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ORDINANCE NO. 2471-12-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, DESIGNATING A CERTAIN AREA WITHIN THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AS TAX INCREMENT FINANCING REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER ONE ("GARDEN DISTRICT"); ESTABLISHING THE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH ZONE; CREATING A BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR SAID REINVESTMENT ZONE AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO; CONTAINING FINDINGS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on September 1, 2005, the City Council of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas (the "City"), received a petition requesting the creation of a tax increment financing zone; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City received an amended petition requesting additional territory be added to the requested tax increment financing zone; and, WHEREAS, the City Council desires to promote the development or redevelopment of a certain contiguous geographic ams within its jurisdiction by the creation of a reinvestment zone, as authorized by the Tax Increment Financing Act, Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code (the "Act"); and, WHEREAS, in compliance with the Act, the City called a public hearing to receive public comments on the creation of the proposed reinvestment zone and its benefits to the City and the property in the ' proposed reinvestment zone; and, WHEREAS, in compliance with the Act the City Council on September 30, 2005, notified the governing body of each taxing unit that levies real property taxes within the proposed reinvestment zone of its intent to establish the reinvestment zone; and, WHEREAS, in compliance with the Act, notice of the public hearing was published in the Allen American, a paper of general circulation in the City, such publication date being not later than seven (7) days prior to the date of the public hearing; and, WHEREAS, such hearing was convened at the time and place mentioned in the published notice, to wit, on the 13th day of December, 2005 at 7:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, which hearing was then closed; and, WHEREAS, the City, at such hearing, invited any interested person, or the person's representative, to appear and speak for or against the creation of the reinvestment zone, the boundaries of the proposed reinvestment zone, as described by the metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and m depicted in the map attached hereto as Exhibit "B," whether all or part of the territory described in Exhibit "A" and as depicted in Exhibit `B" should be included in such proposed reinvestment zone, the concept of tax increment financing, and the appointment of a board of directors for the proposed reinvestment zone; and, WHEREAS, all owners of property located within the proposed reinvestment zone and all other taxing units and other interested persons were given the opportunity at such public hearing to protest the creation ' of the proposed reinvestment zone; and, WHEREAS, the proponents of the reinvestment zone offered evidence, both oral and documentary, in favor of all of the foregoing matters relating to the creation of the reinvestment zone, and opponents, if any, of the reinvestment zone appeared to contest creation of the reinvestment zone; and, WHEREAS, the City has reviewed a preliminary project and reinvestment zone financing plan attached hereto as Exhibit "C," and has sent a copy of the plan to the governing body of each taxing unit that levies taxes on real property in the proposed reinvestment zone; and, WHEREAS, in further compliance with the Act, the City has made a foetal presentation to the governing body of each taxing unit that levies taxes on real property in the proposed reinvestment zone, such presentation included information on the boundaries of the proposed reinvestment zone, the tentative plans for development of the proposed zone, and an estimate of the general impact of the proposed reinvestment zone on property values and tax revenues. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The facts and recitations contained in the preamble of this ordinance are hereby found and declared to be true and correct. SECTION 2. The City Council, after conducting such hearing and having heard such evidence and testimony has made the following findings and determinations based on the evidence and testimony presented to it: (a) That the public hearing on adoption of the reinvestment zone has been properly called, held and conducted and that notice of such hearing has been published as required by law ' and delivered to all taxing units overlapping the territory inside the proposed reinvestment zone. (b) That creation of the proposed reinvestment zone with boundaries as described in Exhibit "A" and as depicted in Exhibit "B" will result in benefits of the city, its residents and property owners, in general, and to the property, residents and property owners in the reinvestment zone. (c) That the reinvestment zone, as defined in Exhibit "A" and as depicted in Exhibit "B," meets the criteria for the creation of a reinvestment zone as set forth in the Act in that: (i) It is a contiguous geographic area located wholly within the corporate limits of the City; and (ii) the area is described in a petition attached hereto as Exhibit "D" requesting that the area be designated as a reinvestment zone, which petition was submitted to the City Council by the owners of property constituting at least fifty percent (50%) of the appraised value of the property in the area according to the most recent certified appraisal roll for the county in which the area is located. (d) That the total appraised value of all taxable real property in the proposed reinvestment zone according to the most recent appraisal roll of the City, together with the total appraised value of taxable real property in all other existing reinvestment zones within the City, according to the most recent appraisal roll of the City, does not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the current total appraised value of taxable real property in the City and in the industrial districts created by the City, if any. I(e) That the proposed reinvestment zone does not contain more than fifteen percent (15%) of the total appraised value of real property taxable by a county or school district. Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 2 (f) That the proposed improvements in the reinvestment zone will significantly enhance the value of all taxable real property in the reinvestment zone and will be of general benefit to the City; ' (g) That the development or redevelopment of the property in the proposed reinvestment zone will not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. (h) That ten percent (10%) or less of the property in the proposed reinvestment zone, excluding property dedicated to public use, is currently used for residential purposes. SECTION 3. The City hereby creates a reinvestment zone over the area described by the metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and as depicted in the map attached as Exhibit "B," and such reinvestment zone shall hereafter be identified as Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Allen, Texas (the "Garden District Zone" or the "Garden District Reinvestment Zone"). SECTION 4. There is hereby established a board of directors for the Zone which shall consist of at least nine (9) members. The Board of Directors of Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Number One shall be appointed as follows: (a) Each school district or county that levies taxes on real property in the zone may appoint one member of the board if the school district or county has approved the payment of all or part of the tax increment produced by the unit. The member of the state senate in whose district the zone is located is a member of the board, and the member of the state house of representatives in whose district the zone is located is a member of the board, except that either may designate another individual to serve in the member's place at the ' pleasure of the member. If the zone is or shall become located in more than one senate or house district, this subjection shall apply only to the senator or representative in whose district a larger portion of the zone is located than any other senate or house district, as applicable. The remaining members of the board shall be appointed by the City Council. A vacancy on the board shall be filled as set forth in the Act. If a taxing unit waives its right to appoint a member of the board, the City may appoint such board member in its stead. The initial board of directors shall be appointed by resolution of the governing bodies of the City and the Taxing Units as provided herein within sixty (60) days of the passage of this ordinance. Failure of a Taxing Unit to appoint a director by October 1, 2006, shall be deemed a waiver of the right to appoint a director, and the City Council shall be entitled to appoint persons to such position. If more than two taxing units other than the City levying taxes on real property within the Zone appoint a director, the number of directors on the Board of Directors shall be increased by one position for each Taxing Unit above two that appoint a director to the Board; provided, if more than four Taxing Units levying taxes on real property within the Zone appoint a director, the number of directors on the Board of Directors shall be increased by two for each Taxing Unit above four that appoint a director to the board, provided, further, that the maximum number of directors shall not exceed fifteen (15). The City Council shall be entitled to appoint all such additional positions. All members appointed to the board shall meet eligibility requirements as set forth in the Act. (b) The terms of the Board members shall be for two year terms. To provide for staggered terms, the initial directors appointed to odd -numbered positions shall be appointed for two year terms, while the initial directors appointed for even -numbered positions shall he ' appointed for one year terms. All subsequent appointments shall be for two year terns. Each year the City Council shall designate a member of the Board to serve as Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 3 Chairperson of the Board of Directors, and the Board shall elect from its members a Vice -Chairperson and other officers as it deems appropriate. (c) The Board of Directors shall make recommendations to the City Council concerning the administration of the Zone. It shall prepare and adopt a project plan and reinvestment zone financing plan for the Zone, and must submit such plans to the City Council for its approval. The City Council delegates to the Board of Directors all powers necessary to prepare and implement the project and reinvestment zone financing plans for the Zone, including any required annual reports on the status of the Zone, all subject to the approval of the City Council. . SECTION 5. The Zone shall take effect on January 1, 2006, and the termination of the Zone shall occur on December 31, 2030, or at an earlier time designated by subsequent ordinance of the City Council, or at such time, subsequent to the issuance of any tax increment bonds, if any, that all project costs, tax increment bonds, notes or other obligations of the Zone, and the interest thereon, if any, have been paid in full. SECTION 6. The Tax Increment Base for the Zone, which is the total appraised value of all taxable real property located in the Zone, is to be determined as of January 1, 2005, the year in which the Zone was designated as a tax increment financing reinvestment zone (the "Tax Increment Base"). Tax Increment Base means the total appraised value of all real property taxable by a Taxing Unit and located in the Zone for the 2005 year. Tax Increment means the total amount of property taxes by a Taxing Unit for the year on the Captured Appraised Value of real property taxable by a Taxing Unit and located in the Zone. Captured Appraised Value means the total appraised value of all real property taxable by a Taxing Unit and located in the Zone for the year less the Tax Increment Base of the Taxing Unit. For purposes of this ordinance taxing unit means the Allen Independent School District, Collin County, Collin County Community College District and any other political subdivision or special district that taxes real property within the Zone that enters into a contract with the City to contribute to the Tax Increment Fund. SECTION 7. There is hereby created and established a Tax Increment Fund for the Zone which may be divided into such sub -accounts as may be authorized by subsequent ordinance, into which all Tax Increments, less any of the amounts not required to be paid into the Tax Increment Fund pursuant to the Act, are to be deposited. All Tax Increment as defined herein shall be deposited in the Tax Increment Fund. The Tax Increment Fond and any sub -accounts are to be maintained at the depository bank of the City and shall be secured in the manner prescribed by law for funds of the City. In addition, all revenues from the sale of any tax increment bonds, notes or certificates of obligation, hereafter issued by the City; revenues from the sale of any property acquired as part of the reinvestment zone financing plan; and any other revenues to be dedicated to and used in the Zone shall be deposited into the Tax htcrement Fund or sub -account from which money will be disbursed to pay project costs for the Zone or to satisfy the claims of holders of tax increment bonds, notes or certificates of obligations issued for the Zone. SECTION 8. The City will participate in the Zone by contributing fifty percent (50%) of the City's Tax Increment from real property ad valorem taxes in the Zone for a period of twenty-five (25) years and by contributing fifty percent (50%) of the City's annual municipal Sales and Use Tax collections above the Sales and Use Tax Base for a period of fifteen (15) years. For purposes of this ordinance Sales and Use Tax shall mean the City's one percent (1%) sales and use tax imposed pursuant to Chapter 321, Tax Code on the sale of taxable items in the Zone. Sales and Use Tax does not include any additional sales and use tax imposed by the City for any purpose, including the''/2 of one percent (1%) sales and use tax imposed by the City on behalf of the Allen Community Development Corporation pursuant to 4B of the Development Corporation Act, or the '/2 of one percent (1%) sales and use tax imposed by the City on ' behalf of the Allen Economic Development Corporation pursuant to 4A of the Development Corporation Act. Taxable Items shall have the same meaning assigned by Tax Code, Chapter 151, as amended. The Sales and Use Tax Base is zero. Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 4 SECTION 9. The Zone is designated under Section 311.005(a) (5) of the Act. ' SECTION 10. All ordinances of the City of Aller, Collin County, Texas, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed; provided, however that all other provisions of said ordinances not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 11. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this ordinance shall for any reason be held invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause, or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 12. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COWN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE ISM DAY OF DECEMBER, 2005. APPROVED: Stephe8 Terrell, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Peter G. Smith, C117Y ATTORNEY Shelley B. George, C, CITY SECRETARY Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 5 Exhibit "A" Legal Description of the Zone BEING a tract of land situated in the T.G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500, the Michael See Survey, Abstract No. 543, and the Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No. 875, being located in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that tract of land known as Angel Field East and part of that tract of land known as Angel Field West described in Special Warranty Deed to Emerson Farm Company, LTD,. as recorded in Volume 5034, Page 00158, County Clerk's File Number 2001-0136720, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas (D.R.C.C.T), all of that tract described in deed to Bethany Comer, Ltd. as recorded in Volume 5565, Page 004511, County Clerk's File Number 2003-024133, D.R.C.C.T., and all of that tract of land known as Proposed Bel Air Drive and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for the intersection of the south right-of-way line of Bethany Drive (a variable width right-of-way) as recorded in Volume 3918, Page 01167, D.R.C.C.T., with the westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway. 75 — Central Expressway (a variable width right-of- way), said point also being the most northerly northeast comer of said Bethany Corner; THENCE South 22 degrees 25 minutes 37 seconds East, along said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 19.73 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 44 minutes 48 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, a distance of 193.24 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 06 degrees 48 minutes 27 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, a distance of 99.22 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 13 degrees 05 minutes 02 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, a distance of 223.84 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 07 degrees 10 minutes 22 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, a distance of 237.76 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 13 degrees 14 minutes 53 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, a distance of 1,036.93 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 88 degrees 17 minutes 33 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, at a distance of 96.30 feet passing a point fdr the southwest comer of that tract of land described as Tract 1, as recorded in Volume 4783, Page 2013, D.R.C.C.T., and continuing along said westerly right-of-way line for a total distance of 125.51 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 00 degree 52 minutes 46 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 46.98 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 37 degrees 35 minutes 41 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, at a distance of 46.08 feet passing a point for the southwest comer of that tract of land Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 6 described as Tract 2, as recorded in Volume 4783, Page 2013, D.R.C.C.T., and continuing along said westerly right-of-way line for a total distance of 145.73 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 13 degrees 12 minutes 33 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, at a distance of 309.27 feet passing a point for the most southerly comer of said Tract 2, and continuing along said westerly right-of-way line for a total distance of 320.80 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 88 degrees 51 minutes 08 seconds West, departing said westerly right-of-way line and along the southerly line of said Bethany Comer, a distance of 591.69 feet to a point in Watters Branch, also (mown as Little Rowlett Creek, for the southwest corner of said Bethany Comer; THENCE North 22 degrees 35 minutes 11 seconds East, departing said southerly line and along the west line of said Bethany Corner, a distance of 112.42 feet to a point for comer, THENCE North 26 degrees 00 minute 37 seconds West, along said west line of Bethany Comer, a distance of 90.60 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 13 degrees 50 minutes 24 seconds East, along said west line of Bethany Comer, a distance of 63.08 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 38 degrees 05 minutes 46 seconds East, along said west line of Bethany Comer, a distance of 76.80 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 07 degrees 54 minutes 51 seconds East, along said west line of Bethany Comer, a distance of 66.45 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 09 degrees 31 minutes 21 seconds West, along said west line of Bethany Comer, a distance of 95.41 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 35 degrees 11 minutes 40 seconds West, along said west line of Bethany Comer, a distance of 148.76 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 23 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, along said west line of Bethany Comer, a distance of 264.82 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 01 degree 55 minutes 19 seconds West, along said west line of Bethany Corner, a distance of 126.78 feet to a point for the common southeast comer of said Angel Field East and northeast comer of that tract of land described in deed to Southwest Guaranty Trost Company, Accepting Trustee of the William S. Montgomery Family Trost 1994 as recorded in County Clerk's File Number 1996-0105327, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE North 88 degrees 18 minutes 25 seconds West, departing said Watters Branch and along the common south line of said Angel Field East and north line of said Southwest Guaranty Trust tract, at a distance of 1,281.58 feet passing a point for the common southwest comer of said Angel Field East and southeast comer of said Proposed Bel Air Drive, in all a total distance Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 7 of 1,337.58 feet to a point for the common southwest comer of said Angel Field East and southeast comer of said Angel Field West; THENCE North 88 degrees 17 minutes 09 seconds West, along the common line between said Angel Field West and said Southwest Guaranty Trust Company tract, a distance of 34.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 02 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds East, departing said common line and over and across said Angel Field West, a distance of 301.43 feet the point of curvature of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 1,095.00 feet and whose chord bears North 11 degrees 18 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 341.25 feet; THENCE in a Northerly direction, continuing over and across said Angel Field West and along said circular curve to the right, at an arc distance of 314.61 feet, passing the common east line of Angel Field West and west line Angel Field East, then continuing across said Angel Field East, through a central angle of 17 degrees 55 minutes 44 seconds for a total are distance of 342.65 feet to the point of tangency of said circular curve; THENCE North 20 degrees 16 minutes 14 seconds East, continuing over and across said Angel Field East, a distance of 112.68 feet to the point of curvature of a non -tangent circular curve to the left having a radius of 1,040.75 feet and whose chord bears North 15 degrees 22 minutes 49 seconds East a distance of 171.35 feet; THENCE in a Northeasterly direction, along said circular curve to the left, through a central angle of 09 degrees 26 minutes 38 seconds, an arc distance of 171.54 feet to the point of curvature of a non -tangent circular curve to the left having a radius of 312.00 feet and whose chord bears North 07 degrees 00 minutes 43 seconds East a distance of 51.64 feet; THENCE in a Northerly direction, along said circular curve to the left, through a central angle of 09 degrees 29 minutes 37 seconds, an arc distance of 51.70 feet to a point for the end of said circular curve; THENCE North 00 degrees 13 minutes 04 seconds East, a distance of 280.02 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 45 degrees 57 minutes 32 seconds West, a distance of 34.63 feet to a point on a circular curve to the right having a radius of 3,152.01 feet and whose chord bears North 88 degrees 01 minute 03 seconds East a distance of 38.20 feet, said point being in said south right- of-way line of Bethany Drive; THENCE in an Easterly direction, along said south right-of-way line and said circular curve to the right, through a central angle of 00 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds, an we distance of 38.20 feet to the point of tangency; THENCE North 88 degrees 21 minutes 53 seconds East, continuing along said south right-of- way line, at a distance of 121.86 passing a point for the common comer of said Proposed Bel Air Drive and said Angel Field East, in all a total distance of 301.05 feet to the point of curvature of Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 8 a circular curve to the right having a radius of 2,466.49 feet and whose chord bears North 89 degrees 48 minutes 32 seconds East a distance of 124.31 feet; THENCE in an Easterly direction, continuing along said south right-of-way line and along said circular curve to the right, through a central angle of 02 degrees 53 minutes 17 seconds, an arc distance of 124.33 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 88 degrees 44 minute 50 seconds East, continuing along said south right-of-way line, a distance of 154.28 feet to a point for the most easterly corner of that tract of land described in Right -of -Way Dedication Deed to the City of Allen, Texas as recorded in Volume 5093, Page 02663, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE South 66 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds East, along said south right-of-way line, a distance of 11.97 feet passing a point for the most easterly comer of said Right -of -Way Dedication Deed, in all a total distance of 149.58 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 88 degrees 45 minutes 46 seconds East, continuing along said south right-of- way line, at a distance of 73.58 feet passing a point for comer in said Watters Branch for the common most easterly northeast comer of said Angel Field East and most westerly northwest comer of said Bethany Comer, in all a total distance of 200.00 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 54 degrees 01 minute 27 seconds East, continuing along said south right-of-way line, a distance of 101.03 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 88 degrees 44 minutes 42 seconds East, continuing along said south right-of- way line, a distance of 1352.21 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 3,721,118 square feet or 85.43 acres of land, more or less. This description is not part of a signed and sealed survey. This description does not represent a survey performed on the ground and is not intended to be used as a recorded document for conveyance. Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 9 TRACT2 BEING a tract of land situated in the T.G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500, in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being all of that tract of land described as Green Property, Tract A and Tract B in Special Warranty Deed to Emerson Farm Company, LTD., as recorded in Volume 5034, Page 00158, County Clerk's File Number 2001-0136720, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (D.R.C.C.T), and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for the northeast common comer of said Tract A and southeasterly comer of that tract of land described in deed to Marian M. Montgomery by Special Warranty Deed as recorded in County Clerk's File Number 1997-0065172, D.R.C.C.T., said point also being on the west right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE South 13 degrees 12 minutes 33 seconds West, along the east line of said Tract A and said west right-of-way line, a distance of 975.14 feet to a point for the common southeast comer of said Tract A and northeasterly corner of that tract of land described in deed to Marian M. Montgomery as recorded in County Clerk's File Number 1997-0051411, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE South 88 degrees 18 minutes 08 seconds West, departing said west right-of-way line and along the south line of said Tract A, a distance of 123.54 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 15 degrees 53 minutes 19 seconds West, departing said Marian M. Montgomery Tract and along the west line of said Tract A, a distance of 40.00 feet to a point for a common southwesterly corner of said Tract A and the southernmost comer of said Tract B; THENCE North 81 degrees 16 minutes 57 seconds West, along the south line of said Tract B, a distance of 153.12 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 24 degrees 30 minutes 42 seconds West, a distance of 98.09 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 13 degrees 23 minutes 02 seconds West, a distance of 242.79 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 15 degrees 39 minutes 02 seconds East, a distance of 377.51 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 02 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds East, a distance of 214.02 feet to a point for the northwest comer of said Tract B; THENCE North 89 degrees 34 minutes 25 seconds East, along the north line of said Tract B, a distance of 84.91 feet to a point for the common comer of said Tract B and Tract A; THENCE South 88 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds East, along said the north line of said tract A, a distance of 410.14 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 406,530 square feet or 9.33 acres of land, more or less. Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 10 This description is not part of a signed and sealed survey. This description does not represent a survey performed on the ground and is not intended to be used as a recorded document for conveyance. TRACT 3 BEING a tract of land situated in the T.G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500, the Michael See Survey, Abstract No. 543, and the Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No. 875, being located in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that tract of land known as U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway (a variable width right-of-way) and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for the intersection of the south right-of-way line of Bethany Drive (a variable width right-of-way) as recorded in Volume 3918, Page 01167, D.R.C.C.T., with the westerly right-of-way line of said U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway, said point also being the most northerly northeast comer of that tract of land described in deed to Bethany Comer, Ltd. as recorded in Volume 5565, Page 004511, County Clerk's File Number 2003-024133, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE South 88 degrees 44 minutes 42 seconds East, departing said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 244.20 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 13 degrees 11 minutes 48 seconds West, along the approximate centerline of U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway, said centerline based on aerial topography of the area, a distance of 3,371.90 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 76 degrees 47 minutes 27 seconds West, departing said approximate centerline, a distance of 152.75 feet to a point for corner, said point being on said westerly right-of-way line and the most easterly southeast comer of that tract of land described as Tract A in Special Warranty Deed to Emerson Farm Company, LTD., as recorded in Volume 5034, Page 00158, County Clerk's File Number 2001-0136720, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE North 13 degrees 12 minutes 33 seconds East, along said west right-of-way line, a distance of 975.14 feet to a point for comer, said point also being the northeast common comer of said Tract A, and southeasterly corner of that tract of land described in deed to Marian M. Montgomery by Special Warranty Deed as recorded in County Clerk's File Number 1997- 0065172, D.R.C.C.T., THENCE North 15 degrees 11 minutes 48 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 61.85 feet to a point for comer, said point also being the northeast common comer of said Marian M. Montgomery tract, and southeasterly comer of said Bethany Comer tract; THENCE North 13 degrees 12 minutes 33 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 320.80 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 37 degrees 35 minutes 41 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, a distance of 145.73 feet to a point for corner; Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 11 THENCE North 00 degree 52 minutes 46 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 46.98 feet to a point for comer, THENCE South 88 degrees 17 minutes 33 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 125.51 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 13 degrees 14 minutes 53 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 1,036.93 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 07 degrees 10 minutes 22 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 237.76 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 13 degrees 05 minutes 02 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 223.84 feet to a point for comer, THENCE North 06 degrees 48 minutes 27 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 99.22 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 44 minutes 48 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 193.24 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 22 degrees 25 minutes 37 seconds West, along said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 19.73 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 542,275 square feet or 12.45 acres of land, more or less. This description is not part of a signed and sealed survey. This description does not represent a survey performed on the ground and is not intended to be used as a recorded document for conveyance. TRACT 4 BEING a tract of land situated in the T.G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500, and being that portion of TxDOT right-of-way, known as U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway (a variable width right-of-way), contiguous and south of Tract 3 as described in the previous pages, within which is located the on-ramp to southbound lanes of said U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway between Bethany Drive and the city limits for the City of Allen, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for the intersection of the westerly right-of-way line of said U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway and the most easterly southeast comer of that tract of land described as Tract A in Special Warranty Deed to Emerson Farm Company, LTD., as recorded in Volume 5034, Page 00158, County Clerk's File Number 2001-0136720, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE South 76 degrees 47 minutes 27 seconds East, departing said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 152.75 feet to a point for corner, Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 12 THENCE South 13 degrees 49 minutes 33 seconds West, along the approximate centerline of U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway, said centerline based on aerial topography of the area, a distance of 590.41 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 15 degrees 44 minutes 52 seconds West, continuing along said approximate centerline, a distance of 250.08 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 74 degrees 15 minutes 08 seconds West, departing said approximate centerline, a distance of 153.21 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 14 degrees 49 minutes 42 seconds East, along said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 622.08 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 13 degrees 15 minutes 12 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 211.60 feet to POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 128,683 square feet or 2.95 acres of land, more or less. This description is not part of a signed and sealed survey. This description does not represent a survey performed on the ground and is not intended to be used as a recorded document for conveyance. TRACTS BEING a tract of land situated in the T.G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500, in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being all of that tract of land described in Special Warranty Deed to Marian Miller Montgomery, as recorded in Volume 3972, Page 1020, County Clerk's File Number 1997-0065172, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (D.R.C.C.T), and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for the northeast common comer of said Marian M. Montgomery tract and southeasterly comer of that tract of land described in deed to Bethany Comer, Ltd. as recorded in Volume 5565, Page 004511, County Clerk's File Number 2003-024133, D.R.C.C.T., said point also being on the westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE South 15 degrees 11 minutes 48 seconds West, along said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 61.85 feet to a point for comer, said point also being the northeasterly corner of a tract of land described as Tract A in Special Warranty Deed to Emerson Farm Company, LTD., as recorded in Volume 5034, Page 00158, County Clerk's File Number 2001-0136720, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE North 88 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West, a distance of 410.14 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 89 degrees 34 minutes 25 seconds West, a distance of 166.11 feet to a point for comer; Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 13 THENCE North 19 degrees 51 minutes 48 seconds East, a distance of 64.05 feet to a point for comer, said point being on the south property line of said Bethany Comer tract; THENCE South 88 degrees 51 minutes 08 seconds East, a distance of 570.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 33,329 square feet or 0.77 acres of land, more or less. This description is not part of a signed and sealed survey. This description does not represent a survey performed on the ground and is not intended to be used as a recorded document for conveyance. Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 14 Exhibit "B" Depiction of Zone Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 15 Ar LAZ WCHEAL SEE SURVEY 2. J§15201• R+ 2.66.19 5B -4,11 £ T= I .10' T• 6}.18• II12B' ARST. 543 POINB OF 542411S'PrIX L= 3810' L• 12uT BEGINNING abRrvF-tAYL 1121.]1 1.938 1&3 N.5 -5I4 01'2iT ry S2t'6']rE 34.63' ,£ 101.03' 9.,]' NINE 1 1 N NXIT04£ d= (KrE"r SINXII 18M 48£ p8ppp• R= M20b 588'95'16£ 193211 1 h L= S5TO' 200.00' SM -48'2T11 1812,£ 3420'16'11 �g C1:51.61' 99.221 >� 112.68' C9.4prW'1]£ 51J'OS'DYW t •� 223.81' SGS' F 1A107�5'• SOn0.22II1 1• IT55VP T= 85.Sr 273R'I 10n 23TRf i T Imo°° ci' m343v r- I NCY20'30'E L= 342.65' C8 -MS 2Y.94 yf ]W1A' 6=1T822£ .143 A. -ATW]F _1,11tu' 135.19'IF n 4c 1225 N34125513.8 �J1.ar N 1 't, NJ58.76' 5 bAN oy 00- '' r T.G. RENNEIJY SURVEY 2•rs00.52'16M ARST. 500 1001009`31-21V 53rJ5.114 � 95.4119s.1r u6n• x2r34•sI£ 6615' IQ6' w3TM , 108'05.16 NY13Y114 1188-51'08V76.80' 112.Y SIJ312 3JM __591.69': 1 M 63 11108.11' POINT IOF 115.116.8E BEGINNING N Ne9'].•25£ DETAIL TRACT 5 61.85• TRACT 5 34'91 (NOT TO SCALE) / POINT OF X02'11.30£ TRACT13A va AIA / BEGINNING M95P.e£ 56lI' A , IV391 61.05' 6125• MS77.511 i TRACT 2 588'1TA'N J,NOYES F 12531• TRACE` O.11 Aa 2.2T9'4 3 ® N00'Sz'164 IM5 12.5 Aa. /6.98' 1lBB{IBTP1Ti'-.10.11' III1'3a.YW�1 1�152i1 ' se.or SBY3.,24W ® NJT35'11'W 166p' NBI.165TW Ns.TJ' 153.IY 5 yn.T6 ® M]'IY]]£ M"31 EXHIBIT A 320.80' 588'898' 31• 123TIF N HI M�;?E EXHIBIT OF A. TRACT • 85.47 ACRE TRACT z95 An A. A 933 ACRE TRACT 101.15.011 A v1rAM 12.45 ACRE TRACT s AMA 295 ACRE TRACT �. BA 0.77 ACRE TRACT / // WALE 1'ti5aa L ATEO IN THE T.C. xEN2EDY SURVEY, ASST. NO. 500, II 1 FEET M0EAL SEE SURVEY. ASST. NO. 543 IN TEE AID 11 eea. a e.e. 1. T.- STm. Plo-,. Ce«OI,"1a RUFUS SEWELL SUMI ASST N0. 875 Sye�III 1199]I.TIP M L.n1�d$pN 202Eaee< COLLN COUNTY TEXAS upm GCPSMverpe ra 4Trrl � I- Sta Ion YSZOeM•M1utee m01a ]O.I SNC.IXA& trW 1 ton CITY OF ALLEN Is IAO015ZINA .1 NALFF ASSOCIATES. NI''• 21 TM II Ilns o1 Trm1 ] aM Traef < tp Im M1 <vlfs9m 1 TS M16 NORTHWEST PLAZA MIRE DALLAS. TEXAS TSY25 PIM af�y. A..e m avlaiopoycpM T MI. SCALE.1.600' Av0.2E37 OEC.2005 L". 1111. m1 PGTf o/ P NN -S -ds ae�e y. THIN 1. e .IIPAN. T IMenOeE To Oe .etl ce paTY o1 p r.OeaTEola�Oilenl 1a convacanc 12.Nsl.S]11..\, WH•STes1M01.de, NEF- UPP ..F. -INS, 041I18LI EDI Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 15 z a a c� z U z wi4 z a a d z Exhibit "C" Preliminary Project and Financing Plan z w a a Aon o z r F �a. Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 16 w z 8 / W � U N ,V a Z � Q b c7 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 16 z w a w a a w O O z E� izu F v s Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 17 w .a C.u, net 3 w o z s Q Irq `-moi N ti ® G sQ z A a� Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 17 .a C.u, net 3 Q u W ti ® °� o.. eve^mao numoN e,or�aa��a a rUy � N w ge Qa w�0 s F F c7 C 5 � o m m u �U ft 3 ��ccFFW-��Fo oG❑ o w^ v Q U m N o U U Q G� W G c a.° -,'O e e c C E. a W Eav v m m p ao o=syF o�aaauza Z zE .N. Q'�q�aaa�aciamvum U0 o z > c U E d d c °pap'ad `� c S5 zF Npep '�y" yN �•T,� G a„ > a Ca "'cC0.f� 0.`-U� ` cFFFF q °ii e o Gi So0.aa ,yEgC� L> 'oU � z2�a!A.�2 �a�ddC4 �odd � E? E6. g e e c e v' 0.��.>ed oL wy�wC5 ece��' l;prv�wW W�j a m o 5$'� Eb�a �> ° 4QQ QQ F,°U 6 wo 0 1846 ti C U boa �fSa SWjl aE-�t&g9v E Ep; a.I. Ec,E Ec9 EwE "E�C'E E a� v7 ^ �>w9iP. �y C7 Wl�0.N000 W [i1 W W W W F W ¢7tiyyy Q W j Z y U V U aye o ; y �¢idgUG owG (7x=,PCx49?C:j :�i64 d 0 U '� E -• .. •- o RLF a•�abt yS�ycaaa as aS��c ��caaaaaaa i d 'I� a .. r�wwwwWwCwwwwwWwWwwwwwwwwwwwww d U Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 18 @E2 0 §- _�,_» \ ;ls;o \�\\\\)k)\)bilk jk!(;; - iii{$ f�k\�)f\)^§ k ){«73/\!!®a4�&{§ ;.,ea22�;t , _ {/)2maf]!](\i§! `))(f7) __e No. 2471-12-05Page 19 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 20 :7 m Nay 88 N y W M r m d b M O P � h ,� EE 3 Go DOL .0 O 9 ej 5g_e4.=_ °' �_ J� uy� y, C� ESS g �F E'o$°"3yEomv Jri n'$�`o 0' A. Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 20 :7 m m 88 M r RCLCNO� p rA C70bN as d b M O P � h ,� EE 0 y, C� ESS g �F Jri uk � ai 6 a C7 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 20 :7 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 21 G E.o. coN`+� lVvv°po W� % a 2 a8 `S � _ c N o ,�ri v o yLaA n,Eo ao 0 dre R10 L u 3 Ta Uw O G'0 ,.. c 00 y os=o yyw G 02 U ctg o Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 22 c W •a a a k w O H 0 OyO�,/b� dr) 'AMHd ALifIlN33 o � w d 3S1ada2 MOI sa311VM 'ydk3 �b b1N3J o aniaa aiv 139 m � 4 o p„3.6 z F— yJ a ,ea voy7v w W W �Q w m —D H ti O o o v d 0 Q �j 4 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 23 r e fi � re 1 < i r V, d 9 .8c= g .5 v G10 v 8 'O ay.E� d E y78 vU d E 2 8 2 aP.' c U a y m ,o .• o �cEyV ¢ >��v 3-8U Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 25 Em a Ordinance No. 2471-1 Page ! ( 0. Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 27 F; � T G t p Y Y �a J N 0 0 c g u y o y q N N .ai. ren F Y y T'O td W M a u t n � u y 8 ° c N,- s G g 2 y�p�0 U F y eA u C R a au m v p c N y ._ N 29 • N 9 ,`LDyc$'cu92; O. -a " u r0 > V _; y °'�EEox L�'OE9' p V Qom E,�lg • cc��9°5 V .0 O O O C s � pUq o�.E�UON 0 0 c g u y o y q N N .ai. ren F Y y T'O td W M a u t n zi 8 ° c N,- s G g 2 y�p�0 U F y eA u C R a au m v p c N y ._ N 29 • N 9 V .0 O O O C s � pUq 0 u' $li '_o cq Wcv p w d U Q d�c a u t o 3 o > 3 4 O pr7COC'r mC u W c�S� �`�cz�� �•°3� C � a.3v� 5'Q'o 2''0`0 �� .o ca � � d E eo u ° a E •a h� .., c, u H d u c eo.c d' .'C C7 C7 3 E y c v q u �'u r F $,�� •d�dw •cE° Fc �Q'cu c Qc Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 28 L $ O A.q -BE ou I c'�c c �o.ati mva ��Z $L$ [htE`��o°'�°.—O s� Kay`���,•Eh4�L'�,Eo3°r�°j. �accoaE�o w mtg c v° • $ W ° U V �$ • ` $U Z' �$ ocv F F a° c$S a> 9 N Q u 9 '�^ U O9 T T C w0-' O6 �- SO Q0 oe aaLc2 DE `N°Uv E rico-, s -S90 E" ow a -m,,GE o .O 0 o c° 0 m."aLE is€3 cceo 'E > 003 $�y 0'0 O $ '� 0 c y 0 y o c E a 5 o a10 y�a�°i��a�y�o.an��� v�v'%Eoy'c o'�'� aeoy vaGi 'mE a�.K W�5>� �Esca$Cq F�O�Fn�U>En�v�mU•mAvo •�0UA50 h= >F° y o yE3�� �wNE� �oSy.Le_o gpa.:o a�icaoc �aQ.' c� m ., c G p E v d 5 U E E �• r C L E y U '> �o€ao�3 �coc9 oc�av=6°c'�� K'T3C o°� L •a�',�.E w° •�v°i �.:3= •�P,'�3° •.E cakim •c,F 6�>3 •Um Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 29 =T��= c= a y w U E aaEi `o v'F?c uU c �aU' 0 g c 41 N .E c C C F $ 0 o w Lam. ocq a �''ac� •S�m°acc•n°o�.E Xp q W a [xa,� � .c C4 � •��d cycs 3 G E v d y' c�� °' GU •CFd0�0�O •N9 G. �'�N.0 .ECGLN� •� a s .� ... w m �: v$ w Q F t E o c u U .°a uv oc ov�.� a -U U ° > k ao 0 01 g'sF c a. W ZU °° o c u `o•.-39 cv Q>. 0 m$a2$u�iE v d O R— c 'y� F$ m 'E v 'S E o d a.�g r°Waj°'e"u�en •5�c FaE��c .o v�a '$��uEi ��o� ENg'E w • �d°.33��'W °.3 nL°°a,$.E �'m.� •$��m�'�$Uae •gin ai Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 30 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 31 y > ✓� n m wEE w O r O N O r mmO V N r M N n L E_ s (pp N Cli Lppp O N •'• fel EO W rLCi O O y ED Oq� l �y yN N Ca E O Z Ca 7 O a n O $ o O 0 O o n q LL Cl O O O M N r 7 LL E i E01 L O L L LL a °? >, c aei L U m E E m dyi a o C d `c .7 r = r Q d CQ O n O % U C yo L U O H > O a Ca H N C C N y d © :° 0 oC 2 C7 a 0 a C7 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 31 4 8M 8. g$ m3�98�e n o8 m.s�a„m&��8 mo o� g a yNyN N Y W 0 Nyyy y.NNN yNN �. yyM N� NN LLL ))a m S F z & yC w a� C ❑ x U ti V= $ o$N%most gg $c as %E N,S O Lp v yyy--y Ny NNNy o c E HE12. N Z t:> 7 > a NVUN%CI�W NN�� E $DS �jg W r 0 z Ell o A n z c y wMu E Q z ism z <n z or ww w Uq CO '0Z2z $ a'G 6 W L %OC U zwmnn N I SEN¢ z &p Zp aS Q % W 0 6yVjQYyFjpFWSU4N U C n y W HOaa U�2f¢Wu� 2 U¢wwUy E 2 f O o o' for Fnof ¢ w 8M 8. Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 32 i b ar m n yNyN N Y d LLL U m S yC W a oj$m C ❑ x U O o 1o$HBO $ A O O as C N,S O Lp v a E HE12. w r Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 32 i b W a oj$m :O;QQ g: S,E o0o moo? O o 1o$HBO sg�p$i5 N,S HE12. Cy �� N I U W FQ N : € 2 o : U Q N OQ �(J gip, ,vi ffiV.y T: RIMt' � �1 V: dm pI:n.sem 'iwO q 911 — N N'U: o;:,3rg�,R',3���:3� t0' :3 3 E E u C a 03 3 0 -2� Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 32 i b c E a r W a CCm E I Ca r Co o a¢U E2 V Co w t: C t ( CL`ca as E e [tl aC) mm� N LL > O H o i x U F3 IL All 1 I 2m 2 m _.-.. ..._. C 'm it T -7 a CL :\ rLL-❑■ ----- --- E Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 33 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 34 W IS PIES In In IN ME Ulm Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 34 W __.w 2471-12-05, Page 35 Ch - m R� < < 2i .zz/ LL `.1M C !D; s« C5 ` � \ L) \ e;=2 \ \ IL R` !§a2 ! #§k # ! # # &!k # J = a;°= a s, 2 0 §#K§5 ■ !Ki § ® ]® «#!§93 - p ! a « ) !(§; §§ ` 2 l���- / \ : / __.w 2471-12-05, Page 35 Ch __.» a 36 ; |■ §! .. | # ) !�\ § - !°! !22 \ ! « { | mat } 1 ;•s -a ;SH M !!§ \ 7= IF" ; \! milli (.M z - �dh;�» a! k©� Flip' g t )2 !!|!! ® !! / \, | ! __.» a 36 ; |■ | # ■:5 § § !22 ! | mat } 1 ;•s -a ;SH M !!§ ! a IF" \ § _g a s a s$ sepOs«a'«�A��Rxffis.�aa F a A R p»»» na .Aas Asci a E E »a» o @mffi s 3 9» pa as»Digs i R» j aa'a vsga3a aAca a c�Sop, a A $.isxSaw- a«»a„aa«a« » o a$ q=aaaa�=ae'4a�aax i a5"a��ig"?a�a=� W va a6 a s �F_�� �ax�as aeN�$sga8a3� "6W H" a «a -«q �$3 =x«a a-33 x«yma«AA N € m 9E N gg G N REd a m� s" RR � � 3 � � s � �� 6➢ a� �° ii Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 37 01 N Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 38 _z a a a Z w»_ I a a a w: Em ce� E G� [) E R a"xuBaV c n sads s$ N a y Rsa42 a x Via« a a a S a a ti Rd a »� »� a a if a N B o Rani ago S a » w x tt N E w E « w M. 8 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 38 0.10 U41 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 39 h __,» u 40 �! ■;; ■ }! !!! ! j ! ,!• ! j oe! 4•,i-2; _ . �2 - •!, ! ! !„ ,l,,•, 20 •\_,\\ /\\ �j ;; ■ F[ |||;;! | |!! ! !)| | ! ! __,» u 40 !rr!§#§p }!§##■«! ; fEC!!E |! ;!|!!!(�!!z ! ,• !!! !.• 4| u!l;�,! -� / '�!^`- e E Ordinance» 2471-12-05, Page ��e�w�X�oo��aNubi 'o nvnin °�mnmm gymc �niemn mlrinm rivi ac o oiro pi oimo om m nmo NmNbn o m C o LL ale�u�b,$nn�mmm���mmW 'a c U>�ELL wFn (nwww wwei ww(n ei E '6� — Q� LL N a,� a ��Xe o o iR as o ���ae a�aaae a LL_ r w A>o$o00m oo o. 0000p0000pp a Ew Z'y�aVLL NNNNNNNIO IONNNNNNNNNNIO r - � H m o v U c¢ o F 0 � wig po dy > V1 vi�mN�y NC)NmOm NN nn pp L m m b N N O m Y N F A �y; 0Y01�YN0<�Nm�fO �I�mWbCl� d m� NNhm bfp ml_FnnOJ ,Dm E � mQo'm m�iw� r � n m UdHUo¢ wwwwin r'n inwwnwwwwin in 4E y w o y ._ m m22„o oonnNmC �y y,o�NroGnm 0n m wY� .111iNq c_w p- hw 69 i9p N10nt0 ^IpmmOWNtDWmO{{��m'mN ,V nUw .E .AO EL Nd qw N{?N Nmm(7�N�m(701NNWfOOdn qq q d m b b n d W e N A O fD O N N t� N W m y UO N RmONwQ� fW9FnOWM wyNbVeNOyi, «ONONiwWeNN wtndNGw6 N6N wObWN wuNty�i «OGN�Wpii(nWWN99 VVWWmppNii,,OnW nWOy1m0 m({?OW- wwmm9n0 N c map m 0mW Y Y CL LGVO�w�O AOWiO bYyf fONOb�nOYiO�mWNOn,NOnO � O OwwZ'QG eYOm CION of fpON�mVOnci p:N N O� NZ_NNOQ (y {�OpQmOI N 1L)N fp Ngp. 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S. � iyy 3oo� � E �CNaQ Nn do LU FWaN Q n@ T L m C wQ � d 11/^ y a m _ `191�w{r, gs @@ _F �¢o m`aa�Sn��om`uWimmm��n��Nmon�o���%nne ""�W&WeF3'a�Wom��av'Winnmo��.W`Qi���$w O- � ww`.�`%' wSi'iwww`$w w'$w�$�wwwwwwwwwww liom ��pW��<OWINN.W-�tOhOIpWNN<0an1 O W O 2 9O^h c ec qq����WNCWiyyONpF1 CII gWg WO_OWOmy4yN��00o 0OG .= wiAwww wiAw�`�wwiA W»'w ��en w�A�'v.$'w»ww Em'am F ��ppm�NOO QQ VVmyy qq pp ��ppq yymm q NW(O'10I�WtnOn�my�b �nONWOmNmy�NI�ONO�NtW�1 O8008.. 800 eWpO�eN_pWYYep)QQW FO_0pQ_WpRNQN ONO NQN QNp NeNp eNe t7mN$Oty �[OWr, n N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N R N N R N N N N N N F O N N O .� m�NNeWrp I�WW������WnmwNNNNNNNNNNW(p Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 64 a � __.» — « Page 65 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05 - Exhibit "D" RECEIVED AMENDED PETITION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE DEC 1 2 2005 CITY OF ALLEN CITY SECRETARY TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE ALLEN CITY COUNCIL, On September 1, 2005, a petition was submitted to the City Council requesting the designation of an area to be a tax increment zone (the "Original Petition"). The undersigned ('Petitioners") who are the owners of at least 50% of the appraised value of the real property hereinafter described, as such value is designated in the most recent certified appraisal roll for Collin County, Texas, respectfully file this amended petition ('the Amended Petition"), which ratifies and amends the Original Petition, requesting the City Council of Allen, Texas to designate the area shown in the map attached hereto as Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto for all purposes and more fully described in Exhibit "B" which is attached hereto for all purposes (the "Area") which is in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, to be a tax increment reinvestment zone to promote development or redevelopment of the Area pursuant to Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code (the "Act"). 6.:� Signature of owner or audlailied representative for BETHANY CORNER, LTD., a Texas limited partnership By: Bethany Comer GP, L.L.C., a Texas limited liability company, its general partner By: Arthur N. Budge, Jr., its Manager Printed time of signer for Bethany Comer, Ltd.: Arthur N. Budge, Jr. Signature of owner or authorized representative for EMERSON FARM COMPANY, LTD., a Texas limited partnership By: Emerson Farm Company General Partner, Ltd, a Texas limited partnership By: Emerson Farm Company GP, L.L.C., a Texas limited liability company, its general partner By: Emerson Partners, Inc. a Texas Corporation its sole member By: Philip L. Williams, President Printed name of signer for Emerson Farm Company,, Ltd.: Philip L. Williams Printed name of Owners, if different from signers ` •`'�'\\'� "� Signers' mailing address. 39a3199v.2 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 66 Signers' daytime telephone number. 214 904-0907 By executing this petition the forgoing persons represent and warrant that they are authorized to execute the Petition as the property owners or on behalf of the property owners named above. The property (-ies) of the owners are located at the following address(es) within the Area or at the address within the Area listed on an attached sheet. 3993199,2 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 67 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared Arthur N. Budge, Jr., Manager of Bethany Comer GP, L.L.C., a Texas limited liability company, general partner of Bethany Comer, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership, (mown to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of said limited partnership. 14 GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL of office, this LA d y of December, 2005. ti 3uoY c. sAtes Publi in anfor Dallas County, Texas x.• " ♦ Nogry Pubhc, SMe of Taxes mycommission Expiros February 20, 2008 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority on this day personalty appeared Philip L. Williams, President of Emerson Partners, Inc., a Texas corporation, the sole member of Emerson Farm Company GP, L.L.C., a Texas limited liability company, general partner of Emerson Farm Company General Partner, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership, general partner of Emerson Farm Company, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of said limited partnership. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL f office, thisi�' day of December, 2005. ",•a.==AUA Pub in and for D las Cas f Texes£pves6 3983199x.2 Ordinanee No. 2471-12-05, Page 68 EMBIT "A" MAP OF THE AREA 3963199v.2 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 69 39831990.2 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 70 115L01• R� 2.166.19 SBrN'S0£ fiff AL SEE SURVEY T• 199.10' T• 62.18' 134.28' AEST. 563 POIM OF L• 3B2d L• 124.331 BEGINNING 566'gM[g�6 CL•JL2b i`C_ L=1 y1.11 C2.•X88'01 Y w'oix- i��-NAYL ` 1&3 _� NIs'si'Jt11 7M88'213TE i—x l zT5 r6 E--uris'JT£ 1.03, !1231 xy101.0]' 19.73'1 4'4•E x0013'01£ 0 A. 09.293T S00'N'4B•IS 1485 280A2' R• 312.00' SBB'I346'E 19l24i 1 T. 25.91' 200.00' S06'1B'2T•w L• 51 7W 40'27'E X2096'14 i C.L•51.69' 99.241I"999.2' 11E68'� O.B.•NOT00143£ / 513'05'02A 1 3'05'02£ 23181' A. 09'26']8' X2218 R• 1,040.15' SOTId22111 ' A• IT55'11• T• 85.97' 2JT.T6'9 R• 1095.Ob L• 17151' ! T= 1'12.13' CA: 17,.35' I X0420'30£ L. 312.65' C8•NIS'22'49•E 301.43• C.L.•341.25' TRACE 1 C.B.=NIr1822£ SS 43 Aa IS �.7]35e•y(/�Xi26ie" �y RE°2sb�" � � xB89To9'N ✓� bKq,� 148.T6' T T.G.BFNNST. SURVEY "�• 50F 6'w RBST. 500 FS,1 L N0Still A ' Ar 95.41' 115'73' NO6 451£ 66.15' X26.003791 , 90.60' X ]8'0546• N2r35'I1'E HB831'OB•w 16.80' 112.42' 591.69 EviPIYlJ9 HIS11E Bill I,O.N' I 1 i DETAILBEGINNING NB£ I NI61.85' (NOT TSCAE) 3 402.2130E POINT O Y Wall 214.02' 903 Aa. I BEGINNING 61.05' 6125' X1539'02£ I 1 TRAR 2 m SBB'1T30'1J T 12531' £24'ils@'i_ ST JT23'0 $moi__. NIJ'2]'02'w—: 1RACT 6 an Ad. 2QT9' TRAR ! ® 46.98, 64 _ _ NBB 16'2721- TIO.r4' 421']0'4rM/r) 12.15 ea. 46.98' it }ZT� "'On" ® 4]T35'11'w S8934'25•N 166,11' N81.163791 110.7]' 15119�. S lit TSS E SB2.'M EXHIBIT A ]20.60' 4m40,00, TIF N N13•IS'1rE N11'19'1Y£� 622.88• EXHIBIT 211.60• OF AN 4 15.43 ACRE TRACT 2.WS A z9s Aa elm e NT4'IWMV 9.33 ACRE TRACT I5J21.AND A 1245 ACRE TRACT 9 AND A j 2.95 ACRE TRACT AN. A 0.77 ACRE TRACT I+son LOCATED IN THE _sceLE _ T.G. KENNEDY SURVEY, ABST. N0. 500• SCALE IN FEET MICHEAL SEE SURVEY, ABST. NO. 543 NOTES AND n B«le at «an Is Texas Store Flan. Coordinate RUFUS SEWELL SURVEY• ABST. N0. 875 9ya9m 1963 119931.4arth CeMrd tend 4202. MEAN °n to frown eA COLLIN COUNTY TEXAS lob �s an—loo s«a ar .. u uirvt« Jaa s6ao�v°la to rade Ion CITY OF ALLEN x LOOOIS2TIP BY 21Tae east boundary line of Treat 3 and Traat 4 HALFF ASSOCIATES INC. 1. Me a^Oo�en Im.l. terllne r U.aSp .TS 6616 NORTHWEST 9LAEA DRIVE DALLAS.TENAS T5225 Of B.I.a o IaltopagraaM s SCALIal"00' AVO.22537 DEC. 2005 31Twee I nibn Ie not oo t or elpMa ma Wd ill ndTme al aoeu t ��/�' •t fey performed 1Ne and IS t Imenaea to as sed a e round any Dal OT o'...a do.--+rN yal \22CWe\225]1\OCD\. OON•SJ7.MIt0l.agn. al Uaaan form.dpy 04110A.0Aa4 39831990.2 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 70 EXHIBIT B TRACT 1 BEING a tract of land situated in the T.G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500, the Michael See Survey, Abstract No. 543, and the Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No. 875, being located in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that tract of land known as Angel Field East and part of that tract of land known as Angel Field West described in Special Warranty Deed to Emerson Farm Company, LTD,. as recorded in Volume 5034, Page 00158, County Clerk's File Number 2001-0136720, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas (D.R.C.C.T), all of that tract described in deed to Bethany Comer, Ltd. as recorded in Volume 5565, Page 004511, County Clerk's File Number 2003-024133, D.R.C.C.T., and all of that tract of land known as Proposed Bel Air Drive and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for the intersection of the south right-of-way line of Bethany Drive (a variable width right-of-way) as recorded in Volume 3918, Page 01167, D.R.C.C.T., with the westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway. 75 — Central Expressway (a variable width right-of- way), said point also being the most northerly northeast corner of said Bethany Comer; THENCE South 22 degrees 25 minutes 37 seconds East, along said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 19.73 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 00 degrees 44 minutes 48 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, a distance of 193.24 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 06 degrees 48 minutes 27 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, a distance of 99.22 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 13 degrees 05 minutes 02 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, a distance of 223.84 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 07 degrees 10 minutes 22 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, a distance of 237.76 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 13 degrees 14 minutes 53 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, a distance of 1,036.93 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 88 degrees 17 minutes 33 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, at a distance of 96.30 feet passing a point for the southwest comer of that tract of land described as Tract 1, as recorded in Volume 4783, Page 2013, D.R.C.C.T., and continuing along said westerly right-of-way line for a total distance of 125.51 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 00 degree 52 minutes 46 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 46.98 feet to a point for corner; 3983199x.2 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 71 THENCE South 37 degrees 35 minutes 41 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, at a distance of 46.08 feet passing a point for the southwest comer of that tract of land described as Tract 2, as recorded in Volume 4783, Page 2013, D.R.C.C.T., and continuing along said westerly right-of-way line for a total distance of 145.73 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 13 degrees 12 minutes 33 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, at a distance of 309.27 feet passing a point for the most southerly comer of said Tract 2, and continuing along said westerly right-of-way line for a total distance of 320.80 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 88 degrees 51 minutes 08 seconds West, departing said westerly right-of-way line and along the southerly line of said Bethany Comer, a distance of 591.69 feet to a point in Watters Branch, also known as Little Rowlett Creek, for the southwest comer of said Bethany Comer; THENCE North 22 degrees 35 minutes 11 seconds East, departing said southerly line and along the west line of said Bethany Comer, a distance of 112.42 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 26 degrees 00 minute 37 seconds West, along said west line of Bethany Corner, a distance of 90.60 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 13 degrees 50 minutes 24 seconds East, along said west line of Bethany Comer, a distance of 63.08 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 38 degrees 05 minutes 46 seconds East, along said west line of Bethany Comer, a distance of 76.80 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 07 degrees 54 minutes 51 seconds East, along said west line of Bethany Corner, a distance of 66.45 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 09 degrees 31 minutes 21 seconds West, along said west line of Bethany Comer, a distance of 95.41 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 35 degrees 11 minutes 40 seconds West, along said west line of Bethany Comer, a distance of 148.76 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 23 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, along said west line of Bethany Comer, a distance of 264.82 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 01 degree 55 minutes 19 seconds West, along said west line of Bethany Comer, a distance of 126.78 feet to a point for the common southeast comer of said Angel Field East and northeast comer of that tract of land described in deed to Southwest Guaranty Trust Company, Accepting Trustee of the William S. Montgomery Family Trust 1994 as recorded in County Clerk's File Number 1996-0105327, D.R.C.C.T.; 3983199x.2 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 72 THENCE North 88 degrees 18 minutes 25 seconds West, departing said Watters Branch and along the common south line of said Angel Field East and north line of said Southwest Guaranty Trust tract, at a distance of 1,281.58 feet passing a point for the common southwest comer of said Angel Field East and southeast comer of said Proposed Bel Air Drive, in all a total distance of 1,337.58 feet to a point for the common southwest comer of said Angel Field East and southeast comer of said Angel Field West; THENCE North 88 degrees 17 minutes 09 seconds West, along the common line between said Angel Field West and said Southwest Guaranty Trust Company tract, a distance of 34.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 02 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds East, departing said common line and over and across said Angel Field West, a distance of 301.43 feet the point of curvature of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 1,095.00 feet and whose chord bears North 11 degrees 18 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 341.25 feet; THENCE in a Northerly direction, continuing over and across said Angel Field West and along said circular curve to the right, at an arc distance of 314.61 feet, passing the common east line of Angel Field West and west line Angel Field East, then continuing across said Angel Field East, through a central angle of 17 degrees 55 minutes 44 seconds for a total arc distance of 342.65 feet to the point of tangency of said circular curve; THENCE North 20 degrees 16 minutes 14 seconds East, continuing over and across said Angel Field East, a distance of 112.68 feet to the point of curvature of a non -tangent circular curve to the left having a radius of 1,040.75 feet and whose chord bears North 15 degrees 22 minutes 49 seconds East a distance of 171.35 feet; THENCE in a Northeasterly direction, along said circular curve to the left, through a central angle of 09 degrees 26 minutes 38 seconds, an arc distance of 171.54 feet to the point of curvature of a non -tangent circular curve to the left having a radius of 312.00 feet and whose chord bears North 07 degrees 00 minutes 43 seconds East a distance of 51.64 feet; THENCE in a Northerly direction, along said circular curve to the left, through a central angle of 09 degrees 29 minutes 37 seconds, an arc distance of 51.70 feet to a point for the end of said circular curve; THENCE North 00 degrees 13 minutes 04 seconds East, a distance of 280.02 feet to a point for comer; THENCE Notch 45 degrees 57 minutes 32 seconds West, a distance of 34.63 feet to a point on a circular curve to the right having a radius of 3,152.01 feet and whose chord bears North 88 degrees 01 minute 03 seconds East a distance of 38.20 feet, said point being in said south right- of-way line of Bethany Drive; 3983199x.2 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 73 THENCE in an Easterly direction, along said south right-of-way line and said circular curve to the right, through a central angle of 00 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds, an are distance of 38.20 feet to the point of tangency; THENCE North 88 degrees 21 minutes 53 seconds East, continuing along said south right-of- way line, at a distance of 121.86 passing a point for the common comer of said Proposed Bel Air Drive and said Angel Field East, in all a total distance of 301.05 feet to the point of curvature of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 2,466.49 feet and whose chord bears North 89 degrees 48 minutes 32 seconds East a distance of 124.31 feet; THENCE in an Easterly direction, continuing along said south right-of-way line and along said circular curve to the right, through a central angle of 02 degrees 53 minutes 17 seconds, an are distance of 124.33 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 44 minute 50 seconds East, continuing along said south right-of-way line, a distance of 154.28 feet to a point for the most easterly comer of that tract of land described in Right -of -Way Dedication Deed to the City of Allen, Texas as recorded in Volume 5093, Page 02663, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE South 66 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds East, along said south right-of-way line, a distance of 11.97 feet passing a point for the most easterly comer of said Right -of -Way Dedication Deed, in all a total distance of 149.58 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 88 degrees 45 minutes 46 seconds East, continuing along said south right-of- way line, at a distance of 73.58 feet passing a point for comer in said Watters Branch for the common most easterly northeast comer of said Angel Field East and most westerly northwest comer of said Bethany Corner, in all a total distance of 200.00 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 54 degrees 01 minute 27 seconds East, continuing along said south right-of-way line, a distance of 101.03 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 88 degrees 44 minutes 42 seconds East, continuing along said south right-of- way line, a distance of 1352.21 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 3,721,118 square feet or 85.43 acres of land, more or less. This description is not part of a signed and sealed survey. This description does not represent a survey performed on the ground and is not intended to be used as a recorded document for conveyance. 3953199v.2 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 74 TRACT 2 BEING a tract of land situated in the T.G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500, in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being all of that tract of land described as Green Property, Tract A and Tract B in Special Warranty Deed to Emerson Farm Company, LTD., as recorded in Volume 5034, Page 00158, County Clerk's File Number 2001-0136720, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (D.R.C.C.T), and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for the northeast common comer of said Tract A and southeasterly comer of that tract of land described in deed to Marian M. Montgomery by Special Warranty Deed as recorded in County Clerk's File Number 1997-0065172, D.R.C.C.T., said point also being on the west right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE South 13 degrees 12 minutes 33 seconds West, along the east line of said Tract A and said west right-of-way line, a distance of 975.14 feet to a point for the common southeast comer of said Tract A and northeasterly comer of that tract of land described in deed to Marian M. Montgomery as recorded in County Clerk's File Number 1997-0051411, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE South 88 degrees 18 minutes 08 seconds West, departing said west right-of-way line and along the south line of said Tract A, a distance of 123.54 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 15 degrees 53 minutes 19 seconds West, departing said Marian M. Montgomery Tract and along the west line of said Tract A, a distance of 40.00 feet to a point for a common southwesterly comer of said Tract A and the southernmost comer of said Tract B; THENCE North 81 degrees 16 minutes 57 seconds West, along the south line of said Tract B, a distance of 153.12 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 24 degrees 30 minutes 42 seconds West, a distance of 98.09 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 13 degrees 23 minutes 02 seconds West, a distance of 242.79 feet to a point for comer, THENCE North 15 degrees 39 minutes 02 seconds East, a distance of 377.51 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 02 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds East, a distance of 214.02 feet to a point for the northwest comer of said Tract B; THENCE North 89 degrees 34 minutes 25 seconds East, along the north line of said Tract B, a distance of 84.91 feet to a point for the common corner of said Tract B and Tract A; 3983199x.2 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 75 THENCE South 88 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds East, along said the north line of said tract A, a distance of 410.14 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 406,530 square feet or 9.33 acres of land, more or less. This description is not part of a signed and sealed survey. This description does not represent a survey performed on the ground and is not intended to be used as a recorded document for conveyance. 3983199x.2 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 76 TRACT 3 BEING a tract of land situated in the T.G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500, the Michael See Survey, Abstract No. 543, and the Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No. 875, being located in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that tract of land known as U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway (a variable width right-of-way) and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for the intersection of the south right-of-way line of Bethany Drive (a variable width right-of-way) as recorded in Volume 3918, Page 01167, D.R.C.C.T., with the westerly right-of-way line of said U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway, said point also being the most northerly northeast comer of that tract of land described in deed to Bethany Comer, Ltd. as recorded in Volume 5565, Page 004511, County Clerk's File Number 2003-024133, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE South 88 degrees 44 minutes 42 seconds East, departing said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 244.20 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 13 degrees 11 minutes 48 seconds West, along the approximate centerline of U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway, said centerline based on aerial topography of the area, a distance of 3,371.90 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 76 degrees 47 minutes 27 seconds West, departing said approximate centerline, a distance of 152.75 feet to a point for comer, said point being on said westerly right-of-way line and the most easterly southeast comer of that tract of land described as Tract A in Special Warranty Deed to Emerson Farm Company, LTD., as recorded in Volume 5034, Page 00158, County Clerk's File Number 2001-0136720, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE North 13 degrees 12 minutes 33 seconds East, along said west right-of-way line, a distance of 975.14 feet to a point for comer, said point also being the northeast common comer of said Tract A, and southeasterly comer of that tract of land described in deed to Marian M. Montgomery by Special Warranty Deed as recorded in County Clerk's File Number 1997- 0065172,D.R.C.C.T., THENCE North 15 degrees 11 minutes 48 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 61.85 feet to a point for comer, said point also being the northeast common comer of said Marian M. Montgomery tract, and southeasterly comer of said Bethany Comer tract; THENCE North 13 degrees 12 minutes 33 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 320.80 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 37 degrees 35 minutes 41 seconds West, continuing along said westerly right- of-way line, a distance of 145.73 feet to a point for corner; 3983199x2 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 77 THENCE North 00 degree 52 minutes 46 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 46.98 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 88 degrees 17 minutes 33 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 125.51 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 13 degrees 14 minutes 53 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 1,036.93 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 07 degrees 10 minutes 22 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 237.76 feet to a point for comer•, THENCE North 13 degrees 05 minutes 02 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 223.84 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 06 degrees 48 minutes 27 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 99.22 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 44 minutes 48 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 193.24 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 22 degrees 25 minutes 37 seconds West, along said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 19.73 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 542,275 square feet or 12.45 acres of land, more or less. This description is not part of a signed and sealed survey. This description does not represent a survey performed on the ground and is not intended to be used as a recorded document for conveyance. 3983199v.2 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 78 N'Taxwe BEING a tract of land situated in the T.G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500, and being that portion of TxDOT right-of-way, known as U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway (a variable width right-of-way), contiguous and south of Tract 3 as described in the previous pages, within which is located the on-ramp to southbound lanes of said U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway between Bethany Drive and the city limits for the City of Allen, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for the intersection of the westerly right-of-way line of said U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway and the most easterly southeast corner of that tract of land described as Tract A in Special Warranty Deed to Emerson Farm Company, LTD., as recorded in Volume 5034, Page 00158, County Clerk's File Number 2001-0136720, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE South 76 degrees 47 minutes 27 seconds East, departing said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 152.75 feet to a point for comer, THENCE South 13 degrees 49 minutes 33 seconds West, along the approximate centerline of U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway, said centerline based on aerial topography of the area, a distance of 590.41 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 15 degrees 44 minutes 52 seconds West, continuing along said approximate centerline, a distance of 250.08 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 74 degrees 15 minutes 08 seconds West, departing said approximate centerline, a distance of 153.21 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 14 degrees 49 minutes 42 seconds East, along said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 622.08 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 13 degrees 15 minutes 12 seconds East, continuing along said westerly right-of- way line, a distance of 211.60 feet to POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 128,683 square feet or 2.95 acres of land, more or less. This description is not part of a signed and sealed survey. This description does not represent a survey performed on the ground and is not intended to be used as a recorded document for conveyance. 3953199x.2 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 79 TRACT 5 BEING a tract of land situated in the T.G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500, in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being all of that tract of land described in Special Warranty Deed to Marian Miller Montgomery, as recorded in Volume 3972, Page 1020, County Clerk's File Number 1997-0065172, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (D.R.C.C.T), and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for the northeast common comer of said Marian M. Montgomery tract and southeasterly comer of that tract of land described in deed to Bethany Comer, Ltd. as recorded in Volume 5565, Page 004511, County Clerk's File Number 2003-024133, D.R.C.C.T., said point also being on the westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 75 — Central Expressway (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE South 15 degrees 11 minutes 48 seconds West, along said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 61.85 feet to a point for corner, said point also being the northeasterly comer of a tract of land described as Tract A in Special Warranty Deed to Emerson Farm Company, LTD., as recorded in Volume 5034, Page 00158, County Clerk's File Number 2001-0136720, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE North 88 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West, a distance of 410.14 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 89 degrees 34 minutes 25 seconds West, a distance of 166.11 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 19 degrees 51 minutes 48 seconds East, a distance of 64.05 feet to a point for corner, said point being on the south property line of said Bethany Comer tract; THENCE South 88 degrees 51 minutes 08 seconds East, a distance of 570.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 33,329 square feet or 0.77 acres of land, more or less. This description is not part of a signed and sealed survey. This description does not represent a survey performed on the ground and is not intended to be used as a recorded document for conveyance. 3983199x.2 Ordinance No. 2471-12-05, Page 80