HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-157-10-73CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS ORDINANCE Mr. IS AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A LOT IN BLOCK I OF THE OLD DONATION TO THE CITY OF ALLEN; AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO BORROW $32,000.00 FROM THE !ICHANGE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION AND PROVIDING FOR TH5 MAYOd TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER TO SAID ASSOCIATION THE PROMISSORY NOTE FROM THE CITY IN SUCH AMOUNT AND PROVIDING FOR THF, SECURITY OF PAYMEfT OF SAID NOTE BY THE CREATION OF THE VENDOR'S LIEN AND GEED OF TRUST ON SUCH PROPERTY AND PROVIDING FOii AN SPFRCTIVE DATE HEREOF. BE IT ORDAIN4D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF A"EN, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the City of Allen purchase the !'allowing is::cribed real estate, to -wit: SITUATEāœ“ in Collin County Tsxaa and in the William Perrin eurvey, Abstract No. ?OB, and being a lot out of the Southe,st corner of Lot No. :. in Block No. 1, and off the East slds of Lot No. 3 in Block No. 1 of the Whisenant Addition of the Town of Allen, the map of which is recorded in :". 1, of the :!a, anu Piet h.:c vd.; wf Cc:lin County, Texas, and described by metes and bounds as follows: B93INNING at the Southeast corner of Lct No. 3 in Block No. 1 s: said Addition, at a stake !'or corner; THENCE NORTH 126 feet to stake at fence roar, said stake being 9 feet North of the Northeast ce nner of said Lot No. 3 in Block No. 1; THENCE NORTH 89'a deg. West, 19:.9 feet with fence line to an iron stake for corner; THENCE SOUTH 126 feet to an iron stake in the South ling of said Lot No. 3 in Block No. 1 of said Addition; THENCE SOUTH 89': deg. East, 193.9 feet to the place of beginning, paying therefor a total consideration of $40,000.00. SECTION 2: That in order to finance a portion of the purchase price of said property, it is ordered that the City of Allen borrow the sum of $32,000.00 from the Exchange Savings and Loan .Association and to evidence such amount, the Mayor of the a ty is authorized and t)Z directed to execute a note to said Association on behalf of the City. Said note to bear interest at the rate of Wper cent per annum and to be amortizes over a period of twenty (20) years with equal monthly Installments. 36CTIU:: 3: It is further ordered tht to secure the payment of said note that a vendors lien be created in the deed to the City and as additional co_latera: therefor, the Nnyor execute and deliver to said Association a Deed of Trust with the usual power of :v111:. SECTIO:: i,: That this Ordinance shall take effect :+me dately upon Its passage and approval and it is so ordered. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, on this the day of 1073. eek , Mayor , City off Allen, Tessa CORRECTLY RECORDED: sty See Lary i q.7,1