HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-2433-9-05' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE ALLEN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, BY AMENDING ARTICLE IV ZONING REGULATIONS, BY AMENDING SECTIONS 4.08.19, 4.09.1, 4.09.2, 4.15.4, 4.20.4, AND 4.20.5 BY AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND SCHEDULE OF USES FOR THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT; BY AMENDING ARTICLE VII ZONING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS BY AMENDING TABLE 7.23 PERMANENT SIGNS AND DELETING TABLE 7.24; PROVIDING A SEVERABH.FfY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Allen, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas and the ordinances of the City of Allen, have given requisite notice by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to all persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, and in the exercise of its legislative discretion have concluded that this Allen Land Development Code should be amended. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The Allen Land Development Code is hereby amended in part by amending Sections 4.08.19, 4.09.1, 4.09.2, 4.15.4, 4.20.4, and 4.20.5, by amending the Development Regulations and the Schedule of Uses for the Central Business District and by amending Table 7.23 Permanent Signs and by deleting Table 7.24 to read as follows: `ARTICLE IV. ZONING REGULATIONS Section 4.08.19. "CBD' Central Business District. 1. Purpose. The Central Business District is the oldest urban area within the City. The CBD has played an important role in serving the City as a unique neighborhood containing local businesses, churches, and housing. Existing development in the CBD has aged, experienced some deterioration and, as a result, needs revitalization and redevelopment. This zoning district has been designed to aid in revitalization and redevelopment that is compatible with, and which will serve to preserve the character of the CBD and enhance the City. The purpose of this district is to: a. Provide for a diversity of pedestrian -oriented retail office, residential and mixed uses ' indicative of an urban center. Housing should be considered a desirable activity in the district. b. Provide a venue for artists, musicians and other entertainment businesses and serve as a community center and gathering place. C. Create a lively day and night urban environment for residents, workers and visitors through ' the integration of a range of uses, building types and open space. d. Produce a quality environment by combining inviting streetscapes and excellence in building design. e. Increase property values and stimulate development with strategically placed civic features such as parks, medians, street trees, and public art. 2. Design Review Committee. Committee established. The Design Review Committee consisting of the City Manager or designee, the Director of Planning and Development or designee, the Chief Building Official or designee, the Director of Engineering or designee, the Director of Parks or designee, and two citizens appointed by the City Council is hereby established. The Director of Planning and Development shall serve as the chair of the Committee. b. Duties. 1) The Committee shall review a design plan accompanying an application for new construction, reconstruction, addition or alteration of structures and buildings in the CBD. ' 2) The Committee shall approve the design plan if it determines that the construction, alteration or addition is of such appearance and design, that the building or structure when constructed or remodeled, or the alteration or addition as the case may be, satisfies the CBD standards and will be of good architectural design and harmonize with existing buildings, and be suitable to its location. 3) The Design Review Committee shall review requests for designation as a Historic Structure and make a recommendation for such designation to the City Council. The Committee will seek input from the community such as the Allen Heritage Guild. 4) The Design Review Committee may not grant any variance, waiver or deviation to any of requirements of this Code, but may approve one or more alternatives to development requirements as set forth in this Section. C. Purpose. The review and approval set forth herein is intended to go beyond the regulations of this Code to address issues specifically related to the relationship of adjacent properties and neighborhood patterns. The Committee is concerned with not only the design of the specific project but also the effect it will have on the surrounding properties. The purpose of Committee review and approval is to: encourage adaptive reuse of existing buildings; creative construction and major modifications that will enhance the architectural character of the district; stabilize and reinforce property values; protect private and public investment; reverse urban decline and blight; reverse neighborhood decline and improve housing quality; preserve the natural, historic and architectural qualities of the CBD; establish and enhance aesthetic and architectural compatibility within the CBD; attract residential and business development and redevelopment that provide aesthetic and safe and healthy living and Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 2 working conditions in the CBD; ensure that building designs are compatible with the characteristics of the CBD in terms of scale, mass, building patterns, facade articulation, and incorporating design elements of prevalent architectural styles; and that building rehabilitation has the architecture and design elements of the principal structure. d. Applicability. Any new construction, addition, or alteration that changes the exterior appearance of a building or structure in the CBD for which a building permit is required shall be subject to the review and approval process herein. No design plan may be approved that does not conform to the requirements of this Section. No building permit may be issued for any development, construction or reconstruction of a structure or building within the CBD without an approved design plan. e. Approval Required. Any new construction, addition, or alteration that changes the exterior appearance of a structure or building within the CBD shall require the submission of a design plan to be approved by the Committee before a building permit may be issued. Normal repair and maintenance that does not cause any visual change to the structure when the work is completed with matching materials and design does not require review and approval by the Committee. The Committee shall act on a complete design plan within 30 business days after submission or such design plan shall be deemed approved. Approval shall be valid for 6 months, unless an extension is granted by the Committee. The Committee may grant one extension not to exceed 6 months. Except for minor corrections or modifications that do not ' substantially change a previously approved design plan (which may be administratively approved by the Director of Planning and Development), any modification to a previously approved design plan shall be subject to the same fees, review and approval process as a new application. It shall be unlawful to make any change to the exterior of an existing structure or building in the CBD or to construct an alteration or addition to an existing structure or building in the CBD, including but not limited to roof form, building materials, windows and porches, without a design plan having first been approved by the Committee. Design Plan. A design plan shall constitute the first step in development approvals for a specific site. The design plan shall consist of a site plan of the property drawn to scale showing vehicular and pedestrian circulation, all applicable set backs, the location of the existing structures, all on and off-site parking (required and provided), open space, landscape areas, the type and location of buildings, building area (square footage, height, number of stories and number of residential units, when applicable), land area and building coverage, the FAR, uses within the building(s), fire lanes, parking areas, street and lot configuration, building sites, access, density and relation to adjacent facilities, driveways, a color rendering of the proposed construction, reconstruction, alteration or addition, building elevations, architectural renderings (images indicating the architectural concepts, treatments, character, and similar features), and showing the adjacent facilities indicating the dimensions of the structures, landscape plans and exterior construction material. The submission shall also include any requests for Committee approval of allowed alternatives to the development standards and ' requirements of the CBD. All submission documents shall contain sufficient information and detail to establish that the proposed work will conform to the requirements set forth in this Section and applicable ordinances of the City. Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 3 Design Plan Standards. The Committee shall review and approve a design plan that satisfies the standards set forth in this Section. 1) The design elements of a new building or structure, or an addition or alteration shall match the design elements of the principal structure, in particular building materials and color, roof lines and shapes, and window proportions and alignments. 2) Every facade on a new building or structure constructed within the CBD shall present an uninterrupted face similar in length to other structures of the same architectural style, and be in conformance with the predominant architectural style, in order to maintain a cohesive streetscape and appearance. New buildings should incorporate traditional design elements. Architectural features should be aligned with established patterns of existing and proposed buildings and structures. 3) Building design shall be pedestrian scaled, adhere to transit oriented development, and be consistent with pedestrian friendly principles of design subject to the following: a) Building setback / Site design - buildings shall front along streets, and be set back no mom than 10 feet. The Site design should minimize the visual impact of surface parking lots. If geographical, physical, or architectural constraints prevent building placement close to the street, the Design Review Committee may allow greater setbacks. ' b) Buildings shall include pedestrian -oriented uses in the first floor. Effort should be made to provide multi -family uses above commercial uses. C) Building mass shall be broken up in order to liven up the experience of pedestrians and visitors, and to avoid the construction of monotonous spaces on this public thoroughfare through the use of reliefs, setbacks, and cantilevered roofs and structures. d) Building facades shall provide ample fenestration in order to bring the life of the interiors outdoors, and to invite transit riders, drivers, and pedestrians into CBD establishments. Ground -floor commercial uses shall have glazed areas equal to at least 65% of the ground -level building facade. Blank walls facing streets are prohibited. Windows are required in both lower and upper floors of buildings, unless architectural reliefs, murals, or other similar treatments are approved by the design review committee. e) Exterior construction materials and finishes should be durable, weather and moisture proof, and require low maintenance. Brick, stone, concrete and metal and glass are acceptable exterior materials. Use of wood and non - rustproof metals is prohibited, unless designated as a Historic Structure or attempting to reproduce an identifiable historic period. Exterior building materials shall have a texture, pattern and scale similar to the predominant ' exterior building materials in the CBD. Historical reproductions may be considered when compatible with other structures in the District. Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 4 4) An addition should be of a scale, mass, and location that, does not predominate over the principal structure. ' 5) Redevelopment or rehabilitation shall emphasize any existing architectural detailing of the structure fapade, such as roof parapet or comice lines, detailed entrance ways, or decorative projections from the structure. 6) Building color shall be compatible throughout the structure by using either an appropriate single color scheme with accent colors or a multicolor scheme designed to highlight architectural details of the structure to make a single building appear to be a series of buildings. 7) Construction materials and colors for walls and fences that are visible from the street shall be uniform and compatible with the architectural style, color and building material of the structure and its surroundings. 8) Existing architectural details, including trim, shutters, columns, porches and other elements shall be retained. 9) If certain elements have deteriorated beyond the point that such may be retained, such elements shall be replaced in kind. 10) Any modification or deletion of existing architectural details requires the approval of the Committee. 11) Alterations and additions shall be compatible with the architectural elements of the existing structure in terms of scale, architectural details, materials and colors. h. Committee Aooeal. The Committee denial of a design plan may be appealed to the Planning and Zoning Commission. An appeal must be filed in writing with the Director of Planning and Development within ten (10) business days after the design plan decision of the Committee accompanied by a fee established by the City Council, by resolution from time to time. The appeal shall state the specific relief sought and the reasons therefore and provide the justification for the relief requested. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall act on an appeal within 60 business days after the date the written appeal is filed. The failure to act within the 60 day period shall be deemed an approval of the appeal. In considering the appeal the sole issue before the Planning and Zoning Commission is whether the Committee erred in its decision. The appeal to the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be the final administrative remedy. 3. District Development Standards. Permitted Uses. No land and no buildings shall be erected for or converted to any use other than the uses in the table "Schedule of Principal Uses—Central Business District" ' b. Dimensional Standards. Front Yard Setback 0 feet (subject to landscaping requirements) Side Yard Setback 0 feet (subject to landscaping requirements) Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 5 Rear Yard Setback Maximum height of building ' Minimum lot area Minimum lot width Minimum lot depth Minimum area per residential dwelling unit Maximum lot coverage Maximum Floor Area Ratio Building setback / orientation C. Parking Requirements 0 feet (subject to landscaping requirements) See Supplemental Regulations None None None 800 square feet 95% 4.0 FAR Buildings shall front along streets, and set back no more than 10 feet The provisions of Section 7.04 of this Code, Off -Street Parking & Loading, shall apply to the CBD. Because each particular use has relatively different parking and traffic impacts, when reviewing a project, the Design Review Committee may require additional parking and traffic impact studies, a review of existing occupancies, and other reasonable appropriate data to determine the impact of the proposed development. If more than one use is to be located on a building site, all uses on the building site must share parking. The number of required parking spaces shall be determined based on the greatest number of parking spaces required. The following alternatives to the parking requirements may be approved by the Design Review Committee when studies show that such alternative is necessary and appropriate: ' 1) Where office and/or retail uses are located adjacent to public streets, on -street parking may be used to satisfy up to 50% of the required off-street parking requirements, if approved by the Design Review Committee. Shared or remote parking may be used to satisfy up to 50% of the required off-street parking requirements. Shared or remote parking facilities must be located within 600 feet of the building fapade of the use served by the remote or shared parking. Off-site and remote parking shall require a formal executed parking agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and approved by the Committee. 2) A 10% reduction in required parking is allowed for a mixed-use development if approved by the Design Review Committee. Off-street puking may be provided by either structured garage or on-site surface parking. Structured garages shall be centrally located near, around, or within buildings that the garage will be serving. Off-street parking may be further reduced, beyond the 10% reduction if approved by the Design Review Committee, based on the submittal of a parking study showing close proximity to transit supportive modes of transportation and specific land uses that support a reduction in parking through time of use, type, patronage distribution, systems, and other appropriate factors including walk -able, livable environments. The Design Review Committee may require parking and other studies to support such further reduction. 3) Off-street parking requirements for Office and/or Retail uses may be satisfied through the partnered development of City owned parking facilities when approved ' by the Design Review Committee. Private/public partnered development of parking facilities require a development agreement with the City for such facilities, which must he approved by the City Council and executed by the applicant, prior to the Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 6 approval by the Design Review Committee of the partnered development parking facilities in satisfaction for the required puking for office and/or retail uses. 4) Required parking for office and/or retail uses may be satisfied by making a one time payment of cash in lieu of required parking into a special City account known as the CBD Parking Fund. This fund is to be used only for the acquisition or construction of parking garages and facilities in the CBD. The amount of the payment required is calculated by taking 75 percent of the cost of constructing a garage space and multiplying that cost by the number of parking spaces that will not be required by reason of the payment The Director of Planning and Development shall determine the cost of a parking garage space by using the following formula: National median cost per square foot x 320 x Dallas Cost Index sq. ft. where "national median cost per square foot" is the national median cost per square foot of a parking space in a parking garage. Both the "national median cost per square foot" and the "Dallas Cost Index" must be derived from the most recent issue of Building Construction Cost Data, published by the Robert Snow Means Company, Inc., of Kingston, Massachusetts, unless another publication is designated by the Director of Planning and Development. The payment into the CBD Parking Fund is due prior to final plat approval. The Dallas Cost Index figure shall be determined on January I of each year and shall be used for the entire year unless otherwise amended by the City Council. d. Landscaping. The provisions of Section 7.05, Landscape Requirements of this Code shall apply to the CBD, except that the Design Review Committee may approve any one, or a combination of the following landscaping alternatives that provide for adequate pedestrian circulation and streetscape features (such as planter boxes, benches, or public art). Street trees will be required in all cases. 1) A 5 -foot landscaping buffer between the sidewalk and curb. 2) A sidewalk / parkway combination with a minimum 5 -foot landscaping buffer located adjacent to a building. 3) Additional sidewalk width may be allowed to extend to the curb, provided that street trees are placed in tree wells 4' x 4' spaced at intervals of 20 feet, located at least one foot back of curb. e. Sidewalks. 1) The provisions of Section 8.05 of this Code shall apply to the CBD except that Design Review Committee may approve or require sidewalks greater than 5 feet in width because of building location and/or landscaping. 2) The minimum width of sidewalks is 5 feet except where the continuation of an existing sidewalk requires a sidewalk greater than 5 feet. 3) Cedar Drive from Main Street to St. Mary Drive, St. Mary Drive from Allen Drive to Cedar Drive, Main Street from Allen Drive to Cedar Drive and Allen Drive from St. Mary Drive to Main Street shall have 12 -foot wide sidewalks, except that the Design Review Committee may approve sidewalks less than 12 feet in width but not less than 5 feet in width to allow reasonable development and redevelopment upon a Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 7 showing that the literal enforcement of this Section would result in an unnecessary hardship. ' f. Supplemental Regulations. 1) Maximum density for multi -family units shall not exceed thirty-two (32) units per gross acre. 2) Accessory buildings are prohibited. 3) Prefabricated or modular structures are prohibited. 4) Structures over 50 years in age that are designated as Historic Structures by the Design Review Committee or have been determined to be eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places or the Texas Historical Commission shall be restored, repaired, constructed or reconstructed using methods and materials consistent with the historical architecture and character of the structure. 5) Exterior design: a) Structures shall have clear or slightly tinted windows. Mirrored or heavily tinted glass is prohibited; b) The primary entry for all buildings and ground floor tenant spaces shall be oriented towards the street. Secondary entrances are encouraged for access to parking facilities and pedestrian walkways; C) When ground floor commercial space is provided in a multi -story mixed-use building, a clear delineation between the lower floors and upper floors shall be made through change of plane, changes in materials, or architectural detail; d) Blank facades are prohibited. All exterior walls shall be articulated through the use of architectural design features including but not limited to windows, changes in plane, and in materials. 6) Exterior walls of buildings and parking structures: a) The ground floor exterior walls, excluding windows, doors, and other openings, shall be constructed of one hundred percent (100°/x) masonry construction. b) Overall, a minimum of eighty-five percent (85%) of said exterior walls, excluding windows, doors, and other openings, shall be of masonry construction. c) Windows and glazing shall be limited to a maximum of sixty percent (60%) of each building elevation. ' 7) Building height: The maximum building height shall not exceed 4 stories in height except that the Design Review Committee may approve a building height not to exceed 6 stories, not to exceed 75 feet in height based on the compatibility of the Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 8 building with the height, facade, and architectural style and use of the adjacent structures. 4. Historic Preservation. a. Purpose. The CBD contains many of the City's oldest and most historic structures. It is the community's desire to identify, recognize and preserve these structures when feasible. The purpose of this Section is to encourage and allow for the preservation and continued use of the City's historic structures. The Design Review Committee shall review requests for Historic Structure designation and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council after receipt of a favorable recommendation from the Design Review Committee shall consider the designation of a building or structure as a Historic Structure. b. Historic Structure Desig ate. 1) A structure may be designated as a Historic Structure if the structure: a) Possesses documented significance in history, architecture, archeology or culture; b) Is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of local, regional, state or national history; IC) Is associated with the life of a person or persons significant to the community; d) Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, style or method of architecture or construction; e) Represents an established and familiar feature of the community; or t) Is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places or recognition by the Texas Historical Commission. 2) The following regulations shall apply to a designated Historic Structure: a) Any exterior building or structure alterations shall retain the historic character of the building or structure as approved by the Design Review Committee. b) Demolition of a designated Historic Structure is prohibited for a period of 120 days after an application for demolition is submitted. The City shall notify Allen Heritage Guild and other affected parties as deemed appropriate by the Design Review Committee. C) The City may provide fmancial incentives for historic preservation, ' rehabilitation and/or restoration of designated Historic Structures. Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 9 C. Tax Exemption for Historic Structures 1) A Historic Structure may qualify for an exemption from City ad valorem taxes, ' provided that the Historic Structure has been determined by the City Council to be a historically or archeologically significant site in need of tax relief to encourage its preservation or restoration. If approved, the City Council will adopt an ordinance granting an exemption of all or part of the assessed value of the Historic Structure and the land necessary for access to and for use of the Historic Structure pursuant to Section 11.24 of the Texas Tax Code for a period not to exceed ten (10) years. The City Council reserves the right to revoke the exemption if renovation, maintenance, or rehabilitation of the Historic Structure is not in accordance with the Code or for any other reason deemed appropriate. 2) The City Council, when deemed appropriate, may grant a tax abatement according to the City Tax Abatement Guidelines for all or a part of the assessed value of the Historic Structure and the land necessary for access to, and for use, of the Historic Structure pursuant to Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code for a period not to exceed 10 years. 3) The City Council, when deemed appropriate, may provide economic development incentives pursuant to Chapter 380, Texas Local Government Code, for the restoration, renovation or reconstruction of a designated Historic Structure. 5. Non -conforming Uses and Structures. a. Any structure or lawful use of property existing prior to September 13, 2005, which does not ' conform to the regulations prescribed herein, shall be deemed a non -conforming structure or use and may be continued subject to these regulations as to the maintenance of premises and conditions of operation as may be reasonably required for the protection of adjacent Property. b. A non -conforming use may not be expanded within an existing building nor may a structure be expanded or structurally altered to accommodate any non -conforming use. A non- conforming structure may not be expanded or structurally altered in any way which would increase the degree of nonconformity. C. A nonconforming use may be changed to another non -conforming use of the same or more restrictive classification; however, once a change is made to a more restrictive use, the use shall not be changed back to the prior non -conforming use. d. A nonconforming use, if changed to a conforming use, may not thereafter be changed back to any nonconforming use. e. If a non -conforming use is discontinued for a period exceeding six months, such non- conforming use shall be deemed to have been abandoned, and any future use in the same structure or portion thereof shall conform to the terms of this ordinance. f. If a nonconforming structure or structure occupied by a non -conforming use is destroyed by fire, the elements, or other cause, it may not be rebuilt except to conform to the provisions of ' this Ordinance. In the case of part ial destruction of a nonconforming structure or any structure occupied by a nonconforming use, reconstruction will be permitted, but the size or Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 10 function of the nonconforming structure or use cannot be expanded or enlarged. Partial destruction shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the structure's fair market value. ' SECTION 2. The Allen Land Development Code is hereby amended by amending Section 4.20.4 Schedule of Principal Uses -Central Business District to read as follows: j Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 11 m c m'p @o e m U COMMENTS ADULT DAY CARE X AMUSEMENT, COMMERCIAL (INDOOR) X AMUSEMENT, COMMERCIAL (OUTDOOR) S ANTIQUE SHOP X ARTISANS AND ARTIST STUDIO X ASSISTED LIVING X BAKERY OR CONFECTIONERY X BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS X BED & BREAKFAST X BICYCLE SHOPIREPAIR SER S BOOK, CARD OR NOVELTY SHOPS X BUS STATIONS/TERMINALS S CARPENTRY, PAINTING SHOP S CATERING X CHURCH X CLINIC, MEDICAL X COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY X COMMUNITY CENTER S CONVALESCENT CENTER OR NURSING HOME S DAY CARE FACILITY X DRUG STORE OR PHARMACY X DWELLING, CONDOMINIUM- X 'Min 4stories w/1st floor retail DWELLINGMULTI-FAMILY(LOFT APARTMENTS X DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY (ATTACHED)' X 'TOWNHOMES FABRICS OR NEEDLEWORK SHOP X FARMERS MARKET S FLORIST / PLANT STORE X FOOD SERVICE X FRATERNAL ORG., LODGE, CIVIC CLUBS S GARAGE, PUBLIC PARKING X GROCERY X Less than 10,000 sq. ft. HARDWARE STORE S LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING, PICK-UP ONLY X MASS TRANSIT COMMUTER PICK-UP S MICRO BREWERY X MUSEUM, LIBRARY, ART GALLERY (PUBLIC) X Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 11 I ' SECTION 3. The Allen Land Development Code is hereby amended by amending 4.20.5 Schedule of Accessory Uses -Central Business District to read as follows: m c mu Schedule of Accessory Uses m m COMMENTS 5� Y 1? o DAY CARE FACILITY X c m X FLORIST U LAUNDRY, SELF-SERVICE OFFICE USE X X PARK OR PLAYGROUND (PUBLIC) X SWIM OR TENNIS CLUB PRINTING OR NEWSPAPER ESTABLISHMENT X PUBLIC SERVICE FACILITY X RADIO OR TV BROADCAST STUDIO X REAL ESTATE SALES OFFICE (TEMP.) T RECREATION CENTER (PUBLIC) X RESTAURANT (NO DRIVE-IN OR THROUGH)' X Includes sidewalk cafes RESTAURANTIPRIVATE CLUB' X 'Less than 50% food sales RETAIL STORE X SIGN SHOP S SPECIALTY/HEALTH FOODS X STUDIOS' X'Art 8 Music studios and galleries, may include teaching THEATER' X 'Live theater only VETERINARY HOSPITAL OR CLINIC X ' SECTION 3. The Allen Land Development Code is hereby amended by amending 4.20.5 Schedule of Accessory Uses -Central Business District to read as follows: SECTION 4. The Allen Land Development Code is hereby amended by amending Table 7.23 Permanent Signs, and deleting Table 7.24 to read as follows: Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 12 m c Section 4.20.5 Schedule of Accessory Uses m m COMMENTS Central Business District 5� Y U DAY CARE FACILITY X FITNESS AND HEALTH CENTER X FLORIST X LAUNDRY, SELF-SERVICE X LAUNDRYIDRY CLEANING, PICK-UP ONLY X MASS TRANSIT COMMUTER PICK-UP X SWIM OR TENNIS CLUB X SECTION 4. The Allen Land Development Code is hereby amended by amending Table 7.23 Permanent Signs, and deleting Table 7.24 to read as follows: Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 12 "PERMANENT SIGNS Table 7.23 Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 13 m a 'm T m u a E SIGN TYPE s n m �` H o Wm E a Zoning District rj E m E m > E m E Additional Provisions E x �c Ea E E_ Y c E Eo • a m m c = a - _ On -premises - Attached (Wall) Multi -family n/a 40 1' n/a n/a Y 'Per street frontage either attached to a screening wall or Institutional 8 32 2' n/a Na N freestanding Office and Office/rech (structures- 20 0. Na 25' Nan/aNay'Three (3) additional sq. feel for hei ht eve foot in hei ht > 20 Ofice and Office/tech Accessory 8 16 Jn1a Na We Na y Either attached to a screening wallor freestandinIndustrial Na 1` n/a Na Y `Five Percent 5% Fa tle Area `Facade x 1.5 Retail/Commercial Na Na" n/a Na Y "Limited to allowed square footage MW teeA:anding (Detached) — Monument 45 1 1 8 Y 'One er street frontage Multi -family Complex Identification 8 30 Office and Office/Tech 6 30 45 1` 8 Y `One er major buildinRetaiOComm Multi -tenant> 10 acres 15 150 250 1 8 Y Additional (Secondary) sign PrimaRetail/Comm allowed forises 15 acres on Multi -tenant> 15 acres Secunda a 75 90 1 f6O 8 Y same premisesRetail/Comm Multi -tenant 5 acres to 15 12 100 150 1 8 Y acres Retail/Comm Multi-tenant>2.1<5 acres 8 80 110 1 8 Y Retail/Comm Multi -tenant -2 acres 8 60 90 1 8 Y Directional 2.5 8 Na Na e Y Menu Boards 6 24 Na 1 6 10 Y Institutional B 60 90 1' n/a 8 Y • r ma Or building One Retail/Comm Single tenant 8 60 90 1 1 60 8 Y Industrial Single Tenant 8 6090 1` 60 8 y `Per major building - 1 addl for [rads > 10 acres On-premises-Frea-ata"` .,... hed)wifhtn100Ft US75 1„ Multi -family Complex Identification- 6 30 45 1` 60 8 Y `One per street frontage monument Institutional -monument 8 60 90 1 n/a 8 Y Office and Offioe/rech-monument 6 30 45 1` 60 8 Y *One per major building Industrial Single Tenant -monument 8 80 90 1` 60 8 y `One per major building - l addl for tracts > 10 acres Retail/Comm Single tenant -pole 20 60 Na 1 60 8 Y Retail/Comm Multi-tenant<5 acres -pole 20 60 Na 1 60 8 Y Retail/Comm Multi-tenant>5< 15 acres- 30 150 Na 1 60 8 Y `Additional (Secondary) sign pole allowed for tracts > 15 acres on Retail/Comm Multi -tenant> 15 acres 8 60 Na 60 8 Y (Secondary) -monument same premises '60 feet from nearest Freestanding Sign and 120 feet All Districts:from nearest pole sign; US 75 Gas, Food 8 Lodging Pole 40" 150 n/a 1 60' 8 Y "measured from property, adjacent service road, or principal lanes of freeway, adjacent to sin location Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 13 rVa - Not Applicable" SECTION 5. All ordinances of the City of Allen in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be, and the same are hereby, repealed; provided, however, that all other provisions of said ordinances not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. An offense committed before the effective date of this Ordinance is governed by prior law and the provisions of the Ordinances of the City, as amended, in effect when the offense was committed and the ' former law is continued in effect for this purpose. SECTION 7. Should any word, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this Ordinance, or of the Allen land Development Code, be adjudged or held to be void or unconstitutional, the same shall not Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 14 R E $ am m LL ie o' Z m SIGN TYPE Zoning District E U m E `m u E m E E v a E W Additional Provisions E .% 3> >m E E y_ c E E y x_ NV R E o= a f fc: LL Miscellaneous Signs (All zoning districts) Occupational Signs n/a 3 n/a 1' n/a n/a N 'For each occu ation Memorial Signs or Tablets, Civic Group Na 2 Na n/a Na N Signs Name Plates Na 1 n/a 1 We Na N Allowed on subdivision screening walls which are located in wall easements and maintained by a Homeowners Subdivision Identification 60 Na 2 We Na Y Association; no limit on structure area; 60 s.f. allowed for copy, subdivision name only, no builder or developer advertising; indirect illumination only -not allowed to shine in drivers' eyes; Security Signs Na 1 Na 1 Na Na N Message Center Signs Na Na Na 2 Na Na Y Allowed as wall signs only; must not be visible from a public street Protective Signs Na 2 Na varies Na Na N •Fagade x 1.5 On -premises - Attached(Wall) Na Na •' Na Na Y "Limited to allowed square foot. . `Sign setback can be the same as allowed building setback with a maximum 4 -foot height, and 24 square feet of copy and/or structure subject to visibility On -premises - Free-standing (Detached) 6 45 60 1 60 6' Y requirements as defined in - Monument Section 7.07 (45' comer clip at intersection of streets; 20 -foot comer Gip at intersection of street and alley; 2D0' sight distance at all street intersections. —Note: The Design Review Committee may for designated historical structures and for historical replicas approve wall, monument or other signs that are appropriate for such structure with a copy area not to exceed 45 square feet in size and a sin area not to exceed 60 s uare feet in area. rVa - Not Applicable" SECTION 5. All ordinances of the City of Allen in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be, and the same are hereby, repealed; provided, however, that all other provisions of said ordinances not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. An offense committed before the effective date of this Ordinance is governed by prior law and the provisions of the Ordinances of the City, as amended, in effect when the offense was committed and the ' former law is continued in effect for this purpose. SECTION 7. Should any word, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this Ordinance, or of the Allen land Development Code, be adjudged or held to be void or unconstitutional, the same shall not Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 14 affect the validity of the remaining portions of said ordinance or the Allen Land Development Code, as amended hereby, which shall remain in full force and effect. SECTIONS. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this Ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations, as previously amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000) for each offense. SECTION 9. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication of the caption in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Allen, and it is accordingly so ordained. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 13M DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2005. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter G. Smith, CrrY ATTORNEY APPROVED: Stephel Terrell, MAYOR ATTEST: Shelley B. Georg C, CITY siTRETARY Ordinance No. 2433-9-05, Page 15