HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-138-11-72SRM:ic:11-1-72 CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, ORDINANCE NO. 188 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Allen hes bean petitioned to annex certain property herein described into said City by all of the duly qualified voters residing thereon, and, WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed does not exceed that amount authorized by law; and, WHEREAS, a public hearing Was held not more than twenty nor less tban ten days prior to the institution of such annexation proceedings with notice of such hearing given In the manner prescribed by law and all other requirements of notice and completion of such annexation procedure being fulfilled; and, WHEREAS, said public hearing offered each person interested in the proposed annexation an opportunity to be heard; and, WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Allen has investigated and determined that it will be advantageous and beneficial to the City of Allen and its inhabitants es well es the hereinafter described territory to annex such territory to the City of Allen, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT OZDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS: SECTION 1:- That the territory described as follows be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Allen, Texas, to -wit: si_uatod in Collin County, :'axes, a ixirt of the Jerry weasel Survey aba- racC No. 1026 and A part of the 7 T. Roberts Survey abstract No. 77— bai.r.; a re -survey of all of :148.62 acretract as described in a a , �' • o:: T:.orss Cohason at tax to L. V. Haid or ux dated December 20, 1947, a recorded in volume 386 page 74 of the Collin County deed records and ..ting more particularly described by sates and bounds as foliowar ZZG7]N1EG at an iron stake in the northeast corner of the said tract in ,::a center line of a 58 ft. wide public road. T.::iNCE Sant', 0 dog. 07•min. East with an established fence line cad :.cdga row along the most eastarly east line of the said tract a distance of 1653.5 ft, to a corner post. Said post being in the most easterly contheaet corner of the said tract. ::.:ENCS :forth 89 dog. 56 min. West with an established fence line and 'hedge ox along the most northerly south line of the said tract a distance a- 1322.0 ft, to a corner post at an inner corner of the said tract. ::Z.= South 0 deg. 36 min. $ with ar. established fence line and hed,;a row along the most westerly east line of the said tract a distance of 1059.9 ... to a corner post;in the southeast corner of rhe said tract. .::.iECE South 89 dog. 36 min. West with an established fence Sine and hc.. o row along the south line of the said tract a distance of 2191.0 ft. to an iron stake in the 'couthwast cornar of the said tract. Said stake being ir. the east ROW line of State Highway No. S. 3ENCE North 23 deg. 20 air. East with the wast line of the said trac'c and' .,a east ROW line of the said Hwy a distance o! 2047.0 ft. to a concro.o ,,,rker. Said stake bears South 66 deg. 40 min. 8, 50.6 ft. from the center line 7. C. of 2 deg curve with a central angle of 7 deg. 12 min. to M%; riS ST.SHCE North 26 dog,56•ain. East ( cord bearing) with the east ROW lino of t7a said iwy and at all time being. 50 ft from and concentric to the coatox :i:.c of the said curve an aro distance of 352.0 ft. to a conceete mother. Said stake bears South 59 dog. 30 min. East, 50 ft, from the center Lino P.T. of the above •aentioaad curve. T :iiNCE North 30 dag. 30 min. East with the east ROW linw of the said Lwy, 4: stance of 618.3 ft, to an iron stake in the northwest corner of the said tract. 9tit:SNCE LAST with the Center' lino of a S8 ft. wide public road along U,--� rarest line oft:o uaid tract a dictance of 2214.2 ft. to the place. of . iusinq cootiit.ing 140.610 acroo of land. \r 7'n Oro SECTION 2: That from and alter the passage of this Ordinance, said territory shall be a part of the City of Allen, Texas. SECTION 1: That according to the general zoning ordinance • to the City of Allen this property shall automatically be zoned "R2". SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall take effect Immediately upon its passage and approval and It is so ordained. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Allen, Texas, on this the day of X14 Qac, , 1972. CORRECTLY RECORDED: Ci ecrotar V , mayor j J li N O T I C E NOTICE IS GIVEN that. the City Council of the City of Allen. Texas, has been petitioned to annex the property herein described and accordingly, after due notice, e Public hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Allen on the 16th day of Nevasber , 1972, at 700 o,clock P.M. to determine whether or not annexation proceedings should be ooa®enced. Said property is described as follows: Situated in Collin County, Texas, a part of the Henry Wetsel Survey she - tract, No. 1026 and a part of the J. T. Roberts Survey abstract No. 777, and being a re -survey of all of '148.82 acre tract as described in a dead from Thomas Johnson at ux to L. V. Raid at ux dated December 20, 1947, and recorded in volume 386 page 74 of the Collin County deed records and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: OEGINNING at an iron stake in the northeast corner of the said tract in the center line of a 58 ft. wide public road. &ENCE South 0 deg. 07 min. .East . .. with an established fence line and hedge row along the most easterly east line of the said tract a distance .of 1653.5 ft. to a corner post. Said post being in the moat easterly southeast corner of the said tract. THENCE North 89 deg. 56 min. West with an established fence line and hedge ro'., along the most northerly south line of the said tract a distance of '1322.0 ft, to a corner post at an inner corner of the said tract. TL:NCE South 0 deg. 36 min. 'E with an established fence line and hedge row along the most westerly east line of the said tract a distance of 1059.9 ft. to a corner postjin the southeast corner of the said tract. THENCE South 89 deg. 36 min. West with an established fence line and Ledge row along the south line of the said tract a distance of 2191.0 ft. to an iron stake in the aouthweat corner of the said tract. Said stake being in the east ROW line of State Highway No. S. THENCE North 23 deg. 20 min. East with the west line of the said tract and" the east ROW line of the said Hwy a distance of 2047.0 ft. to a concrete marker. Said stake bears South 66 deg. 40 min. E, 50.0 ft. from the center line P. C. of 2 deg curve with a central angle of 7 deg. 12 min. to ex, right THENCE North 26 deg,56•min. East ( cord bearing) with the east ROW line of the said Hwy and at all times being 50 ft from and concentric to the center line of the said curve an arc distance of 352.0 ft. to a concrete marker. Said stake bears South 59 deg. 30 min. East, 50 ft. from the center line P.T. of the above mentioned curve. THENCE North 30 deg. 30 min. East with the east ROW linw of the said Hwy a distance of 618.3 ft. to an iron stake in the northwest corner of the said tract. TKIP.NCE EAST with the canter'line of a 50 ft. wide public road along the north line of the said tract a dictance of 2214.2 ft. to the place, of l+eg- inuiuq containing 740.610 acres of land. WITNESS NY RAND this the P — day of 1972. city secftt&PYA City of Allsn, exaa I