zone according to the most recent appraisal roll of the City, together with the total appraised value of taxable real property in all other existing Reinvestment Zones within the City, according to the most recent appraisal roll of the City, does not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the current total appraised value of taxable real property in the City and in the industrial districts created by the City, if any. e) That the proposed Reinvestment Zone does not contain more than fifteen percent (15%) of the total appraised value of real property taxable by a county or school district. f) That the proposed improvements in the Reinvestment Zone will significantly enhance the value of all taxable real property in the Reinvestment Zone and will be of general benefit to the City, and the area meets the requirements of Tax Code, Section 311.005. g) That the development or redevelopment of the property in the proposed Reinvestment Zone will not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. h) That ten percent (10%) or less of the property in the proposed Reinvestment Zone, excluding property dedicated to public use, is currently used for residential purposes. t i) That the proposed Zone is to be predominantly open and, because of obsolete platting, deterioration of structures, or site improvements, or other factors substantially impair or arrest the sound growth of the municipality or county. Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 2 0) That the proposed Zone substantially arrests or impairs the sound growth of the City, retards the provision of housing accommodations, or constitutes an economic or social liability and is a menace to the public health, safety, morals, or welfare in its present condition and use because of the presence of: 1) a substantial number of substandard, slum, deteriorated, or deteriorating structures; 2) the predominance of defective or inadequate sidewalk or street layout; 3) faulty lot layout in relation to size, adequacy, accessibility, or usefulness; 4) unsanitary or unsafe conditions; and 5) the deterioration of site or other improvements SECTION 3. The City hereby creates a Reinvestment Zone over the area described in Exhibit "A," attached bereto, and as depicted in the map attached as Exhibit 'B," and such Reinvestment Zone shall hereafter be identified as Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone No. 2, City of Allen, Texas (the "Central Business District Zone" or the "Central Business Reinvestment Zone"). SECTION 4. There is hereby established a Board of Directors for the Zone, which shall consist of at least five (5) but not more than fifteen (15) members. The Board of Directors of Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone No. 2 shall be appointed as follows: (a) The City shall be entitled to appoint a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of five (5) members as set forth herein. Each taxing unit that levies taxes on real property in the Zone may appoint one member of the Board and in such case the City Council shall appoint additional member(s) in order to maintain a Board of at least five (5) members. The taxing units that levy taxes on real property in the Zone and have chosen not to pay any of their ' taxes into the Tax Increment Fund have waived their right to appoint Board Members. A vacancy on the Board shall be filled as set forth in the Act. If a taxing unit waives its right to appoint a member of the Board, the City may appoint such Board Member in its stead. The initial Board of Directors shall be appointed by resolution of the governing bodies of the City and the taxing units within sixty (60) days after the passage of this Ordinance. Failure of a taxing unit to appoint a director within such sixty (60) day period shall be deemed a waiver of the right to appoint a director, and the City Council shall be entitled to appoint persons to such position. Positions one through three are reserved for the City. The remaining positions are reserved for other taxing units that levy real property taxes in the Zone. Directors appointed by taxing units other than the City shall be assigned a Board position in the order that the City receives the appointment. All members appointed to the Board shall meet eligibility requirements as set forth in the Act. (b) The terms of the Board members shall be for terns of two years. To provide for staggered terms, the initial directors appointed to odd -numbered positions shall be appointed for two year terns, while the initial directors appointed for even -numbered positions shall be appointed for one year terms. All subsequent appointments shall be for terms of two years. Each year the City Council shall designate a member of the Board to serve as Chairperson of the Board of Directors, and the Board shall elect from its members a Vice -Chairperson and other officers, as it deems appropriate. (c) The Board of Directors shall make recommendations to the City Council concerning the administration of the Zone. It shall prepare and adopt a project plan and Reinvestment Zone financing plan for the Zone, and must submit such plans to the City Council for its approval. The City Council delegates to the Board of Directors all powers necessary to prepare and implement the project and Reinvestment Zone financing plans for the Zone, including any required annual reports on the status of the Zone, all subject to the approval of the City Council. Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 3 SECTION 5. The Zone shall take effect on the adoption of this Ordinance, and the termination of the Zone shall occur on December 31, 2036, or at an earlier time designated by subsequent Ordinance of the City ' Council, or at such time, subsequent to the issuance of any tax increment bonds, if any, that all project costs, tax increment bonds, notes or other obligations of the Zone, and the interest thereon, if any, have been paid in full. SECTION 6. The Tax Increment Base for the Zone, which is the total appraised value of all taxable real property located in the Zone, is to be determined as of January 1, 2006, the year in which the Zone was designated as a tax increment financing Reinvestment Zone (the "Tax Increment Base"). Tax Increment Base means the total appraised value of all real property taxable by a Taxing Unit and located in the Zone for the 2006 year. Tax Increment means the total amount of property taxes by a Taxing Unit for the year on the Captured Appraised Value of real property taxable by a Taxing Unit and located in the Zone. Captured Appraised Value means the total appraised value of all real property taxable by a Taxing Unit and located in the Zone for the year less the Tax Increment Base of the Taxing Unit. For purposes of this Ordinance, taxing unit means the Allen Independent School District, Collin County, Collin County Community College District and any other political subdivision or special district that taxes real property within the Zone that enters into a contract with the City to contribute to the Tax Increment Fund. SECTION 7. There is hereby created and established a Tax Increment Fund for the Zone which may be divided into such sub -accounts as may be authorized by subsequent Ordinance, into which all Tax Increments, less any of the amounts not required to be paid into the Tax Increment Fund pursuant to the Act, are to be deposited. All Tax Increments as defined herein shall be deposited in the Tax Increment Fund. The Tax Increment Fund and any sub -accounts are to be maintained at the depository bank of the City and shall be secured in the manner prescribed by law for funds of the City. In addition, all revenues from the sale of any tax increment bonds, notes or certificates of obligation, hereafter issued by the City; revenues from the sale of any properly acquired as part of the Reinvestment Zone financing plan; and any other revenues to be ' dedicated to and used in the Zone shall be deposited into the Tax Increment Fund or sub -account from which money will be disbursed to pay project costs for the Zone or to satisfy the claims of holders of tax increment bonds, notes or certificates of obligations issued for the Zone. SECTION S. The City will participate in the Zone by contributing fifty percent (50%) of the City's Tax Increment from real property ad valorem taxes in the Zone for a period of thirty (30) years and by contributing fifty percent (50 %) of the City's annual municipal Sales and Use Tax collections above the Sales and Use Tax Base for a period of thirty (30) years. For purposes of this Ordinance, Sales and Use Tax shall mean the City's one percent (1 %) Sales and Use Tax imposed pursuant to Chapter 321, Tax Code on the sale of taxable items in the Zone. Sales and Use Tax does not include any additional Sales and Use Tax imposed by the City for any purpose, including the one-half of one percent (0.5%) Sales and Use Tax imposed by the City on behalf of the Allen Community Development Corporation pursuant to 4B of the Development Corporation Act, or the one-half of one percent (0.5%) Sales and Use Tax imposed by the City on behalf of the Allen Economic Development Corporation pursuant to 4A of the Development Corporation Act. Taxable items shall have the same meaning assigned by Tax Code, Chapter 151, as amended. SECTION 9. All Ordinances of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed; provided, however, that all other provisions of said Ordinances not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 10. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall for any reason be held invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this Ordinance. ' SECTION 11. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and charter in such cases provide. Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 4 1 1 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 12TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 2006. APPROVED AS TO FORM: (3t Nei& G. Smith, MY ATTORNEY APPROVED: Stephen Te 11, MAYOR ATTEST: Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 5 EXHIBIT"A" Parcel Descriptions within the Proposed TIF Zone The City of Allen Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 2 (Central Business District TIF) is 885.43± acres of Ind in the City of Allen as described below: ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK C LOT 6F 1.1045 ACRES ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK C LOT 6G.0813 ACRES TONEY MCDERMOTT REPLAT BLK 1 LOT 1 ABS A0708 PERRIN, WILLIAM, TRACT 13_1955 ACRES ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 12 LOT 12 3A.3444 ACRES ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION ELK 12 LOT 3B, 4A, 4B, 5 & OL 1 ABS A0708 PERRIN, WILLIAM, TRACT 88_4889 ACRES ABS A0708 PERRIN, WILLIAM, TRACT 36, 0.1517 ACRES ABS A0708 PERRIN, WILLIAM, TRACT 94, 0.858 ACRES ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 1 LOT 6 7 ABS A0708 PERRIN, WILLIAM, TRACT 95 MCDERMOTT BUSINESS PARK LOT R001 .243 ACRES 55' ROW MCDERMOTT BUSINESS PARK BLK A LOT A 1.7775 ACRES AMENDED MCDERMOTT BUSINESS PARK BLK A LOT 4 0.5415 ACRES AMENDED MCDERMOTT BUSINESS PARK BLK A LOT B 0.4995 ACRES AMENDED ' ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 3 LOT 6B 7B 8B 9B IOB ALLEN STATION PARK LOT R001 .825 ACRES ROW ALLEN STATION PARK BLK A LOT 2.2736 ACRES ALLEN STATION PARK BLK A LOT 13.917 ACRES WHISENANT BLK 2 LOT 4C ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK C LOT 3A & 3C GILLILAND BLK 17 LOT 1.378 ACRES ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION ELK 6 LOT 1, 2B,2A,3,4 & 5 WHISENANT BLK 11 LOT 113 A E VITA & E T BOON JR LOT 2C WHISENANT BLK 1 LOT 4B ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 18 LOT 12 & 3B E B YOUNG BLK 1 LOT 3A ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK G LOT 4A ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK G LOT 4B ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 19 LOT 6 & 7 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK G LOT 5 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK G LOT 3A Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 6 WOOD LOT 2 ' WHISENANT BLK 4 LOT IE & 2D ALLEN STATION PARK BLK D LOT 1 11.276 ACRES ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK G LOT IA ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK G LOT 6 & 7 Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 6 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK G LOT 3B WHISENANT BLK 2 LOT 5C & 5D ALLEN STATION PARK LOT R002.9344 ACRES ROW ALLEN STATION PARK BLK B LOT 1 8.154 ACRES ABS A0713 PERRIN, A. B., TRACT 2_16 ACRES ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 18 LOT 4 WHISENANT BLK 5 LOT 1C ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 19 LOT 4 5 WHISENANT BLK 5 LOT lA WHISENANT BLK 7 LOT 002A.501 ACRES ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK G LOT 4C ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK G LOT 4D ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK G LOT 4F ALPHA SELF STORAGE ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK F LOT 12 3A & OL 1 STREET ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 19 LOT 9A & 10 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 7 LOT 5 WHISENANT BLK 6 LOT 1G JAS GARLAND LOT 5 WHISENANT BLK 11 LOT IE WOOD LOT 1 ' WHISENANT BLK 12 LOT lA WHISENANT BLK 11 LOT 1C & 2B E B YOUNG BLK I LOT 4A E B YOUNG BLK 1 LOT lA ABS A0758 READ, JAS L, TRACT 17_206 ACRES ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 7 LOT 13 EDWIN PLACE LOT l WHISENANT BLK 7 LOT 1C ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 8 LOT 7A 8A 9A I OA WHISENANT BLK 4 LOT 1C ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK G LOT 1B 1C A E VITA & E T BOON JR LOT 2D WHISENANTBLK 11 LOT 1D -2C RODENBAUGH NORTH #02 LOT 2 RACEWAY #02 PROFESSIONAL CONDOS LOT B ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK C LOT ID 2K ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK C LOT 2B & 3B ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK C LOT 2J ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK D LOT 11 12A WHISENANT BLK 5 LOT IB E B YOUNG BLK 1 LOT 1C & 2 ALLEN PROFESSIONAL CENTER LOT 2 WHISENANT BLK 4 LOT 2C -3E WHISENANT BLK 4 LOT 2A -2G 3A 3B Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 7 WHISENANT BLK 4 LOT 1B & 2B WHISENANT BLK 5 LOT 2A ' WHISENANT BLK 4 LOT IA -ID 2E -2F RODENBAUGH NORTH #02 LOT 3 WHISENANT BLK 1 LOT 4A ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK D LOT IC 2A 3 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK D LOT 1B 2B ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK E LOT I ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 9 LOT 3 4 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 8 LOT 18 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 7 LOT 11 12 & 14 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 8 LOT 15 & OL 1 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 15 LOT 5 WHISENANTBLK 11 LOT 1F ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK J LOT 3D 4C WB,LIAMS-REITINGER BLK 20 LOT 3 RACEWAY #02 PROFESSIONAL CONDOS LOT A ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 9 LOT 5 6 7 8 9 IO ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 8 LOT 7D 8D 9D IOD ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK C LOT 6D WHISENANT BLK 6 LOT 1H ' WHISENANT BLK 13 LOT 1B WHISENANT BLK 12 LOT IB RODENBAUGH NORTH LOT 1 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK F LOT 3B 3C ATTIC STORAGE BLK 1 LOT I ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 9 LOT 13A & 14A.098 ACRES WHISENANT BLK 7 LOT 2C KWIK LUBE LOT IA WILLIAMS-REITINGER BLK 20 LOT 4B ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 8 LOT 7B 7C 8B 8C 9B 9C 10B IOC ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 8 LOT I IB 12C 13C 14C ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK K LOT IA 2B WHISENANT BLK 3 LOT 1 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 19 LOT 8 9B WHISENANT BLK 1 LOT 3A -4C WHISENANT BLK I LOT 3B WHISENANT BLK 4 LOT 3D -3F WHISENANT BLK 4 LOT 3C ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK C LOT 2E.2272 ACRES ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK C LOT 2A ' WHISENANT BLK 2 LOT 41)4E WHISENANT BLK 7 LOT IA ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK D LOT 4C ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK D LOT 1D & IA Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 8 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK D LOT 12B ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK C LOT 6B ' JNLOTA&B WHISENANT BLK 11 LOT IA ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 7 LOT 6 & 7 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 8 LOT I IA 12A 12B 13A 13B 14A 14B COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION BLK l LOT IR 2.139 ACRES ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK J LOT 2C ABS A0758 READ, JAS L, TRACT 5_015 ACRES ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 7 LOT IA 2A 3A 4A ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 15 LOT 3B 4B ECI BLK 1 LOT 1 JAMES LOT 1 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK K LOT 2A -3A -4A ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 18 LOT SC 8B 9A 9B 9C l0A 10B WHISENANT BLK 7 LOT 2B WIRSENANT BLK 12 LOT 2 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 9 LOT 11 & 12 E B YOUNG BLK I LOT 8B ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 15 LOT 8B 9A 10A E B YOUNG BLK I LOT 5 ABS A0708 PERRIN, WILLIAM, TRACT 17, .324 ACRES ABS A0708 PERRIN, WILLIAM, TRACT 16,3099 ACRES ABS A0708 PERRIN, WILLIAM, TRACT 15,371 ACRES ABS A0708 PERRIN, WILLIAM, TRACT 35,3275 ACRES WILLIAMS-REITINGER BLK 20 LOT 4A ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 8 LOT A WHJSENANT BLK I LOT IA 1B 2A 2B 2C WHISENANT BLK 8 LOT 1B & 1C WHISENANT BLK 7 LOT IB ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK C LOT 2G 2H ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK C LOT 2I WHISENANT BLK 6 LOT 1F JAS GARLAND LOT IA 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 l IA & 12A WHISENANT BLK 6 LOT ID WHISENANT BLK 6 LOT IC WHISENANT BLK 2 LOT 4B WHISENANT BLK 6 LOT IE WHISENANT BLK 11 LOT 2A WHISENANT BLK 6 LOT 3 WILLBO 903 BLK 10 LOT 6R ' WB,LBO BLK 10 LOT SR ABS A0758 READ, JAS L, TRACT 31_1572 ACRES ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK C LOT 2C & 2F ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK C LOT 1B 2D Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 9 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK CLOT I C -2L ' EDWIN PLACE LOT 2 CLAY BLK A LOT I WHISENANT BLK 5 LOT 2B ALLEN PROFESSIONAL CENTER LOT 1 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 6 LOT 6, 7,8,9 & OL 1 IAS GARLAND LOT 6 E B YOUNG BLK I LOT SA ABS A0758 READ, JAS L, TRACT 25, .093 ACRES FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH LOT R002.0061 ACRES ROW ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 8 LOT 16 & 17 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 19 LOT 3B FIRST BANK ALLEN BLK A LOT 1 ABS A0758 READ, JAS L, TRACT 35_0543 ACRES FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH LOT R001.0408 ACRES ROW ABS A0110 BRANDENBURGH, HENRY, TRACT 2, 17.4 ACRES TRIANGLE BLK A LOT 1 REITINGER-WHITE LOT A B C D& E ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK K LOT IA AKA 1D FOR TAX PURPOSE E B YOUNG BLK 1 LOT 7A E B YOUNG BLK I LOT 7B E B YOUNG BLK I LOT 113 ABS A0708 PERRIN, WILLIAM, TRACT 11, 14.88 ACRES E B YOUNG BLK 1 LOT 6 E B YOUNG BLK I LOT 3B & 4B WHISENANT BLK 13 LOT 3 ALLEN CITY COMPLEX LOT 1 R ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 29 LOT 2A 3A WHISENANT BLK 2 LOT IA -5A ABS A0990 WETSEL PETER, TRACT 20, LO ACRES ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK G LOT 4G POWERBLKGLOT2 ALLEN PROPERTIES ON LINE LOT 0.28 ACRES WHISENANT BLK 6 LOT 2 WHISENANT BLK 6 LOT IA GILLILAND BLK 17 LOT 2.196 ACRES ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK J LOT 5A. 1196 ACRES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH LOT 2 ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 29 LOT 213 3B RACEWAY #02 PROFESSIONAL CONDOS LOT C RACEWAY #02 PROFESSIONAL CONDOS LOT D RACEWAY #02 PROFESSIONAL CONDOS LOT E WHISENANT BLK 13 LOT IA ABS A0708 PERRIN, WILLIAM, TRACT 14,324 ACRES ALLEN CITY COMPLEX BLK 1 LOT 1 Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 10 ABS A0758 READ, JAS L, TRACT 20, 2.18 ACRES FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH BLK A LOT 1 1.04 ACRES ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY AUDITORIUM LOT R001 1.0 ACRES ROW ALLEN MEDICAL & DENTAL PARK LOT 5 ALLEN MEDICAL & DENTAL PARK LOT 1 WHISENANT BLK 2 LOT 1C & 5B WHISENANT BLK 6 LOT 1B RACEWAY #02 PROFESSIONAL CONDOS LOT F RACEWAY #02 PROFESSIONAL CONDOS LOT G ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY AUDITORIUM BLK B LOT IA 8.41 ACRES WHISENANT BLK 12 LOT 3 AEVITA&ETBOONJRLOT2 ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY AUDITORIUM BLK B LOT IA 8.41 ACRES WHISENANT BLK 13 LOT 2A WHISENANT BLK 13 LOT 2B ALLEN MEDICAL & DENTAL PARK LOT 3 ALLEN MEDICAL & DENTAL PARK LOT 2 ALLEN MEDICAL & DENTAL PARK LOT 4 A E VITA & E T BOON JR LOT ROIB .0104 ACRES ROW A E VITA & E T BOON JR LOT R02E .0105 ACRES ROW A E VITA & E T BOON JR LOT RO 10.2623 ACRES ROW ' ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 2 LOT 2A 2B 3A 3B 4A 4B ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK 2 LOT SA 5B 6A 6B FRANCIS IRAN BLK A LOT 1 BELMONT OFFICES ALLEN HERITAGE CENTER BLK A LOT 1.492 ACRES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH LOT 1 ALLEN HERITAGE CENTER LOT RI .5517 ACRES ROW ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK J LOT IB ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK J LOT IE 2A & 2D ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK J LOT 4A ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK J LOT 3C ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK J LOT 3A ALLEN ORIGINAL DONATION BLK J LOT 2B ABS A0708 PERRIN, WILLIAM, BLK 4, TRACT 96 ABS A0708 PERRIN, WILLIAM, TRACT I2, 2.2331 ACRES BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK E LOT 2R 39.073 ACRES REPLAT BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK E LOT IRI 4.856 ACRES REPLAT BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK F LOT 3R1 .8821 ACRES REPLAT ABS A0325 FYKE, JOHN, TRACT 6, 4.1692 ACRES PHS AMBULATORY CARE CENTER LOT R001.0442 ACRES ROW ' BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK G LOT 8 2.466 ACRES REPLAT BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK G LOT 5 1.7905 ACRES REPLAT BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK G LOT 2 15.7021 ACRES BRAY CENTRAL ONE LOT R007.249 ACRES ROW REPLAT Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 11 BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK G LOT 6 2.2408 ACRES REPLAT ' BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK G LOT 12.544 ACRES REPLAT BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK G LOT 3R 7.667 ACRES REPLAT BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK G LOT 4 2.474 ACRES REPLAT ABS A0544 SEE, MICHAEL, TRACT 4, 15.286 ACRES ABS A0325 FYKE, JOHN, TRACT 3, 35.433 ACRES PHS AMBULATORY CARE CENTER BLK A LOT 1-12.4769 ACRES PHS AMBULATORY CARE CENTER BLK A LOT 1R 14.488 ACRES REPLAT/ FOR LEASEHOLD INTERESTS - SEE PID 2602309 ABS A0325 TYKE, JOHN, TRACT 5, 36.213 ACRES BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK C LOT I KITTYHAWK ESTATES LOT 119.708 ACRES LANDING STRIP BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK F LOT 2 1.1391 ACRES BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK F LOT 2-12.489 ACRES BRAY CENTRAL ONE ELK F LOT 1 RI 35.2073 ACRES BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK F LOT 4 1.6213 ACRES ABS A0711 PARSONS, CATHRINE, TRACT 20, 108.0546 ACRES ABS A0711 PARSONS, CATHRINE, TRACT 20R2,3.386 ACRES, ROW ABS A0544 SEE, MICHAEL, TRACT 1R1, 3.653 ACRES, ROW BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK F LOT 3R2.9185 ACRES REPLAT ABS A0758 READ, JAS L, TRACT 8_0778 ACRES ' BRAY CENTRAL ONE BLK H LOT 1 ABS A0544 SEE, MICHAEL, TRACT 1, 159.727 ACRES TWIN CREEKS BUSINESS CENTER 41 ELK A LOT 1 12.233 ACRES 1 TWIN CREEKS BUSINESS CENTER # I LOT ROO1 0.882 ACRES RAINTREE CBR ROW ALLEN DRIVE ROW FROM CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY TO OLA LANE BEING 2.4 ACRES Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 12 EXHIBIT `B" Map of TIF Zone ....+^•• r ..moo .. i s 6 �� 4 `d Bl p i W"n F o J-1 f2W"&2WV Clim mRailroad Property BoundaryT.I. F. Boundary rsxsneemenl Fnandng Fu.d ^° - R6.tnnmlZone ..n�•.,.+..e..a•o-.._..�a....w»...r�...�a...ea�,�+�.e.....e....: rzms Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 13 EXHIBIT "C" ' Reinvestment Zone Project and Financing Plan PRELIMINARY PROJECT AND FINANCING PLAN CITY OF ALLEN TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE NO.2 (CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT TIF) December 12, 2006 Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 14 Introduction ' Tax Increment Financing A Tax Increment Financing District (TIF District) is an economic development tool used by local governments to finance public improvements within a defined geographic area. TIF Districts are created to strengthen existing positive conditions and attract new development. The purpose of the CBD TIF is to: • Attract new investment and encourage revitalization of the Central Business District which is an area that will continue to decay without TIF financed infrastructure. Create redevelopment momentum that will create substantial financial gains to local taxing jurisdictions both during and beyond the life of the TIF. • Recreate an economically viable, mixed-use, central city neighborhood. • Serve as a catalyst for the revitalization of areas adjacent to the TIF. Chapter 311 of the Texas Local Government Code is the legislation that governs Tax Increment Financing. A City may make an area eligible for tax increment financing by designating a "Reinvestment Zone", also ' known as a "tax increment finance district'. Designation of a TIF district occurs by direct action of the City Council. A TIF district allows for the tax increment generated from appreciating property values within the area to be dedicated to new public improvements within the same area. As the assessed value of property within a TIF district increases over time, an increase in the taxes collected from the additional value is captured in a tax increment fund. Additionally, an increase in the sales tax increment is allowed to be captured in the TIF District. These funds are then used to finance new public improvements within the district. As specified by State law, a TIF District Board of Directors must be appointed to oversee the administration of the TIF district and fund. Additionally, State law requires that project and finance plans be developed as planning and information tools in the administration of the TIF district. Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 15 Project and Finance Plans The Tax Increment Finance District Project and Finance Plans represent a study that projects the potential sources and uses of tax increment dollars. An economic impact study and overview is provided in the Finance Plan along with estimates on the potential revenue that will be available to fund projects. The Finance Plan also outlines how TIF District increment may be used and shows the time over which expenses will be incurred. A project plan provides information on the current land uses within the district and provides information of the development to occur. It also provides information on relocation of individuals affected by the TIF District and costs associated with non -TIF District public improvements. Generally, the items discussed in the Project and Finance Plans meet requirements specified under State Law that govern Tax Increment Financing. TIF Increment TIF District Tax Increment is created when new taxable development occurs within an established TIF District. After its creation, the appraised value of the TIF District property becomes the base value for the purpose of Tax Increment Financing. All taxes collected from that base value continue to flow to the local government entities that tax within the district. Real property taxes collected from new taxable value within the TIF District become the source of the TIF District tax increment. Additionally, sales tax increment in the TIF District is allowed to be captured for public improvements. These sources of revenue increment flows into the TIF District Fund which is managed by the City's Finance Department. The amount of increment that is captured in the TIF District Fund is dependent on the participation of local ' taxing entities. A local taxing entity may choose to participate in Tax Increment Financing by dedicating a portion of its tax increment to the TIF District Fund. The participation of an entity in Tax Increment Financing is accomplished through an inter -local agreement between the entity and the City. 1 Financing the Project New public infrastructure investments within the CBD TIF are expected to be funded on a pay-as-you-go basis using available cash increment as it is created. At this time the District does not expect to use public debt instruments to fmance improvements. The City will enter into development agreements with investors, property owners, and developers to reimburse over time the cash investments they make in new public infrastructure associated with private development. Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 16 Project Plan ' Background In 2000 the City Council adopted the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan. This Plan established the framework upon which the revitalization of approximately 241 acres commonly known as the Central Business District could move forward. The plan created a vision for redevelopment and provided a list of public improvements and projects needed in the area. The Plan also included as a funding option the creation of a Tax Increment Financing Zone to support and encourage private investment. Since adoption of this Plan, many improvements have been completed by the City of Allen through various methods. In 2004 a new zoning district was established and a vision for the Central Business District reaffirmed. New development occurring in the area now provides an opportunity to utilize the TIF tool to provide funding for major capital improvements and public infrastructure and encourage private investment. Existing Uses and Conditions The proposed Tax Increment Financing District straddles highway U.S. 75 incorporating the original downtown, now known as the Central Business District, as well as newer business development areas The Central Business District located on the east side of U.S. 75 is an area of approximately 241 acres and is the old down town of Allen. Land uses include scattered residential, small commercial and a significant amount of institutional development including the Municipal Complex, the U.S. Post Office, Allen Library, ' the City Cemetery and several churches. Approximately 40% of the land within the CBD is vacant and an additional 20% is seriously underutilized. For years the CBD has experienced a decline in activity despite its central location and proximity to major recreation and employment centers. The area has suffered from inadequate infrastructure, poor traffic circulation, a lack of readily available parking and a nonconforming mix of uses. The portion of the TIF district located west of U.S. 75 has remained undeveloped with the exception of the Allen Presbyterian Hospital. Recently, additional medical oriented uses have begun to develop including medical office buildings, support services and a rehabilitation hospital. Some roads have been constructed, however many new streets are needed to provide adequate connectivity and circulation through the area. The total acreage of land west of US 75 Highway that is proposed to be included in the TIF is approximately 644 acres. 1 Although the combined acreage of both the east and west portions of the CBD TIF totals approximately 885 acres, the net taxable land is less than this due to right of ways and streets. The new taxable land is approximately 777 acres as indicated below in the Financing Plan. Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 17 Proposed Uses and Improvements ' The conceptual plan for the revitalization of the Central Business District is based on the need for investment through the development of a rational mix of land uses. Redevelopment of this area will include restaurants, entertainment, hotel, retail, residential apartments and offices. Properties west of U.S. 75 will develop as medical and technology uses, medical facilities and services, retail and offices. This will provide a foundation for growth and stability, as well as a framework within which both decisions are made about physical development of the area. Elements addressed in the plan include land use and redevelopment opportunities, urban design and open space, and transportation and parking. Exhibits A, B, C, and D display the proposed improvements for this area. The nature of this revitalization project will require project and financing flexibility to effectively stimulate reinvestment. They are grouped by category to suggest the scope of planned investments. The following list includes most of, but not all, likely projects: I_ Streets — Improved access and circulation are critical to the successful development and redevelopment of this area. 2. Drainage and Storm Sewers — Most of the CBD was developed without a stonn water sewer system. There is a need to update drainage infrastructure to accommodate new and denser developments. 3. Utilities — burying of utility lines during development and redevelopment improves the aesthetic quality of the area and improves safety. 4. Landscaping and Beautification — projects that will enhance the visual quality of the area including landscaping, screening, entry features, directional signage, street lights and median improvements. 5. Parking — the development of the CBD with a denser urban design will increase the need for strategically located public parking. 6. Reimbursement of Infrastructure — major development projects will require significant improvements to public infrastructure. It is not uncommon to provide reimbursements for construction of this infrastructure as a development incentive. 7. Administrative Costs - Expenses in this category reflect the cost of managing and administering the TIF District. These enhancements will be utilized to make the area more attractive for development and encourage private investment in the area. Proposed Changes in Municipal Ordinances At the current time the creation of the TIF District does not include changes in building codes, zoning categories, or other municipal ordinances. The Central Business District Redevelopment Plan was adopted in 2000 and the Central Business District Zoning District was updated in 2004. Non -Project Costs The nature of the TTF District is that there will be purchases and investments made across many use categories and over a large geographic area. Almost all of the investments made by the TIF will have "non -project costs", i.e. expenditures on related projects that will receive financial participation from either public or private entities. ' However, it is not possible to quantify the non -project costs at this time, other than to say that they are expected. Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 18 Relocation Plan ' As set forth in Section 311.011 in the Tax Increment Financing Act of the Tax Code, the Project Plan for the TIF must include "A statement of a method of relocating persons to be displaced as a result of implementing the plan." The project plan anticipates that there will be no residences or businesses existing in the area of specific development projects when the development activities commence. If actions by the TIF result in relocation of any persons, a residential anti -displacement and relocation assistance plan will be established to govern their relocation. While the need for relocation is not envisioned, it is acknowledged that in the event such relocation becomes necessary in carrying out the public improvements funded by this TIF District, such expenses will be the obligation of the District. Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 19 Finance Plan ' The proposed CBD TIF is comprised of properties that are located east and west of US 75 Highway. There is approximately 241 acres of property located east of US 75 Highway and approximately 644 acres of property west of US 75 Highway. The existing uses and conditions of the properties are explained in the Project Plan. As indicated in the Project Plan above, the property tax and sales tax increments will be dedicated to pay for the various eligible project improvements associated with the CBD TIF. It is anticipated that 50% of the property tax and sales tax increment will be dedicated to the CBD TIF for 30 years. No TIF bonds or debt financing is anticipated. Therefore, the CBD TIF will be structured as a Pay -As -You -Go TIF whereby 50% of the annual increment is used to reimburse or pay for the eligible project improvements. Exhibit E reflects the estimated TIF Base Taxes and Taxable Values for the properties in the proposed CBD TIF. The base value is shown as west and east of US 75 Highway. The taxes are estimated without exemptions that may be applicable to the properties. The TIF base taxes are computed using the 2006 tax rates shown in Exhibit F. Exhibit G reflects the anticipated New Property Values associated with the planned development of the properties in the CBD TIF. Approximately 900,000 square feet of new development is planned to be constructed east of US 75 Highway. The real property taxable value is estimated to be $88,750,000 for the retail, restaurants, office buildings, hotel, and residential living units. Approximately 5,745,782 square feet of new development is planned to be constructed west of US 75 Highway. The real property taxable value is estimated to be $557,630,740 for the office, medical, technology, and retail that is planned. Estimated personal property valuations are also shown; however, the personal property is not dedicated to the TIF project. It is shown to reflect the additional benefit that the project will generate to the taxing entities. ' Exhibit H shows the City Property Taxes (both real property and personal property) that are expected at 100% of taxation at the current City tax rate of $.558 per $100.00 of taxable value. Exhibit I reflects the Proportion of New Real Property Taxes restricted to the TIF. Since it is anticipated that only the City will participate in the CBD TIF, there is not any portion of the taxes being shown as a contribution from the other taxing entities towards the TIF project. The City's proportion towards the TIF is 50%. Since sales tax is an allowable benefit that can be captured, the new increment of sales tax associated with the CBD TIF is shown in Exhibit J. It is anticipated that 50% of the sales tax will be dedicated towards the TIF project. The City of Allen levies a 7% hotel tax. The benefit from a new hotel in the CBD is shown in Exhibit K. None of this benefit will be contributed towards the TIF project costs. It is shown to reflect the additional benefit that is anticipated as a result of the development. It is expected that $55,739,049 of real property taxes will be invested by the City during the 30 year life of the TIF. This increment will come from the new development and increased property values within the CBD TIF. Exhibit L reflects the annual incremental real property increases of the captured property values and the property tax increment contributed to the TIF. It is expected that $15,184,762 of incremental sales taxes will be invested by the City during the 30 year life of the TIF. This increment will come from the new development and increased sales taxes within the CBD TIF. Exhibit M reflects the annual incremental sales tax increases and the 50% increment contributed to the TIF. As mentioned above in the Project Plan, there are various eligible project costs associated with streets, storm sewers, utilities, median improvements, landscaping, parking, developer reimbursements, and administration of the project. These costs are shown in Exhibit N. The total of $81,969,995 exceeds the combined increment Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 20 of property and sales taxes and investment earnings that total $71,633,050 (refer to Exhibit O 3), however, it is anticipated that some of the preliminary project costs will be reduced or eliminated as the City works towards t a Final Project and Financing Plan in the future. Exhibits O (1 through 3) reflect the anticipated cash flow of property tax and sales tax increment on an annual basis. Project costs will be reimbursed as the annual increment is received and exceeds the minimum required balance of $50,000. The cash flow shows a 30 year reimbursement of the eligible project costs. A $50,000 minimum is maintained each year to cover any unanticipated costs that may occur. 1 Additional benefits that the City will incur are franchise fees associated with the new development. Franchise fees are revenues received from utility companies for the use of City right-of-ways. The various franchise fees for electric, gas, cable, and telephone lines were not quantified since they are not eligible revenues that can be used to reimburse TIF costs. New taxable values for the project were determined based upon comparable properties in the Dallas and Collin County region. Sales and sales taxes were determined from average sales of similar types of retailers in the region. The feasibility of the reimbursements by the TIF fund is largely determined by the revenue tax sources. The tax increments in this plan we only estimates, not actual tax increments. Other determinants of the project feasibility are the timing and amounts of the project costs. The Community Development Corporation and the Economic Development Corporation will benefit from the increase in sales tax associated with the TIF project. It is anticipated that over 30 years, each organization will benefit by approximately $15,184,762 from the increased sales taxes in the TIF development. Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 21 Proposed Tax Increment Financing Zone Central Business District ' City of Allen, Texas E1IHBTT A CBD TIF Area East of US 75 Highway (including the connecting street of Allen Drive over US 75 Highway) Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 22 Proposed Tax Increment Financing Zone Central Business District ' City of Allen, Texas Proposed CBD TIP Improvements East of US 75 Highway (including the connecting street of Allen Drive over US 75 Highway) 1 Streets 1 Allen Drive 2 Main Street 3 misc streets- east of 75 Stormsemrs 4 Drainage - east of 75 5 Creek Improvements- east of 75 Utilities 6 Burying utilities - east of 75 Median Improvements! Landscaping !Beautification & signage 7 East of 75 - Heritage Village 8 Easl of 75 - BeaL flcatlon Parking 9 East of 75- Transit Garage 10 East of 75 - parking throughout area Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 23 EXHIBIT B Proposed Tax Increment Financing Zone Central Business District ' City of Allen, Texas EDIT C CBD TIF Area West of US 75 Highway (including the connecting street of Allen Drive over US 75 Highway) I Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 24 I 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 P 10 11 Proposed Tax Increment Financing Zone Central Business District City of Allen, Texas Proposed CBD TIF Improvements West of US 75 Highway (including the connecting street of Allen Drive over US 75 Highway) Road Projects(Including Utilities) Junction Road from Raintree to Exchange Bray Central from Exchange to Waterford Raintree Circle - south to Bray Central Bossy Boots Dr- north to Bray Central Future Street in Tract 5, 8,9,10,11 Stockton Road Median Projects Street Lighting Irrigation Landscaping Signage gehentionNrainage: Modifications to detention at SWC Exchange/Raintee Waterfeaturesldetention an Tract 3 Storm sewers on Tract 11 Landscapng: 12 Landscaping banner around water tower 13 Entry Features Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 25 EA'HBIT D Proposed Tax Increment Financing Zone Central Business District ' City of Allen, Texas 1�:4:ua�ra TIF Base Taxes *estimated without exemptions Base TIP - Real Taxing Jurisdiction Property Taxes *City of Allen $ 731,742 *Allen ISD $ 2,327,804 *County $ 321,284 *Collin Co. Comm College $ 114,984 Totals $ 3,495,814 ' Base taxes are computed on vacant land/agricuhural value and existing values per parcel on both the Fast and West sides of US75 Hwy 1 Estimated Base Taxable Values West of 75 $ 70,392,876 East of 75 $ 60,743,620 Total $ 131,136,496 Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 26 I 1 Proposed Tax Increment Financing Zone Central Business District City of Allen, Texas TAX RATES EXIT F Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 27 2006 Taxine Jurisdictions Tax Rates City of Allen $ 0.558000 20.932% AISD $ 1.775100 66.588% County $ 0.245000 9.191% Collin Co. Conan Coll $ 0.087683 3.289% Total $ 2.665783 100.000% Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 27 I 1 L O 9 O O — O O �G g 0 0 0 0 O h y a r O O r V M p' d moo � w hie" 0000 O OviN V MN V T o0 0 ° ONO O O 0 0 O O 'h O O V1 O O vl O vl O 0.L O O O O r W O N W O M V1 r W O M O vl 000 O oo<Ob m�ON Q � E O N N 0 a 40 N r ut C M r r m h 0 0 0 m— N d 7 a m T P ti H H H H H H H H H H F H�NN O PNoO 'n<V mm Q � HHRH HHRH H HH69H H69H Vi HH L O X 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O g 0 0 0 0 O h y a r O O r V M p' d moo � ��oorir do: hie" 0000 O OviN V MN V T o0 0 ° ONO O 1(I O N M 0.L lcn-.o V b m- C all W O M O vl i9 ° W � E O N N Wi a 40 N r ut C M r r m h H H R H H H H H H H H H H H H u L X 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O g 0 0 0 0 O h y a r O O r V M tq W r 9 0000 O OviN V MN V T o0 0 ° ONO O 1(I O N M 0.L lcn-.o V b m- C all W O M O vl i9 Vi h `D NNP t'1 b b r � E O N N Wi 40 N r ut C M r r m h a w HHRH H HHHHHHHH HH O O O O O vl b V r N O— V M N �� o00o O rmrmmma 'nm o a Mbo, b°� Mr „0000 � y � Oen O'n O U rrrnrN'n b D\ a.< p W V N N Q r N b V V b O b r r W ti h QVJ E y aj � U e rU ° � " E Y E E ='C!' co.EEEEEEE `°'�`�m`�nw`�m m YUONOIry Nv—N—Nb00 O iYi W... O� e ° o 1 U M Vl b r O T P 0 0 0 0 .4;y U U t4 � E lFOOFFFe" av H 3FF u I j ,ov 9 O A al x — r<O M MbOUOb +f+b rO a FN t1 N M h Q M vl N V a N N l0 N N M h �n-+OMNN�n V �nM WOa r F Y 0.. Fn Fn ss es » �n nvi zv .n»viw »» y o DJ O Oi b r O\ OJ V M M O l0 N N y N V y O O b P M O r N N r f`x Q M ao 0o NN N P � C F aoMe m VMyo: �c^m r" �n"O r T SON v�MMR oo v� b� W O W i ti w y F W O C L N L Vi Vf v> v3 69 69 Vi 69 69 69 vi 69 69 vi Yf m N 01 W K O N O O N r O r O'J N— M R CQ X F F NO�IO n tx OWN MnN LL N L M O� a N O V N W W— 1 b ti E0 W m a = G (A (A di (9 Vf Vi V3 d3 Vi Yi 69 Vi 69 Y3 Vf � U U N WO N µ Q L O v y w G p U U U U V U U tl i0 .�. U O o wo 00 w m m w m w w m N y" O O a _3 — ear 0.11 W W W W F 3F�+FFFFFFF [� F ,ov 9 O A al L [l Proposed Tax Increment Financing Zone Central Business District City of Allen, Texas EXIIIBIT I Proportion of New Taxes - restricted to TIF Proportion of New Taxes - not restricted to TIF (Annual Benefit to Taxing Entities at Build Out) (At current tax rate) (A) (B) Taxing Jurisdiction City of Allen Allen ISD County Collin Co. Comm College Totals percentages of Total TIF area (A) (B) (A+B) (Annual TIF participation at Build Out) Personal TIF area Property Taxes Total of TIF TIF - Real Personal $ Real & Pers Taxing Jurisdiction $ Property Taxes Property Taxes Property Taxes City of Allen @ 50% $ 1,803,402 $ - $ 1,803,402 Allen ISD @ 0% $ - $ - $ - County @ 0% $ - $ - $ - Collin Co. Comm College @ 0% $ - $ - $ - Totals $ 1,803,402 $ - $ 1,803,402 Proportion of New Taxes - not restricted to TIF (Annual Benefit to Taxing Entities at Build Out) (At current tax rate) (A) (B) Taxing Jurisdiction City of Allen Allen ISD County Collin Co. Comm College Totals percentages of Total Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 30 A+B TIF area Total Property Taxes $ 2,382,532 $ 13,316,223 $ 1,837,910 $ 657,769 $ 18,194,435 100.00% TIF area TIF area Real Personal Property Taxes Property Taxes 50% $ 1,803,402 $ 579,130 100% $ 11,473,905 $ 1,842,318 100% $ 1,583,633 $ 254,277 100% $ 566,766 $ 91,003 $ 15,427,706 $ 2,766,729 84.79% 15.21% Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 30 A+B TIF area Total Property Taxes $ 2,382,532 $ 13,316,223 $ 1,837,910 $ 657,769 $ 18,194,435 100.00% Proposed Tax Increment Financing Zone Central Business District ' City of Allen, Texas 1 EXHIBIT J Sales Tax at I% Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 31 Sales per Estimated sales Property # kpe of Property Square Feet Square foot Tax (a) 1 percent East of 75 Restaurants & entertainment 150,000 $ 250.00 $ 375,000 East of 75 Galleries and shops 250,000 $ 200.00 $ 500,000 East of 75 Hotel 50,000 $ 54.75 $ 27,375 Totals 450,000 $ 902,375 Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 31 Proposed Tax Increment Financing Zone Central Business District ' City of Allen, Texas 1 EXHHiTT K Hotel Taxes Estimated Hotel Tax @ 7 percent Property # Type of Property Rooms Room Rate and 50% occupancy East of 75 Hotel 150 $ 100.00 $ 189,709 Ordinance No. 2580-12-06, Page 32 u ¢r� RRR 8 GE Vag,, •d'=n8nRf XnoBS HER. -SHAM �- raa� xg R�.:9 $SR oeSnE R.�R.�^,�RRom Rm Xo� 6 a8_e » 4FYYil SS =ABG«8.m8 �8$8E' ^_SRr«R: F -F- - - Rn .F ........ ....... ... - - - - axis t....»{»y...r........... e�wee (. %%. gRBRRRS SR AR$ $R �RRSIR RRA Sgg f g000 o ream U frill R .......•......».................... ...... . •® ^eFs�i:sg ??a9i s�#39�$na4e q r: 6.S8 ga�ts3i`sRa n G�RBeC��n4�_ 'it �� _____� _ �RaRR n _____ d.Y ng ..».»»»............................ » ....... 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Total TIF Eligible Costs EXHIBIT N TIF Cost $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 1,586,320 $ 1,546,965 $ 2,816,110 $ 1,645,875 $ 7,538,050 $ 23,133,320 $ 1,000,000 $ 20,000,000 $ 175,000 $ 225,000 $ 21,400,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 1,046,675 $ 60,000 $ 30,000 $ 150,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 10,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 4,286,675 S 11,000,000 $ 20,000,000 $ 20,000,000 $ 150,000 East of 75 West of 75 Ordinance No. 2580-12-061 Page 35 $ 150,000 S 81,969,995 $ 65,150,000 $ 16,819,995 I I I !! e „ �Ef, .•!§ § &".. ...,." !■�,l, !..|| �.. ! .....� . !!! _ ! !;l;B, ,.,!■ _ .1,,= .,!■ \( | ! R§ ! jEE ;\�)) I I I \-•,,;!!|!| 1;1 _ ,!. G! 29 \{\\)\\ \\\)) q I I •;_:; \ ;.°.. . ...; ,,,�!■ !.,§! ;■#;!�§; § !-` �}� ■\!!!� w��(\ -- 9 ..}\§ k \);|«!:-!) ! ! • sI -....: .,:.. - „ ■,:: ..�■§ !l,,,< ■§|