HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-3422-9-16ORDINANCE NO. 3422-9-16 ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2016, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017; PROVIDING THAT EXPENDITURES FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID BUDGET; APPROPRIATING AND SETTING ASIDE THE NECESSARY FUNDS OUT OF THE GENERAL AND OTHER REVENUES FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY; APPROPRIATING THE VARIOUS AMOUNTS REQUIRED FOR SUCH BUDGET; PROVIDING FOR RECORDING OF THE ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, has submitted to the City Council a proposed budget of the revenues and expenditures of conducting the affairs of the City and providing a complete financial plan for 2016-2017; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has received the City Manager's proposed budget and a copy of the proposed budget and all supporting schedules have been filed with the City Secretary of the City of Allen, Collin County, ' Texas; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted the necessary public hearings as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The proposed budget of the revenue and expenditures necessary for conducting the affairs of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, said budget being in the amount of $210,795,344, providing a complete financial plan fm the ensuing fiscal year beginning October 1, 2016, and ending September 30, 2017, as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager, be, and the same is hereby, in all things adopted and approved as the budget of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2016, and ending September 30, 2017. SECTION 2. The sum of $210,795,344 is hereby appropriated for the payment of the expenditures established in the approved budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2016, and ending September 30, 2017, a copy of which has been filed with the City Secretary, and is made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 3. The expenditures during the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2015, and ending September 30, 2016, shall be made in accordance with the budget approved by this ordinance unless otherwise authorized by a duly enacted ordinance of the City of Allen, Texas. SECTION 4. All budget amendments and transfers of appropriations budgeted from one account or activity ' to another within any individual activity for the fiscal year 2015-2016 are hereby ratified, and the budget Ordinance for fiscal year 2015-2016, heretofore enacted by the City Council, be and the same is hereby, amended to the extent of such transfers and amendments for all purposes. SECTION 5. Specific authority is given to the City Manager to make the following adjustments: ' 1. Transfer of appropriations budgeted from one account classification to another account classification within the same department. 2. Transfer of appropriations from designated appropriation from one department or activity to another department or activity within the same fund. 3. Transfers from the General Fund and all other Funds of unexpended appropriations in the amount not to exceed $3,700,000 for the fiscal year 2015-2016 are hereby ratified. SECTION 6. The City Council hereby approves the Capital Improvement Program for 2017-2021, as a plan describing and scheduling capital improvement projects for the City of Allen, and authorizes the City Manager to use the funding sources reflected in the plan. SECTION 7. All notices and public hearings required by law have been duly completed. The City Secretary is directed to provide a certified copy of the budget to the County Clerk of Collin County for recording after final passage hereof. SECTION S. Should any word, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance, be adjudged or held to be void or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of said ordinance, as amended hereby, which shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 9. All ordinances of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed; provided, however that all other provisions of said ordinances not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. ' SECTION 10, This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 13TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2016. APPROVED: Stephen Terrell, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Peter G. Smith, CITY ATTORNEY She0ey B. Geo CITY SEC ARY Ordinance No. 3421-9-16, Page 2 f= ANNUAL BUDGET ' CITYOFALLEN 2016-2017 1 1 9 Vol a ALLEN, TEXAS ' In accordance with the passage of S.B. No. 656, Local Government Code, Sec. 102.007, was amended to require that an adopted municipal budget must contain a cover page that includes the following information: "This budget will raise more revenue from property taxes than last year's budget by an amount of $3,565,981, which is a 6.60 percent increase from last year's budget. The property tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year is $1,241,748." The members of the governing body voted on the budget as follows: Stephen Terrell, Mayor Gary L. Caplinger, Mayor Pro Tem, Place 5 Kurt Kizer, Place 1 Ross Obermeyer, Place 2 Joey Herald, Place 3 Robin L. Sedlacek, Place 4 Baine Brooks, Place 6 None None None Property Tax Rate Comparison FOR: 2016-2017 AGAINST: Property Tax Rate: PRESENT and not voting $0.530000/100 ABSENT: Stephen Terrell, Mayor Gary L. Caplinger, Mayor Pro Tem, Place 5 Kurt Kizer, Place 1 Ross Obermeyer, Place 2 Joey Herald, Place 3 Robin L. Sedlacek, Place 4 Baine Brooks, Place 6 None None None Property Tax Rate Comparison 2016-2017 2015-2016 Property Tax Rate: $0.520000/100 $0.530000/100 Effective Tax Rate: $0.490907/100 $0.499257/100 Effective Maintenance & Operations Tax Rate: $0.376293/100 $0.368306/100 Rollback Tax Rate: $0.530123/100 $0.521497/100 Debt Rate: $0.123727/100 $0.123727/100 Total debt obligation for City of Allen secured by property taxes: $88,835,000 I I CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS ANNUAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 CITY OF ALLEN Presented to the City Council September 13, 2016 Councilmembers Mayor Mayor Pro Tem, Place No. 5 Councilmember, Place No. 1 Councilmember, Place No. 2 Councilmember, Place No. 3 Councilmember, Place No. 4 Councilmember. Place No. 6 Management Staff City Manager Chief Financial Officer Assistant Chief Financial Officer Budget Manager Stephen Terrell Gary L. Caplinger Kurt Kizer Ross Obermeyer Joey Herald Robin L. Sedlacek Baine Brooks Peter H. Vargas Eric Cannon Joanne Stoehr Chris Landrum I C I T Y OF A L L E N Our 911 ission To achieve excellence in managing development of the community and in providing city services so that conditions of living and public confidence are continually enhanced Our Pledge to fulfil our mission in a way that. RESPECTS AND VALUES CITIZENS AND EMPLOYEES § NURTURES COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT § DEMONSTRATES THE HIGHEST ETHICAL STANDARDS§ WIPROVES EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS § MODELS SAFETY § EXEMPLIFIES PROFESSIONALISM § PROMOTES TEAMWORK § DEMONSTRATES STEWARDSHIP § REWARDS MERITORIOUS PERFORMANCE § MAXIMIZES THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY § ENCOURAGES FLEXIBILITY, INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY § UTILIZES EFFECTIVE PLANNING § PROVIDES OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL GROWTH FOR ALL PERSONNEL § AND ASSIGNS APPROPRIATE RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY. CITY OF ALLEN I GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Distinguished Budget Presentation Award PRESENTEDTO ' City of Allen Texas Forthe Fiscal Year Beginning October 1, 2015 Exccmrvc Dimoor 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERALFUND Revenue and Expenditure Summary ... ..... .............................................................. 37 Revenue and Expenditures by Function Charts ......................................................... 38 1- ... . . ................................... .......... ...... ......................... BUDGET OVERVIEW TaxStructure .............................................................................................................. 41 Letter from City Manager ........................................................ ............... . ... ...... ... ..... 1 Expenditures by Function ............................................ ...... EconomicOutlook .......................................................................................................... 9 44 Departmental Performance Measures Overview ......................................................... 10 Fire.................................. .... ..... ............................................................................... FundStructure ...... ...................................................................................................... 11 .......... .... . .............. ...... ... 102 Budget Process — Basis, Process, and Amendments ................................................. 15 Internal Services .................................... .......... .......... BudgetCalendar ............................. . ............... .......................................................... 17 117 Budget Process — Strategic Plan and Capital Budget ................................................. 18 Parks and Recreation .... . ................................ ........... StrategicPlan .... ... .......... ... . .... ................................................................................ 19 145 Financial Policies and Practices .......................................................................... ....... 22 RevenueSummary ...................................................................................................... 27 Combined Budget Summaries .................................................................................... 31 OrganizationalChart .................................................................................................... 35 StaffingSummary ........ .......... ... ................................................................................ 36 GENERALFUND Revenue and Expenditure Summary ... ..... .............................................................. 37 Revenue and Expenditures by Function Charts ......................................................... 38 1- ... . . ................................... .......... ...... ......................... .................................... - TaxStructure .............................................................................................................. 41 BudgetAssumptions ................................................................................................... 42 Expenditures by Function ............................................ ...... ... ..... .... . . ...... .......... .. 43 Expenditures by Classification .................................................................................... 44 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS CityAdministration ...................................................................................................... 45 CitySecretary ....... ... ...... ..... .... ............................................................................... 50 Community Development ............................................................................. .......... .. 56 Community Services ........ .......... ............................................................................... 67 Engineering.................................................................. .......... .......... .......... .......... .. 84 Finance....................................................................................................................... 90 Fire.................................. .... ..... ............................................................................... 96 Human Resources ....................................................... .......... .... . .............. ...... ... 102 Information Technology .............. .......... .......... .......... ........ . ........... ... ...... . ... .... 108 Internal Services .................................... .......... .......... ......................... ...... .......... 113 Library....................................................................................................................... 117 MunicipalCourt ......................................................................................................... 126 Parks and Recreation .... . ................................ ........... .......... ................................ 131 EventCenter ............................................................................................................. 145 Police................ .................................... ... .................. ........................................... 153 Public and Media Relations Office ............................................................................ 162 TABLE OF CONTENTS continued... ' DEBT FUND SERVICE Debt Policy and Fund Balance Summary .................................................................167 Debt Service Requirements...................................................................................168 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING FUND Revenue and Expenditure Summary .......................................................................171 Tax Increment Financing........................................................................................172 WATER AND SEWER FUND Revenue and Expense Summary ............................................................................ 176 Revenue and Expenses by Function Charts............................................................177 RevenueDetail.........................................................................................................178 Expenses by Classification ........ ............................................. .... ...... ................ .... . 179 Waterand Sewer.........................................................:...........................................180 UtilityCollections.......................................................................................................187 OTHER FUNDS SolidWaste..............................................................................................................192 Drainage................................................................................................................... 200 GolfCourse .... ..... .......... :.......... .................................................................. ........... 207 ' Asset Forfeiture........................................................................................................214 HotelOccupancy Tax...............................................................................................218 GrantFund................................................................................................................225 SpecialRevenue Fund.............................................................................................229 ReplacementFund ... ..... .... _.................................................................................233 Facility Maintenance Fund........................................................................................238 RiskManagement...........................................................................................242 Economic Development Corporation........................................................................249 Community Development Corporation......................................................................256 CAPITAL PROJECTS LocatorMap..............................................................................................................262 Major Projects - Highlights..................................................................................263 Relationship between Operating and Capital Budgets............................................266 Capital Projects Funding Summary ..........................................................................268 Debt.......................................................................................................................... 272 APPENDIX Budget and Tax Ordinances ................ .......... .......... .... :.......... ....... :.......... .......... 277 Debt Management and Fund Balance Reserve Policy.............................................281 ' Miscellaneous Statistics .... ... .......... ..... ...................._..........................................290 Glossary....................................................................................................................296 ' CITY OF ALLEN October 1, 2016 Mayor Stephen Terrell Members of the Allen City Council City of Allen Allen, Texas Mayor Stephen Terrell and Members of the Allen City Council: 1 am pleased to present the 2016-2017 City of Allen Annual Budget for Municipal Services. This budget represents the expected revenues and planned expenditures for the City's fiscal year from October 1, 2016, to September 30, 2017. It has been prepared in conformance with the requirements of Article IV of the City Charter, City financial policies, and State law. The public hearings on the proposed 20162017 budget and tax rate were held on August 23, 2016, and September 6, 2016. The budget and tax rate was adopted on September 13, 2016. The proposed budget for fiscal year 2017 focuses on maintaining the excellent level of service that our citizens expect. However, in spite of increased appraised values and the public rhetoric that municipal budgets will be prosperous, the proposed budget remains very lean due to previous budgetary commitments from the General Fund. This budget allocates resources according to the priorities of our citizens and City Council, while maintaining the conservative fiscal approach that has allowed Allen to continue to preserve its AAA bond rating. This budget maintains the programs and services identified by our citizens as priorities while providing for a $0.010 decrease to the City's tax rate. The reduction from the current rate of $0.530 to $0.520 represents a reduction of $1,122,545 in potential revenue to the City's General Fund. No additional employees, or FTE's (fill time equivalents), are included in the General Fund. Although staff has requested positions to handle increased workloads and new service commitments, the direction from the City Manager continues to encourage department directors to identify operating efficiencies by use of professional services or contractual agreements to respond to increased demands without adding additional staff. The 2017 fiscal year total combined budget revenue plus beginning fund balance equals $293,792,080 and total budgetary expenditures are estimated at $210,795,344. Balancing the needs of the community with available financial resources presents an annual challenge in the development of the budget. The 2016-2017 budget reflects the efforts of the City Council and City staff to meet those needs while maintaining the conservative fiscal approach that has served our community well over the last several years. Stratemc Planning The Strategic Plan is a working document that sets the community's highest priorities and ' provides guidance to City staff when making budgetary determinations. The strategic plan allows City staff to properly align the City's valuable resources with the community's priorities, 305 CENTURY PARKWAY • ALLEN. TEXAS 75013.8042.214.509.4100 WEB:w ..dtyofallmwg• EMAIL: co.@mtyofdlen.o,g II II a vital step in accomplishing the city's goals. The goals for the upcoming fiscal year, as articulated by the City Council, are listed below. Strategic Goals for the City of Allen, Fiscal Year 2017 Goal 1 Enhance community livability and safety. Goal 2 Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen. Goal 3 Improve regional mobility through transportation initiatives. Goal 4 Signify, enhance and communicate Allen's identity to the region and the nation. Goal 5 Systematically invest in public infrastructure. Goal 6 Maintain operational excellence in city government services. Goal 7 Provide economic investment that increases employment opportunity, the tax base, and provides desired goods and services for residents and contributes to the communit character and identity. Goal 8 Proactively work to protect, conserve and manage water resources. Property Values According to the Central Appraisal District, the total assessed property value for 2016-2017 equals $11.22 billion, which equates to an overall increase of approximately $1.046 billion (10.28%) from the previous year. Assessed Property Valuation (in Billions) 11.22 10.19 246— 8.37�—-. 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Tax Rate The proposed budget reduces the city's tax rate to $0.520, and continues the City's commitment to providing high quality services. The City continues to prepare for its future obligations and adheres to the City's long-term financial plan. Of the total tax rate, $0.396273 is dedicated to operations and maintenance (O&M) in the General Fund, and $0.123727 is dedicated to general obligation debt service. The portion of the tax rate dedicated to debt service is 23.79% of the overall tax rate. This rate is consistent with the City's current policy to maintain the debt service Iportion below 35% City of Allen 2 FY2017 Budget History of Tax Rate —#ASS 0.552 0.55 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 ■ Total Tax Rate The average single-family home taxable value in Allen is currently $307,970, an increase of $27,154, or 9.67% from the previous year. At a property tax rate of $0.52, the municipal tax paid on the average single family home will be $1,601. Home Value Tax rate Property Tax $100,000 $0.52 $520 $307,970 (2016 avg.) $0.52 $1,601 $280,816 (2015 avg.) $0.53 $1,488 $255,121(2014 avg.) $0.54 $1,378 $234,966 (2013 avg.) $0.55 $1,292 $225,256 (2012 avg.) $0.552 $1,243 Debt Service A portion of the City's property tax rate is assigned to the debt service fund to pay for the General Obligation (G.O.) Bonds and Certificates of Obligation that have been issued for the acquisition of public land or construction of public infrastructure and facilities. In August 2016, the ratings on the City's General Obligation debt were reaffirmed at AAA by Standard and Poor's, and were upgraded to Aaa from As] by Moody's. At the beginning of fiscal year 2017, the total outstanding debt balance will be $88.84 million, and the debt service payments on this outstanding balance will be $13.92 million for the year. Programs and Staffing Levels The City currently supports a staff of 792.95 full-time equivalent employees allocated among the operating departments. This budget recommends no additional General Fund employees, but includes an increase of 5.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions in other funds, setting the employment level for fiscal yew 2017 at 797.95. This includes 4.0 FTE in the Water and Sewer ' Fund and LO FTE in the Hotel Fund. The staffing level has been increased in these funds to address the goals established in the Strategic Plan and maintain current levels of service. City of Allen 3 FY2017 Budget The graph below reflects the number of employees per thousand citizens for the past five years. ' Employees per Thousand Citizens 8.32 -_.._._.____ 8.26 8.38 - 8.35 ____..— — 8.08 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 General Fund The General Fund accounts for all expenditures for traditional government services. This fund finances operations such as Public Safety, Library, Administration, Community Services, Parks and Recreation, Engineering, Municipal Court, and Community Development. General Fund revenue is generated from ad valorem property taxes, a one -cent portion of the sales tax, and a variety of fees for services. General Fund revenues and budget transfers total $94,549,929 for the fiscal yew 2016-2017 budget, an increase o14.1% from the amended 2015-2016 budget. The sales tax remains at the ' state maximum rate of 8.25%, with 1% contributed to the City of Allen's General Fund. The sales tax is projected to generate revenue of approximately $18.7 million, a 3.l% increase from the amended 2015-2016 budget. This is a result of continued commercial retail development and population growth in Allen. General Fund operating expenditures and budget transfers total $95,473,374, reflecting a 6.3% increase from the amended 2015-2016 budget. The available ending fund balance for the General Fund, including an assigned balance of $2 million, is projected to be $20,543,059, leaving 70.9 days of operational expenditures in reserve, within the City policy of 60 to 90 days. The General Fund's financial commitments described below explain the limited capacity in fiscal year 2017 for new programs and the absence of any additional staff: The proposed General Fund budget includes a $600,000 transfer from the General Fund to the Facility Maintenance Fund. This fund was established to provide for the large, complex, non- CIP facility repairs that typically are emergency type repairs. This fund is not programmed as an operating budget, to allow for these unforeseen facility related repairs or projects as they occur. With the organization's increasing dependency on technology, we are faced with the need to re- invest in the city's technology infrastructure, which represents approximately $779,241 in General Fund costs. IT will be systematically replacing infrastructure to ensure optimum ' functionality and redundancy of available systems, including replacement of the city's microwave network, which provides redundancy to all city operations and, most importantly, to Public Safety facilities to ensure dispatch and network communications are never lost. City of Allen 4 FY2017 Budget Additional technology infrastructure costs include upgrading the telephone system software, ' replacement of various servers that have reached capacity and end of life, replacement of Cisco Switches which are backbone switches to ensure the computer network operates, and installation of a generator for the Library Server Room. The workload demand for sidewalk and roadway repairs continue to outpace the city's resources in the streets department. Rather than hiring a new crew to complete the work, the General Fund budget includes $400,000 for contractual services. In an attempt to maintain the compensation philosophy established in prior years, funds are included in the proposed budget to implement a four percent (4%) merit -based increase in salary for general employees. Public Safety compensation plans for swom positions continue with the pay plan methodology that was implemented two years ago. This methodology incorporated a step plan based on merit for both Police and Fire swom positions and employees in each rank are eligible to move a single four percent (4%) step on an annual basis provided their performance warrants advancement. A total of $1,054,896 in funds are also included in the proposed budget for market adjustments to certain swom positions based on a biennial review of comparison organizations. The City of Allen utilizes a conservative strategy when projecting revenues and expenditures. Revenue and expenditure patterns are closely monitored so that adjustments to spending can be implemented as needed. The City considers many influences as presented throughout this document along with trend analysis to develop and manage the budget as the yew progresses. ' Water and Sewer Fund The Water and Sewer Fund is expected to begin fiscal year 2017 with $15.83 million in working capital balance. The total fund revenues are expected to be approximately $39,232,008, allowing for budgeted expenses of $41,450,637. Expenses include a $3,345,000 transfer to capital projects for systematic water and sewer infrastructure replacement projects and future CIP funding. The budget anticipates that a new water and sewer rate study will be conducted in 2017, with the most recent rate study having been updated in fiscal year 2012. The $13.61 million in working capital ending balance results in 120 days of operating expenditures in reserve, which is within the city policy of 90 to 120 days. This healthy balance is necessary to fund future capital projects and ongoing maintenance planned to ensure that the water and sewer infrastructure will continue to meet the needs of the city. Due to careful implementation of the City's water and sewer rate plan, coupled with careful attention to cost containment, the City has been able to maintain water and sewer rates that are among the lowest in the region. One new Wastewater Crew consisting of 3 employees that will specialize in the remediation of Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) has been requested to meet the increased enforcement demands from both TCEQ and the EPA. This crew is requested to begin at mid -year, beginning April 1, 2017. One Water Quality Maintenance Worker is also requested at mid -year, while a new Asset Management software package has been requested to ensure full compliance with the regional Capacity Management and Operations Maintenance (CMOM) plan that the City is engaging in as a response to EPA inspections. Finally, the Water and Sewer Fund will contribute to the ' replacement of the current camera van in order to upgrade technology to enhance our sewer line camera efforts and satisfy the need for additional TCEQ and EPA reporting. City of Allen 5 FY2017 Budget ' Solid Waste Fond The Solid Waste Fund represents the financial activity related to solid waste collection and disposal, including recycling, composting services, and management of household hazardous waste. The anticipated revenues in fiscal year 2017 are $6,654,984 with budgeted expenses totaling $6,888,640. The total ending fund balance for the Solid Waste Fund is projected to be $2,305,373. Consistent with prior Council discussion, in fiscal year 2017 the Solid Waste Fund Balance will continue to absorb the North Texas Municipal Water District disposal cost increases, as opposed to passing these increases on to residents and businesses. The Solid Waste Fund will continue its efforts in fiscal year 2017 to keep Allen beautiful through its solid waste, recycling, yard waste, and household hazardous waste programs, and by assisting the Keep Allen Beautiful (KAB) Board in the execution of key events including: Allen Recycles Day, Great American Cleanup, Arbor Day/Trees for Allen Program, Earthfest, conducting a zero -waste Allen USA event, and the annual AISD Educator's Expo. The Solid Waste Fund will contribute funding in the amount of $300,000 in fiscal year 2017 for alley repairs. Drainage Fund The Drainage Fund is supported by drainage fees on utility bills and development inspection ' fees. The Fund performs drainage system maintenance, funds the City's contracts for street sweeping and greenbelt mowing along drainage ways, and mosquito abatement activities. The Fond also supports the City's Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) permit activities, and provides funds to accomplish drainage system related capital improvements. The anticipated revenues in fiscal year 2017 are $1,555,820 with budgeted expenses totaling $1,643,792. The total ending fund balance for the Drainage Fund is projected to be $497,570. Golf Course Fund Golf course operational expenses in fiscal year 2017 are anticipated to be $3,528,844, which will be covered by operational revenues estimated at $3,228,884, and transfers in from the General Fund of $300,000. However, this General Fund support may decrease dependent upon actual revenues from green fees and food & beverage exceeding the conservative budget expectations. A new Point of Sale system at The Courses at Watters Creek is requested in this budget, which is anticipated to be paid for by the increase in revenue from additional tee times generated via the new system. Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund The Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund collects funds from a 7% tax on hotel rooms rented in the city of Allen. These funds are used to support various projects that enhance and promote tourism, the arts and the convention/hotel industry in the city of Allen. Fund revenues for fiscal year 2017 are expected to total $1,784,185 with budgeted expenses of ' $1,354,865. Since the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund directly benefits from the recruitment of events and programs held at Allen Event Center, $235,000 is included to help offset performance City of Allen 6 FY2017 Budget guarantees, marketing and advertising expenses for the sporting events and performances that ' increase tourism and economic activity at local hotels. The Fund budget also includes the costs of operating the City's Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB). CVB operational and personnel costs are budgeted to be $959,295. This includes funding for the continuation of the CVB brand rollout, as well as amounts allocated for the Lone Star Conference basketball tournament and others as they arise. A full-time Sales Manager (1 FTE) has been requested to assist with the increasing demands of a growing CVB operation. The position has been requested to be filled at mid -year. The Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund also includes $1,000,000 allocated in FY 2017 Assigned Fund Balance, which represents the incentive for the new Hotel/Convention Center. The other portion of the incentive payment is included in the General Fund. A total of $3,100,000 is being held in assigned fund balance for this development. Risk Management Fund The Risk Management Fund is the combination of all risk and liability obligations the City incurs. Included in the fund are health and dental costs, for which the City is self-insured. The fund also includes premiums for workers' compensation as well as property and liability insurance expenses. The City currently maintains a prudent fund balance. While health care premium costs continue to rise nationwide, there are no budgeted increases to ' the City for health insurance in fiscal year 2017. This is due in part to the mitigation of certain prescription drug claims and efforts to slightly restructure the plans last fiscal yew. The City will continue to maintain a fiscally sound fund while looking for ways to lower healthcare costs. Workers' compensation insurance claims and premiums will increase compared to the prior year. The budgeted amount for workers' compensation coverage is $521,190. Property and Liability Insurance is anticipated to decrease to a total anticipated budgeted amount of $603,319 due to vehicles identified on last year's policy that are no longer owned by the City of Allen (either due to total loss or asset sale). The Risk Division continues to audit all policies on an ongoing basis for additional cost savings. The Risk Management Fund continues to be in good financial condition. The fund balance continues to provide the financial security needed in the event that catastrophic claims should occur. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) In May 2016, Allen citizens authorized the future issuance of $93.15 million in General Obligation Bonds to fund capital improvement projects over the next seven years. The projects identified within that bond program represent a significant investment in infrastructure, public facilities and recreational assets. No debt from the 2007 election is scheduled to be issued for FY2016 or FY2017. Only $2 million remains authorized and unissued from the 2007 bond election for use at the Municipal Service Center City of Allen 7 FY2017 Budget In FY 2017, approximately $9.59 million from Ile 2016 series of bonds will be issued. Of that $9.59 million, $2.3 million is allocated to reimburse the City's reserves as approved by reimbursement resolution in July 2016. The resolution allowed the City to begin work on the following projects: • $600,000 used to expand the existing parking at the Allen Public Library • $950,000 for engineering services for improvements at the Central Fire Station • $750,000 for various Arterial Roadway Improvements throughout the community The remaining funds will be used as follows: • Approximately $4 million towards the development of Firearms Training Facility • Approximately $3.06 million for Streets and Drainage projects throughout the city, most notably the development of Ridgeview Drive from Cottonwood Creek to Chelsea Boulevard • Approximately $225 thousand for public art projects Lastly, during the fourth quarter of FY 16 the City issued approximately $2 million in Tax Notes to fund the replacement of its public safety radio equipment. The repayment of these notes will conclude in August 2019. Conclusion This completes the highlights of the 2017 fiscal year budget. It is appropriate to once again thank the department directors who have put much time and expertise into the development of the budget. The development of this budget would not have been possible without the hard work of our Finance Department, in particular, Eric Cannon, Joanne Stoehr and Chris Landrum. In addition, 1 would like to give a special thanks to all City employees who continue to work so hard to provide quality services to our citizens and who are committed to the success of the City of Allen. Respectfully submitted Peter H. Vargas City Manager City of Allen 8 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN ECONOMIC OUTLOOK ' The City of Allen has experienced moderate growth in recent years. Pent up demand in housing and relocation to the City has resulted in an increase in recent housing prices. Housing costs are expected to return to a more normal rate of increase in the foreseeable future. Below is a discussion of influencing factors and the impact of economic trends on the current budget, and other issues that could affect future budgets. Property and Sales Tax The rate of growth in property and sales taxes has increased over the last several years. The current year's increase of 10.28% in property tax valuation is primarily due to real property reappraisals and new property additions. Assessed valuation increases going forward are expected to be in a range of 5.8% to 7.8%. Projected sales tax revenue increases include in-line retail finish outs, per capita growth, as well as adding new restaurants as the city's sizable retail developments continue to expand towards full occupancy. The overall increase in sales tax revenues for FY2017 is estimated at 3.01°/ over FY2016 revised revenues Capital Projects and Debt The issue facing the City of Allen in current and future budgets is that, while revenue growth is moderate, capital projects will be completed which will increase the funding needs for debt payments and for operating costs. The citizens approved the bond election held in FY2016 authorizing the sale of $93.15 million for future bond issuance. The issuance of new debt will have an impact on the Debt Service Fund as well as an increase to maintenance and operations as the capital projects are completed. The 2016 Series of debt was approved to be issued over seven years. Debt refinancing and the addition of short-term tax notes, along with the upgrade of our debt ratings will have long-term impacts on our interest rates. The city uses deferment as a management tool to control the increase in debt and operating costs. $1.94 million in tax notes were issued in FY2016. Additionally, when prudent, the city refinances previously issued debt in order to take advantage of lower interest rates. Other Operating Needs The city conducts a study of compensation for general schedule employees as compared to the market every ' other year. This process took place in 2015 and implemented the findings in FY2016. The study identifies positions that are 5% or more below the average market compensation. The positions identified are increased by 5% regardless of the market compensation deficiency. Another study is scheduled to occur in 2017 for implementation in FY2018. In off years, swom personnel are compared to market data. Salary ranges are adjusted to be at the market average based on position. This study was conducted in FY2016 and will be implemented in FY2017 Additionally, other City staff will be eligible for a four percent (4%) increase if their performance exceeds expectation or is rated superior. Employees who meet expectation will receive a two percent (2%) increase. FY2017 includes funds dedicated to strategically implement the compensation plan mentioned above. Legislative Issues In recent years, bills have been presented in the State Legislature that would limit the property tax revenues taxing entities can collect. We anticipate that this trend will continue in the 2017 legislative session. Some of these bills could have a devastating impact on cities' revenues. The city monitors these bills and their progress through each bi-annual legislative session, and responds by working with other local governments to provide supporting data for testimony, or by participating in opportunities to talk directly with legislators. The city also stays updated on legislation at the Federal level, such as that which relates to health care reform, and has taken the necessary budgetary and personnel steps required as a result of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act(PPACA). Balanced Budget In response to the challenges mentioned above, the city continues to make adjustments in order to balance the budget while still providing exceptional service. Additional staffing in various areas has been authorized to enable the City to continue providing a high level of service to its citizens. Although the overall staffing level increases, the projected per capita staffing level will decrease in FY2017. ' By using conservative budget management strategies, the City of Allen has been able to navigate challenging economic times with minimal impact to staff, programs, and service levels. As the economy has improved, the additional resources have been dedicated to improving service levels and moving forward with debt and cash financed protects. The city continually monitors economic conditions, and is prepared to make additional adjustments as circumstances change. City of Allen 9 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN DEPARTMENTAL PERFORMANCE MEASURES ' 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR Throughout the Annual Budget document, performance measures for each department's functional areas are included to tie their budget back to their performance as a business unit. These measures are updated to reflect changes in the Strategic Plan and other departmental goals as they change. Performance measurement can be defined as "measurement on a regular basis of the results (outcomes) and efficiency of services or programs."t The ultimate purpose of any performance measure is to provide a quantifiable measure of the results or effectiveness of an action. In the case of measurements in government, they are typically tied to programs and services. By finding quantifiable measures that are tied to the goals of a service, the effectiveness of the program can be judged against the preferred level of achievement, against the program's past performance, and against similar programs in other cities. Performance measures fall into five categories. The first, and most simple, is input measures which shows the amount and kinds of resources assigned to a program. Budgets actually contain input measures when they show divisions of money and personnel. The second category is output, or workload measures that show amount of work performed and services received. Individually, these first two categories only provide a frame for the ' activities of a program, but when outputs are examined in terms of the inputs needed to produce them, an efficiency measure is created which is the first real measure of actual performance. Outcome or Effectiveness measures are designed to report the results of a program, especially the quality of the results. "Effectiveness refers to the degree to which services are responsive to the needs and desires of a community. "2 The final category is productivity measures, which combine efficiency and effectiveness to show the cost to produce a quality result or how poor results harm total costs (for example having to repair a street twice after doing it poorly the first time). The measures throughout the document fall into the final four categories. An attempt was made to compose measures for the major functions of all City departments. The measures were also designed to tie in as closely as possible with the departmental goals and objectives listed in the departmental pages in the budget. As a result these measures can be used as a tool for more accurate budget decisions, as a gauge of goal achievement, plus as a running overview of trends in departmental performance. 'From page 5 of Harry P. Harry's book Performance Measurment ' From the National Center for Public Productivity, Rutgers University City of Allen 10 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN FUND STRUCTURE ' 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR The funds that make up the operating budget are divided into three categories: Governmental Funds, Proprietary Funds, and Component Units. Governmental Fund Types Governmental funds are those generally used to account for tax -supported governmental activities. The city accounts and budgets for Governmental Funds using the modified accrual basis of accounting. This means that revenue is recognized in the accounting period in which it becomes available and measurable, while expenditures are recognized in the accounting period in which they are incurred. General Fund The General Fund accounts for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in other funds, and include basic governmental services such as Police, Fire and Parks functions, among others. All general tax revenues and other receipts not allocated to other funds by law or contractual agreement are accounted for in this fund. Debt Service Fund The Debt Service Fund accounts for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal, interest and related costs. Tax Increment Financing Fund The Tax Increment Financing Fund accounts for property tax and sales tax revenues and eligible infrastructure ' expenditures associated with the city's Tax Increment Financing (TIF) zones and related TIF agreements. Special Revenue Funds The Special Revenue Funds account for the proceeds of certain revenue sources, the expenditure of which are legally restricted forspecified purposes. 1 Asset Forfeiture Fund The Asset Forfeiture Fund is used to account for seized funds or property awarded to the city by court order and expended solely for law enforcement purposes. Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund The Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund is used to account for funds received from hotel occupancy tax and expended as allowed by state law. Special Revenue Fund The Special Revenue Fund is used to account for funds that have external legal restrictions associated with their use. Grant Fund The Grant Fund is used to account for monies received from other governmental agencies that have restricted legal requirements and multi-year budgets. The city's matching portion is transferred in from the applicable operating fund. City of Allen 11 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN FUND STRUCTURE ' 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR Proprietary Fund Types Proprietary funds use the flow of economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting. Under this method, revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded at the time the liability is incurred. There are two types of proprietary funds included in the budget: Enterprise Funds and Internal Service Funds. Enterprise Funds The Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to a private business enterprise. The intent of the governing body is that the cost (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public be financed or recovered primarily through user charges. Water and Sewer Fund The Water and Sewer Fund is used to account for the provision of water and sewer services to the residents of the city. Activities include administration, operation and maintenance of the water and sewer system and billing and collection activities. Acquisition and construction of major water and sewer capital facilities and repayment of indebtedness from related bond issues and lease purchases are also accounted for in this proprietary fund. All costs are financed through charges made to utility customers. Rates are reviewed and adjusted when necessaryto ensure the solvency of the fund. Solid Waste Fund The Solid Waste Fund is used to account for revenues and expenses associated with the privately ' contracted trash collection service and the solid waste disposal contract with the North Texas Municipal Water District. Drainage Fund The Drainage Fund is used to account for the provision of developing and maintaining proper drainage services to the residents of the city. Golf Course Fund The Golf Course Fund was established to support the daily operations of The Courses at Watters Creek. Purchased in October 2004, the golf course provides additional recreational opportunities for the citizens of Allen and the surrounding region. Internal Service Funds The Internal Service Funds are used to account for financing of goods or services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the city, or to other governmental units, on a cost -reimbursement basis. Replacement Fund The Replacement Fund accounts for the cost associated with the acquisition of capital assets such as vehicles and machinery and equipment through the rental of such items to other departments. Facility Maintenance Fund ' The Facility Maintenance Fund accounts for the cost associated with major maintenance items ansing from aging facilities throughout the city. An annual contribution from the General Fund is the sole source of revenue with expenditures being decided on a year to year basis by Executive Staff based on need. City of Allen 12 FY2017 Budget I CITY OF ALLEN FUND STRUCTURE 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR Risk Management Fund The Risk Management fund accounts for the health insurance portion of employee and retiree benefits, for which the city is self-insured. The fund also includes property and liability insurance and workers compensation insurance, as well as the administrative costs of operating the fund. The total costs of this fund are charged proportionally to each of the other operating funds. Component Units Component units are legally separate entities for which the city is financially accountable. The city is considered financially accountable for its component units because the City Council appoints the board members, approves the budgets, authorizes debt issuances, and has access to the organizations' resources. Allen Economic Development Corporation fAEDC1 The AEDC is responsible for aiding, promoting and furthering economic development within the city. Community Development Coroorobon (CDC) The CDC is responsible for supporting improvements in community parks and recreation, streets and sidewalks, public safety and the community library. The chart below shows the relationship among the various funds and their primary revenue sources. Revenue Sources Property Sales & Use User Special Internal Tax Tax Fees Revenue Services General Fund x x Debt Service Fund x Tax Increment Fin. Fund x x Hotel Tax x Community Dev Corp x Economic Dev Corp x Water & Sewer x Solid Waste x Drainage x Golf Course x Asset Forfeiture x Special Revenue Fund x Grant Fund x Replacement Fund x Facility Maintenance x Risk Management x City of Allen 13 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN FUND STRUCTURE 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR Other Funds In addition to the funds presented in this document, the following funds, although not part of the annual operating budget, are audited each year and are included in the city's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). All are classified as Governmental fund types. Capital Projects Funds The Capital Projects Funds account for all resources used for the acquisition and/or construction of major capital facilities by the city, except those financed by proprietary funds and trust funds. The budget for these funds is presented by project type as a five-year plan in the city's Capital Improvement Program document. This document is approved, and the updated plan is adopted, each year at the same time the annual operating budget is adopted. These funds include: General Capital Projects, General Obligation Bond fund, and Drainage Improvements. More detailed explanations of the purpose of each fund may be found in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Other Special Revenue Funds Although this fund is not included in the annual adopted operating budget, the proceeds from this revenue source are legally restricted to expenditures for specific purposes. The purpose of this fund is as follows: Park Dedication Fund — to account for funds received and expended for the acquisition of additional park land and for the development of neighborhood parks. City of Allen 14 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN BUDGET PROCESS 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR Budget Process The budget process is a yearly activity as set forth in the City Charter, Article IV, Section 4.01 to 4.10. The City Council adopts an annual budget prepared by City Management. It is part of the strategic planning process the City of Allen uses to proactively forecast programs needed in a growing community. The budget process starts each year in December with the city staff analyzing new projects and goals that the City Council has identified as areas of interest and would like to see developed into the strategic plan. The Finance department updates projections of major revenue sources to determine whether total expenditures will need to be adjusted accordingly at midyear. Starting in January, departments begin preparing their personnel requests for the coming year; these are due to Human Resources in February, to allow time for evaluation and pricing prior to inputting budgets. Starting in January and continuing through March departments prepare their requests for items to be replaced from the Replacement fund. The Fleet Coordinator and Community Services Assistant Director determine if the item requires replacement based on a set of criteria. The criteria include physical condition, age, mileage (or operating hours) and maintenance costs. Items meeting the criteria with positive equity balances in the Replacement Fund are recommended for replacement to the City Manager. If items need to be replaced and do not have a positive equity balance, the difference can be made up from the requesting departments operating funds with the approval of the City Manager. At the budget kick-off meeting in March, the City Manager gives departments the guidelines to ' be used in preparing budget requests. The budget is broken down into three parts: a year-end estimate, a base budget for the upcoming year and new programs for the new fiscal year. The year-end estimate is a projection of revenues and expenditures for the remainder of the current fiscal year. All accounts are evaluated to determine whether they need to be adjusted from current budgets. Accounts that are under or over budget are revised to meet year-end needs. New projects are not added to the year-end estimate. Only the cost for maintaining the current base operation is revised as needed. The base budget estimate for the upcoming fiscal year is the proposed cost for maintaining the current base operation, and assumes no additions of personnel or equipment. Activities that require additional resources to maintain the current service level, due to factors such as growth or new facilities, are considered additions to the base budget, and are included in the new programs part of the budget. Increases to the operating portion of the base estimate are limited by a set percentage that is tied to an economic indicator to reflect inflation. All capital and one time purchases from the previous fiscal year are not included in the base budget. The third part of the budget is new programs. This is defined as any change in program emphasis, expenditure of funds, or allocation of personnel or equipment that will result in a change in the level of service currently being delivered. All requests for new personnel, fleet, or equipment that represent a net addition to the operation are included in new costs. For each new program, the department provides a description, itemization, and justification for all ' costs included in the new program. These are submitted by the departments in a list prioritized according to need. City of Allen 15 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN BUDGET PROCESS ' 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR When all three parts of the budget have been prepared by the departments, Finance reviews them to ensure they are within the budget guidelines. Once all departmental budgets are completed, each Director meets with the City Manager to discuss their requests for the upcoming year, as well as any adjustments needed in the current year. The City Manager makes any necessary changes, and submits the proposed budget to Council prior to August 10. At the budget workshop meeting in August, Council has the opportunity to review the budget with the City Manager and Directors, and discuss their opinions and any concerns. After the Council budget workshop there is a public hearing on the budget and a public hearing on the tax rate. Although public hearings on the tax rate are only required lfy law if certain criteria are met, the city conducts two public hearings each year whether required or not. This gives Citizens a chance to voice their opinions. In the FY2017 budget process, two public hearings were required on the tax rate. To be consistent, the city chose to hold two public hearings on the FY2017 budget as well. The City Council adopts the final budget at the first regular Council meeting in September. Budget Adjustments/Amendments Budget changes that do not affect the "bottom line" total for a department, but transfer dollars from one line -item to another within a department's operating budget, or changes between ' divisions within a department, are allowed at each Director's discretion. Any budget adjustment that brings about a change in the total appropriation for a department may be allowed by the City Manager at the written request of the department, based on the city's ability to fund the request. Any budget adjustment that brings about a change in total appropriations requires Council's approval in the form of an ordinance. City of Allen 16 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN BUDGET CALENDAR ' FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 January 16, 2016 Strategic Planning with Council January 25 Vehicle replacement lists, forms, and instructions sent to departments February 29 Personnel requests due to Human Resources March 4 Vehicle/equipment replacement requests due to Finance (inspections week of 3/14) March 11 Technology requests due to LT. March 9 & 16 Budget training (March 9th at 10am and2pm; March 16th otl0am and2pm) March 15 Preliminary meeting- Risk fund (Finance & HR) Week of March 21 Risk fund meeting with City Manager (Finance & HR) March 22 Budget kickoff meeting (10am, Council chambers) March 29 Vehicle Replacement Committee meets April 8 Vehicle Replacement and I.T. recommendations to City Manager April 20 Budget input deadline and Ranking Sheets due for all departments April 21 Roll Budget Projection Levels to Finance Department Review level April 18 - May 6 Finance reviews departmental submittals; meets with departments as needed April 22 Capital Projects (CIP) information due to Engineering department May 2 - 6 Staff review of Hotel Tax Grant applications Week of May 2 Personnel recommendations to City Manager (Finance & HR) Preliminary meeting- Allen Event Center 'May Week of May 9 Hotel Tax Committee makes recommendations to City Manager May 23 -lune 3 City Manager/department head budget review (Memorial Day hohday is Monday, May 30th) June 10 Department summary pages due to Finance; Ong charts to Finance from Human Resources June 13 - 24 Final budget preparations June 28 Preliminary budget information to Council July 1 Departmental performance measures due to Finance July 13 Briefing to department heads on proposed budget July 25 Deadline for chief appraiser to certify rolls to taxing units July 26 Calculation of effective and rollback tax rates (County publishes in 8/11 paper) August 9 Deliver Proposed Budget to City Council; Council sets public hearing dates for budget & tax rate; August 25 (Thurs) Council takes record vote to place on the agenda of a future meeting and proposal to adopt the tax rate August 11 (Thurs) County publishes Notice of 2015 Tax Year Property Tax Rates (at least 7 days before public hearing); post on City website and cable channel until 9/14 (or day after last public hearing) August 11 (Thurs) City publishes first notice of public hearing on budget & tax rate (5 to 15 days before public hearing) August 16 CIP document to Planning& Zoning Commission August 19 - 21 Council budget workshop August 23 First public hearings for budget and tax rate; announce date, time, and place of vote on tax rate August 25 (Thurs) City publishes second notice of public hearing on budget & tax rate (5 to 15 days before public hearing) September 6 Second public hearing for budget and tax rate; announce date, time, and place of vote on tax rate 7 Remove notice of public hearing from website and TV; post Notice of Vote on Tax rate until 9/14 'September September 13 Adopt budget at City Council meeting, adopt tax rate at City Council meeting September 14 Post supplemental notice on website and cable channel if required (post until 9/30) October 21 Final document published (to CM office for 10/25 Council meeting) City of Allen 17 FY2017 Budget Strategic Plan The City of Allen takes the "team approach" to strategic planning. All departments participate in the development of the city's Strategic Plan, which is a detailed expansion of the eight goal statements developed by the City Council. The City Council, along with the City Manager and Directors, has identified one or more strategies related to each goal. Each of those strategies has one or more objectives which are incorporated into the budget as resources are needed to achieve them. Department summaries found throughout this document identify tasks related to attaining these objectives, in addition to normal "daily" operations. Each year, beginning in October, departments provide the City Manager's office with an updated status for each objective, as well as any suggestions for additional objectives which will help achieve the city's overall goals. These are compiled into the updated Strategic Plan document, which is presented to Council at the January strategic planning session. This session is attended by the Council, the City Manager, Assistant City Managers, Assistant to the City Manager, and Department Directors. At this meeting, Council reviews the status of existing goals, and identifies additional goals. Based on this input, any newly identified goals and objectives are then incorporated into the revised, updated document. On the following pages the Strategic Plan Summary is presented, followed by a list of the ' objectives for each goal strategy. A complete list of tasks related to each objective may be found in the complete Strategic Plan document, published by the City Manager's office. The information presented here is from the 2016 Strategic Plan document, which was the basis and justification for budget items requested for FY2017. Capital Budget The capital planning and budgeting process is a major, ongoing part of the strategic planning process. Each year, the Engineering and Finance departments, working with other departments, re-evaluate project priorities, review funding sources, and identify new projects, as needed. This information is incorporated into the five-year CIP document. The updated document is given to the City Council in late July, at the same time the proposed budget is presented. Approved by Council at the same time the annual operating budget is adopted, this document is used as a guide for project, debt, and other related budget planning. As such, future years are subject to change. In addition, debt issuance for future projects may be subject to voter approval. Throughout the year projects are monitored and reprioritized, as necessary. The city utilizes the project accounting and budgeting components of the financial software to assist with the monitoring aspect of the process. Monthly reports are provided to Council to keep them informed of the status of projects. Information from the CIP document, along with further discussion of capital projects, may be found in the "Capital Projects" section of this book. City of Allen 18 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN BUDGET PROCESS ' 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR Strategic Plan The City of Allen takes the "team approach" to strategic planning. All departments participate in the development of the city's Strategic Plan, which is a detailed expansion of the eight goal statements developed by the City Council. The City Council, along with the City Manager and Directors, has identified one or more strategies related to each goal. Each of those strategies has one or more objectives which are incorporated into the budget as resources are needed to achieve them. Department summaries found throughout this document identify tasks related to attaining these objectives, in addition to normal "daily" operations. Each year, beginning in October, departments provide the City Manager's office with an updated status for each objective, as well as any suggestions for additional objectives which will help achieve the city's overall goals. These are compiled into the updated Strategic Plan document, which is presented to Council at the January strategic planning session. This session is attended by the Council, the City Manager, Assistant City Managers, Assistant to the City Manager, and Department Directors. At this meeting, Council reviews the status of existing goals, and identifies additional goals. Based on this input, any newly identified goals and objectives are then incorporated into the revised, updated document. On the following pages the Strategic Plan Summary is presented, followed by a list of the ' objectives for each goal strategy. A complete list of tasks related to each objective may be found in the complete Strategic Plan document, published by the City Manager's office. The information presented here is from the 2016 Strategic Plan document, which was the basis and justification for budget items requested for FY2017. Capital Budget The capital planning and budgeting process is a major, ongoing part of the strategic planning process. Each year, the Engineering and Finance departments, working with other departments, re-evaluate project priorities, review funding sources, and identify new projects, as needed. This information is incorporated into the five-year CIP document. The updated document is given to the City Council in late July, at the same time the proposed budget is presented. Approved by Council at the same time the annual operating budget is adopted, this document is used as a guide for project, debt, and other related budget planning. As such, future years are subject to change. In addition, debt issuance for future projects may be subject to voter approval. Throughout the year projects are monitored and reprioritized, as necessary. The city utilizes the project accounting and budgeting components of the financial software to assist with the monitoring aspect of the process. Monthly reports are provided to Council to keep them informed of the status of projects. Information from the CIP document, along with further discussion of capital projects, may be found in the "Capital Projects" section of this book. City of Allen 18 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN 2016 STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Goal 1. Enhance Community Livability and Safety Year Target Reappraised Identified Data Ongoing Strategies: Strategy 1. Continue the provide progressive and efficient emergency services PollcelFire ,..3002. .4"Al Ongoing Oneceve e Objective EReorry l royy n.I blia.rtlej, ,rvi, 11 2002 Jal Strategy 2. Manage growth and development to preserve Allen's character and maintain neighborhood plan 21101 DeC-t0" vitality Ongoing ObleclHes: Objective 1. Oevelpp a colonel brooms pop.& a propli el for clier loorholvel nnJ Plan 2013 lisp commercial developments Strategy 3. Ideal wanman and faellitab a regiment of services available to readable AdmlulPlm 2014 Jan47 Ongoing Onlectiese Objective 1 Idenitly the Collin Comer, Services avmlable IOAllen moldenle and encoaage Ins County Io nava u Mp tie r prONem Allen Admin len 2010 Jan -17 Strategy 4. Renovate and Construct Neighborhood Parks with Designs for Water Conservation P8R 2002 Jan -17 Ongoing Objectives: Objective 1 Construct internal Neighborhood Park P8R 2007 Jane Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with i aencies and governmental units that affect Allen Year Target Raeectua ilily Identified Data Ongoing Strategies: liberal t. Create rtcreallonal partnerships PI 2005 Decal Orri Objectwae', Objective Devebp Partnership with ASAfar Nlure a0uppefacilities and recreational opportancies P8R 2005 Del - Strategy 0. Complete development of Herdaga NOagato trtelraW. Alleafe battery PSRA%dn% 2013 ACb1B Ongoing Objectives'. odlefrvat Implement plan to complete mnstmenn ohne Heritage village 11ml mm frig orit Goal 3. handed. befelonal mobility through transportation initiatives Year Target Resuonsibilily identified Date Ongoing Strategies: Strategy 1. Develop a locallregional transit plan including mass transltllight rail Plarelling 2003 Jun -17 notably Ob,rebei s. Objective Monitor sale ell ton regarding public transportation Weer, Ery ID03 Jame Strategy 2. Continua to leverage County, State tTxDOTI and Federal resources for road funding Eng 2004 Call Ongoing Objectives: Ogbativet Work wdo IDOT on US 15 Eng 200f Mal Objective Continue paMeent. sun Count, M new roadway protects Erg zoos Del City of Allen 19 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN 2016 STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PLAN W Sianity enhance and communicate Allen's identity to the region and the nation Year Target -W4. Responsibility Identified Data Ongoing Strategies: Strategy t. Continue to with open space funding Pan 2002 May -21 Ongoing Ottiourvee OOledivel MO&en Farm Pmjent Part 2000 di Strategy 2 Plan for Me design and conMrual of needed City Rapids and Recreation Facilities PSR 2003 OCP9 Ongoing Objselivas'. Objective Establish new rommumry perk west e1 O5 75 PSR 2003 Oct11 061ecli1e 2. Redevelop Peru Pool P8R 2009 Octto Strategy 3. Signify the City of Allen through beautification efforts P&R1Eng 2000 Mar Ongoing Ong-haps. Soon -1 Implement the Pubic An Mager Plan PSR 200) Me,S Strategy a. Encourage the awareness and use of Library services and programs through marketing, Library 2011 Ati outreaaheanR} pedal environment Ongoing Objectives: Phil Pravda a pa0lve eapenence and welmminq euvionmeni tear Obrary prions Library 2011 May 22 Gaal 5. Systematically invest Rl C61(NChlro Year Target Responsibility Identified Date Ongoing Strategies: Strategy 1. Implementation Of the G.O. Bond, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Eng 2008 Carl Snaring Objacuvaa Objnif",1 1 i t Ihe2001-2013 CIT Go gond Program Ds Roca On, 16 Strategy 2. Construct and improve roadway Infrastructure Eng 2000 Dec -18 ' Ongoing Obiettives: OelecuveI East Mary Road Implemented - Phase 11 Erg 2007 Jen -16 ObjenNe 2 Rldgevlew Drive Erg 2007 Deal Object -3 Rdraways Interchange w0 VS 75 Eng 2007 Deo -10 Strategy3 Plan for the constrgction of needed City facllities Eng 2005 Deri Ongoing Objadives Species Fu Station Eng 2012 Oec16 OgMve2 ConstructFi SSlatbn6 Ergffne 2007 Darl Goat B, Makintafo coeradanal azcellad. in City novemment services Year '- ResoonsiblliN Identified Ongoing Strategies: strategy 1. Utilize technology for optimum performance and customer service IT 2006 D_ Ongoing Objections: Od-MeI Research the use of wifeless technology IT 2006 Nw-18 Objective Expand use of GIS rods Plan 2001 NOv-16 Objective Implement the IT Hasler Plan IT 2007 Dal Strategy 2. HR 2000 Dec -06' Develop Human Resources programs to become Me City Mat is Me "Employer of Choice" , OnaOing Obj.clival Opperrvel Continue to imprme and mund quality slafl HR M07 Cal Objeclire 2. Continually revrew and address HR pogams to maintain an escellenl worMorce OR 2009 Oeo18 Strategy 1. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain public trust Finance Ongoing Om.parms: Objective Mondor the Cars capital investments all economm challenges Fuan" 2009 Mai City of Allen 20 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN 2016 STRATEGIC PLAN 1 Strategy 2. Work with NTMWD to protect and conserve water resourcetl Ongoing objectives Conserve Work with other membw titles fin review IlTMwOa service philosophy add N ewmme such ssum CS M07 Omte as g,wmmd , sources ofwater supply all rob structure City of Allen 21 FY2017 Budget IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Goal . creases employment eoris the tax has¢ and pre,sideds dSftled ftr Poaidentsantl contributes to the community character and Year Target identity Resoormibiine Idandified Data Ongoing Strategies'. Strategy i. Identify the type of lntluslry the City of Allen desires to recruit to the SH121 corridor and AEDCIPIan 2010 Dad -16 encourage development of commarelal space that is most attractive to meet those needs Ongoing re chvis. Objectival PIaohl 2010 Del Use partnerships and mnmg to all bevatopmenr that will made@e the value of the 121 Corridor Defense Be prepared to recousiouppon corporate relocation candidates to Allen AEDCIPIan 2010 Deo -l6 Create and implement a timetable for public and private Investment in the area surrounding PI MDC 2006 Deal thethe U.S. 75 and S.H. 121 interchange Ongoing Objectives obiecbvel Continue diactor, with Developers regarding their plans for a coded use development iU 6.]5 and RanIAEDC 2006 Deo - l6 5 X.121 interchange) Objective Use WhLmrcenlrves to ahead the timeline and development of the projects in Me area 105.]5 poll 4006 Dec46 and S H.121 IMwchange) IF Strategy 3. Continue b target prospects to achieve City goals for company deciphermentand business AEDC 2006 Behold retention Ongoing Obrocbves' obiacflvaI Rear ulnar andev, orimod developments to Allen AEDC 2006 Dec -le Objective Develop add Promote Business Palls AEDC 2006 Dea16 OMedWe3 Recruit lnnovalbn Companies AEDGRMn 2006 Dro18 Bounce. Remark Data Centers AEDC 2100¢ Doe -16 Obj 1xa 5. Severe new avenues to ermurage --and diameter" ASK2"Boasts SLr uavc game" growth rod mdGvelopmant Randal 2003 Deo -l6'' Ongoing Objectives'. Does—I Bud, is, cvngo mdrvelapmdnt of older commercial areas IenIAEDC 2003 Dec10 Strategy S. Create a viable Central Business District (CBD) Plan 2004 Mar -17 Ongoing Objectives'. Objective Redefine the vision for the OBD Plan 204 Mar -9 Objective 2. Evaluate the cosObenerd of redevelopment Of the CBD Plan 200l Oct -16 Objective 3. Invest in CBDlnhastmcture Plan 2004 Ost-16 Ordered a. PNNAEDC 2004 Marl) 8. Proactively wade to protect, conserve and manage water resources Ongoing Strategies'. �f Strategy 1. Support efforts to assure contoultymentoration of current watersupply to North Tex �k Municipal Water District and development of future water rights for the region Ongoing imprlvirs: Daj-,..I Supped regional ehIXls lO assure that all piers to areas Lake Texoma Water are CS 2012 Cal apparel Objeclive2 Support ngemi ehuls to construct new mosery lrs and assure additional water sources that will CS 2012 Dee16 add t0 intense.', water agrns 1 Strategy 2. Work with NTMWD to protect and conserve water resourcetl Ongoing objectives Conserve Work with other membw titles fin review IlTMwOa service philosophy add N ewmme such ssum CS M07 Omte as g,wmmd , sources ofwater supply all rob structure City of Allen 21 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN FINANCIAL POLICIES AND PRACTICES ' FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 Introduction The City of Allen, Texas financial policies and practices set forth the basic framework for the fiscal management of the city. These policies and procedures were developed within the parameters established by applicable provisions of the Texas Local Government Code, the City of Allen Charter and internal management. Basis of Accounting and Budgeting The city's finances are accounted for in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The accounts of the city are organized and operated on the basis of funds and account groups. Funds are established according to governmental accounting standards and are used to aid management in demonstrating compliance with finance -related legal and contractual provisions. The city uses a budget format based on modified accrual accounting for governmental funds. This means that budgeted expenditures are recorded when the services or goods are received and the liabilities are incurred, but revenues are recognized only when they are measurable and available. Proprietary Funds are budgeted using a full accrual accounting basis. Revenues are recognized when they are earned and are measurable by the city, and expenses are recognized as incurred. The city utilizes encumbrance accounting for its Governmental Fund types, under which purchase orders, contracts and other commitments for the expenditure of monies are recorded in order to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriation. Outstanding encumbrances at fiscal year-end do not ' constitute expenditures or liabilities; these commitments are re -appropriated and honored the subsequent fiscal year. Significant encumbrances are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements in conjunction with other commitments. The city's operating budget is adopted on an annual basis; all appropriations lapse at fiscal year end. Capital projects have project -length or multi-year budgets approved by Council. The budget is prepared in accordance with GAAP, with the exception of depreciation and amortization, and compensated absences (accrued but unused vacation and sick leave). These are accrued in the financial statements of the proprietary funds, but are not shown as expenses in the budget. Financial Reporting Following the conclusion of the fiscal year, the city's accounting records are audited by an independent public accounting firm. The Finance department is responsible for preparing a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) in accordance with generally accepted accounting and financial reporting principles established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The document shall also satisfy all criteria of the Government Finance Officers Association's Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting program. The CAFR shows the status of the city's finances on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The CAFR shows fund revenues and expenditures on both a GAAP basis and budget basis for comparison purposes. ' The results of the annual audit prepared by independent certified public accountants designated by the City Council is included as part of the CAFR. City of Allen 22 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN FINANCIAL POLICIES AND PRACTICES ' FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 On-line reporting has been developed to allow individual departments to review and compare actual expenditures to budget as needed. The Finance department also reviews operating revenues and expenditures, recommending adjustments as needed. On a quarterly basis, the Finance Department submits reports to the Council of receipts and disbursements in sufficient detail to show the financial condition of the city. Status reports for capital projects are provided to Council each month. Fund Balance, Working Capital and Debt Management Policy To establish key elements for the financial stability of the city, the City Council has formally approved a separate Fund Balance, Working Capital and Debt Management Policy, setting guidelines for the purpose of funds, reserves and debt management. Reserves The city maintains a prudent level of financial resources to protect against the need to reduce service levels or raise taxes and fees due to temporary revenue shortfalls or unpredicted one-time expenditures. in the General Fund, that level is 60 to 90 days of operating expenses. In the Water and Sewer fund, the policy is for 90 to 120 days of operating expenses. In the Debt Service Fund, a range of 5% to 10% of the required annual principal and interest payments is maintained and in the Risk Management fund, the city maintains a minimum reserve of $500,000 to cover unexpected costs relating to health insurance claims; the city is self-insured for this component of the fund. All funds are monitored and managed according to the intended purpose of the individual fund. Debt Management All debt issuances are for the purposes of financing capital infrastructure or long-lived costly assets. Each debt issuance is evaluated against multiple policies addressing: debt service as a percent of operating expenditures, tax and revenue bases for the repayment of debt, the overall debt burden on the community, statutory limitations and market factors affecting tax-exempt interest costs. Sizing of the city's capital improvement program based on debt capacity in conjunction with conservatively estimated pay -as -you go revenues help stabilize per capita debt and lower annual debt service costs to the city over the long-term. When interest rates decline, the city will analyze the benefits of issuing advance and current refunding bonds in order to take advantage of the economic gain obtained from the reduction of long -tens interest costs. The city has identified the maximum amount of debt and debt service that should be outstanding at any time (see "Debt Policy", in the Debt Service Fund section, as well as the discussion of debt in the Capital Projects section of this document). Investment Policies The City Council has formally approved a separate Investment Policy for the City of Allen that meets the requirements of the Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA), Section 2256 of the Texas Local Government Code. This policy is reviewed annually by the City Council and applies to all financial assets held by the city. Investment Strategies The city maintains portfolios which utilize the following four specific investment strategy considerations designed to address the unique characteristics of the fund groups represented in the portfolios: Operating Funds: to assure that anticipated cash flows are matched with adequate investment liquidity and to create a portfolio structure which will experience minimal volatility during ' economic cycles. Debt Service Funds: the assurance of investment liquidity adequate to cover the debt service obligation on the required payment date. City of Allen 23 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN FINANCIAL POLICIES AND PRACTICES FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 Reserve Funds: generate a dependable revenue stream to the appropriate fund from securities with a low to moderate degree of volatility. Special projects or special purpose funds: assure that anticipated cash flows are matched with adequate investment liquidity. Investment Objectives The city shall manage and invest its cash with four objectives listed in priority order: • Safety of the principal invested • Liquid and availability of cash to pay obligations when due • Receive the highest possible rate of return ( iv eld) consistent with the city's investment policy • Investment officials shall act responsibly as custodians of the public trust. Responsibility and Control Authority to manage the city's investment program is designated by a resolution adopted by the City Council. The Chief Financial Officer is designated as the primary investment officer and the Assistant Chief Financial Officer is the secondary investment officer. Investment officers shall attend at least one training session related to the officer's responsibility under the Act within 12 months after taking office or assuming duties. Investment officers are required to attend one training session every two years. Investment Portfolio ' Authorized investments and maximum percent of total investments include: Collateralized Certificates of Deposits (CD's) 50% Collateralized Repurchase Agreements 30% U.S. Treasury Obligations 100% Municipal Investment Pool 100% Commercial Bank Savings Accounts 15% U.S. Government Agency Securities, non -callable 100% U.S. Government Agency Securities, callable 70% U.S. Government Sponsored Corporation's instruments, non -callable 75% U.S. Government Sponsored Corporation's Instruments, callable 70% Commercial Paper 20% Banker's Acceptances 10% Guaranteed Investment Contracts 25% State or Local Governmental Obligations 30% Term of Investment The maximum term of any investment may not exceed five (5) years. Quarterly Reporting On a quarterly basis, the authorized investment officers will submit a signed quarterly investment report to the City Council that summarizes investment activity for each city pooled fund group. The report must contain information required by the Public Funds Investment Act and include beginning and ending market values of each separately invested asset, purchase and maturity dates, additions and ' changes to the market value and fully accrued interest for the reporting period. City of Allen 24 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN FINANCIAL POLICIES AND PRACTICES ' FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 Procurement Planning All city purchases of goods or services are made in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, including Chapter 252, Purchasing and Contracting Authority of Municipalities, other relevant federal, state and local statutes. The city's purchasing policy requires all purchases greater than $15,000 be approved by the City Manager and purchases of $50,000 or greater must be advertised in accordance with the competitive bid process and awarded by the City Council. I The city implemented a Procurement Card (P -card) Program as a costcffective alternative to the existing purchase order process. The P -card is used for small dollarlhigh volume purchases to assist employees to more quickly and easily obtain the goods and services needed to get the job done. Internal management controls together with the card's inherent controls will ensure that the card can be used only for specific purchases and within specific dollar limits. Periodic audits of P -card purchases will be conducted with the objective to determine compliance with the P -card and city purchasing procedures. The following shows a summary of approval requirements for purchases. APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PURCHASES Dollar Figure Requires Director or Department Purchasing City City Quotes Designee Director Manager Manager Council $0 to less than $3,000 (purchase order or credit card) J J $3,000 to less than $10,000 J J J J $10,000 to less than $15,000 J J J J J $15,000 to less than $50,000 J J J J $15,000 or more Professional Service Contracts J J J J $50,000 or more (Formal Bids - State required over $50,000) Materials and Equipment J J J J Prompt Payment All invoices approved for payment by the proper city authorities shall be paid within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of goods or services or invoice dale, whichever is later, in accordance with state law. The city will take advantage of all purchase discounts when possible. Checks are issued every Friday of the month except on holidays. City of Allen 25 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN FINANCIAL POLICIES AND PRACTICES FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 Insurance and Risk Management The city has a comprehensive risk management program, including property & liability, safety, workers' compensation, health & dental, and wellness. The city has established a self-insurance plan for city employees and their covered dependents for medical and dental care. A commercial insurance company re -insures the city for individual claims in excess of $125,000. The city participates in the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool (TMLIRP), which provides the city with a full range of insurance products and services. TMLIRP carries the city's general liability, property and casualty, and workers' compensation insurances. Balanced Budget The city is committed to a balanced budget, and provides full disclosure when a deviation from a balanced budget is planned, or when one occurs. The city defines a balanced budget as one in which total appropriated expenditures are equal to or less than total projected revenues plus beginning fund balances. Long -Range Planning The city's annual budget process involves incorporating the goals and strategies identified by the City Council's three-year Strategic Plan to provide for the community's highest priority needs. Strategic planning begins with determining the city's fiscal capacity based upon long-term financial forecasts of recurring available revenues. The city's five-year Capital Improvement Program is used as a guide for project, debt, and other related budget planning. ' Revenue Diversification The city is cognizant of the fact that a diversity of revenue sources is important in order to improve its ability to handle Fluctuations in individual sources. The city continues to search for new revenue sources, while monitoring economic and legislative threats to current sources. 1 Use of One-time Revenues The City of Allen does not use one-time revenues for ongoing expenditures. Similarly, it does not allow ongoing expenditures to result in a decrease to fund balance in any fund. City of Allen 26 FY2017 Budget �4111rc61 a "i *1111WIIIIIIIIIIIIIII REVENUE SUMMARY ' 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR The city's largest revenue sources are ad valorem taxes, sales taxes, and charges for services. Below is a discussion of these major revenue sources and the underlying assumptions used in developing the budget. It also includes any significant trends that affect the revenue assumptions in the current and future fiscal years. Ad Valorem Taxes (29.3% of Total Revenues) Ad Valorem Taxes are the city's second largest revenue source overall, and are the largest revenue source in the General fund. Total estimated property tax revenues for FY2017 are $58.85 million. This is for the General, Debt Service, and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) funds. The General fund portion makes up 46.7% of that fund's budgeted revenues and is estimated at $44.14 million for fiscal year 2016-2017. The portion allocated to the Debt Service fund is approximately $13.78 million. The TIF fund amount is $925 thousand. The city's property tax is levied each October 1 on the assessed value listed as of the prior January 1 for all real and certain personal property located in the city. Appraised values are established by the Collin Central Appraisal District at 100% of estimated value and certified by the Appraisal Review Board. The assessed value upon which the 2016 levy (for FY2017) was based is $11,225,448,262. The collection rate is estimated at 100% and is based on the city's historically high collection rate. The total tax rate was lowered to $0.520 per $100 of valuation, of which $0.396273 is for General Fund operations. The remainder of the tax rate, $0.123727 ' per $100 of valuation, is for the Debt Service Fund. Portions from both the General and Debt Service funds will be allocated to the TIF fund. 1 50,000 ' 40,000 0 N u 30,000 'c m 20,000 z 10,000 Tax Revenues and Tax Rate 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016R 2017P General Debt AmPi Rate 0.56000 0.55000 0.54000 0.53000 0.52000 0.51000 0.50000 The chart above illustrates the growth in total property tax revenues over the last 10 years. In recent years, the debt portion of the revenues has increased to cover debt that has been issued for new facilities. This is consistent with the city's long-term plan, which is updated annually. City of Allen 27 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN REVENUE SUMMARY ' 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR Sales Tax (19.3% of Total Revenues) Sales taxes are Collected by retailers and remitted to the State Comptroller's Office for the sale of goods and services within the City of Allen. The state returns the portion designated for the city. The city receives two cents of the total sales tax collected. One cent is used in the General Fund. The other one cent is split evenly between the Allen Economic Development Corporation and the Allen Community Development Corporation, and is the primary source of revenue in those two funds. The city's sales tax continues to grow, and makes up approximately 20.2% of the total General Fund revenues. This avoids too heavy a reliance on such an elastic source of revenue. With the growth in previous years, the City Council has made an effort to use sales tax revenue to reduce the property tax rate for the citizens of Allen. Fiscal year 2016 revised is projected at $37.6 million and fiscal year 2017 is projected at $38.7 million. $40 $30 c =$20 f $30 $- Sales Tax 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016R 2017P ■ General &TIF Fund ■EDC Fund ■CDC Fund Charges for Services (37.5% of Total Revenues) User charges are the largest source of revenue for the city, projected for FY2017 at $75.5 million. Just over one half of this revenue stream is accounted for in the Water and Sewer and Solid Waste funds. The remainder comes from charges in the Drainage Utility fund, user fees for various Parks and Recreation programs and facilities, events related revenue at the Allen Event Center and Community toe Rink, charges for services such as ambulance service and alarm registration fees, and internal charges that allow for cash funding of vehicle and equipment replacement and allocated costs of insurance premiums and claims. Discussion will focus on the largest portion of this category, which comes from Water and Sewer and Solid Waste revenues. City of Allen 28 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN REVENUE SUMMARY ' 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR Water and Sewer Fund Water and Sewer revenues are collected for the sale of water and disposal of sewage for residential, commercial and apartment usage. Revenues for fiscal year 2016-2017 are estimated at $23.0 million for water sales and $14.4 million for sewer charges. The city's water and sewer rate study is used as a guide for projecting water and sewer revenues. The city updated the rate study in late FY2012. Water and Sewer Revenues $40 i $35 c $30 $25 c � $20 u � $15 $10 $5 $0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016R 2017P ' ■Water ■Sewer Solid Waste Fund These fees are charged for residential, commercial, and apartment garbage collection and solid waste disposal. These fees cover the cost of collection and disposal of this waste by Community Waste Disposal and the North Texas Municipal Water District. Revenues for garbage, recycling, commercial collections, and solid waste disposal are projected for fiscal year 2016-2017 at $6.65 million. $7 Solid Waste Revenues $1 $0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016R 2017P ■ Solid Waste ■ Recycling ■ Hazardous Waste s Other City of Allen 29 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN REVENUE SUMMARY ' 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR Other Revenue Sources Although not a large percentage of total city revenues, franchise fees and licenses and permits are an important part of General fund revenues. Fluctuations in these revenue sources due to economic conditions can have a significant impact on the General fund. Franchise Fees Franchise Fees are received from speck entities that provide utility services to residents and businesses in the City of Allen. Utilities (electric, telephone, gas, and cable) that operate in the city pay this fee for their use of the city's right of way to run their utility lines. Telephone franchise fees are based on number of access lines. Other franchise fees are based on a percentage of gross receipts or units of energy sold. Projections are based on population increase and projected utility use. Franchise fees for fiscal year 2016-2017 are projected at approximately $7.5 million. Licenses and Permits License and Permit revenues represent 2.9%, or approximately $2.70 million, of the total projected General fund revenues for the new fiscal year. They are made up of commercial permits, and city licensing revenues and inspection fees, and are collected by the Community Development department. They include project permits that cover all parts of construction (electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits and certificate of occupancy fees), speck permits (fences, electric, plumbing, etc.) and service fees (re -inspections, special inspections and special services). Overall permit revenue for FY2017 is expected to be more than the ' FY2016 revised estimates given an increase in multifamily permits anticipated in FY2017. An increase in development throughout the City is expected for FY2017. [I City of Allen 30 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN H CITY OF ALLEN COMBINED BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES NM I FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 Enterprise Funds I I I I r BEGINNING BALANCE $ 21,466.504 $ 1,294,932 $ 2,246.489 $ 15,833,525 $ 2,539,029 $ 505542 $ $ 95,690 REVENUES - - 3,345,000 300,000 81,050 - - Transfers Out 2,341,]]0 - Ad Valorem Taxes 44,137,050 13,783,108 925,233 - - - 84],892 41,450,63] 6,888.640 Sales Tax 19,130,32 430,177 - - - - HMeI/Male) Tax 20543,059 1,188,575 2,890,590 13,614,896 2.305,373 497.570 157,050 Franchise Fees 7,221,523 - - - - - - - Licenser and Permits 2,698,645 - - - - - - - Chri br SeMar 12,208,861 - 37,686,953 6$91,884 1,550,000 3,097,296 Fines 1,]74,]49 - - 4001000 - - - 185,050 Miscellaneous 507,919 - - 28,000 W,SW - 131,588 Grants & Contributions 639,552 - - - - - Interest Earned 199450 43,800 9,840 56,880 15,650 4,320 - 5,660 Reimbursements 1,339,551 - - 270,000 - 1,500 - - Intergovernmental 111,826 - 126,243 - - OperatlngTransfersln 4,586,821 M,175 WOULD TOTAL REVENUES 94,549,929 13,026,908 17191,933 39,232,008 6,654,984 1,555,820 3,528,884 199650 TOTALAVARABLE $ 116,016,433 $ 15,121,840 5 3,738,482 $ 55,065,533 5 9,194,13 $ 2,141 362 $ 3,528,884 $ 286,350 EXPENDITURES General Government 26,746,776 - 847,892 1,043,040 - - - Public5afery 35,019,165 - - - - - - 129,292 Public Woul 4,030,38 - - 31,711,388 6,362,379 1,226,704 - - Culture A Recreation 24,662,617 - - - - 3,528,884 CommaNry Development 2,672,674 - - - - - - Gra I Distribution of Revenues - All Funds Tax les 'errnit$ City of Allen 31 FY2017 Budget Debt Service 13,933,265 - 1,162,998 - - - Capital Projects. - - 3,345,000 300,000 81,050 - - Transfers Out 2,341,]]0 - - 4.188211 226,261 336,088 TOTAL EXPENOnORES 954]3,3]4 13,933,265 84],892 41,450,63] 6,888.640 1,643,]92 3,528,8& 129,29E ' ENDING BALANCE 20543,059 1,188,575 2,890,590 13,614,896 2.305,373 497.570 157,050 'Tbne amounts represent cash finandng to be provided from the funds indicated A list of estimated posts fn all projects Included in the five-year CIP may Gra I Distribution of Revenues - All Funds Tax les 'errnit$ City of Allen 31 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN COMBINED BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 5 3,963,175 5 $ 202.892 $ 10281736 5 543637 $ 5,954,962 5 19392199 5 8314513 $ 92714825 Special Revenue 365,133 - Internal Servke FYMS 439,2W 11,29D,887 13,296,626 C ;,skkMUnlb Tobl kMel O[al .Taa special RevemM GnM FUM Replacement Fund Notts, Miksksarce Risk Masa mete F[anaml[ C mmunisy Deveb ern Oevelo mete MI FUM, 2026-2017 5 3,963,175 5 $ 202.892 $ 10281736 5 543637 $ 5,954,962 5 19392199 5 8314513 $ 92714825 City of Allen 32 FY2017 Budget - 365,133 - 725,292 439,2W 11,29D,887 13,296,626 - 54,756,046 - - - 1"WJ64 - - 9,586,361 9,596,361 30,752,931 1,]63,]05 - - - - - - - - ],]63,]85 - 262,819 - - - 5,01,520 34,761,459 - - 7,494,342 - - - - - 3,233,139 - - - 2,690,W5 - - - 2,841,062 - 11,523,945 - - 75,50gM1 - 157,600 301.443 3,515,29 - - - 60,aW - 439,251 11,2W887 15.570,855 - 210,795,344 - - 823,399 m - - - - 4,95] 1,6161,951 20,4,7 - - 69,051 - 34,000 %,%0 51,600 597,251 - 4,621,558 - - - 335,551 - - ],948,55] - 46,824 Distribution of Expenditures - All Funds 288893 1.3]4,954 92,157 22060()c.6.CW 483,52 .8446559993 1j84,185 1,042,275 915,556 3%10,062,%2 60],051 12,3]8,505 9,65],321 9,63],96] 20],0]],255 $ 5,]4],360 $ 1,842,277 $ 1,110,M8 $ 13,491,798 $ 1,143,637 $ 18,333,09 $ 29,069,520 $ ll,952,474 $ 293,792,000 City of Allen 32 FY2017 Budget - 365,133 - 725,292 439,2W 11,29D,887 13,296,626 - 54,756,046 - 118,1]5 284,10 1"WJ64 - - - 37,396,896 596,5[0 - - - 43,92],343 1,354,865 - 68,12 145,161 - - - 5,01,520 34,761,459 - - 560,465 - - - - - 3,233,139 - - - - - - 2,274,229 2,951,"6 20,323,138 - - - - - - 5,375,750 9,103,750 301.443 - 7,293,773 1,354,865 48 485,248913,D37 3,514,560 439,251 11,2W887 15.570,855 33,330,916 210,795,344 1- 4,392,495 1,352,029 205,411 9,977,230 704,437 702,782 1375%,665 4,621,558 02,996.]36 be bund,n the Capibl PrplecD session clurs Wok Distribution of Expenditures - All Funds City of Allen 32 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN COMBINED BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Tax Hotel/Motel Tax Franchise Fees Licenses and Permits Charges for Services Grants & Contributions Fines Miscellaneous Interest Earned Reimbursements Intergovernmental Operating Transfers In Bond Sale Proceeds TOTAL REVENUES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET $ 86,161,823 $ 84,886,356 $ 91,973,035 $ 92,714,825 50,177,840 54,370,483 54,380,863 58,845,891 35,929,021 37,668,010 37,588,691 38,732,931 1,544,160 1,788,243 1,595,815 1,763,785 7,412,447 7,439,910 7,280,945 7,484,342 2,993,829 1,772,700 2,589,100 2,698,645 65,930,521 71,341,178 74,376,603 75,500,001 3,794,418 1,599,867 1,097,528 1,461,951 2,190,640 2,363,482 2,111,182 2,517,429 6,901,287 1,189,663 2,194,450 795,007 553,872 497,450 602,260 597,260 1,651,236 1,425,727 2,048,293 1,948,551 137,702 - 237,145 284,893 8,794,004 6,344,012 7,986,988 8,446,569 28,054,156 232,492,108 39,140,753 ENDING BALANCE 216,065,133 187,800,725 233,230,616 201,077,255 TOTALAVAILABLE 302,226,956 272,687,081 325,206,933 293,792,080 EXPENDITURES General Government 41,751,421 45,125,726 45,593,123 54,756,846 Public Safety 31,171,790 34,826,292 35,094,522 37,396,896 Public Works 42,714,503 40,537,461 41,146,422 43,927,343 Culture & Recreation 25,112,106 32,931,197 31,363,154 34,761,459 Community Development 2,199,240 3,488,250 3,017,829 3,233,139 Transfers Out 10,226,965 5,328,863 6,975,839 7,293,773 Debt Service 19,041,345 18,523,034 19,207,641 20,322,138 Capital Protects 9,659,683 18,623,443 10,039,295 9,103,750 Payment to Escrow Agent 28,376,868 40,054,283 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 210,253,921 199,384,266 232,492,108 210,795,344 ENDING BALANCE 91,973,035 73,302,815 92,714,825 82,996,736 City of Allen 33 FY2017 Budget I I I ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES/RETAINED EARNINGS The to l lowing table indicates the reasons for projected cha nges in fund balances/retained earnings of ($9,718,089): Funtl 20]5-2016 Year 2016 2017 Year Deference Explanation End Estimate End Protection The decrease Is generated by transfe6 out to newly created General Fund $21,466,504 $20,543,059 (5923,445) Special Revenue fund A corresponding increase i5 in the Special Revenue fund The ending fund balance provides for approximately 70.9 days ofoperations. The policy is W-90 days Dee bt Service $1,294,932 $1,188,575 ($106,357) The fund balance is within the policy requirement of 5%-]0%. Property and sales tax have been collected in TIF g2, however, TIF $2,246,489 $2,890,590 $644,101 no grants are currently being paid out. TIF gl grents are paid annually Estimated reserves in the Water & Sewer fund at the end of Water Is Sewer $15,833,525 $13,614,896 ($2,218,629) FY2017 are 120 days ofexpenditures, which meets the policy requirement of 90120 days Solid Waste $2,539,029 $2,305,373 ($233,656) The Fund balance exceeds the range of 90-120 days of reserve drawdown Is planned to bring the Pond balance within pi Drainage $585,542 $497,570 ($87,98) A drawdown on fund balance is planned to bring the fund balance within policy concourse $0 $o $0 This fund is subsidized in order to break even zset Forfeiture $95,690 $157,058 $61,368 FU Ads collected in one year are appropriated in the following year. Hotel Occupancy Tax $3,963,175 $4,392,495 $429,320 Remaining funds will be used In subsequent years as allowed by state law Special Revenue $0 $1,357,029 $1,357,029 Remaining funds are restricted by law and will be used in subsequent years as allowed bylaw Funds earned over from prior years are appropriated in FY2017 Grants $202,892 $205,411 $2,519 Por allowable expenditures. Expenditures are only for those goods or services as allowed by law, or as approved by the agencies awarding the grants. Reserves in this fund are used for scheduled replacements of vehicles, technology, and equipment, Revenues are received Replacement Fund $10,281,736 $9,977,238 ($304,498) over the lives of existing assets, while expenses are based on set replacement schedule which is subject to annual management review Reserves in this fund are used for the replacement of aging Faahty Maintenance $543,637 $704,437 $160, Boo facility infrastructure The fund balance is built up to he available for years when the demand for replacement exceeds The annual contribution isk Management $5,954,962 $7,042,782 $1,087,620 An increase in fund balance Is projected, primarily in the Health and Dental portion of the fund Economic development incentives for the year create a ronomrt Development $19,392,199 $13,496,665 ($5,893,534) drawdown on fund balance. The fund balance is set aside for this purpose Capital protects and an economic development mcentive cause ammunity Development $8,314,513 $4,621,558 ($3,692,955)adrawdown on fund balance. Some capttal projects were identified and assigned in fund balance In prior years. [rootals $92,714,825 $82,996,736 ($9,718,089) City of Allen 34 FY2017 Budget ' CITY OF ALLEN ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Citizens of Allen City Council Cly Attorney City Manager Municipal Judge Assistant City Manager City Secretary ' Commonly Development Human Resources Engineering Pubic antl Media Relations Fl. Intonation Technoi Pari¢ antl Rev®tion Commmity Service Finance Library Police City of Allen 35 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN STAFFING FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 All positions are shown as full-time equivalents (FTE). Revised 2015-2016 - No new positions were added at Midyear FY2016 Proposed 2016-2017 - Reduce 1 FTE in Community Development and reassign to 1 Accounting Technician in Finance -Add 4 FTE's in Water & Sewerfor FOGS Crew (3p * Water Quality Maintenance Worker (1' -Add 1 FTE in Hotel Fund for CVB Sales Manager' 'Indicates that positions have a start date of April 1 City of Allen 36 FY2017 Budget ACTUAL ORIGINAL REVISED PROPOSED Increase (Decrease) General Fund 20142015 2015-2016 20152016 2016-2017 FY2016R to FY2017 City Secretary 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 - Municipal Court 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 City Administration 5.50 550 550 5.50 - Public & Media Relations 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 I.T. 17.00 18.00 1800 18.00 - Human Resources 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 - Police 183.00 185.00 185.00 185.00 - Parks & Recreation 132.59 137.19 137.19 137.19 - Allen Event Center 46.33 46.33 46.33 46.33 - Library 36.79 3779 3779 37.79 - Fire 112.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 Community Development 27.50 28.50 2850 27.50 (1.00) Community Services 28.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 - Finance 17.00 18.00 18.00 19.00 1.00 Engineering 13.00 14.00 1400 14.00 Total General Fund 643.21 658.81 658.81 658.81 Water & Sewer Fund 69.00 70.00 7000 74.00 4.00 Solid Waste Fund 6.50 7.00 7.00 700 - Drainage Fund 8.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 - Golf Course Fund 33.64 33.64 33.64 33.64 - Hotel Fund 3.00 3.50 3.50 4.50 1.00 ' Risk Management Fund 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Economic Development Fund 7.00 7.00 700 7.00 Total City of Allan Employees, All Funds 774.35 792.95 792.95 797.95 5.00 All positions are shown as full-time equivalents (FTE). Revised 2015-2016 - No new positions were added at Midyear FY2016 Proposed 2016-2017 - Reduce 1 FTE in Community Development and reassign to 1 Accounting Technician in Finance -Add 4 FTE's in Water & Sewerfor FOGS Crew (3p * Water Quality Maintenance Worker (1' -Add 1 FTE in Hotel Fund for CVB Sales Manager' 'Indicates that positions have a start date of April 1 City of Allen 36 FY2017 Budget I CITY OF ALLEN I CITY OF ALLEN GENERALFUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY fEYi1�/�i\:iIIFVir4liVi REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Tax Franchise Fees Licenses and Permits Charges for Services Fines Interest Earned Miscellaneous Contributions Reimbursements Intergovernmental Operating Transfers In TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES EXPENDITURES General Government Public Safety Public Works Culture & Recreation Community Development TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES Transfers Out TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 36,623,546 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 18,552,221 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET RESTRICTED FUND BALANCE 696,097 694,229 721,178 873,445 COMMITTED FUND BALANCE - - - - ASSIGNED FUND BALANCE 748,200 600,000 921,030 2,050,000 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE 17,650,516 17,647,245 18,686,921 18,543,059 TOTAL BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 19,094,813 $ 18,941,474 $ 20,329,129 $ 21,466,504 REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Tax Franchise Fees Licenses and Permits Charges for Services Fines Interest Earned Miscellaneous Contributions Reimbursements Intergovernmental Operating Transfers In TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES EXPENDITURES General Government Public Safety Public Works Culture & Recreation Community Development TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES Transfers Out TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 36,623,546 41,239,370 41,136,040 44,137,050 17,704,665 18,552,221 18,549,549 19,130,032 7,412,447 7,439,910 7,280,945 7,221,523 2,993,829 1,952,700 2,589,100 2,698,645 11,454,623 11,275,767 12,308,268 12,309,661 1,805,230 1,868,382 1,686,182 1,774,749 202,924 162,000 194,400 194,400 498,262 567,060 507,537 502,119 636,139 600,306 600,838 543,552 1,196,959 1,257,087 1,405,132 1,339,551 11,826 11,826 111,826 111,826 5,353,099 4,556,699 4,556,699 4,586,821 $ 85,893,550 $ 89,483,328 $ 90,926,516 $ 94,549,929 22,990,335 23,909,552 24,213,047 26,746,776 30,454,701 32,589,848 32,713,183 35,019,165 3,428,367 4,175,119 3,575,069 4,030,372 21,134,475 23,368,199 24,372,354 24,662,617 2,199,240 2,565,586 2,570,086 2,672,674 $ 80,207,118 $ 86,608,304 $ 87,443,739 $ 93,131,604 4,452,116 702,426 2,345,402 2,341,770 RESTRICTED FUND BALANCE 721,178 816,827 873,445 - COMMITTED FUND BALANCE - - - - ASSIGNED FUND BALANCE 921,030 2,650,000 2,050,000 2,000,000 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE 18,686,921 17,647,245 18,543,059 18,543,059 TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 20,329,129 21,114,072 21,466,504 20,543,059 DAYS UNRESTRICTED OPERATIONAL EXPENSES IN RESERVE 70.9 60 days of operational expenses Fund Balance Required: 60 to 90 days operational expenses City of Allen $ 15,694,253 37 FY2017 Budget I GENERAL FUND REVENUE FY 2016-2017 Licenses and EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION FY 2016-2017 Public ' 4.: Community r fers City of Allen 38 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN GENERAL FUND REVENUES FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 FRANCHISE FEES Public Education Govt Access Fee 262,048 2014-2015 260,946 2015-2016 Electric 2015-2016 3,584,917 2016-2017 REVENUE -DETAIL Gas ACTUAL 1,083,153 BUDGET 849,506 AMENDED 1,310,239 BUDGET PROPERTY TAXES 1,292,095 Solid Waste 589,010 572,700 623,245 651,546 Access Line Fees 688,486 Current $ 36,095,131 $ 40,928,720 $ 40,822,785 $ 43,782,531 Delinquent - 29,662 30,300 182,903 62,384 182,495 60,000 206,776 Penalty & Interest 2,993,829 $ 154,841 2,589,100 127,747 CHARGES FOR SERVICE 127,747 144,743 Rollback Charges for Service 338,212 3,931,416 - 3,290,829 - 46,167 - Miscellaneous Tax Revenue - 5,699 - - - 3,013 Allen USA Revenue 3,000 - SUBTOTAL $ 36,623,546 $ 41,239,370 $ 41,136,040 $ 44,137,050 SALESTAX 1,593,922 1,646,012 1,091,200 Special Activities 235,737 241,275 266,867 279,395 Mixed Drink Tax 725,312 354,344 899,266 361,747 Concession Sales 363,000 1,106,462 387,486 Municipal Sales Tax Antenna Rentals 17,350,321 - 18,190,474 542,644 18,186,549 2,829,818 18,742,546 3,725,489 SUBTOTAL $ 17,704,665 $ 18,552,221 $ 18,549,549 $ 19,130,032 FRANCHISE FEES Public Education Govt Access Fee 262,048 268,450 260,946 - Electric 3,602,732 3,584,917 3,591,948 3,648,791 Gas 959,932 1,083,153 793,932 849,506 Cable 1,310,239 1,339,541 1,298,711 1,292,095 Solid Waste 589,010 572,700 623,245 651,546 Access Line Fees 688,486 591,149 712,163 779,585 SUBTOTAL $ 7,412,447 $ 7,439,910 $ 7,280,945 $ 7,221,523 LICENSES & PERMITS Permits 148,800 112,700 4,100 2,700 Licenses& Registrations 343,487 325,000 325,000 309,500 Single Family Permits 1,078,606 850,000 850,000 1,030,000 Multi -Family Permits 248,850 25,000 175,000 200,000 Commercial Permits 586,379 350,000 625,000 600,000 Building Permits -Other 525,323 250,000 400,000 361,145 Health Code Permits - - 120,000 115,000 Other Permits - - 30,000 30,300 Fire Code Permits 62,384 40,000 60,000 50,000 SUBTOTAL $ 2,993,829 $ 1,952,700 $ 2,589,100 $ 2,698,645 CHARGES FOR SERVICE Charges for Service 4,073,743 3,931,416 4,051,462 3,290,829 Court Technology 46,167 49,247 38,129 - Membership/Admission Revenue - - - 658,287 Allen USA Revenue - - - 137,100 COAST Revenue - - - 25,285 Rental 1,885,538 1,593,922 1,646,012 1,091,200 Special Activities 235,737 241,275 266,867 279,395 Alcohol Sales 725,312 650,000 899,266 829,000 Concession Sales 1,166,795 1,106,462 1,149,748 1,157,021 Antenna Rentals - - - 542,644 Box Office Sales Revenue 2,829,818 3,272,150 3,725,489 3,825,950 Event Center Facility Ticket Fees 491,513 431,295 531,295 507,000 Additional Facility Ticket Fee (34,050) SUBTOTAL $ 11,454,623 $ 11,275,767 $ 12,308,266 $ 12,309,661 City of Allen 39 FY2017 Budget F 1 1 CITY OF ALLEN GENERALFUND REVENUES FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 City of Allen 40 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 REVENUE -DETAIL ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FINES & FORFEITURES Fines 1,805,230 1,868,382 1,686,182 1,774,749 SUBTOTAL $ 1,805,230 $ 1,868,382 $ 1,686,182 $ 1,774,749 MISCELLANEOUS Interest 202,924 162,000 194,400 194,400 Retail Store Sales 113,689 161,015 161,015 155,359 Sponsorship Revenue 160,964 222,245 222,245 228,000 Cash Over/Short (612) - - - Miscellaneous 207,135 167,800 108,277 103,760 Sale of Assets 17,086 16,000 16,OD0 15,000 SUBTOTAL $ 701,186 $ 729,060 $ 701,937 $ 696,519 CONTRIBUTIONS Donations/Sponsorships 636,139 600,306 600,838 543,552 SUBTOTAL $ 636,139 $ 600,306 $ 600,838 $ 543,552 REIMBURSEMENTS Reimbursements 1,196,959 1,257,087 1,405,132 1,339,551 SUBTOTAL $ 1,196,959 $ 1,257,087 $ 1,405,132 $ 1,339,551 INTERGOVERNMENTAL Intergovernmental 11,826 11,826 111,826 111,826 SUBTOTAL $ 11,826 $ 11,826 $ 111,826 $ 111,826 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Operating Transfers In 5,353,099 4,556,699 4,556,699 4,586,821 SUBTOTAL $ 5,353,099 $ 4,556,699 $ 4,556,699 $ 4,586,821 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ 85,893,549 $ 89,483,328 $ 90,926,516 $ 94,549,929 City of Allen 40 FY2017 Budget 1 E CITY OF ALLEN TAXSTRUCTURE FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 ASSESSED VALUE - 2016 Tax Year REVENUE AT $0.5200 PER $100 VALUATION CONTRIBUTION TO DEBT SERVICE CONTRIBUTION TO GENERAL FUND 100.0% COLLECTION RATE TAX RATE DISTRIBUTION $ 11,225,448,262 $ 58,372,331 $ 13,888,910 $ 44,483,421 RATE PERCENT AMOUNT GENERALFUND 0.396273 76.21% $ 44,483,421 DEBT SERVICE FUND 0.123727 23.79% 13,888,910 0.520000 100.00% $ 58,372,331 (A) (A) Approximately $700,000 of the General Fund property taxes and $216,000 of the Debt Service Fund property taxes will be allocated to the TIF Fund as property tax increments for TIF Zones #1 and #2. City of Allen 41 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 Assumptions Used for Projecting 2016-2017 Revenues and Expenditures 1. Tax rate used = $0.52 - Based upon certified FY2017 appraised value of $11,225,448,262(10.28%increase) - FY2016 final assessed value = $10,179,176,133 - Property tax incentive for Watters Creek is 50% and The Village at Allen is 90% - The growth in property taxes comes from $233 million in new real property and $813 million in reappraisal value. 2. Growth in sales tax revenue of 3.01% over FY2016 revised budget - FY2016 revised sales tax is estimated to increase 4.65% over FY2015 actual. Sales tax is estimated at $763,253 for Watter's Creek and $2,800,640 for The Village at Allen. Of these amounts, 50% of Watter's Creek and currently 90% of The Village at Allen are paid to the developers as economic development incentives. Sales tax as a result of data center purchases in the amount of $700,000 is expected. - FY2017 sales tax includes general growth of in-line retail and restaurant additions. Data center purchases are expected to slightly decrease to $650,000. The Village at Allen and Watters Creek sales tax continue to grow, but have slowed as there is less available retail space. 3. Overall City growth - FY2017 Residential growth projected at 637 permits. - FY2017 Commercial permits are projected to slightly decrease from FY2016 revised. - Multi -family permits are revised to $175,000 for FY2016 from the original projection of $150,000. FY2017 is expected at $200,000. 4. Population- FY2017 estimate: 98,750 S. Franchise fees 6 Other Electric: TXU(Atmos) kilowatt hour usage is expected to increase 100% due to increased demand from a growing population. CoSery and GCEC Electric franchise revenue projected to increase by 2.85% over FY2016 revised. Gas: Atmos gas franchise is projected to increase from the revised FY2016 budget at 7.00% FY2017 budget assumes historical average temperatures. CoSery gas franchise is projected to increase, similarly to Atmos, although much of this revenue is dependent on commodity price. Telephone: Access line fees are projected at an increase of 9.46%, specifically with large increases in business lines. The revised FY2016 fees increased 3 46%, over FY2015 actual, according to the current trend. Data line connections impact this revenue source. Cable Cable franchise fees projected at 0.51% below revised FY2016. The largest provider appears to be directing new customers to non -cable products, thus negatively impacting revenues. Ambulance: FY2017 revenues projected at no growth over FY2016 revised. Investments Earnings were projected using agency coupon and CD rates ranging from 0.55% to 180% and TexPool at the rate of 0.3%. Gasoline: Used an average rate of $3.00 per gallon for FY2017 and $2.25 for Revised FY2016. ' 7. Event Center and The Village at Allen - The city ticket fee is projected at $489,000 for FY2017. The reimbursement to MG Herring is budgeted at 7S% of the ticket fee revenue. - The property tax and sales tax reimbursement to MGHerring is budgeted at 90%. City of Allen 42 FY2017 Budget C TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 80,207,118 CITY OF ALLEN 86,608,304 $ 87,443,739 $ 93,131,604 Total Transfers Out $ 4,452,116 GENERALFUND 702,426 $ 2,345,402 $ ' EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 General Government: ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET City Administration 806,049 842,427 842,427 890,480 City Secretary 390,782 436,038 477,304 466,640 Public & Media Relations 631,738 644,617 644,617 656,074 PEG Access 219,664 144,631 112,600 - Information Technology 3,598,084 3,817,064 3,841,250 4,724,332 Human Resources 632,596 817,354 817,354 894,609 Internal Services 12,419,932 12,441,075 12,790,728 14,248,573 Finance 1,992,393 2,070,305 2,141,929 2,218,216 Municipal Court 736,270 810,954 810,954 736,897 Building Maintenance 1,002,480 1,081,507 1,082,467 1,117,884 Service Center 560,347 803,580 651,417 793,071 Total General Government $ 22,990,335 $ 23,909,552 $ 24,213,047 $ 26,746,776 Public Safety: Fire 13,193,857 14,107,430 14,107,430 15,262,403 Police 17,260,845 18,482,418 18,605,753 19,756,762 Total Public Safety $ 30,454,701 $ 32,589,848 $ 32,713,183 $ 35,019,165 Public Works: Community Services Administration 426,092 452,995 451,445 472,145 Streets 1,021,231 1,110,776 1,112,276 1,433,552 Engineering 1,981,044 2,611,348 2,011,348 2,124,675 ' Total Public Works $ 3,428,367 $ 4,175,119 $ 3,575,069 $ 4,030,372 Culture &Recreation: Library 2,536,725 2,809,394 2,808,274 2,907,869 Parks& Recreation 10,166,495 12,095,222 12,229,712 12,358,164 Event Center 8,431,255 8,463,583 9,334,368 9,396,584 Total Culture & Recreation $ 21,134,475 $ 23,368,199 $ 24,372,354 $ 24,662,617 Community Development: Building Services 1,487,919 1,735,607 1,740,107 1,790,593 Planning 711,321 829,979 829,979 882,081 Total Community Development $ 2,199,240 $ 2,565,586 $ 2,570,086 $ 2,672,674 C TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 80,207,118 $ 86,608,304 $ 87,443,739 $ 93,131,604 Total Transfers Out $ 4,452,116 $ 702,426 $ 2,345,402 $ 2,341,770 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 84,659,234 $ 87,310,730 $ 89,789,141 $ 95,473,374 City of Allen 43 FY2017 Budget II I! CITY OF ALLEN EXPENDITURES BY CLASSIFICATION AS A PERCENT OF TOTAL GENERAL FUND BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 %OF REVISED %OF 2016-2017 %OF CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET Personnel Services $ 50,984,149 60.2% $ 56,025,072 62.4% $ 59,824,824 62.7% Operations 28,731,598 33.9% 31,241,267 34.8% 32,859,118 34.3% Capital 491,370 0.6% 177,400 0.2% 447,662 0.5% Transfers 4,452,116 5.3% 2,345,402 2.6% 2,341,770 2.5% TOTAL $ 84,659,233 $ 89,789,141 $ 95,473,374 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY CLASSIFICATION City of Allen 44 FY2017 Budget rs I L CITY ADMINISTRATION ORG 1110100 City Manager 1 Executive Assistant CM 1 Assistant City Manager Assistant City Manager I Assistant to the City Manager 1 Human Resources Director 1 Public & Media Relations Director City of Allen 45 FY2017 Budget ' The City Manager serves under the polity direction of the City Council and is responsible for making recommendations to the Council concerning policies, programs and developing methods to ensure the efficient operation of city services. The office of the City Manager coordinates and administers the implementation of ordinances, policies and procedures that will provide for the orderly, positive and planned growth and development of the City of Allen. Goal 1. Enhance Community Livability and Safety • Continued to develop and refine the Live.Love.Allen program, as part of the Neighborhood Integrity plan, to match community partners/volunteers with residents/neighborhoods in need of assistance. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with aaencies and governmental units that affect Allen • Remained actively involved in critical water conservation initiatives implemented in conjunction with the North Texas Municipal Water District. (also Goal 8) • Advocated Allen's position and interests at the Texas Legislature through facilitation of resolutions and joint letters to state representatives. • Strengthened relationships with members of the County Commissioners Court. Goal 3. Improve regional mobility though transportation initiatives • Evaluated feasibility of fixed bus routes. • Explored transportation alternatives to continue to provide Demand Response/Paratransit Services. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services • Provided continued refinement and oversight to MyAllen, a mobile application for residents to request and/or report a need for City services. ' • Issued general obligation bonds in the amount of $9.095 million for maintenance needs at existing facilities, street and alley repairs, roadway projects, drainage improvements, park land acquisition and park development, public art projects, and public facilities. • City received perfect audit for the 8'h consecutive year for the 2015-2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. • Continued implementation of the City Council's Strategic Plan. • Continued the City of Allen's commitment to service excellence through the employee P.R.I.D.E. program. • Provided leadership and resources to the 2016 G.O. Bond Election in the amount of $93,150,000 for capital improvements in the areas of public safety, parks and recreation, streets and drainage and public facilities as well as public art. Goal 7. Provide economic Investment that increases employment opportunity, the tax base, and provides desired goods and services for residents and contributes to the community character and identity • Welcomed a variety of new businesses including Sprouts Farmers Market, Caliber Collision, Brass Tap, La Madeleine, EI Polio Loco, TOPS Software, Texas Revolution, Lakeland Marketing, and Kone • Facilitated economic development incentive agreement for a full-service hotel and conference center. Goal 1. Enhance Community Livability and Safety • Identify Collin County Services available to Allen residents and encourage County to have a higher profile in Allen. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen • Continue to carefully evaluate potential Private/Public Partnership opportunities. • Continue to build and strengthen relationships with members of the County Commissioners Court. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence In City government services • Continue to offer employees professional growth and development opportunities while identifying outlets to celebrate organizational successes ' • Encourage creativity, flexibility, and accessibility in responding to customers' requests. • Maintain fiscally responsible policies and procedures to continue to operate the City in a cost efficient manner. Continue to review maintenance and operations costs related to both capital investment and the provision of services so that our city operations are able to continue to achieve strategic priorities in a sustainable manner. City of Allen 46 FY2017 Budget I 1 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 785,509 820,727 820,727 868,725 Operations 16,224 18,950 18,950 18,405 Supplies 4,316 2,750 2,750 3,350 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 806,049 842,427 842,427 890,480 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULL TIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET City Manager 1 1 1 1 Assistant City Manager 1 2 2 2 Assistant to the City Manager 1 1 1 1 Executive Assistant to City Manager 1 1 1 1 Senior Administrative Assistant 1 0 0 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 5 5 5 5 Worker's Compensation 565 1,191 1,191 PART-TIME Health Insurance 58,780 59,480 59,480 Temporary Assistant City Manager 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 TOTAL PART TIME 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 City of Allen 47 FV2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 568,507 587,932 587,932 634,551 Longevity 1,740 1,980 1,980 2,220 Overtime 2,985 2,500 2,500 2,500 Deferred Compensation 16,570 16,751 16,751 17,381 FICA 33,588 45,559 45,559 37,751 TMRS 83,863 86,328 86,328 89,718 Worker's Compensation 565 1,191 1,191 1,282 Health Insurance 58,780 59,480 59,480 64,524 Health Savings 5,216 5,219 5,219 5,423 Dental Insurance 3,944 3,991 3,991 4,110 Long-term Disability 789 820 820 502 Life Insurance 948 960 960 839 Flexible Spending 214 216 216 124 Car Allowance 7,800 7,800 7,800 7,800 SUBTOTAL $ 785,509 $ 820,727 $ 820,727 $ 868,725 City of Allen 47 FV2017 Budget I 1 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 806,049 $ 842,427 $ 842,427 890,480 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 48 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 OPERATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Training & Travel 9,754 11,575 11,575 10,940 Dues & Subscriptions 4,429 5,125 5,125 4,765 Meetings & Receptions 2,041 2,250 2,250 2,700 SUBTOTAL $ 16,224 $ 18,950 $ 18,950 $ 18,405 SUPPLIES General Supplies 4,316 2,750 2,750 3,350 SUBTOTAL $ 4,316 $ 2,750 $ 2,750 $ 3,350 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 806,049 $ 842,427 $ 842,427 890,480 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 48 FY2017 Budget I 1 WEBSITE The City of Allen website is maintained by the Public and Media Relations Department of City Administration. For a historic perspective, in 2005, the number of page -views per month was 45,725. After a website redesign in 2008, the traffic increased to over 119,000 page - views per month the following year. From 2010 through 2012, the average monthly page -views continued to climb 235,000 230,000 228,935 225,000 220,000 215,000 210,000 205,000 200,030 200,000 195,000 - 216,819 214,327 from 200,030 average page -views per 190,000 { �_ month to an all-time high of 228,935 185,000 , average page -views per month in 2012. 2010 2012 2014 2016 Est. The increase is attributed to interest in continued development of destination assets, creation of the Allen Convention and Visitors Bureau and improved website design and technology. In 2013, the average number of page -views per month dropped to 207,989. This decrease is attributed to the expansion of news and information being available through multiple social media accounts and subscriber news services. In addition, online news services such as AIIenBubblelife began picking up City news feeds. By 2014, page -views per month again began to increase, reaching 214,327. Modest population growth, changes to the water conservation practices (Stage 3 enhanced), and regional relocation efforts for Toyota employees accounts for some of this increase (rise in visitor traffic from the state of California). By mid -year 2015, the City of Allen website underwent a major refresh in design per the contract with CIVICPlus. Page -views rose to nearly 220,000 per month over the course of the year. During the months following the new design launch date in July 2015, unique page -views' rose to 142,441 per month which was an increase of over 2,000 per month. This can be attributed to new navigation architecture, more user friendly page layouts and the ability for staff to provide more dynamic updates with the enhanced design through internal sub -sites like AIIenNews.org, AIIenParks.org and AIIenLibrary.org. Increased use of social media through platforms such as Facebook and Twitter is also considered a factor driving increased website traffic (using web links for more information). 2016 continues to see an increase in page -views, up to 216,819 per month for the first six months. Unique page -views• are at an all-time high of 166,160 per month in the first six months of 2016. This can be attributed to expanded promotional campaigns to highlight communications efforts through AIIenNews.org, social media and email newsletters. Information on the proposed Capital Improvement Plan also resulted in an increase to unique page -views' as this was new content on the website. `A page -view is defined by a user loading the page in a browser (IE or Firefox etc.) If a visitor comes to a site and looks at the some page twice that will count as 2 page -views but only 1 unique page -view. City of Allen 49 FY2017 Budget CITY SECRETARY ORGS CITY SECRETARY 1115100 MAYOR AND COUNCIL 1115120 City Secretary 1 RecorES Management Senior Administra0ve Assistant) I Mministramwe Assistant Sp eu el" st 1 5 1 City of Allen 50 FY2017 Budget /w --0The City Secretary's Office is responsible for the administration of city elections and the <+F2 citywide Records Management program, responding to Public Information Requests and the *: annual Board and Commission appointment process. The Office operates the Municipal 5 Records Center for the storage of inactive city records until such time as those records may be disposed of; identifies, preserves and serves as custodian of the city's historical records. Goals. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 3. Continually Enhance the City of Allen's Customer Service Approach to Delivering Quality Services • Successfully conducted the General Election, Bond Election and Special Local Option Election in accordance with State law. • Continued use of Public Information Request software system to track and respond to public information requests. Complied with the Public Information Act in responding to requests for open records in a timely fashion for the City of Allen. • Continued preservation of City's permanent records by digitizing City Council minutes, board, committee and commission minutes, City Council Ordinances and Resolutions into the Content Management System (CMS). Oversaw the implementation of the CMS in the Human Resources Department. • Oversaw recruitment and appointment process of City Council's boards, committees and commissions. Conducted the annual orientation program for newly appointed and reappointed board, committee and commission members. ' : Completed the annual destruction of city records in accordance with the Texas State Library requirements. Ensured new city personnel completed the Email Content Management Training Class. Completed Supplement No. 13 to the Code of Ordinances and Supplement No. 13 to the Land Development Code. • Conducted records management training for Records Liaison Officers. • Continued imaging program to ensure the preservation of commercial building plans. Goals. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 3. Continually Enhance the City of Allen's Customer Service Approach to Delivering Quality Services • Respond promptly to requests for documents so that customers receive information in a timely manner • Publish legal notices to satisfy state law and to inform the public through print media. • Maintain official city records to ensure the efficient retrieval of those records. • Administer city elections in accordance with state law, being unbiased and ethical in the process • Continue to provide support and training for the Records Management program, ensuring compliance with the Texas State Library guidelines for records management. • Continue the program to encourage and increase voter participation in city elections. • Continue the open government and public information training programs for city personnel. City of Allen 51 FY2017 Budget City of Allen 52 FV2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 291,293 319,921 319,921 334,309 Operations 67,606 62,041 62,041 68,055 Supplies 7,729 8,126 8,126 8,326 Professional Services 24,154 45,950 87,216 55,950 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 390,782 436,038 477,304 466,640'- City of Allen 52 FV2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET City Secretary 1 1 1 1 Records Management Specialist 1 1 1 1 Senior Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 TOTALFULLTIME 3 3 3 3 PART-TIME Council Salaries 34,500 35,340 35,340 Administrative Assistant 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 TOTAL PART TIME 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 City of Allen 52 FV2017 Budget TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 194,140 216,148 216,148 221,306 Council Salaries 34,500 35,340 35,340 34,500 Longevity 882 1,066 1,066 1,190 Overtime 758 500 500 1,008 FICA 14,984 16,636 16,636 17,527 TMRS 27,692 31,148 31,148 31,718 Worker's Compensation 211 467 467 479 Health Insurance 14,524 14,310 14,310 21,513 Health Savings Account 1,554 2,073 2,073 2,141 Dental Insurance 1,442 1,552 1,552 2,282 Long-term Disability 236 281 281 304 Life Insurance 288 316 316 279 Flexible Spending 82 84 84 62 SUBTOTAL $ 291,293 $ 319,921 $ 319,921 $ 334,309 OPERATIONS Training/Travel/Mileage 42,000 32,600 32,600 20,800 Dues & Subscriptions 1,276 1,365 1,365 1,495 Advertising 8,789 6,350 6,350 6,350 Outside Printing 1,405 1,850 1,850 1,850 Meeting & Receptions 14,136 19,876 19,876 37,560 ' SUBTOTAL $ 67,606 $ 62,041 $ 62,041 $ 68,055 City of Allen 52 FV2017 Budget 1 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 390,782 436,038 477,304 $ 466,640 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 53 FY2017 Budget GENERA 1 11 1 s 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 SUPPLIES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET General Supplies 7,729 8,126 8,126 8,326 SUBTOTAL $ 7,729 $ 8,126 $ 8,126 $ 8,326 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services - - - 33,300 Professional Services 13,973 35,950 35,950 12,650 Elections 10,181 10,000 51,266 10,000 SUBTOTAL $ 24,154 $ 45,950 $ 87,216 $ 55,950 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 390,782 436,038 477,304 $ 466,640 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 53 FY2017 Budget I 1 Records Management The purpose of the City's Records Management Program is to provide records management services to City departments and the Economic Development Corporation so their records are accessible using appropriate technology, managed legally, economically and effectively, preserved for historical value, and disposed of in accordance with State approved records schedules. Performance Measure 2014 2015 2016 Est. Training Sessions Provided 2 6 4 Cubic Feet of Eligible Records 0 900 goo Destroyed 16 15 16 Number of Commercial Building Plans 0 0 4,000 Pageslmaged 25 38 41 Number of Ordinances, Resolutions NA NA 14,000 and Minutes Imaged Public Information Requests The City Secretary serves as the official Public Information Officer for the City of Allen and the Economic Development Corporation. Public information is provided to the Council, staff, media, and the public so they can have timely and convenient access to City records. Performance Measure 2014 2015 2016 Est. Percentage of Open Records Requests 100% 100% 100% Responded to within 10 days City Council Meetings The City Secretary's Office provides meeting coordination to the City Council so they can have assurance of citizen participation, and an accurate, timely record of the meetings. City of Allen Performance Measure 2014 2015 2016 Est. Number of Blue Star Flag 1 1 Presentations 1 Number of Proclamations Presented 16 15 16 at Council Meetings Number of Citizen Recognitions 25 38 41 Presented Outside of Council Meeting 54 FY2017 Budget ' Boards and Commissions .. The City Secretary's Office coordinates the annual Board appointment process including training of newly appointed and reappointed Board members regarding laws and procedures relating to their appointment. Performance Measure 2014 2015 2016 Est. Percentage of Newly Appointed and Reappointed Board Members 100% 100% 100% Attending Annual Orientation Session Percentage of Appointees Completing Open Meetings Training required by 100% 100% 100% the Open Meetings Act Municipal Elections The City Secretary's Office provides election services to voters, petitioners, City departments, and candidates 50 they can participate in the election process. City of Allen 55 FY2017 Budget Performance Measure 2014 2015 2016 Est. Number of Ballots Cast 3,134 1,815 4,503 ' Total cost of General Election $11,751 $9,204 $14,608 Cost per ballot cast $3.75 $5.07 $3.24 Percentage of Registered Voters 6.1% 3.5% 8.1% Casting Ballots City of Allen 55 FY2017 Budget ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ORGS PLANNING 1500420 BUILDING INSPECTIONS 1510110 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1515400 CODE ENFORCEMENT 1515410 1 Building Oficial 1 official 1 Building Inspector 4 Plans Examiner 3 Director 1 Senior Planner Assistant Director 1 IF1 Senior Administrative Assistant 1 Planner 1 Senior Planner 1 Planner Code & Health Compliance Manager i Senior Code Enforcement Officer 2 Code Enforcement Officer 2' Senior ErmrDnmental Health Specialist 2 Environmental Health Specialist 1 *One position paid from Water/Sewer and Solid Waste Funds. City of Allen 56 Assistant 1 FY2017 Budget 1 FUND DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1510110-1520110 BUILDING INSPECTIONS The Building Inspections division is a multi -functional division charged with the responsibility of managing the plan review processes, building inspections, and compliance of building codes. Accomplishments in FY 2016: Goal 1. Enhance Community Livability and Safetr • Continued administration of the Adopted 2009 International Codes and NEC Electrical Code for enforcement. • Continued working with builders and contractors to understand changes in the codes. • Complied the review and code amendments process to prepare for the 2015 International Building Codes adoption process as recommended by COG. • Provided cross training for staff in areas that provide enhanced customer service. • Initiated development and set-up of the Tyler Energov Building Inspection module and workflow process. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services • Continued to implement a cross -training program for Building Inspectors to become Combination Inspectors, creating a professional, "one stop" process that will expedite development and reduce the number of trips to construction sites. Objectives for FY 2017: Goal 1. Enhance Community Livability and Safety • Continue support of the Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating for Building Inspections and support to the Fire Inspections Department by using the latest codes and standards, adding staff certifications, and providing more staff training opportunities • Complete the process to adopt new Building Codes (2015 International Codes). • Provide training hours to building inspectors to maintain their respective licenses and certifications to perform the duties required. • Continue cross training program with inspectors to develop them into combination inspectors in order to streamline the inspection process creating a one stop process for community development. • Continue to provide technical support for the CDBG Home Repair program. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services • Continue to monitor the plan review process to ensure that productivity and review turnaround times for commercial and residential permits are timely. • Continue monitoring the plan review process and project coordination techniques. • Implement the Tyler Energov Software. City of Allen 57 FY2017 Budget 1 "This position is split between Community Development -Permits and Water & Sewer -Utility Billing. PART-TIME Receptionist 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 TOTAL PART TIME 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 17.50 17.50 17.50 16.50 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 1,440,501 1,645,911 1,648,411 1,691,307 Operations 25,566 43,906 43,906 44,586 Supplies 10,543 27,790 27,790 27,100 Maintenance 5,878 7,980 7,980 7,980 Professional Services 5,432 10,020 12,020 19,620 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 1,487,919 $ 1,735,607 $ 1,740,107 $ 1,790,593 1 "This position is split between Community Development -Permits and Water & Sewer -Utility Billing. PART-TIME Receptionist 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 TOTAL PART TIME 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 17.50 17.50 17.50 16.50 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULL TIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Building Official 1 1 1 1 Assistant Building Official 1 1 1 1 Permit/Utility Billing Manager" 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Building Inspector 4 4 4 4 Sr. Environmental Health Specialist 2 2 2 2 Environmental Health Specialist 1 1 1 1 Plans Examiner 3 3 3 3 Customer Service Representative 3 3 2 2 ' Permit Technician 0 0 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FUULTIME 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 1 "This position is split between Community Development -Permits and Water & Sewer -Utility Billing. PART-TIME Receptionist 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 TOTAL PART TIME 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 17.50 17.50 17.50 16.50 City of Allen 58 FV2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 1,011,062 1,148,579 1,148,579 1,179,639 Longevity 3,736 4,576 4,576 3,632 Overtime 24,728 14,611 17,111 17,111 FICA 75,043 83,385 83,385 83,067 TMRS 146,912 164,880 164,880 167,241 Worker's Compensation 1,885 4,267 4,267 4,356 Health Insurance 157,798 203,733 203,733 214,426 City of Allen 58 FV2017 Budget I 1 1 SUPPLIES General Supplies 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES -CONTINUED ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Health Savings Account 3,611 3,146 3,146 3,214 Dental Insurance 12,780 15,298 15,298 15,072 Long-term Disability 1,354 1,590 1,590 1,787 Life Insurance 1,121 1,262 1,262 1,142 Flexible Spending 469 584 584 620 SUBTOTAL $ 1,440,501 $ 1,645,911 $ 1,648,411 $ 1,691,307' OPERATIONS Training/Travel 14,070 24,085 24,085 27,565 Dues/Subscriptions/License 3,524 8,861 8,861 5,361 Uniforms 6,026 7,900 7,900 8,600 Putside Printing 1,946 3,060 3,060 3,060 SUBTOTAL $ 25,566 $ 43,906 $ 43,906 $ 44,586 SUPPLIES General Supplies 10,543 27,790 27,790 27,100 SUBTOTAL $ 10,543 $ 27,790 $ 27,790 $ 27,100 MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance 5,878 7,980 7,980 7,980 SUBTOTAL $ 5,878 $ 7,980 $ 7,980 $ 7,980 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services - - - 7,620 Professional Services 5,432 10,020 12,020 12,000 SUBTOTAL $ 5,432 $ 10,020 $ 12,020 $ 19,620 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 1,487,919 $ 1,735,607 $ 1,740,107 $ 1,790,593 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 59 FV2017 Budget I DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT 9MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1510110-1520 Building Permit Plan Review Time Developers and individuals who desire to do construction projects must RII Total Building Permits Issued out a permit application and submit plans and other supporting 10,000 documents, which are reviewed by the 7,500 - - permit staff and a plans examiner. This is the application procedure when 5,000 -- applying for any type of building 2,soo permit in the City of Allen. The goal is to provide for regulated growth with - quality assurance, comply with all FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 applicable building codes and city Est, regulations, and build relationships with excellent customer service. While single-family development made up Single Family Permits Issued the majority of the work 600 - load for many years, the 500 division now works with - a much more diverse 400 --- project load. Plan review 300 is our opportunity to make sure that 200 -- -- compliance is achieved 100 with all applicable building, local, and life safety code FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 Estrequirements before proceeding with construction. The Commercial Permit Review Time chart reflects how recent changes have reduced the number of days it takes to review a commercial project which, in turn, allows us to become a more user-friendly city. 30 25 20 15 110 5 Commercial Permit Review Time (Business Daysl FY2012 FY2013 82014 FY2015 H2016 Est. City of Allen 60 FY2017 Budget 1 1 New commercial and residential buildings, remodels, and miscellaneous permits are inspected multiple times before a final approval occurs and a certificate of occupancy may be issued. This is required to ensure all construction meets the requirements as set forth by the City of Allen. These routine procedures are being performed while we are transforming into a combination inspection department with our inspectors. Our goal is to provide a more efficient and high quality process for the customer and more prompt completion of projects. 35 30 25 20 15 30 5 Average Inspection Time (Minutes Per Stop) FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 Environmental Health Inspections FY2016 Est. The Environmental Health Division inspects all food -service establishments, child-care centers, public and semi-public swimming pools, apartment complexes, mobile food vendors, and temporary food vendors within Allen to make certain that health codes are being followed. Facilities that earn a poor score require immediate corrections and re -inspection. Thorough and timely inspections and food handler education are key factors in keeping scores high. City of Allen 61 FY2017 Budget 11� F ' The Land Development and Community Integrity divisions are responsible for land use and transportation planning, zoning administration, development coordination, certain economic development initiatives, community development programs, neighborhood integrity initiatives, code enforcement and environmental health while providing staff support for the Planning & Zoning Commission, the Board of Adjustment, the Sign Control Board, the Allen Economic Development Corporation and the Allen City Council. Goal 1. Enhance Community Livability and Safety Strategy 2. Create a clear plan to provide housing and other amenities to attract "Baby Boomers" and retirees to live, shop, and play in Allen • Assisted with the facilitation of the hotel and convention center project. • Partnered with land owners to implement Planned Development No. 108 including a focus on senior living and related services. • Facilitated new developments including Kone, Montgomery Ridge, Angel Field West and various retail and restaurant establishments. Strategy 3. Manage growth and development to preserve Allen's character and maintain neighborhood vitality • Implemented 2015-2020 CDBG Consolidated Plan and completed 10 home repair projects and provided funding to social and public services. • Code enforcement addressed over 4,500 property maintenance, nuisance and other violations. • Completed additional major amendments to the Allen Land Development Code. 1 MMEM======- 1 Goal 1. Enhance Community Livability and Safety Strategy 2. Create a clear plan to provide housing and other amenities to attract "Baby Boomers" and retirees to live, shop, and play in Allen • Partner with land owners and developers to facilitate high quality development along the Highway 121 corridor • Work with the development community to facilitate appropriate mixed-use developments. Strategy 3. Manage grovrth and development to preserve Allen's character and maintain neighborhood vitality • Manage the design and construction of the hotel and convention center project. • Implement the new Comprehensive Plan. • Continue to develop a Community Integrity program. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 1. Utilize technology for optimum performance and customer service • Implement the Tyler Technologies Software. City of Allen 62 FY2017 Budget I 1 1 City of Allen 63 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 619,828 739,564 739,564 789,831 Operations 21,880 25,470 25,470 26,000 Supplies 3,808 5,695 5,695 7,000 Maintenance - 1,250 1,250 1,250 Professional Services 4,037 8,000 8,000 8,000 Miscellaneous 61,769 50,000 50,000 50,000 DEPARTMENTTOTAL 711,321 829,979 829,979882,081'. 1 City of Allen 63 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULL TIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Director 1 1 1 1 Assistant Director 1 1 1 1 Senior Planner 1 2 2 2 Planner 2 2 2 2 Code & Health Compliance Manager 1 1 1 1 Senior Code Enforcement Officer 1 2 2 2 Code Enforcement Officer 2 1 1 1 Senior Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 TOTALFULLTIME 30 11 11 11 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 30 11 11 11 City of Allen 63 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 459,144 574,419 574,419 588,282 Longevity 2,440 2,760 2,760 2,224 Overtime 4,154 3,000 3,000 3,000 FICA 33,397 35,681 35,681 40,022 TMRS 65,850 69,048 69,048 81,950 Worker's Compensation 447 915 915 1,096 Health Insurance 48,415 47,929 47,929 64,518 Health Savings 262 - - 1,141 Dental Insurance 4,164 4,214 4,214 5,708 Long-term Disability 644 679 679 822 Life Insurance 731 740 740 758 Flexible Spending 180 179 179 310 SUBTOTAL $ 619,828 $ 739,564 S 739,564 $ 789,831 City of Allen 63 FY2017 Budget I 2015-2016 2016-2017 Oreanizat,ons AMENDED BUDGET Collin County Committee on Aging 23,500 23,500 CASA of Collin County 23,500 23,500 Family Promise 3,000 3,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 City of Allen 64 1 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 OPERATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Training & Travel 15,552 17,000 17,000 17,500 Dues & Subscriptions 3,028 3,670 3,670 4,000 Advertising 198 300 300 - Outside Printing 2,652 2,500 2,500 2,500 Meetings& Receptions 450 2,000 2,000 2,000 SUBTOTAL $ 21,880 $ 25,470 $ 25,470 $ 26,000 SUPPLIES General Supplies 3,808 5,695 5,695 7,000 SUBTOTAL $ 3,808 $ 5,695 $ 51695 $ 7,000 MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance 1,250 1,250 1,250 SUBTOTAL S - S 1,250 S 1,250 S 1,250 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Professional Services 4,037 8,000 8,000 8,000 SUBTOTAL $ 4,037 $ 81000 $ 81000 $ 81000 MISCELLANEOUS Donation Expense 61,769 50,000 50,000 50,000 SUBTOTAL-$ 61,769 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 711,321 829,979 829,979 882,081 2015-2016 2016-2017 Oreanizat,ons AMENDED BUDGET Collin County Committee on Aging 23,500 23,500 CASA of Collin County 23,500 23,500 Family Promise 3,000 3,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 City of Allen 64 1 FY2017 Budget n Development Proiects Reviewed The Land Development Division reviews plans for development projects including zoning, specific use permits, general development plans, preliminary plats, final plats, replats, and site plans. Plats and general development plans are approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission. Zoning requests and specific use permits are presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission for recommendation and then approved by the City Council. Site Plans are approved by the Director of Community Development. 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ■ Zoning/SUP GDP ■ Plats ■ Site Plan Development Projects Reviewed Permits Reviewed The Land Development Division reviews building permits, sign permits and civil plans for all new businesses and building permits for zoning compliance. 700 600 --_ Soo -- 400 -- 300 -p 200 r 100 -}--- 1 2012 ■Building/CO 392 Permits Reviewed City at Allen 65 FY2017 Budget 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. 30 30 25 23 30 3 2 2 0 2 30 34 33 37 41 - 12--� 29� — 30 34 36 Permits Reviewed The Land Development Division reviews building permits, sign permits and civil plans for all new businesses and building permits for zoning compliance. 700 600 --_ Soo -- 400 -- 300 -p 200 r 100 -}--- 1 2012 ■Building/CO 392 Permits Reviewed City at Allen 65 FY2017 Budget Code Enforcement Cases Code Enforcement protects the health, safety, and welfare of residents and maintains a higher quality of life by promoting awareness and compliance with City codes. In calendar year 2015 Code Enforcement Officers resolved 3,584 violations, while only issuing 88 citations. Seventy-one percent of violations were resolved within 30 days. 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Cases Code Enforcement Cases (FY) ' Community Development Block Grant Projects The City of Allen receives federal funds through the Community Development Block Program (CDBG). With these funds the City operates several programs including a home rehabilitation program and support to public service agencies. The City's allocation of federal funds for the CDBG program has increased slightly over the past five years and the number of home repairs projects is determined by the average cost of those projects. Home Repair Projects (includes minor repairs) is 16 14 12 — 10 - — 8 6 4 2 0 ' 2012 2013 2014 Houses 30 13 9 ym$/House $21,800 $22,500 $18,500 115 2016 9 17 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 City of Allen 66 FY2017 Budget 1 City of Allen COMMUNITY SERVICES ORGS ADMINISTRATION 1600100 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1615110 SERVICE CENTER 1620470 STREETS 1625110 Director 1 Senior Administrative Assistant 1 Assistant Director 1 Streets/Drainage Foreman Fleet CooNinalor I 11BUIlding Maintenance Forem: Crew Leader Builtling Technician 2 3 Lead Custodian Equipment Operator 2 2 Custodian MaintenanceWorker 7 7 67 FY2017 Budget I Community Services Administration is responsible for the efficient and effective administration and direction of the following areas: Streets, Drainage, Building Maintenance, Service Center Administration, Fleet Coordination, Waste Services, Water & Sewer, and Utility Collections. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy 8. Work with partners to protect and conserve natural resources Objective 1. Work with NCTCOG to protect and improve air quality • Director continues as Board Chair to the NCTCOG Resource Conservation Council. Objective 2. Work with partners to protect and conserve electricity • Help develop electricity and natural gas budget estimates for all City funds. • Continued to report electric consumption in accordance with Senate Bill 898 compliance to reduce municipal electric use by 5% per year through FY 2021. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 3. Continually Enhance the City of Allen's Customer Service Approach to Delivering Quality Services • Quickly and completely responded to citizen requests for assistance and information. • Developed the sixth annual budget for the Municipal Service Center. Goal S. Proactively work to protect, conserve and manage water resources Reported the P year progress for the TCEQ Sanitary Sewer Overflow Program. Strategy 1. Develop water conservation initiatives that encourage residents, businesses and City's operations to adopt a "low water -use" lifestyle ' • Continued the 1" year of the free residential homeirn,atian audit program. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy B. Work with partners to protect and conserve natural resources Objective 1. Work with NCTCOG to protect and improve air quality • Continue Beet conversion to alternative fuels or vehicles meeting low emission standards (LEV). Objective 2. Work with partners to protect and conserve electricity • Continue to be involved in electric deregulation through the Texas Coalition for Affordable Power (TCAP) and in the management of the City's power procurement and usage monitoring. • Continue Oncor's electric demand and use reduction programs that are aimed at improving the energy efficiency of city buildings. • Continue reporting of electric consumption in accordance with Senate Bill 898 compliance to reduce municipal electric use by 5% per year through FY 2021. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 3. Continually Enhance the City of Allen's Customer Service Approach to Delivering Quality Services • Respond to customer calls, e-mails, comment forms, or letters within one business day of the day of receipt. • Provide responsible strategic planning to address long range water, sewer, drainage, and solid waste needs for City and NTMWD capital improvements. Goal B. Proactively work to protect, conserve and manage water resources Strategy 2. Develop water conservation initiatives that encourage residents, businesses and City's operations to adopt a "low water -use" lifestyle • Continue a free residential home irrigation audit program. L City of Allen 68 FY2017 Budget I 1 City of Allen 69 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 419,226 441,755 441,755 460,670 Operations 2,632 4,690 3,140 4,840 Supplies 4,046 3,050 3,050 3,110 Maintenance 188 1,200 1,200 1,225 Professional Services 1 2,300 2,300 2,300 DEPARTMENT TOTAL. 426,092 452,995 $ 451,445 472,145 City of Allen 69 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Director 1 1 1 1 Assistant Director 1 1 1 1 Senior Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FULL TIME 3 3 3 3' TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 3 3 Ll d . 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 303,892 319,479 319,479 336,764 Longevity 2,324 2,468 2,468 2,612 Overtime 839 1,500 1,500 1,500 FICA 21,164 23,588 23,588 22,244 TMRS 43,358 46,167 46,167 48,372 Worker's Compensation 290 612 612 646 Health Insurance 43,744 44,265 44,265 44,868 Dental Insurance 2,410 2,439 2,439 2,512 Long-term Disability 430 453 453 416 Life Insurance 598 605 605 550 Flexible Spending 176 179 179 186 SUBTOTAL $ 419,226 $ 441,755 $ 441,755 $ 460,670 OPERATING EXPENDITURES Training & Travel 577 1,965 1,965 1,965 Dues & Subscriptions 2,055 2,725 1,175 2,875 SUBTOTAL $ 2,632 $ 4,690 $ 3,140 $ 4,840 SUPPLIES General Supplies 4,046 3,050 3,050 3,110 SUBTOTAL $ 4,046 $ 3,050 $ 3,050 $ 3,110 MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance 188 1,000 1,200 1,225 Radio Maintenance - 200 - - SUBTOTAL $ 188 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 S 1,225 City of Allen 69 FY2017 Budget I 1 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2015 2016-2017 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Professional Services 2,300 2,300 2,300 SUBTOTAL $ - $ 2,300 $ 2,300 $ 2,300 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 426,092 $ 452,995 451,445 472,145 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 70 FY2017 Budget I L Low Emission Vehicles The City of Allen is gradually replacing its higher emission gas or diesel burning light duty (non- emergency) vehicles with Ultra -Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV), Low 100% Emission Vehicles (LEV), or Alternative Fueled Vehicles (AFV) in 90% order to meet EPA requirements. Community Services, Engineering, Building and Code, and Parks and 60% Recreation are all affected by the EPA requirements and are procuring 70% lower emission replacement vehicles as a result. Public Safety vehicles are not included in the EPA 60% requirements; however, all patrol cars purchased in the past three years are also LEV or ULEV. 50% City of Allen Percentage of City's Fleet that is LEVIAFV 71 2014 2015 2016 FY2017 Budget W-1 Wail 0 1 The Building Maintenance division is responsible for maintaining a high quality interior building appearance and administering maintenance and repair contracts for City Hall, Municipal Service Center, City Hall Annex, Municipal Court / Parks & Recreation, Library, Police Station, Animal Shelter, Stacy Road Pump Station, and administrative areas in the Central Fire Station. Building Maintenance performs a variety of tasks including: janitorial and custodial services, building mechanical system preventive maintenance and repair, furniture assembly, bulk mail transport, minor remodeling projects, and other tasks to ensure efficient building operations and staff support. _si_ • Assisted in set up and break down at numerous City sponsored events. • Continued automated building maintenance request system with assistance from IT department. Goal S. Systematically invest in public infrastructure Strategy 3. Develop and implement Infrastructure Maintenance Plan/schedules for Community Service operations • Continued to manage annual preventive maintenance contracts for City Hall, Municipal Service Center, Municipal Annex, Courts Facility, Library, Police Station, and Animal Shelter. • Oversaw and assisted with renovation projects; researched and developed recommendations for replacement of HVAC equipment at the Library and Animal Shelter, oversaw installation of 19 new fan power boxes in the Municipal Court and Parks Building. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and Governmental units that affect Allen ' Strategy 8. Work with partners to protect and conserve natural resources Objective 2. Work with partners to protect and conserve electricity • Participated in planning of city buildings for energy efficiency through Oncor's electric demand and use reduction programs. • Joined Metroplex Facility Managers Association. • Joined several groups through Linkedln; Facility Maintenance Group, Building Owners and Managers Group, Code Officials of America, Maintenance Technology and the Maintenance Excellence Institute. Goal 5. Systematically invest in public infrastructure Strategy 3. Develop and implement Infrastructure Maintenance Plan/schedules for Community Service operations • Maintain a high level of maintenance and repair for City facilities the division maintains. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy 8. Work with partners to protect and conserve natural resources Objective 2. Work with partners to protect and conserve electricity • Pursue opportunities and work with other departments to make the best use of future ONCOR programs dedicated towards further reducing the city's energy consumption. • Work with new Energy Management System to better utilize the systems' ability to conserve energy. • Develop new alliances through membership with International Facility Managers Association. (IFMA) City of Allen 72 FY2017 Budget n City of Allen 73 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 690,650 742,282 742,282 783,016 Operations 5,028 11,752 9,752 9,905 Supplies 61,032 75,000 75,000 68,870 Maintenance 132,851 155,500 80,500 80,700 Professional Services 112,920 96,973 174,933 175,393 DEPARTMENTTOTAL 1,002,480 1,081,507 $ 1,082,467 $ 1,117,884 City of Allen 73 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Building Maintenance Foreman 1 1 1 1 Lead Custodian 2 2 2 2 Building Technician 2 3 3 3 Custodian 7 7 7 7 TOTAL FULL TIME 12 13 13 13 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 12 13 13 13 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 411,334 492,446 492,446 493,941 Longevity 3,512 4,088 4,088 4,664 Overtime 51,011 20,500 20,500 23,000 FICA 32,768 30,548 30,548 36,691 TMRS 65,760 62,536 62,536 74,020 Workers Compensation 4,515 8,940 8,940 10,225 Health Insurance 111,070 112,392 112,392 128,469 Dental Insurance 9,421 9,533 9,533 10,502 Long-term Disability 582 613 613 748 Life Insurance 443 448 448 446 Flexible Spending 235 238 238 310 SUBTOTAL $ 690,650 $ 742,282 $ 742,282 $ 783,016 OPERATIONS Training & Travel - 3,070 1,070 1,070 Dues & Subscriptions 15 545 545 545 Clothing & Uniforms 5,013 5,287 5,287 5,390 Advertising - 150 150 150 Rentals/Leasing 2,700 2,700 2,750 SUBTOTAL .$ 5,028 $ 11752 $ 9,752, $ - 91905 City of Allen 73 FY2017 Budget I 1 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 74 FV2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 SUPPLIES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Janitorial Supplies 56,711 61,000 61,000 62,220 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 4,321 14,000 14,000 6,650 SUBTOTAL $ 61,032 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 68,870 MAINTENANCE Building Maintenance 131,715 153,000 78,000 78,000 Vehicle Maintenance 1,136 2,500 2,500 2,700 SUBTOTAL $ 132,851 $ 155,500 $ 80,500 $ 80,700 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services 47,522 94,473 172,433 172,893 Professional Services 65,397 2,500 2,500 2,500 SUBTOTAL $ 112,920 $ 96,973 $ 174,933 $ 175,393 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 1,002,480 1,081,507 1,082,467 1,117,884 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 74 FV2017 Budget Building Square Footage Cleaned The total amount of square footage cleaned was increased October 2010 as the Municipal Service Center was completed at that time. An additional 29,100 square feet of area was added to the total with the completion of the service center. In December 2015, the city hall basement will be expanded by 5206 SF for meeting room space. Total Sauare Feet Cleaned per Custodian This measure reflects the efficiency of the ' Division's cleaning efforts. The Division has goal of 18,000 square feet cleaned per custodian to allow for thorough cleaning. In FY 11, one new custodian was added to clean the service center. 1 Cleaning Cost This is the cost incurred by the division for each square foot cleaned. The dollar amount includes salary and benefits for employees, uniforms, supplies, and cleaning equipment. Building Square Footage Cleaned 228,000 227.000 227,006 226,000 225.000 224,000 223,000 --- 222,000 �.-22t,B00 221300 22 1,000 ,,_. 220,000 '... ._._... . 219,000 --- 2014 2016 2016 Total Square Feet Cleaned per Custodian 25,400 r-- 25,223 - 25,200 -- 25,000 24,800 24,644 24,644 24,600 24,400 24,2- 2014 2015 2016 Dollars per Square Foot Cleaned per Year $3.50 — $3.00 $250 — $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 2014 2015 2015 City of Allen 76 FY2017 Budget 1 1 The Service Center division is responsible for managing the common/shared facilities located at the Municipal Service Center. The division also budgets for all Municipal Service Center utilities including water, sewer, natural gas, electricity, and gasoline. :: Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 3. Continually Enhance the City of Allen's Customer Service Approach to Delivering Quality Services • Oversaw operations of Municipal Service Center including administration building and shop building. • Managed operations budget for Service Center for FY 15-16 including the transfer of General Fund fuel costs to be included in service center budget. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 3. Continually Enhance the City of Allen's Customer Service Approach to Delivering Quality Services • Develop and monitor the operations budget and be prepared to make mid -year adjustments and develop the FY 17-18 budget based on the facilities historic costs that are developed. City of Allen 76 FY2017 Budget I ' 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel 66,851 80,234 80,234 83,251 Operations 426,866 642,026 484,863 623,200 Supplies 6,806 19,150 24,150 24,250 Maintenance 29,732 20,000 24,800 24,900 Professional Services 30,092 42,170 37,370 37,470 DEPARTMENTTOTAL 560,347 803,580 $ 651,417 793,071 ' 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Fleet Coordinator 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FULL TIME 1 1 1 1 - 56 56 104 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT Overtime 1,317 1,000 1,000 1 1 1 1 ' 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 47,549 56,303 56,303 58,493 Longevity - 56 56 104 Overtime 1,317 1,000 1,000 1,000 FICA 3,510 4,029 4,029 4,242 TMRS 6,926 8,082 8,082 8,457 Worker's Compensation 437 1,167 1,167 1,213 Health Insurance 6,352 8,570 8,570 8,688 Dental Insurance 658 887 887 914 Long-term Disability 57 80 80 88 Life Insurance 45 60 60 52 Flexible Spending SUBTOTAL $ 66,851 $ 80,234 $ 80,234 $ 83,251 OPERATIONS Fuel 426,629 638,151 480,788 619,125 Training & Travel - 500 500 500 Dues & Subscriptions - 125 325 325 Clothing & Uniforms 220 1,000 1,000 1,000 Rentals - 2,000 2,000 2,000 Outside Printing 17 250 250 250 SUBTOTAL $ 426,866 $ 642,026 $ 484,863 $ 623,200 FI City of Allen 77 FY2017 Budget 1 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 560,347 $ 803,580 651,417 $ 793,071 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 78 FV2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 SUPPLIES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET General Supplies 2,648 11,200 16,200 16,200 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 4,158 7,950 7,950 8,050 SUBTOTAL $ 61806 S 19,150 -$ 24,150`$. 24,250 MAINTENANCE Facility Maintenance 16,382 8,000 12,800 12,800 Vehicle Maintenance 1,101 3,500 3,500 3,550 Equipment Maintenance 12,249 8,500 8,500 8,550 SUBTOTAL $ 29,732 $ 20,000 $ 24,800 $ 24,900 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services 8,005 42,170 37,370 37,470 Professional Services 22,087 SUBTOTAL $ 30,092 $ 42,170 $ 37,370 $ 37,470 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 560,347 $ 803,580 651,417 $ 793,071 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 78 FV2017 Budget L Streets division is responsible for promoting quality of life and the public's safe driving experience through maintaining public streets, sidewalks, and alleys. Goal 5. Systematically invest in public infrastructure Strategy 3. Develop and implement Infrastructure Maintenance Plan/schedules for Community Service operations • Performed routine concrete and asphalt street maintenance to extend the fife of the City s roadways. • Managed the City/Resident cost -shared sidewalk replacement program. • Developed and oversaw annual street and alley repair project. • Responded to allcitizen requests for assistance within 24 hoursto demonstratea high degree of customer service. • Continued the Micro Slurry Seal program for resurfacing asphalt streets in Fountain Park and High Meadow subdivisions. • Utilize the new concrete truck to help facilitate delivery reliability and increase Streets, Drainage, and Water and Sewer efficiency. ' Goal S. Systematically invest in public infrastructure Strategy 3. Develop and implement Infrastructure Maintenance Plan/schedules for Community Service operations • Implement a new computerized maintenance management system to formulate the division's Pavement Maintenance program. • Manage the City/Resident cost -shared Sidewalk Replacement program. • Continue to perform routine concrete and asphalt street maintenance to extend the life of the City's infrastructure. • Continue to rapidly respond to citizen calls and concerns on streets, alleys, and sidewalks. • Continue program for screening wall repair and/or replacement for city owned walls. • Continue Micro Slurry Seal program for resurfacing asphalt streets. City of Allen 79 FY2017 Budget City of Allen 80 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 411,365 462,414 462,414 482,230 Longevity 4,788 Y' 4,600 4,384 Overtime 26,959 18,000 18,000 18,000 FICA 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 TMRS CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET 9,685 Personnel Services 679,382 743,590 743,590 767,551 127,443 Operations 9,482 14,575 16,075 14,725 1,073 Supplies 11,520 13,111 23,111 24,271 8,904 Maintenance 312,107 189,500 179,500 457,005 Life Insurance Professional Services - 150,000 150,000 170,000 84 Capital 8,740 124 SUBTOTAL $ 679,382 $ 743,590 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 1,021,231 1,110,776 1,112,276 1, Training/Travel/Mileage 1,919 3,450 3,450 3,450 Dues & Subscriptions 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Clothing & Uniforms FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET 998 Foreman 1 1 1 1 14,575 Crew Leader 2 2 2 2 Equipment Operator 2 2 2 2 Maintenance Worker 7 7 7 7 TOTAL FULL TIME 12 12 12 12 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 12 12 12 12 City of Allen 80 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 411,365 462,414 462,414 482,230 Longevity 4,788 4,600 4,600 4,384 Overtime 26,959 18,000 18,000 18,000 FICA 31,095 33,120 33,120 35,482 TMRS 62,640 66,970 66,970 71,612 Worker's Compensation 9,685 20,502 20,502 20,191 Health Insurance 123,482 127,443 127,443 125,456 Health Savings Account 560 1,073 1,073 - Dental Insurance 7,795 8,422 8,422 8,904 Long-term Disability 526 553 553 732 Life Insurance 404 409 409 436 Flexible Spending 84 84 84 124 SUBTOTAL $ 679,382 $ 743,590 $ 743,590 $ 767,551 OPERATIONS Training/Travel/Mileage 1,919 3,450 3,450 3,450 Dues & Subscriptions 416 550 2,050 550 Clothing & Uniforms 6,149 7,850 7,850 8,000 Rentals 998 2,725 2,725 2,725 SUBTOTAL $ 9,482 $ 14,575 $ 16,075 $ 14,725 City of Allen 80 FY2017 Budget I 1 MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 SUPPLIES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET General Supplies 1,448 2,725 12,725 12,725 Small Tools& Minor Equipment 8,576 10,036 10,036 11,196 Medical & Chemical Supply 1,496 350 350 350 SUBTOTAL $ 11,520 $ 13,111 $ 23,111 $ 24,271 MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance 18,106 14,050 14,050 14,330 Equipment Maintenance 13,087 11,350 11,350 11,575 Street/Sidewalk Maintenance 280,913 164,100 154,100 431,100 SUBTOTAL $ 312,107 $ 189,500 $ 179,500 $ 457,005 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services 150,000 150,000 170,000 SUBTOTAL $ - $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 170,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery & Equipment City of Allen SUBTOTAL S 8,740 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 1,021,231 $ 1,110,776 $ 1,112,276 $ 1,433,SS2 81 FY2017 Budget I Total Street Miles Total street miles in Allen have increased by approximately 11 miles in the past three years. Although maintenance will eventually increase as a result of the new construction, for the immediate future the new streets will require little maintenance. All new streets are constructed with concrete due to lower maintenance costs and greater lifespan. Street Conditions The City's Pavement Service Rating (PSR) Total Street Miles 400 302.40 308.25 313.80 316.00 300 200 100 J16.25U14.93W14.9314.93 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 est r•Asphalt Miles ■Concrete Miles Percentage of Streets in Satisfactory rnnrlifinn in, RnHn� system rates streets on a 0-5 scale, with 120% 96% 96% 93%92 0 being impassible, 3 being satisfactory, 100% and 5 being excellent or newly 80% 77% 73% constructed. The rating measures 60% cracking, base condition, drainage, 40% surface condition, distortion, and ride 20% quality. Asphalt streets are cheaper to 0% build but more costly to maintain than 2014 2015 2016 2017 est concrete. Concrete streets are evaluated oAsphalt Miles ■Concrete Miles every four years, and asphalt streets are '.. evaluated over a two year period, 50% one year and the other 50%the next. The • A "satisfactory" rating for concrete streets means a Department will be utilizing the new rating of 3.5 or better. computerized maintenance - A "satisfactory" rating for asphalt streets means a rating of 3.0 or better. management system in the future to tie . Asphalt street ratings are determined after the years ratings to the GIS system to better overlay and sealing projects. evalute the network of streets. City of Allen 82 FY2017 Budget F II II Maintenance Dollars Funded per Year per Pavement Type The City has almost 20 times as many miles of concrete streets as asphalt. Even though asphalt streets are more expensive to maintain than concrete, the difference in miles between the surface types results in concrete streets receiving the majority of funding in normal operations. The numbers show water and sewer funds that resurfaced asphalt streets after sewer rehabilation projects were completed. 11,400,000 11,200,000 ;1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 Maintenance Dollars Funded $1,270,000 $t145,000 $500,000 $560,000 $105.00 $124,000 $125,000 30,000 . 2014 2015 2016 2017 est Asphalt •Concrete Maintenance Dollars Spent per Center Line Mile per Year This measure analyzes the maintenance funds spent per mile for both asphalt and concrete streets. The 2014, 2015, and 2016 numbers for asphalt includes additional money spent on the High Meadows Subdivision and the Fountain Park Subdivision to resurface the streets after sewer rehabilitation projects. The Concrete dollars include concrete replacement from normal operation budgets and bond sales for rnntrart rnnrrptn ctropt rpn i City of Allen Maintenance Dollars Spent per Mile $12,000 $10,000 - $8,305 $8,000 -- SZ 032 $6,000 $4,000 $3,648 $2,000 _ $2165 $1,653 51,818 - $0 2014 2015 2016 NAsphaa ■Concrete 83 FY2017 Budget ' ENGINEERING ORGS ENGINEERING 1650100 TRAFFIC 1655110 Diredor 1 Senbr Atlminisl2tlue Assistant 1 Construction Manager 11 1 Assistant Diredar 1 Program Manager Traffic Foremen Construction Inspe Gail Engineer 2' Traffic W -11 Signs/MarkSigns/MarkSigns/Markingsd'nalor T 2 . ROW/Utility Coordinator, one Construction Inspector and one Civil Engineer are funded in Water & Sewer -*One position funded out of the Drainage Fund. City of Allen 84 FY2017 Budget ' The Engineering Department provides planning and engineering services for City of Allen infrastructure and facilities, including buildings, streets, traffic signals, drainage, water, and wastewater. In addition to the implementation of the Capital Improvement Program, the department provide construction inspection and ensures that all public traffic control devices are maintained and compliant with state and federal guidelines. Accomplishments in FY 1 Goal 3. Improve regional mobility through transportation initiative Strategy 2. Continue to leverage County, State (TxDOT) and Federal resources for road funding • Assigned Engineering department staff to remain engaged in TxDOT projects in the community—widening of US75 and the reconstruction of FM2786 (Stacy Road). • Coordinated environmental and design efforts with Collin County, TxDOT, Lucas, and Parker for the future widening of FM 2551 (Angel Parkway). Goal S. Systematically Invest in Public infrastructure Strategy 3. Construct and improve roadway infrastructure • Traffic Operations: replaced street name blades in two zones, refreshed and replaced pavement markings throughout the city, constructed one new traffic signal at Stacy Road & Ridgeview Drive intersection. • Completed construction on the next phase of Ridgeview Drive near the future Watters Branch Community Park, the Montgomery Boulevard Extension to US75, the widening of Bray Central (including a new intersection roundabout), and the Alma Drive Intersection Improvements at Exchange Parkway. • Began property acquisition for the 2015 Intersection Improvements, which will provide an additional right turn lane at four locations along arterial roadways. • Construction completed on 2015/2016 Streets & Alley Repay project which includes over $1.2 million of pavement replacement at various locations throughout the community. • Completed construction on the Exchange Parkway sidewalk addition in front of the RaceTrac development. ' 11rategy4. Plan for the construction of needed city facilities • Completed several facility upgrades for climate control (Fire Station g1 Training room HVAC replacement, new chiller and fans for Library, and replaced 3 units at Animal Shelter) • Improved public facility appearance and security at the Library, Golf Course, City Hall, and Animal Shelter. Goal B. Proactively work to protect, conserve and manage water resources • Completed an upgrade to our communication and control hardware/software for the water system(SCADA). • Completed interior repainting of the Custer Water Tower & the Cottonwood Creek Wastewater Rehab project. •.: i Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and Partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy 4. Fully utilize resources from Collin County, NCTCOG, TPWD, and other agencies and entities • Continue partnering with Collin County to fund roadway projects (Ridgeview Drive, Ridgeview Overpass at Us 75, and FM2551). • Partner with TxDOT to implement traffic signal upgrades coincident with TXDOT roadway widening projects. Goal 3. Improve regional mobility through transportation initiatives Strategy 2. Continue to leverage County, State (TxDOT) and Federal resources for road funding • Execute agreement with TxDOT to remove FM2551 (Angel Parkway) from the state network of roads, in exchange for a TxDOT commitment to advance the widening of FM2551 as a priority project. Goal 5. Systematically invest in public infrastructure Strategy 3. Construct and improve roadway Infrastructure • Utilize authorized 2016 GO Bond funding to begin the next roadway construction project in the Central Business District, initiate first year of city-wide collector street paving replacement, and perform median landscape and lighting projects in various locations throughout the community. • Upgrade signalsto improved technology, replace batteries, and continue conversion to utilize flashingyellow arrows ' Strategy 4. Plan for the construction of needed city facilities Complete the design of the expansion to the Central Fire Station and replace the roof. Complete design and construction of the Library Phase II parking lot expansion. • Finalize design and repaint the Rowlett Water Tower interior and Stacy Pump Station Ground Storage Tank 42. City of Allen 85 FY2017 Budget I d.: v s s,'af TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 13 14 14 14 Salaries Longevity Overtime FICA TMRS Worker's Compensation Health Insurance Health Savings Account Dental Insurance Long-term Disability City of Allen 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 1,209,530 1,342,459 1,342,459 1,417,540 Operations 16,382 20,085 20,085 22,107 Supplies 4,663 5,550 5,550 5,550 Maintenance 693,106 1,166,254 566,254 572,478 Professional Services 57,363 77,000 77,000 82,000 Capital 1 1 1 25,000 DEPARTMENTTOTAL $ 1,981,044 $ 2,611,348 $ 2,011,348 2,124,675 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 13 14 14 14 Salaries Longevity Overtime FICA TMRS Worker's Compensation Health Insurance Health Savings Account Dental Insurance Long-term Disability City of Allen 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Director 1 1 1 1 Assistant Director 1 1 1 1 Program Manager 1 1 1 1 Construction Manager 1 1 1 1 Construction Inspector 1 1 1 1 Senior Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 GIS Technician 1 0 0 0 Engineering Technician 0 1 1 1 Civil Engineer 1 1 1 1 Traffic Signal Foreman 0 1 1 1 Senior Signal Technician 1 1 1 1 Signs and Markings Technician 2 2 2 2 Traffic Signal Technician 2 2 2 2 TOTALFULLTIME 13 14 14 14 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 13 14 14 14 Salaries Longevity Overtime FICA TMRS Worker's Compensation Health Insurance Health Savings Account Dental Insurance Long-term Disability City of Allen 86 FV2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET 855,116 983,289 983,289 1,008,080 4,864 5,468 5,468 5,676 14,509 15,032 15,032 15,032 62,605 64,505 64,505 70,868 123,661 129,165 129,165 144,112 4,154 8,858 8,858 10,429 129,181 121,848 121,848 146,543 4,804 4,146 4,146 4,282 7,797 7,317 7,317 9,364 1,190 1,220 1,220 1,470 86 FV2017 Budget r DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 1,981,044 $ 2,611,348 $ 2,011,348 2,124,675 2015-2016 2016-2017 CAPITAL AMENDED BUDGET Traffic Foreman - F150 25,000 SUBTOTAL S - $ 25,000 City of Allen 87 FV2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES -CONTINUED ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Life Insurance 1,159 1,146 1,146 1,126 Flexible Spending 490 465 465 558 SUBTOTAL $ 1,209,530 $ 1,342,459 $. 1,342,459 $ 1,417,540 OPERATIONS Training/Travel/Mileage 8,516 9,720 9,720 10,720 Dues & Subscriptions 5,150 5,465 5,465 5,565 Clothing & Uniforms 2,716 4,900 4,900 5,822 SUBTOTAL $ 16,382 $ 20,085 $ 20,085 $ 22,107 SUPPLIES General Supplies 4,663 5,550 5,550 5,550 SUBTOTAL $ 4,663 $ 51550 $ 5,550 $ 5,550 MAINTENANCE Facility Maintenance 285,195 600,000 - - Vehicle Maintenance 3,329 5,054 5,054 5,054 Equipment Maintenance 228,490 311,200 311,200 317,424 Street/Sidewalk Maintenance 176,092 250,000 250,000 250,000 SUBTOTAL $ 693,106 $ 1,166,254 $ 566,254 $ 572,478 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Professional Services 57,363 77,000 77,000 82,000 SUBTOTAL $ 57,363 $ 77,000 $ 77,000 $ 82,000 CAPITAL Vehicles - - - 25,000 SUBTOTAL $ - $ - $ - $ 25,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 1,981,044 $ 2,611,348 $ 2,011,348 2,124,675 2015-2016 2016-2017 CAPITAL AMENDED BUDGET Traffic Foreman - F150 25,000 SUBTOTAL S - $ 25,000 City of Allen 87 FV2017 Budget Capital Project Funding Every year the City spends millions of dollars on large-scale construction or maintenance projects, and on comprehensive studies to prepare for such projects. The Engineering division oversees these activities. Projects completed during FY2016 include the Montgomery Boulevard Extension to US75, the widening of Bray Central (including a new intersection roundabout), and the Alma Drive Intersection Improvements at Exchange Parkway. The FY2016 Streets & Alley's Repair project began which included $1.2 million of pavement replacement throughout the community. Several facility upgrades for climate control were finished which included Fire Station #1 (training room) HVAC replacement, a new chiller unit and fans for the Library, and a replacement of three units at the Animal Shelter. Improvements were made on public facility appearance and security at the Library, Golf Course, City Hall and Animal Shelter as well as a remodel of the City Hall Basement into a large meeting space. Reconstruction of Fire Station #2 is ongoing with occupation planned byyearend. Construction was completed on the Exchange Parkway sidewalk addition in front of the RaceTrac development. Property acquisition began for the FY2015 Intersection Improvements, which will provide an additional right turn lane at four locations along arterial roadways. Upgrades to our communication and control hardware/software for the water system were completed as well as interior repainting of the Custer Water Tower. ' Additionally, the Traffic Division of Engineering replaced street name blades in two zones, refreshed and replaced pavement markings throughout the city, and constructed one new traffic signal at Stacy Road & Ridgeview Drive Intersection. Engineering staff continues to serve as a liaison to TxDOT on the US75 project and the reconstruction of FM2786 (Stacy Road). Staff coordinated environmental and design efforts with Collin County, NTMWD, TOOT, Lucas, and Parker for the future widening of FM 2551 (Angel Parkway). The total amount spent on capital projects in FY2013 was $11.3 million, in FY2014 $11.5 million, in FY2015 $21.2 million and in FY2016 $25.6 million. Capital outlay planned in future years is published in the City of Allen Capital Improvement Plan, updated annually, and adopted simultaneously with the city budget. Total Dollars Spent - Capital Projects $12 $10 Facilities Water/Sewer Drainage Streets Parks •2013 •2014 2015 •2016 Est. City of Alien 88 FY2017 Budget I 1 Developer Contribution to Infrastructure During the construction of a project, developers build infrastructure improvements that the City later maintains. The department helps plan for these infrastructure needs, oversees the construction, and facilitates the transfer. Commercial development continued in 2016 with some notable projects being Twin Creeks Marketplace (Sprouts), Corporate III, Allen Place (Kone), and Caliber Collision. Commercial development is expected to remain steady until large-scale developments along SH 121 come to fruition. Single -Family residential developments included Ansley Meadow, Malone Meadows, Cypress Meadows Ph. 2, and Montgomery Ridge Ph. 1 for a total of 527 lots. Multi -Family developments accepted in 2016 include Twin Creeks Crossing Ph. 1, Allen Retirement Residence, and Twin Creeks Assisted Living (Heritage). New Residential Lots We have seen a 25% increase from last year in single family development with nearly 527 lots being accepted in 2016. As of this writing, projections for next year are 634 lots,which includes 6 subdivisions. This is believed to be a conservative estimate, as other projects may reveal themselves in the coming months and in the next fiscal year. City of Allen $1,000,000 $750,000 $500,000 $250,000 8 - Value of Infrastructure from Commercial Development WATER SEWER STREETS STORM •2013 •2014 2015 •2016 Est. Value of Infrastructure from Residential Development $6 $5 0$4 C u $3 i 82 $1 $0 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est OWATER ESEWER ESTREETS uSTORM New Residential Lots 1,000 900 600 400 200 0 89 661 527 414 423 .At. 0. 1 lu 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. FY2017 Budget I 1 1 FINANCE ORG ADMINISTRATION 1160100 Chief Finandal Officer 1 Assistant 1 Strategic Serdces Budget Manager Auditor 1 Assistant Chief Financial Officer Purciiadril Manager 1 1 1 Finanaal Analyst 1 Controller Contract 1 Adroinisbator 1 Senior Accountant II Buyer 2 1 Senwr A¢oinfant 1 A¢ounhng T¢hnidan 3 AccWntant 2 Senior Payroll Specialist 1 City of Allen 90 FY2017 Budget The Finance department's purpose is to provide responsive and accurate technical staff support to the City Manager and all operating departments and to plan, manage and maintain the financial affairs ofthe City. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 4. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain public trust • Continued to receive professional awards and recognition: o Received the 17r° Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the National Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). o Received the 17'^ Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from GFOA. o Received the 16" Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award from the National Purchasing Institute (NPI). • For the eighth consecutive year, the external audit for the period ending September 30, 2015 resulted in no deficiencies or "management comment items". • The City maintained its bond ratings as follows: Standard and Poor's rating of AAA on G.O. Bonds and AAA on the Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds. Moodys ratings are Aal on G.O Bonds, Aa2 on Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Aa3 on Economic Development Revenue Bonds and Al on Community Development Revenue Bonds. • Issued G.O. Bonds in the amount of $9,135,000 in August 2016 • Continued financial reviews in various areas related to property taxes, sales taxes, hotel/motel taxes, tax increment financing (TIF) agreements, economic development agreements, franchise fees, and monitored long range financial plans for debt management and selected operating funds Provided financial analysis to monitor the economic incentive agreements related to various agreements, including '• The Village at Allen, the Allen Event Center, Cabela's and Watters Creek. • The Administrative software implementation continued with the Employee Self Service (ESS) module rolling out to City staff, with Payroll taking the lead for the training of all employees using this new platform for timesheet entry and submission. • Promoted vendor education through the Collin County Governmental Purchaser's Forum annual "How to Do Business with Government Entities" vendor fair. M Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 4. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain public trust • Continue to receive professional awards and recognition from GFOA and NPI. • Continue to monitor the impact of the economy on current financial conditions affecting the City's revenues and expenses, specifically with reviews in various areas related to property taxes, sales taxes, hotel/motel taxes, franchise fees, building permits, and economic development agreements including TIF's. • Continue to analyze the City's ability to implement the CIP program and the impact on the long range financial plan for debt management and selected operating funds. • Submit a new Bond Program to the City Council for consideration to include on a ballotfor voter approval. • Continue to work on the implementation of the new Administrative software, updates to organizational policies to reflect process and procedural changes and/or improvements, and assist with training departments in the use of the new software. • Continue vendor awareness of the web based electronic bid software to improve competitive pricing and monitoring of vendor bids and contracts. ' Work with departments to develop a facilities and infrastructure list to address future operating maintenance issues City of Allen 91 FY2017 Budget FULLTIME Chief Financial Officer Assistant Chief Financial Officer Assstant Director Budget Manager Budget Officer Financial Analyst Controller Senior Accountant 11 Senior Accountant Accountant Strategic Services Auditor Senior Payroll Specialist Payroll Specialist Accounting Technician Senior Administrative Assistant Purchasing Manager Contract Administrator Buyer 2 2 2 2 TOTALFULLTIME 16 17 18 19 2014-2015 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 1,672,664 1,788,554 1,788,554 1,889,919 Operations 15,627 44,390 44,390 46,182 Supplies 17,217 11,775 11,775 11,775 Professional Services 286,887 225,586 297,210 270,340 DEPARTMENTTOTAL $ 1,992,395 $ 2,070,305 $ 2,141,929 $ 2,218,216 FULLTIME Chief Financial Officer Assistant Chief Financial Officer Assstant Director Budget Manager Budget Officer Financial Analyst Controller Senior Accountant 11 Senior Accountant Accountant Strategic Services Auditor Senior Payroll Specialist Payroll Specialist Accounting Technician Senior Administrative Assistant Purchasing Manager Contract Administrator Buyer 2 2 2 2 TOTALFULLTIME 16 17 18 19 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PARTTIME 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 Senior Financial Analyst 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 Financial Services Administrator 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 TOTAL PART TIME 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 17.00 18.00 18.00 19.00 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 1,192,181 1,306,038 1,306,038 1,340,165 Longevity 6,066 6,392 6,392 5,160 Overtime 32,552 20,000 20,000 15,000 FICA 85,680 88,341 88,341 95,037 TMRS 173,834 176,091 176,091 192,158 ' Worker's Compensation 1,115 2,333 2,333 2,541 City of Allen 92 FY2017 Budget I 1 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 93 FY2017 Budget r 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES -CONTINUED ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Health Insurance 165,111 171,530 171,530 219,081 Health Savings 463 1,073 1,073 1,073 Dental Insurance 12,106 12,859 12,859 15,719 Long-term Disability 1,533 1,733 1,733 1,932 Life Insurance 1,407 1,545 1,545 1,438 Flexible Spending 616 619 619 615 SUBTOTAL $-- 1,672,664 $ 1,788,554 $ 1,788,554 $ 1,889,919 OPERATIONS Training/Travel/Mileage 12,467 37,400 37,400 37,400 Dues & Subscriptions 3,160 6,990 6,990 8,782 SUBTOTAL $ 15,627 $ 44,390 $ 44,390 $ 46,182 SUPPLIES General Supplies 17,217 11,775 11,775 11,775 SUBTOTAL $ 17,217 $ 11,775 $ 11,775 $ 11,775 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services 44,845 48,706 53,210 68,110 Professional Services 62,036 16,880 54,000 2,230 Credit Card Costs 180,006 160,000 190,000 200,000 SUBTOTAL $ 286,887 $ 225,586 $ 297,210 $ 270,340 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 1,992,395 2,070,305 $ 2,141,929 $ 2,218,216 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 93 FY2017 Budget F Financial Manaeement To ensure long-term financial success of the City, sufficient reserves are required to maintain City operations through unforeseen events. The City policy for the General Fund is to maintain a range of 60 to 90 days of operational expenditures in reserve. Water and Sewer bond covenants require that the Water and Sewer Fund maintain a reserve fund equal to the average annual debt payment of all bonds. This is also a critical element utilized by bond rating agencies in determination of the City's bond rating. Long-range financial planning and conservative budgeting has allowed the City to maintain required reserves. GENERALFUND 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. Total Expenditures $ 76,691,635 $ 79,543,883 $ 84,659,234 $89,789,141 Ending Fund Balance $ 16,474,713 $ 19,091,532 $ 20,329,129 $21,466,504 Days Operational Expense in Reserve 78.4 87.6 80.6 75.4 G.O. Bond Rating: Moody's Investor Service Aal Aal Aal Aal Standard & Poor's AAA AAA AAA AAA WATER &SEWER FUND 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. Available for Debt Service Annual Debt Service Requirement Coverage per Rate Covenant W&S Revenue Bond Rating: Moody's Investor Service Standard & Poor's Awards $ 8,900,264 $ 6,511,667 $ 9,951,052 $4,509,693 $ 1,576,075 $ 1,647,441 $ 1,526,235 $1,166,745 5.65 3.95 6.52 3.87 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 AAA AAA AAA AAA The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) has established criteria for financial reporting, in which generally accepted accounting principles, applicable legal requirements, and presentation guidelines must be satisfied — the end result to produce an easily readable and efficiently organized report. The City's Annual Budget document is also judged against criteria set by the GFOA, and is evaluated on how well it serves as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, and as a communication device. In addition, each year the Purchasing Division applies for the Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award from the National Purchasing Institute, which is awarded for superior performance in the public procurement field. The City plans to continue its participation in ' these programs in future years. City of Allen 94 FY2017 Budget I 1 L Although not an award, but an indication of the value of financial management, for the seventh time in the history of the City the external audit for the period ending September 30, 2015 resulted in no deficiencies or "management comment items'. City of Allen 95 FY2017 Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Q RI M Distinguished Budget Presentation Award a El 10 Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award ® 0 M 0 Although not an award, but an indication of the value of financial management, for the seventh time in the history of the City the external audit for the period ending September 30, 2015 resulted in no deficiencies or "management comment items'. City of Allen 95 FY2017 Budget I Services 1 DMswn Chief/8upport Services 1 ' BUppalt SeMC05 Tahnioan 1 1 FIRE ORG ADMINISTRATION 1300100 Chef 1 FnIEMS Reporting Specialist 1 1L6 nt Chief/pre tion 1 PUNic Edumtion Ccadinator Fre Reeenhon Speaalst t Fre Inspector& Arson Invasngalor 3 t sr Operator Engner (DOE) 15 Fmfighte/Panned¢ 64 City of Allen 96 FY2017 Budget AC,�,_Q,UNT ELadiwakiii ' The Allen Fire Department serves and protects its citizens and visitors by providing the best in Emergency Medical Services, Fire Suppression, Fire Prevention and Education, and Emergency Management. Goal 1. Enhance Community Livability and Safety • Conducted City-wide employee safety training on active shooters and general emergencies. • Filled Data Specialist position and began evaluation/selection of accreditation/best practices programs. • Activated additional features of the Station Alerting system to further reduce response times. • Wrote medical treatment protocols to include latest advancements and establish ownership of the work product. • Enhanced quality improvement and quality assurance programs related to EMS incidents • Attended training on radar data interpretation to aid in evaluating severe weather and its impact on Allen. • Expanded our development programs for shift officers, apparatus drivers and future leaders. • Researched and implemented practices to comply with new regulatory mandates. • Evaluated/implemented requirements of the Affordable Care Act. • Made first data submission to the Texas Ambulance Supplemental Payment Program. We anticipate this will result in approximately $300,000 of new revenue that can be utilized to help fund EMS operations. • Implemented reserve ladder truck program. • Replaced cardiac monitors with the latest technology(LP15s). Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and Partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy 3. Expand Public Safety Regional Partnerships • Increased inter -operability with neighboring fire departments through joint training and resource sharing. Enhanced operations and federal grant eligibility by completing IN MIS and ICS training requirements. Worked with the Insurance Service Office to maintain our Public Protection Classification (PPC). The PPC for Allen is a Class 2 (an a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the best rating). This places Allen in the top S%. Goal 1. Enhance Community Livability and Safety Strategy 1. Continue to provide progressive and efficient emergency services • Enhance/expand the capabilities and use of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). • Expand the use of NIMS simulation lab to include additional mutual aid departments. • Utilize the Data Analyst position and records management system to analyze our response data and make system adjustments; apply for additional grants; and, comply with increasing regulatory reporting requirements. Goal 2. Cultivate. regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy 3. Expand Public Safety Regional Partnerships • Increase inter -operability with neighboring departments through joint training, policy sharing and facility placement. • Work with Collin County Fire Chiefs to enhance the county -wide mutual aid system. • Continue to push local hospital emergency departments to increase their capabilities and working relationship with the AFD to insure the highest level of care for our citizens transported by ambulance to their facilities. • Conduct regular meetings with representative from Allen Presbyterian Hospital about the future of healthcare delivery in Allen. Goal S. Systematically invest in public Infrastructure ' Strategy 4. Plan for the construction of needed City facilities Complete the construction of Fire Station g2. Develop construction documents and initiate repairs/expansion of Central Fire Station. • Evaluate the timing for the design and construction of Fire Station 46 • Consider site engineering work on FSg6 site in preparation for future construction. City of Allen 97 FY2017 Budget I TOTAL FU LL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 112 114 114 114 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 12,256,055 13,128,280 13,128,280 14,264,443 Operations 148,576 217,200 217,200 217,010 Supplies 248,126 243,150 243,150 262,150 Maintenance 310,998 263,800 263,800 309,450 Professional Services 230,103 255,000 255,000 209,350 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 13,193,858 14,107,430 14,107,430 15,262,403 TOTAL FU LL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 112 114 114 114 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Fire Chief 1 1 1 1 Assistant Fire Chief 3 3 3 3 Fire Division Chief 1 1 1 1 Battalion Chief 3 3 3 3 Fire Captain 18 18 18 18 Fire Driver Operator Engineer 15 15 15 15 Firefighter/Paramedic 63 64 64 64 Fire Prevention Specialist 4 4 4 4 Fire/EMS Reporting Specialist 0 1 1 1 Public Education Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Support Services Technician 1 1 1 1 Senior Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FULL TIME 112 114 114 114 TOTAL FU LL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 112 114 114 114 City of Allen 98 FV2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 8,077,434 8,820,615 8,820,615 9,607,889 Longevity 59,788 64,520 64,520 68,484 Overtime 652,164 676,000 676,000 703,040 FICA 624,901 620,086 620,086 703,719 TMRS 1,241,796 1,251,759 1,251,759 1,402,458 Worker's Compensation 57,082 115,520 115,520 120,213 Health Insurance 1,408,547 1,441,021 1,441,021 1,521,644 Health Savings Account 21,655 22,947 22,947 15,269 Dental Insurance 88,994 91,141 91,141 96,612 Long-term Disability 11,278 11,993 11,993 13,030 Life Insurance 8,953 9,149 9,149 8,489 City of Allen 98 FV2017 Budget I 1 SUPPLIES General Supplies 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES -CONTINUED ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Flexible Spending 3,463 3,529 3,529 3,596 SUBTOTAL $ 12,256,055 $ 13,128,280 $ 13,128,280 $ 14,264,443 OPERATIONS 125,000 144,000 SUBTOTAL Training\Travel 37,050 57,000 57,000 57,000 Dues\Subscriptions\License 17,387 23,000 23,000 22,810 Uniforms 85,411 126,000 126,000 126,000 Advertising 59 500 500 500 Rentals 2,302 3,000 3,000 3,000 Outside Printing 1,117 3,500 3,500 3,500 Meetings & Receptions 5,250 4,200 4,200 4,200 SUBTOTAL $ 148,576 $ 217,200 $ 217,200 $ 217,010 SUPPLIES General Supplies 23,124 19,150 19,150 19,150 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 102,645 99,000 99,000 99,000 Medical & Chemical Supply 122,357 125,000 125,000 144,000 SUBTOTAL $ 248,126 $ 243,150 $ 243,150 $ 262,150 MAINTENANCE Facility Maintenance 136,373 103,000 103,000 118,000 Vehicle Maintenance 148,357 125,000 125,000 140,000 Equipment Maintenance 26,268 35,800 35,800 51,450 SUBTOTAL $ 310,998 $ 263,800 $ 263,800 $ 309,450 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services - - 3,000 148,100 Professional services 230,103 255,000 252,000 61,250 SUBTOTAL $ 230,103 $ 255,000 $ 2551000 $ 209,350 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 13,193,858 14,107,430 $ 14,107,430 15,262,403 No Capital Items City of Allen 99 FY2017 Budget Calls for Service One measure of the Fire Department is the total number of calls it receives. The number of Emergency Medical Service (EMS) incidents as well as fire calls is increasing. Fire calls include all non-medical calls such as fires, gas leaks, chemical spills and public assistance. Total incidents in both categories are projected to increase as the community grows and both buildings and the population age. Response Time 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 Injuries This measure shows injuries to both firefighters and the general public resulting from fires. Injuries cannot be completely eliminated, but an emphasis on public education and firefighter training will help keep these to a minimum. There has been one civilian death resulting from ' fire in the current reporting period. Total Calls 2012 1 2013 Average response time measures the time 2016 required for emergency personnel to travel to ' the scene. Response time can be influenced Est. by factors including traffic congestion, road 1,504 construction, and fire station placement. v 1,820 Beginning in 2013, 'reflex time' has been 3,501 3,584 3,780 3,852 added to the average response time calculation. Reflex time begins when the station is alerted and ends when the vehicle UIY�2111 begins traveling toward the emergency. This measures how quickly the FFs are able to stop their station activities, don their protective clothing and begin traveling to the emergency. Injuries This measure shows injuries to both firefighters and the general public resulting from fires. Injuries cannot be completely eliminated, but an emphasis on public education and firefighter training will help keep these to a minimum. There has been one civilian death resulting from ' fire in the current reporting period. Total Calls 2012 1 2013 12014 2015 2016 2 Est. 1,316 1,504 1,710 1,819 1,820 3,224 3,501 3,584 3,780 3,852 Average Response Times 6:00 2 4:00 d oil 2:00 UIY�2111 000 0 FV I FV 2014 FV 2012 2013 2014 2016 est mFire 440 656 530 6.02 610 •EMS 441 830 5'18 5.52 60D Injuries From Fires 3 2 1 0 2012 2013 2014 20152016 Est •General Public 0 1 0 1 1 •Firefighter 2 0 0 2.... 1 f City of Allen 100 FY2017 Budget I C Property Loss Property Loss Property loss is a financial measure of the $2,00,000 damage caused by fires in Allen. Property $1500,000 damage can be reduced to an extent by $1,000,000 - quick response times and well trained $500,000 firefighters. Fire loss can vary widely from year to year. A single fire in an $ FY office or residence can easily create 2012P698,930 013F844,410 as 2016 property loss in excess of $300,000. est r �TaWI $$ 789,3966,50 1,725,C Inspections The fire marshal inspects Inspections & Plan Review new buildings as part of the 2,000 process to certify them for 1,800 occupancy. The department 1,600 1,400 reviews building plans 1,200 before construction to 1,000 ensure that the building will 800 600 be constructed with the 400 proper fire safety systems 200 such as sprinkler systems, 0 - - 2016 alarm systems, exits, and fire 2012 2013 2014 2015 Est. mains. In addition, existing ■Fire Inspections 1,120 1,399 1,489 1,760 1,500 businesses are inspected for I ■Plan Review 390 432 345 964 1025 fire hazards Educational Efforts The Fire Department offers numerous public education programs designed to increase fire and life safety awareness. The decrease in programs reflects a change in delivery methods. For scheduling reasons, we have worked with certain AISD campuses to provide direct access to the material. The teachers incorporate the material in to their lesson plans without direct AFD participation. The statistics do not reflect these teacher lead programs. City of Allen 800 780 E 760 m 740 i5 0 720 a 700 680 660 640 101 Public Education Programs 30,000 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est 848ssePrograms �Paiticiparxs 25,000 m n 20,000 'u t 15,000 y 10,000 E 5,000 a 0 FY2017 Budget 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ORG ADMINISTRATION 1130100 Director i Sr. Adnamst.h. Assistant I Senlor HR Analyst Recruitment/Raining 1 Human Resources Analyst 1 Human Resources Specialist City of Allen 102 FY2017 Budget ' The Human Resources Department works in partnership with departments to maximize their workforce to ensure they deliver the highest level of services to both our external and internal customers. The department provides management expertise in manpower planning, compensation and benefits planning, diversity and employee relations issues, training, and long-range human resources planning. The Human Resources department's vision is: "To create a positive environment where everyone matters." Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 2. Develop Human Resources programs to become the City that is the "Employer of Choice" • Conducted three People First, Respect, Integrity, Deliver and Excel (P.R.I.D.E.) rallies, awarded the 13th annual Day of P.R.I.D.E. awards, and presented the 13th annual Excellence in P.R.I.D.E. awards. • Assisted departments with various employee relations issues. • Continued partnerships with Monster.com and JObing.com for publicjob postings in order to recruit from a large pool of qualified individuals. • Presented departmental training on leadership development team building, and customer service. • Gathered market data for Police & Fire Sworn classifications in orderto maintain the city's relative market standing with respect to the city's benchmark cities. • Implemented Munis Payroll/HR module and trained end users. ' Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 2. Develop Human Resources programs to become the City that is the "Employer of Choice" • Continue to develop an organization -wide diversity initiative which includes recruiting, training, and employee relations. • Continue to build relationships and serve as a resource for both internal and external customers. • Partnerwith departments to create practical succession plans for key staff positions including a mentoring program that develops and identifies competencies for positions in orderto help with succession planning and development of our workforce. • Enhance the online learning management system. • Continue to develop and facilitate training programs to reflect our organizational values (P. R.I.D.E.). • Provide training, resources, and support to managers performing HR functions within departments. • Update the city's performance appraisal procedure and documentation and implement an electronic process. • Continue to evaluate and update new employee orientation to provide comprehensive information regarding the culture, goals, and objectives of the City of Allen. • Continue to provide quality, consistent and timely customer service regarding business processes and decision making to include continuous process improvements that are user-friendly and easily accessible. • Review and revise Human Resources policies, ensuring compliance with state and federal requirements. • Implement updated compensation plans in order to maintain the City's relative market standing with respect to our total compensation strategies. • Compile and disseminate quarterly recruitment statistics to department directors to assist in workforce decisions. City of Allen 103 FY2017 Budget I C City of Allen 104 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 450,515 577,484 577,484 628,477 Operations 29,173 52,402 52,402 52,367 Supplies 43,478 61,083 61,083 61,083 Professional Services 89,184 96,385 96,385 122,682 Miscellaneous 20,246 30,000 30,000 30,000 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 632,596 817,354 817,354 $ 894,609 City of Allen 104 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULL TIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Director 1 1 1 1 Benefit& Compensation Manager 1 1 1 1 Senior Human Resources Analyst 0 1 1 1 Human Resources Analyst 1 1 1 1 Human Resources Specialist 0 1 1 1 Human Resourres Generalist 1 0 0 0 Senior Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FULL TIME 5 6 6 6 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 5 6 6 6 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 312,763 414,075 414,075 428,236 Longevity 1,032 1,248 1,248 1,300 Overtime 1,147 2,000 2,000 2,000 FICA 22,504 24,047 24,047 30,700 TMRS 44,247 48,340 48,340 60,307 Worker's Compensation 310 641 641 807 Health Insurance 45,886 46,637 46,637 57,881 Health Savings Account 1,161 1,073 1,073 1,141 Dental Insurance 3,305 3,326 3,326 4,794 Long-term Disability 430 477 477 638 Life Insurance 432 452 452 487 Flexible Spending 168 168 168 186 Educational Assistance 17,130 35,000 35,000 40,000 SUBTOTAL $ 450,515 $ 577,484 $ 577,484 $ 628,477 OPERATIONS Training/Travel/Mileage 3,168 14,685 14,685 14,685 Dues & Subscriptions 3,632 3,607 3,607 3,572 Advertising 21,888 33,110 33,110 33,110 Meetings & Receptions 485 1,000 1,000 1,000 SUBTOTAL $ 29,173 $ 52,402 $ 52,402 $ 52,367 City of Allen 104 FY2017 Budget I 1 1 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 105 FV2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 SUPPLIES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET General Supplies 22,108 33,083 33,083 33,083 PRIDE Program (General Supplies) 21,370 28,000 28,000 28,000 SUBTOTAL $ 43,478 $ 61,083 $ 61,083 $ 61,083 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Servires 500 - - - ProfessionalSeN,ces 88,684 96,385 96,385 122,682 SUBTOTAL $ 89,184 $ 96,385 $ 96,385 $ 122,682 MISCELLANEOUS Unemployment Claims 20,246 30,000 30,000 30,000 SUBTOTAL $ 20,246 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 632,596 $ 817,354 $ 817,354 $ 894,609 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 105 FV2017 Budget I 1 Recruitment The Human Resources Department continues to utilize the NEOGOV applicant tracking system for the employment process. We continue to receive and evaluate thousands of applications each fiscal year in response to our advertised employment opportunities. Applicant Source III Internet ■ Friend/Relative r TX Employment Comm ■ Other In FY2016, the Human Resources Department assisted all departments with their recruiting efforts, which included interviewing, new hire paperwork, on - boarding, and promotional hiring needs. The departments with the most challenging recruiting needs included the Parks and Recreation department, Police department, and Community Development. Improvement in economic conditions have made locating qualified candidates challenging. Over the past year, the Human Resources Department has assisted with numerous departmental interviews in order to provide more assistance throughout the recruiting process. City of Allen 106 Employment Applications Processed 20,000 15,000 10,000 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 Est. NEOGOV continues to enable us to reach a large applicant population while at the same time assisting us in determining the best advertising avenues so that we can more effectively focus our recruiting efforts while minimizing ineffective and unnecesseary advertising expenses. 370 365 360 355 350 345 340 Employees Hired FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 YTD FY2017 Budget ' Employee Turnover The City of Allen experienced 13.4% Effective Leadership turnover in FY2015 which is an increase in Managing Generations in the Workplace turnover from the previous year. Turnover 20.0% rates are calculated for full-time employees • Dealing with Difficult Employee Behavior only due to the volatility of the part-time 15.0% Parks & Recreation positions. These • Professional Presence employees are primarily students that 10.0% come and go as school schedules dictate, and are not traditional part-time 5.0% employees. Our projected turnover for FY2016 is anticipated to remain static from 0.0% the last year. Employee Turnover FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 YTD Training In addition to the established collaboration with Alliance Work Partners to provide leadership development to managerial/supervisory staff, the city has added on on-line training resource for employees, Skillsoft. Some of the outcomes and deliverables of training include: ' Effective Leadership Managing Generations in the Workplace • Performance Management • Dealing with Difficult Employee Behavior • Managing Conflict • Professional Presence • Personal and Professional Resilience I Other training initiatives that are directly related to the city's PRIDE program include a Department Team Building workshop, Customer Service training, as well as a Leadership Academy which prepares first time supervisors and crew leaders with their new supervisory responsibilities. HR also introduced and facilitated Supervisory training that consisting of the following topics: employee relations, benefits, leave of absence management, recruitment/selection and workplace safety. City of Allen 107 FY2017 Budget City of Allen INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ORG IT ADMINISTRATION 1125100 Director I Sr Administ2Gve Assistant I GIS M' nage, J II Nali Systems Manager IT Project) Manager GIS Administrator S4WisaeloSystem IIT Applications Specialist 1 Admin Senior GIS Analyst System Administrator Database Administrator IT Speraalisl d 108 FY2017 Budget ' The Information Technology (IT) department's responsibilities include installation and maintenance of hardware and software, supervision and maintenance of the city's technology infrastructure, and support services for the network and desktop environments. The IT staff also provides support to the Library and emergency services dispatching systems for continued support to the community. In addition, IT now has a software support division that will help with utilizing the new Public Safety applications and the city's Administrative Systems. V1 Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in city government services Strategy 1. Utilize technology for optimum performance and customer service • Continue working with the Police to find a replacement for their Records Management System. • Continue to work with the City Secretary's office to implement LaserFiche. • Continue Phase II and IV of the Tyler ERP software solution. • Continued the relationship with Microsoft and ESRI to maintain Enterprise License agreements. • Replaced 72 Mobile Data Computers for Police and Fire. • Replaced 210 desktop computers through the city's lease with Hewlett Packard. • Continued improvements with TriTech CAD and Firehouse RMS systems to achieve greater response times. • Hiring a Data Base Administrator to support the Tyler project and many other databases across other departments. Completed the migration from EMC to NetApp SAN devices. • Completed upgrading all Firewalls to Palo Alto devices. Replaced the main Cisco core switch in the City Hall data center to a 450OX switch. L Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in city government services Strategy 1. Utilize technology for optimum performance and customer service • Continue working with Tyler Technologies to implement the city's administrative software systems. • Replace the redundant Microwave network with a new point to point wireless network to improve network speed. • Renew the Enterprise License agreements with ESRI and Microsoft. • Continue working with the Police to find a replacement for their Records Management System. • Continue improvements with TriTech CAD and Firehouse RMS systems to achieve greater response times. • Upgrade the Avaya PBX and implement efficiencies to the phone system. • Upgrade CAD and Mobile plus implement a replacement of Police RMS. This will be an ongoing project for 24 months. • Upgrade the Milestone servers for CCN recording and Replace the Management Server for all camera's. • Replace 68 Cisco switches across the enterprise. • Purchase and install a generatorfor backup powerto the Library Data closet to improve uptime to all East side facilities during major power outages. City of Allen 109 FV2017 Budget City of Allen 110 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 1,631,240 1,811,017 1,811,017 1,984,288 Operations 1,315,420 1,398,724 1,422,910 1,499,889 Supplies 338,257 181,523 181,523 128,660 Maintenance 38,078 67,800 67,800 67,400 Professional Services 259,415 335,500 335,500 621,433 Capital 15,675 22,500 22,500 422,662 DEPARTMENTTOTAL $ 3,598,085 3,817,064 3,841,250 4,724,332 City of Allen 110 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Director 1 1 1 1 Network Systems Manager 1 1 1 1 IT Project Manager 1 1 1 1 Database Administrator 0 1 1 1 System Administrator 3 3 3 3 A54005ystem Administrator 1 1 1 1 ITSpecialist 3 4 4 4 IT Applications Specialist 2 2 2 2 ' IT Technician 1 0 0 0 Sr. Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 GIS Manager 1 1 1 1 GIS Administrator 1 1 1 1 Senior GIS Analyst 0 1 1 1 GIS Analyst 1 0 0 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 17 18 18 18 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 17 18 18 18 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 1,155,487 1,331,951 1,331,951 1,409,185 Longevity 6,080 6,436 6,436 7,300 Overtime 46,020 35,000 35,000 35,000 FICA 86,303 88,994 88,994 101,442 TMRS 170,570 176,184 176,184 204,531 Worker's Compensation 1,615 3,305 3,305 3,801 Health Insurance 151,125 154,714 154,714 205,309 Dental Insurance 10,593 10,867 10,867 13,704 Long-term Disability 1,579 1,665 1,665 2,086 City of Allen 110 FY2017 Budget I j n Y. 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES -CONTINUED ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Life Insurance 1,339 1,365 1,365 1,372 Flexible Spending 529 536 536 558 SUBTOTAL $ 1,631,240 $ 1,811,017 $ 1,811,017 $ 1,984,288 OPERATIONS Telephone 64,173 101,900 109,100 94,500 Training/Travel/Mileage 19,984 30,195 30,195 37,195 Dues & Subscriptions 495 1,520 1,520 1,470 Uniforms - 2,000 2,000 2,000 Rentals & Leasing 290 400 400 400 Software Maintenance 1,230,478 1,262,709 1,279,695 1,364,324 SUBTOTAL $ 1,315,420 $ 1,398,724 $ 1,422,910 $ 1,499,889 SUPPLIES General Supplies 5,321 3,500 3,500 5,300 Tools/Small Equip 332,936 178,023 178,023 123,360 SUBTOTAL $ 338,257 $ 181,523 $ 181,523 $ 128,660 MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance 458 800 800 400 Equipment Maintenance 37,620 67,000 67,000 67,000 SUBTOTAL $ 38,078 $ 67,800 $ 67,800 $ 67,400 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Lease Agreements 159,009 270,500 270,500 323,690 Professional Services 100,406 65,000 65,000 297,743 SUBTOTAL $ 259,415 $ 335,500 $ 335,500 $ 621,433 CAPITAL OUTLAY Computer Equipment 15,675 - - 422,662 Vehicles 22,500 22,500 SUBTOTAL $ 15,675 $ 22,500 $ 22,500 $ 422,662 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 3,598,085 3,817,064 3,841,250 $ 4,724,332 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Network Components 15,675 - - - Microwave Network Upgrades 422,662 TOTAL $ 15,675 $ $ $ 422,662 VEHICLES Ford Escape City of Allen 22,500 22,500 TOTAL $ S 22,500 $ 22,500 S FY2017 Budget I Department Introduction The Information Technology Department supervises, maintains, and ensures the security and integrity of 98 servers for the City wide network; manages and provides support services pertaining to hardware/software applications for network and desktop environments to 13 departments spanning 20 facilites as well as 2 substations for the Police Department connected by 15 miles of fiber. Additionally, Information Technology is responsible for managing the Geographic Information System (G.I.S). This system integrates hardware, software and data for capturing, managing, analyzing and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information. Support Service Requests In order to support technology needs in a more efficient and timely manner, a help desk software application is utilized. This allows the end user to submit a service request from their desktop thereby allowing staff to respond in a more organized and timely fashion. This allows better prioritization of ongoing project work with the daily support requirements necessary for city staff while minimizing the down time experienced for everyone. Performance Measure 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. Total service Requests Received 5206 4917 4564 6500 24 hours or 24 hours or 24 hours or 24 hours or Average Response Time per Request I I ess less I less Project Overview Information Technology assists in supporting CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) systems that communicate with mobile vehicle applications necessary to serve the citizens of Allen. Additionally, FBR (Field Based Reporting) and RMS (Records Management System) which function as a reporting record of all call interaction to support criminal investigations and crime analysis. The Fire Department utilizes a similar RMS system known as Firehouse for its call and personnel data. In addition to public safety, Information Technology support all City Administrative departments and software. Currently, we have converted systems from SunGard to Tyler MUNIS for Finance and HR/Payroll as well as upgraded the Tyler MUNIS software. We are currently in the process of converting Building & Code, and will kick-off the Utility Billing conversion in 2017. Additional Tyler Technologies modules may be evaluated in the future. ' Current projects total approximately $3M. City of Allen 112 FY2017 Budget I 1 INTERNAL SERVICES ORG 1150100 No Personnel in this Department City of Allen 113 FY2017 Budget 1 The Internal Services budget, administered by the City Managers Office and the Finance Department, captures expenses that are shared among many departments. Highlights of some of the items included in this department are as follows: • Economic incentive payments for projects such as The Village at Allen, Pulte Homes and Intelligent Epitaxy. • Vehicle and equipment replacement fees paid into the Replacement Fund. • Electricity, natural gas, telephone and water utilities. • Professional Services fees forthe City Attorney and Collin County Tax Appraisals. • Copierservices including monthly lease fees and maintenance. • Costs associated with City of Allen strategic planning. • Transfers out for capital projects. City of Allen 114 FY2017 Budget IM MPIALSERVICES EXfENSESUMMARY: DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 16,872,048 $ 13,143,501 15,136,130 S 16,590,343 City of Allen 115 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services - 314,377 297,600 733,425 Operations 11,434,342 10,488,424 10,881,424 11,994,050 Supplies 17,670 24,000 24,000 24,000 Professional Services 967,920 1,614,274 1,587,704 1,497,098 Transfers Out 4,452,116 702,426 2,345,402 2,341,770 DEPARTMENTTOTAL 16,872,048 13,143,501 15,136,130 16,590,343 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 16,872,048 $ 13,143,501 15,136,130 S 16,590,343 City of Allen 115 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salary Reserve 314,377 297,600 733,425 SUBTOTAL $ $ 314,377 $ 297,600 $ 733,425 OPERATIONS Telephone 282,785 299,500 299,500 299,500 Water 893,030 650,000 828,000 902,000 Natural Gas 279,847 325,000 290,000 325,000 Electricity 2,960,102 2,850,000 3,100,000 3,200,000 Dues& Subscriptions 79,136 98,455 98,455 99,254 Postage & Freight 55,090 50,000 50,000 50,000 ' Outside Printing 6,177 5,000 5,000 5,000 Insurance 527,487 545,630 545,630 592,863 Vehicle/Equipment Replacement 1,637,530 1,746,980 1,746,980 2,398,639 Economic Grant Expenses 4,713,158 3,917,859 3,917,859 4,121,794 SUBTOTAL $ 11,434,342 $ 10,488,424 $ 10,881,424 $ 11,994,050 SUPPLIES General Supplies 17,670 24,000 24,000 24,000 SUBTOTAL $ 17,670 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Lease Agreements 118,074 125,166 125,166 110,340 Professional Services 631,657 726,228 745,658 741,000 Strategic Planning Expense 36,128 580,819 534,819 493,697 Post Employment Funding Exp 182,061 182,061 182,061 152,061 SUBTOTAL $ 967,920 $ 1,614,274 $ 1,587,704 $ 1,497,098 OTHER FINANCING USES Transfer Out 4,452,116 702,426 2,345,402 2,341,770 SUBTOTAL $ 4,452,116 $ 702,426 $ 2,345,402 $ 2,341,770 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 16,872,048 $ 13,143,501 15,136,130 S 16,590,343 City of Allen 115 FY2017 Budget F 1 aT • � 2015-2016 2016-2017 Salary Reserve" AMENDED BUDGET Public Safety Holiday Payouts 67,600 140,600 Market Adjustments 230,000 11,000 TMRS One -Time Contribution 468,098 SUBTOTAL $ 297,600 $ 619,698 'The e.1th ures budgeted in this account are captured In the respective departments in the actual and revised nuimate City of Allen 116 FY2017 Budget 2015-2016 2016-2017 Operating Transfers Out, AMENDED BUDGET Special Revenue Fund - 919,976 Grant Fund 87,744 92,157 Facility Maintenance Fund 1,560,805 600,000 Risk Management Fund -Admin costs 396,853 429,637 Golf Fund 300,000 300,000 SUBTOTAL $ 2,345,402 $ 2,341,770 City of Allen 116 FY2017 Budget C U LIBRARY ORG ADMINISTRATION 1400100 obeaa 1 Aulstant 1 CUMuml AM Manna 11 1 Temp Aua Visual MaOk P'Eucllcil Senor MWi PmSucllon teN SpGclallsl Ziid.11e! ciMMllm Supmle o., —AA. un aerv" .n aeml 1 Mereper Manner Manager 1 1 t LI LlErrlan FL*lWr:M ; rlan Senlor'Ibrel mPLoreryCMA LlbwyClaA Libnal 5 3 3 City of Allen 117 2 Temp WM SpeMllct Llba, A.. 1 bbr CkA OS Llbry Pepe 3.% Temp Lib Pape 025 FY2017 Budget ' As "a welcoming place to inspire the mind," the Library serves the lifelong learning, informational, and cultural needs of Allen citizens and provides a friendly environment for all ages to develop and nourish an enduring love for reading and learning to enrich their lives and the quality of community life. Goal 4. Signify, enhance and communicate Allen's identity to the region and the nation Strategy 4. Encourage the awareness and use of Library services and programs through marketing, outreach, and a welcoming social environment • Through the G.O. Bond evaluation process, collaborated with citizens to consider and develop recommendations for additional parking, meeting, programming, collection, and read/study/work space. • Continuedto developthe book,video, audiobook,e-book,and e-audwbook collections for children, teen, and adults. • Encouraged reading and cultural literacy for all ages through displays and programs, including Winter and Summer reading programs for children, teens, and adults • Provided pre-school storytimes, pre -literacy sensory play days, arts and crafts programs, Family Game Days, a celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and programs featuring popular interests. • Visited Allen elementary and middle schools, Lowery Freshman Center, and Allen High School and participated in school activities to encourage reading, Library usage, and participation in the Summer Reading Club. • Promoted diverse programming for Allen citizens of all ages and cultures through printed articles, flyers, signs, and brochures; Facebook; e -blasts; and the Library website. • Shot and edited 40 full-length Bach to Books programs, totaling more than 50 hours of original programming for ACTV broadcast, on demand video, and YouTube streaming. Goal 4. SigniW, enhance and communicate Allen's Identity to the region and the nation Strategy 4. Encourage the awareness and use of Library services and programs through marketing, outreach, and a welcoming social environment • Further develop print, audio, video, a -book, and downloadable audiobook collections for children, tweens, teens, and adults. • Encourage reading and cultural literacy for Allen residents of all ages through storytimes, ongoing and special programs, book clubs, movies, and Summer and Winter reading programs. • Promote Library services, programs, events, and other activities through the Library website, e -blasts, online calendars, and social and print media. • Visit Allen schools to raise awareness of Library programs and services and encourage literacy and Library usage through community fairs, parents' nights, and the Educators' Expo. • Provide tours and programs to local daycares, school classes, Scout groups, and other interested members of the community. • Present programming and coordinate events to celebrate the Library's 50th anniversary, including an original documentary about the Library's history. • Participate in outreach and promotional opportunities with Parks and Recreation, Community Services, and other departments and community groups • Promote diverse programming for Allen citizens of all ages and cultures through printed articles, flyers, signs, and brochures, social media; e -blasts; and the Library website. • Coordinate and cooperate with ACTV to broadcast and stream Library programming ACTV and YouTube. • Promote diverse programming for Allen citizens of all ages, interests, and cultural backgrounds. • Augment scheduled programs for children, tweens,teens, and adults with informative and engaging gallery exhibits • Expand awareness and promote enjoyment of varied musical genres through the annual bluegrass, Celtic, folk, and jazz festivals. City of Allen 118 FY2017 Budget I WOMSUMMARY Library Associate 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 2,147,753 2,403,461 2,403,461 2,490,310 Operations 47,470 60,260 68,219 76,345 Supplies 38,254 41,796 299,404 303,601 Maintenance 1,220 2,295 2,295 2,345 Professional Services 38,431 36,998 34,895 35,268 Capital 263,597 264,584 1 1 DEPARTMENTTOTAL $ 2,536,725 2,809,394 2,808,274 2,907,869 Library Associate 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Director 1 1 1 1 Support Services Manager 1 1 1 1 Library Services Manager 2 2 2 2 Senior Librarian 3 5 5 5 Circulation Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Cultural Arts Manager 0 1 1 1 Cultural Arts Coordinator 1 0 0 0 Library Associate 1 1 1 1 Library Acquisitions Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Senior Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 Video Production Specialist 0 1 1 1 Media Production Specialist 0 1 1 1 Production Specialist 1 0 0 0 Librarian 6 5 5 5 Library Specialist 1 1 1 1 Library Clerk 3 3 3 3 TOTALFULLTIME 23 25 25 25 PARTTIME Senior Librarian 0.50 050 0.50 0.50 Librarian 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 Library Specialist 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 Library Clerk 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 Library Page 3.36 336 3.36 3.36 Production Specialist Assistant 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL PART TIME 13.13 12.13 12.13 12.13 TEMPORARY Library Clerk 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 Library Specialist 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 Library Page 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Audio Visual Technician 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 TOTAL TEMPORARY 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 36.79 37.79 37.79 37.79 City of Allen 119 FY2017 Budget I 1 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Library Books` 263,597 264,584 $ 263,597 $ 264,584 $ - $ 'Library books were moved to operational expenditures during FY2016 and will not be capitalized moving forward. City of Allen 120 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 1,603,138 1,824,293 1,824,293 1,863,062 Longevity 14,374 15,320 15,320 14,872 Overtime 13 292 292 300 FICA 118,603 127,315 127,315 136,967 TMRS 208,876 227,449 227,449 239,870 Worker's Compensation 1,502 3,144 3,144 3,373 Health Insurance 179,869 183,744 183,744 205,781 Health Savings Account 1,072 1,073 1,073 2,282 Dental Insurance 16,703 17,068 17,068 19,860 Long-term Disability 1,677 1,789 1,789 2,090 Life Insurance 1,383 1,414 1,414 1,357 Flexible Spending 543 560 560 496 SUBTOTAL $ 2,147,753 $ 2,4031161 $ 2,403,461 $ 2,490,310 OPERATIONS Training/Travel/Mileage 3,669 6,000 5,959 7,080 Dues & Subscriptions 11,196 17,145 25,345 25,850 Postage & Freight 1,225 1,600 1,400 1,400 Events/Activities 31,380 35,515 35,515 42,015 SUBTOTAL $ 47,470 $ 60,260 $ 68,219 $ 76,345 SUPPLIES General Supplies 38,254 41,796 33,520 33,725 Library Book Expense- - - 265,884 269,876 SUBTOTAL $ 38,254 $ 41,796 $ 299,404 $ 303,601 MAINTENANCE Equipment Maintenance 1,220 2,295 2,295 2,345 SUBTOTAL $ 1,220 $ 2,295 $ 2,295 $ 2,345 PROFESIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services 900 5,400 5,400 5,400 Lease Agreements 1,782 1,548 1,548 1,548 Professional Services 19,602 17,250 16,247 16,620 Donation Expenses 16,147 12,800 11,700 11,700 SUBTOTAL $ 38,431 $ 36,998 $ 34,895 $ 35,268 CAPITAL OUTLAY Library Books- _$ 263,597 264,584 SUBTOTAL 263,597 $ 264,584 $ - $ - DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2,536,725 S 2,809,394 2,808,274 2,907,869 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Library Books` 263,597 264,584 $ 263,597 $ 264,584 $ - $ 'Library books were moved to operational expenditures during FY2016 and will not be capitalized moving forward. City of Allen 120 FY2017 Budget 1 LL Visitation, Circulation, and Circulation Per Capita Annual Visits or total number of Library patrons, is tracked by electronic counters incorporated into the RFID security gates for collection materials. Annual visits have increased in 19 of the past 20 years (the Ione exception was in FY2011 during the separation from the Plano Public Library). In FY2016, patron visits are projected to increase 4.5% over FY2015 following a 5.6% increase from FY2014. Relevant factors include: steadily increasing checkouts and program attendance, a welcoming environment as a community cultural center, and the willingness and ability to readily respond to citizens' needs and interests. Annual Checkouts, the total number of Library items checked out, is projected to increase again as it has every year for at least 21 years. In FY2012, circulation surpassed 900,000 items for the first time and exceeded 1 million in FY2015. FY2015 checkouts increased by 4.4% over FY2014. An additional 7% increase is estimated in FY2016. Visitation and Circulation City e/Allen 121 FY2017 Budget -O 0 00 W N N N A W W V O fJ W W O O O W O T V O W 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. ' u Annual Visits ❑Annual Checkouts City e/Allen 121 FY2017 Budget Circulation Per Capitathe total number of checkouts divided by Allen's total estimated population, has increased each year since FY2007 and is expected to increase again in FY2015 and FY2016. Library staff continues to encourage usage through a friendly environment, exceptional customer service, patron -oriented collection development practices, internal merchandising, and external marketing. Library staff continues to focus on outreach to the community through social media and visits to Allen schools. The Library's circulation per capita is estimated to again be higher than 11 for FY2016. Public library standards in Texas consider 7.5 or higher to be excellent. 2013 2014 2015 2016 E'. ' Circulation 10.3 10.7 11.2 11.7 Per Capita Collection Per Capita and Turnover Rate Collection Turnover Rate measures the average number of checkouts per year for each item in the Library's collection. The Library's collection turnover rate has been greater than 5 each year since FY2009 and is currently greater than 7. According to Texas state accreditation standards, 2.5 or higher is considered excellent. 2014 2015 2016 Est. Collection Turnover 7.2 7.2 7.7 7.7 Rate Volumes Per Capitathe number of items in the Library divided by the City's population, measures the quantity and diversity of materials available to Allen citizens. The City Council's eventual goal is 2 volumes per capita. An intermediate goal has been 1.5 while developing a vital, current, relevant, and popular collection. Collection size regularly fluctuates based on ' additions and withdrawals but has achieved a 1.5 ratio. City of Allen 122 FY2017 Budget r- ' Circulation Per Visit increased in FY2013 and FY2014, decreased slightly to 2.8 in FY2015, and is estimated to increase in FY2016. 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. Circulation 2.79 2.84 2.80 2.87 Per Visit Circulation Per Capitathe total number of checkouts divided by Allen's total estimated population, has increased each year since FY2007 and is expected to increase again in FY2015 and FY2016. Library staff continues to encourage usage through a friendly environment, exceptional customer service, patron -oriented collection development practices, internal merchandising, and external marketing. Library staff continues to focus on outreach to the community through social media and visits to Allen schools. The Library's circulation per capita is estimated to again be higher than 11 for FY2016. Public library standards in Texas consider 7.5 or higher to be excellent. 2013 2014 2015 2016 E'. ' Circulation 10.3 10.7 11.2 11.7 Per Capita Collection Per Capita and Turnover Rate Collection Turnover Rate measures the average number of checkouts per year for each item in the Library's collection. The Library's collection turnover rate has been greater than 5 each year since FY2009 and is currently greater than 7. According to Texas state accreditation standards, 2.5 or higher is considered excellent. 2014 2015 2016 Est. Collection Turnover 7.2 7.2 7.7 7.7 Rate Volumes Per Capitathe number of items in the Library divided by the City's population, measures the quantity and diversity of materials available to Allen citizens. The City Council's eventual goal is 2 volumes per capita. An intermediate goal has been 1.5 while developing a vital, current, relevant, and popular collection. Collection size regularly fluctuates based on ' additions and withdrawals but has achieved a 1.5 ratio. City of Allen 122 FY2017 Budget I Volumes Per Capita 11.46 1.42 1.47 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. Programs and Program Attendance Library Programs include preschool storytimes, outreach programs to Allen daycares and schools, programs for elementary children, pre -teens, and teens, book clubs, and classic movies in addition to general interest cultural, historical, literary, and educational programs. Annually, the Library conducts an annual summer reading program for children, teens, and adults. Participation in the 2015 Reading Clubs exceeded previous summers. Adult programs have increased in frequency and variety, including crafts, travel, health, and nutrition. Bach to Books programs in the Civic Auditorium focus on music, history, literature, movies, current events, and cultural diversity. Teen and pre -teen programs based on popular subjects and series encourage regular library use and promote literacy at a critical age. Preschool story times and programs emphasize early literacy, incorporating the recommendations of the Every Child Ready to Read initiative developed by the American Library Association. To prepare preschool children to read before starting school, the Library offers sensory play activities to stimulate linguistic and other mental development in pre - readers. This year, the Library began a new initiative to encourage children to read —or listen ' to their parents read -1,000 Books Before Kindergarten. City of Allen 123 FY2017 Budget ' Annual Library program attendance has increased for eight consecutive years. The Library presented more than 1,000 programs for the first time in FY2014. Attendance in FY2015 exceeded 70,000, a 20.9% increase over FY2014 and averaged 75 persons per program. Program attendance is projected to exceed 80,000 and average 81 persons per program in FY2016. ft of Programs Programs and Program Attendance Program Attendance 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. Reference Questions Reference Questions measures the combined number of questions asked by Library patrons at the Information, Reference, and Children's Desks. Inquiries include requests to locate materials by title, author, or subject; reading lists and recommendations; Library materials and programs; consumer buying decisions; resume creation and printing; community information referrals; and information about City activities and accomplishments. Beginning in FY2012, reference questions increased annually through FY2015, which represented the Library's all-time high. However, that appears to be a one-time statistical anomaly and in FY2016 nearly returned to pre-FY2014 levels. City of Allen 124 FY2017 Budget 1,200 1,100 70,000 1,000 900 50,000 800 700 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. Reference Questions Reference Questions measures the combined number of questions asked by Library patrons at the Information, Reference, and Children's Desks. Inquiries include requests to locate materials by title, author, or subject; reading lists and recommendations; Library materials and programs; consumer buying decisions; resume creation and printing; community information referrals; and information about City activities and accomplishments. Beginning in FY2012, reference questions increased annually through FY2015, which represented the Library's all-time high. However, that appears to be a one-time statistical anomaly and in FY2016 nearly returned to pre-FY2014 levels. City of Allen 124 FY2017 Budget av vvv 80,000 4 70,000 60,000 4 50,000 40,000 30,000 20y00 10y00 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. Reference Questions Reference Questions measures the combined number of questions asked by Library patrons at the Information, Reference, and Children's Desks. Inquiries include requests to locate materials by title, author, or subject; reading lists and recommendations; Library materials and programs; consumer buying decisions; resume creation and printing; community information referrals; and information about City activities and accomplishments. Beginning in FY2012, reference questions increased annually through FY2015, which represented the Library's all-time high. However, that appears to be a one-time statistical anomaly and in FY2016 nearly returned to pre-FY2014 levels. City of Allen 124 FY2017 Budget In -House Use counts the number of materials used inside the Library for reading or research but not actually checked out. This metric increased incrementally each year through FY2014. While decreasing in FY2O15 and FY2016, it remains higher than in FY2012 (69,893). 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 Reference Questions and In -House Use 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. ■ Reference Questions • In -House Use ' Five and Ten -Year Statistical Increases The current Library facility, scheduled for expansion through the GO Bond program, opened in February 2005. The following table compares key statistics between FY2015 and FY2O05 and also between FY2015 and FY2O10, including Allen's corresponding population increases. City of Allen 125 FY2017 Budget Program Reference Population Checkouts Visits Attendance Requests 2015 vs. 2005 33% 104% 42% 204% 102% 2015 vs. 2010 8% 31% 13% 115% 19% City of Allen 125 FY2017 Budget 1 Chief Finanaal Officer Munidpal Court Adminietraor 1 Juvenile Cam Co inator Munidpal 7Senior Oepury Cnurt Clerk puty Court 4 erk 2 -Funded out of the Special Revenue Fund. City of Allen 126 FY2017 Budget MUNICIPAL COURT ' ORG 1165100 1 Chief Finanaal Officer Munidpal Court Adminietraor 1 Juvenile Cam Co inator Munidpal 7Senior Oepury Cnurt Clerk puty Court 4 erk 2 -Funded out of the Special Revenue Fund. City of Allen 126 FY2017 Budget ' The Municipal Court is responsible for the maintenance of court records on the disposition of cases, the issuance of warrants for those individuals who do not meet their obligations to the court, and the collection of fines. Goal S. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 1. Utilize technology for optimum performance and customer service • Maintained automated entry of tickets into court software through additional ticket writers and utilization of public safety software • Maintained court software to include web -based payment options, information access, document imaging, and improved report writing Strategy 3. Continually Enhance the City of Allen's Customer Service Approach to Delivering Quality Services. • Maintained a link from the city's website to court software to al low access to the defendant's citations and the ability to make online payments Strategy 4. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain public trust • Researched and contracted with Collection Agency for collection of outstanding warrants • Continued improvements to the voluntary State Collection Program for outstanding cases • Participated in the annual state-wide warrant roundup to collect on outstanding warrants • Improved daily operations within the Courts by following municipal court"best practices" • Utilized the Juvenile Case Manager to work with community groups to establish outreach services for troubled juveniles and their parents • Continued training resulting in all Deputy Court Clerks maintaining Level 1 and Level 2 Certifications in the State ' Court Clerk Certification Program rell r 1 Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 1. Utilize technology for optimum performance and customer service • Research of new software for court • Implement Electronic Warrant Payments in Jail for individuals arrested on other cities warrants • Continue to improve the utilization of court software Strategy 4. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain public trust • Continue to utilize the Collection Agency for collection of outstanding warrants • Continue to improve the voluntary State Collection Program for outstanding cases • Continue to improve warrant collections by serving current warrants and participating in the state wide warrant roundups • Utilize updated standard operating procedure manuals to cross -train and develop Court staff City of Allen 127 FY2017 Budget I I TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 10 10 10 10 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 650,272 717,964 717,964 669,117 Operations 40,956 43,968 43,968 10,930 Supplies 25,319 5,910 5,910 7,000 Professional Services 19,723 43,112 43,112 49,850 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 2 2 2 2 Deputy Court Clerk 4 4 4 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 10 10 10 10 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Municipal Court Judge 1 1 1 1 Municipal Court Administrator 1 1 1 1 Municipal Court Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Juvenile Case Manager 1 1 1 1 Senior Deputy Court Clerk 2 2 2 2 Deputy Court Clerk 4 4 4 4 TOTAL FULL TIME 10 10 10 10 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 10 10 10 10 City of Allen 128 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 450,962 499,775 499,775 477,839 Longevity 4,262 3,712 3,712 1,300 Overtime 480 1,000 1,000 1,250 FICA 33,196 36,964 36,964 31,291 TMRS 64,203 72,200 72,200 65,089 Worker's Compensation 441 957 957 871 Health Insurance 88,087 94,011 94,011 83,472 Dental Insurance 7,156 7,758 7,758 6,622 Long-term Disability 633 710 710 532 Life Insurance 602 639 639 541 Flexible Spending 250 238 238 310 SUBTOTAL $ 650,272 $ 717,964 $ 717,964 $ 669,117 OPERATIONS Training/Travel/Mileage 6,939 4,500 4,500 4,950 Dues & Subscriptions 798 904 904 900 Outside Printing 2,979 4,080 4,080 4,080 Court Technology Expense 29,920 33,668 33,668 - Juvenile Case Manager Expenses 320 816 816 1,000 SUBTOTAL $ 40,956 $ 43,968 $ 43,968 $ 10,930 City of Allen 128 FY2017 Budget I 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 SUPPLIES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET General Supplies 25,319 5,910 5,910 7,000 SUBTOTAL $ 25,319 $ 5,910 $ 51910 $ 7,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services - - - 17,600 Professional Services 19,723 43,112 43,112 32,250 SUBTOTAL $ 19,723 $ 43,112 $ 43,112 $ 49,850 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 736,270 $ 810,954 $ 810,954 736,897 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 129 FY2017 Budget I 1 Court Statistics Traffic offenses constitute approximately 95% of the total tickets issued. The Municipal Court also receives tickets for animal and code enforcement violations. The following chart outlines the staffing levels (FTE), population, tickets issued, warrants issued and revenue and expenditures per fiscal year (FY). In March 2016, Municipal Court participated in the Fifth annual state-wide warrant round up working with the Allen Police Department and several other cities and law enforcement agencies in an effort to clear outstanding warrants. Results from Allen's participation are as follows: TOTAL FY14 FYIS FY16 2/14 to 3/14 3/1/14 3/1/14 2/19/16 to Warrants Served 637 106 Tickets Warrants %Warrants $180,551 $29,800 FY FTE Population Issued Issued To Tickets Revenue Exp. 2015-2016 11 94,173 9,385 1,532 16.3% $3,318 $985,790 $358,924 2014-2015 11 91,918 12,000 5,554 46.2% $12,407 $1,816,800 $810,870 2013-2014 11 91,431 20,122 5,993 29.7% $2,426,419 $686,068 2012-2013 11 88,547 13,990 4,596 32.8% $1,555,527 $716,438 2011-2012 11 87,157 14,069 5,699 40.5% $1,989,759 $774,987 In March 2016, Municipal Court participated in the Fifth annual state-wide warrant round up working with the Allen Police Department and several other cities and law enforcement agencies in an effort to clear outstanding warrants. Results from Allen's participation are as follows: TOTAL FY14 FYIS FY16 2/14 to 3/14 3/1/14 3/1/14 2/19/16 to Warrants Served 637 106 89 253 Warrant Value $180,551 $29,800 $25,298 $148,968 Fine Collected $83,461.09 $16,259 $11,328 $56,680 Bonds Posted $22,468 $0 $0 $12,176 Value -Time Served $31,281 $3,318 $6,659 $13,617 Value -Dismissed $0 $0 $85 $0 Extension to Pay $12,407 $6,975 $6,499 $4,051 City of Allen 130 FY2017 Budget PARKS & RECREATION-ADMINISTRATIC ' ORGS ADMINISTRATION 1420100 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 1440100 ARENA MARKETING 1480300 S1TE SERVICES 1450100 0 $engf MminIstmVve Atlm,n ou1ve Pas¢tanl Assistant 1 1 1 1 Pak PMn.rl I Park (Code) 2- Inspector 1 •One position funded from CDC City of Allen 131 FV2017 Budget AselstaMDF r MaAeang Mann, r Remume Dev Manage AssiMaa DlreMr Reu®tlan SeMoas MaMettl9 Reservatons Atl Mareger Coonllnaor CooNmawr -Ass-re Asi&aa 1 2 t 1 1 1 senior Maketlng CmMeaor sperial Erenls DooNinator Gnint rdnaar 1 n. r 1 1 Pak PMn.rl I Park (Code) 2- Inspector 1 •One position funded from CDC City of Allen 131 FV2017 Budget ' PARKS & RECREATION -PARKS ORGS FACILITIES&OPEN SPACES 1445100 SITE SERVICES 1450100 NaaimY uraarp PoA 6igainMMpn Pa s—, Clum[al6(BaYiatl Fa<Illly .lbintersice j, m2 cremvlrama Fam Wmaaaza rams ' aan 6 T.h MOMpu Wpt>J Yrgion 6q®ler 1 rrysonram6 Maresorca Wvta2 � g nes Wlnbnnea Gi, 4o¢SWp ort City of Allen 132 FV2017 Budget I PARKS & ORGS ATHLETICS 1455100 JOE FARMER RECREATION CENTER 1460100 DON RODENBAUGH NATATORIUM 1465100 SENIOR SERVICES 1470100 YOUTH CENTER 1475100 oire�w .a.M M cdorA—®um Rc$wi�MMNa Unlw%� ms Dan Raclanimmigh 7 112 F1 new Instanor M R- 5,0 1,12 City of Allen 133 FY2017 Budget The Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) strives to provide park facilities and recreation programs that enhance the aesthetic value of the City and help our citizens more fully enjoy living in Allen. Vision statement: "To achieve excellence and create fun beyond imagination!" I Goal1. Enhance Community Livability and Safety • Successfully prevented the establishment of any Cattle Egret rookeries through the continued implementation of the Cattle Egret Management Plan. • Increased park and playground safety issue assessments and repairs. Strategy 6. Renovate and Construct Neighborhood Parks with Designs for Water Conservation Completed landscape improvements for Exchange Parkway and Bray Central Or median enhancements. Goa12. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and eovernmental units that affect Allen Strategy 2. Create recreational partnerships • Provided overflow tournament facilities to outside groups providing more opportunities for visitors. • Provided non-standard rental times on synthetic fields to area high schools as their facilities were too wet to use. Strategy g. Complete development of Heritage Village to maintain Allen's history Completed renovation of the Heritage Village structures (excluding the yellow Farm House). Goal 4. Signify, enhance, and communicate Allen's identity to the region and the nation Strategy 2. Advance Trails Plan to ensure continuation and connectivity of the trails system • Received a $274,650 matching funds grant from Collin County for the construction of the hike and bike trail through the Montgomery Ridge development. • Initiated the implementation of the trail wayfinding and mile marker signage program. Completed Bethany lakes Park ADA trail connections and various sections of trail through the development community such as Benton Drive, Montgomery Blvd. and Ansley Meadows. Completed design for the Bethany Lakes loop trail. Completed connection of the Cottonwood Creek trail from Allen Station Park to Villa of Cottonwood Creek. Strategy 4. Plan for the design and construction of needed City Parks and Recreation Facilities • Completed Orchards Neighborhood Park and the Historic Water Station construction. • Completed design for Watters Branch Community Park, Windridge Neighborhood Park and initiated demolition and reconstruction of Ford Pool. Strategy S. Signify the City of Allen through beautification efforts • Completed update of the Public Art Master Plan, as well as design for the Ford Pool and Watters Branch Artwork. • Completed Cottonwood Creek pedestrian bridge public art, landscape, designs for Exchange Parkway from Bray Central to Watters & Bray Central from Exchange to Watters, and the installation of the "CHAC'sculpture. Strategy 9. Develop a Healthy Communities initiative to encourage fitness, exercise and healthy lifestyles • Recreation Division staff continued to provide leadership for the Alliance for a Healthier Allen by implementing initiatives in cooperation with AISD on healthy living. Strategy 30. Emphasize marketing effortsto communicate Allen's identity • Increased Facebook likes for PARD +33%, AEC +44%, The Courses at Watters Creek (TCWC)+34%, The Edge Visitors Center (TEVC)+16%, Allen Community Ice Rink (ACIR)+30%, Market Street Allen USA (MS AUSA)+214%. • Partnered with CVB and PAMRO for multiple promotions and maximized resources when appropriate including Cottonwood Creek Bridge dedication and ribbon cutting, NRPA Gold Medal video, It's Time Texas Community Challenge, ASRC 10th Anniversary Celebration, 2016 Special Olympia Texas- Regional Figure Skating Competition, suite promotion for AEC concerts and events. • Designed new PARD advertising campaign. • Negotiated and utilized new barter agreement with Dallas Morning News for exposure in GuideUve, DMN and Briefing at no cost. • Redesigned budget and resources to begin sending Parks and Recreation Activity Guide to all households City of Allen 134 FY2017 Budget 1... Strategy 11. Sustain and enhance Parks and Recreation Programming • Partnered with Challenger Sports British Soccer Camp program to provide enhanced youth soccer camp programs. • Partnered with Triple Creek Baseball, Triple Crown Baseball, Triple Crown Softball, Dallas Charge Professional Woman's Softball, American Freedom Gold Softball, and Elite Lacrosse to provide tournaments and camps in their respective sports which utilize our hotels for their events. • Reviewed tournament and daily field rental rates to determine the current market among benchmark facilities. • The Recreation Division conducted a strategic planning session to assist in identifying upcoming trends and to identity creative and innovative programming. • Planning was initiated for four new non-traditional special events that center on community participation • Special events evaluated for their effectiveness and changes or enhancements to the events were implemented. Goal 5. Systematically Invest in public infrastructure Strategy 1. Implementation of the 2007-2013 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Coordinated the efforts of the Public Art Committee. Strategy 2. Implementation of Long Term Facility Maintenance Plan • Updated and expanded the Long Term Facility Maintenance Plan to include all park maintained facilities. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services • Recognized for the fourth consecutive year as National Recreation and Park Association Gold Medal Finalist. • MS AUSA website received two awards from Texas Festival and Events Association — Best Festival/Event Website and Best Festival/Event Mobile Application and three awards from International Festival and Events Association for Best Festival/Event Website, Best Festival/Event Mobile Application and Best Miscellaneous Multimedia. • Initiated the National Recreation and Park Association agency accreditation process. • Updated the policies governing the CARE financial assistance program. • Initiated a comprehensive review of the standard operating procedures for the Recreation Services Division. ' Strategy 1. Utilize technology for optimum performance and customer service Utilized COA smart phone app to receive public concerns allowing for improved response/repair timeframes. A plan for the replacement of the discontinued "CLASS' recreation management software has been developed. Strategy 3. Continually Enhance the City of Allen's Customer Service Approach to Delivering Quality Services • R.E.A.L. training sessions were offered to department staff quarterly. • Recreation Division evaluation forms were updated to assist staff in analyzing program information collected from participants. This information is then used in determining the overall effectiveness of programs. Strategy 4. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain public trust • Initiated the bi-annual comprehensive fee assessment project. Objectives for FY 2017: Goal 1. Enhance Community Livability and Safety Continue implementation of Cattle Egret Management Plan to prevent any rookeries from establishing. Strategy 6. Renovate and Construct Neighborhood Parks with Designs for Water Conservation Complete Windridge and Twin Creeks Phase II Neighborhood Parks, as well as Watters Branch Community Park. Strategy 7. Implement safety monitoring systems throughout the park system Seek funding for the expansion of the video surveillance system. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and Partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy 4. Fully utilize resources from Collin County, Ni TPWD, and other agencies and entities Continue to monitor grant funding agencies and submit applications as appropriate. Strategy S. Complete development of Heritage Village to maintain Allen's history • Continue implementation of the Heritage Village master plan per direction provided by City Council. Goal4. Sii enhance and communicate Allen's identity to the real and the nation ' Strategy 2. Advance Trails Plan to ensure continuation and connectivity of the trails system Continue to seek funding for trail system expansion. Continue to implement trail wayfinding, mile marker signage, and requirements of the trail master plan. City of Allen 135 FY2017 Budget • Complete trail construction along Watters Branch tributary, Senior Recreation Center and Heritage Village, Mustang Creek and Allen Heights. • Identify and implement conservation efforts for pollinators through regional partnerships with National Wildlife Federation, North Texas Native Plant Society and other agencies. Strategy 3. Continue to seek open space funding • Continue to monitor grant funding agencies and submit applications as appropriate. Strategy 4. Plan for the design and construction of needed City Parks and Recreation Facilities Implement projects funded by the CDC and projects authorized by voters in the 2006 & 2016 bond elections. Strategy S. Signify the City of Allen through beautification efforts • Continue to implement the Public Art Master Plan and coordinate the selection of projects. • Complete the installation of Ford Pool and Watters Branch Community Park artwork. Strategy 9. Develop a Healthy Communities initiative to encourage fitness, exercise and healthy lifestyles • Continue involvement and leadership with the Alliance for a Healthier Allen Strategy10. Emphasize marketing efforts to communicate Allen's identity • Create and implement brand identity for the AEC utilizing naming rights partner. • Implement new PARD advertising campaign. • Continue to raise awareness of AEC in the region via general brand marketing. • Focus resources on additional resident outreach and communication for The Courses at Watters Creek. • Focus on cross promoting and optimizing resources by coordinating efforts with PAMRO and the CVB. Strategy 11. Sustain and enhance Parks and Recreation programming • Identify and implement strategies for cultivating creative and innovative recreation programs. • Four apartment complexes (with pool facilities) were identified to offer Outreach Learn to Swim Lessons. • Continue to monitor growth of MS AUSA to ensure sustainability of event. Goal S. Systematically invest in public infrastructure Strategy 1. Implementation of the 2007-2013 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) • Utilize remainder of $1,900,000 in 2013 GO Bonds for community park land acquisition. • Utilize $300,000 in 2013 GO Bonds to initiate master planning process for Rowlett Creek Community Park. • Coordinate the efforts of the Public Art Committee to plan and execute the selection & completion of art projects. Strategy 2. Implementation of Long Term Facility Maintenance Plan • Develop and utilize the Long Term Facility Maintenance Plan to schedule & budget major maintenance projects. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City eovernment services • Continue the National Recreation and Park Association agency accreditation process with the goal of receiving accreditation in October 2018. • Complete review of the standard operating procedures for the Recreation Services Division & implement changes. Strategy 1. Utilize technology for optimum performance and customer service • Continue implementation of the CLASS replacement plan. Strategy 3. Continually Enhance the City of Allen's Customer Service Approach to Delivering Quality Services • Continue making the R.E.A.L. service philosophy the heart of our business. • Continue to ensure that programs and services are cost effective and reflect the interests of the community. • Pursue strategies for improved cost recovery measures for divisions that have a deficit. Strategy 4. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain publictrust • Develop and implement a fees and charges policy for the Parks and Recreation Department. • Implement updated tournament and daily field rental rates to reflect the current market rates. • Continue to practice solid financial management by completing bi-annual comprehensive fee assessments for Recreation Division program fees as approved by the Parks and Recreation Board and City Council. City of Allen 136 FY2017 Budget E r DEPARTMENT, 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 �GENERAL FUND PARKS & RECREATION BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Director 1 1 1 1 Assistant Director 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 6,616,659 7,636,966 7,636,966 7,863,376 Operations 1,046,323 1,724,072 1,168,427 1,215,067 Supplies 556,328 436,134 767,175 587,782 Maintenance 654,465 843,465 814,927 618,383 Professional Services 1,292,721 1,372,785 1,760,417 2,073,556 Capital 1 81,800 81,800 1 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 10,166,496 12,095,222 12,229,712 12,358,160 City of Allen 137 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Director 1 1 1 1 Assistant Director 2 2 2 2 Landscape Architect 1 1 1 1 Park Planner 2 2 2 2 Grant Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Senior Marketing Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Senior Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 2 2 2 Reservations Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Parks & Rec. Support Specialist 0 1 1 1 Sales & Sponsorship Director 1 0 0 0 Resource Development Manager 1 1 1 1 Administrative Services Manager 1 1 1 1 Urban Forester 1 1 1 1 Superintendent 2 2 2 2 Park Operations Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Sports Field Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Crew Leader 5 5 5 5 Equipment Operator 2 2 2 2 Park (Code) Inspector 1 1 1 1 Building Technician 3 3 3 3 Parks Maintenance Technician 3 4 4 4 Parks Specialist 1 1 1 1 Maintenance Worker 18 18 18 18 Chemical Specialist 1 1 1 1 Chemical Technician 4 4 4 4 Irrigation Specialist 1 1 1 1 Irrigation Technician 3 3 3 3 Recreation Services Manager 1 1 1 1 Recreation Program Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Center Supervisor 3 3 3 3 Athletic Program Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Aquatic Program Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Head Lifeguard 4 4 4 4 Youth Program Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Special Events Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Lead Recreation Specialist I 1 1 1 1 Recreation Specialist 11 11 11 11 11 Recreation Specialist 3 3 3 3 TOTAL FULL TIME 89.00 91.00 91.00 91.00 City of Allen 137 FY2017 Budget NNEL SUMMARY - CONTINUEC TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 132.59 137.19 137.19 137.19 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PARTTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Recreation Specialist 1 11.12 11.12 11.12 1112 Recreation Specialist 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fitness Specialist 234 2.36 2.34 2.34 Head Lifeguard 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lead Water Safety Instructor 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Park Attendant 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 TOTAL PARTTIME 14.46 14.46 14.46 14.46 SEASONAL/TEMPORARY 80,023 82,845 Health Insurance Seasonal -Lifeguard 18.00 20.00 20.00 2000 Seasonal- Water Safety Instructor 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 Seasonal- Swim Teaching Assistant 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 Temp - Camp Counselor 1.60 2.20 2.20 2.20 Temp- Saturday N ight Event Chaperone 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Temp- Fitness Instructor 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 Temp- Recreation Specialist l 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 TOTAL SEASONAL/TEMPORARY 29.13 31.73 31.73 31.73 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 132.59 137.19 137.19 137.19 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 4,608,430 5,336,873 5,336,873 5,478,289 Longevity 29,120 32,447 32,447 35,438 Overtime 153,917 164,472 164,472 170,052 FICA 349,140 387,633 387,633 411,142 TMRS 590,382 631,371 631,371 690,137 Worker's Compensation 35,180 80,023 80,023 82,845 Health Insurance 776,070 919,658 919,658 901,039 Health Savings Account 9,891 10,584 10,584 14,832 Dental Insurance 54,080 61,842 61,842 66,420 Long-term Disability 5,088 5,822 5,822 7,088 Life Insurance 4,244 4,677 4,677 4,768 Flexible Spending 1,117 1,564 1,564 1,326 SUBTOTAL $ 6,616,659 $ 7,636,966 $ 7,636,966 $ 7,863,376 OPERATIONS Training/Travel/Mileage 53,431 109,483 87,875 107,802 Dues& Subscriptions 17,921 24,171 19,298 28,117 Uniforms 43,724 55,564 56,360 71,746 Advertising 24,413 87,416 87,416 82,029 Rentals 6,669 6,820 6,820 57,292 Outside Printing 35,155 54,686 54,686 71,250 Meetings & Receptions 2,147 3,721 3,721 2,775 Class & Day Camp Expenditures 285,581 681,945 388,566 393,707 Special Events 541,818 610,649 374,068 301,272 Cost of Goods Sold - Concessions 28,362 67,413 67,413 68,750 Cost of Goods Sold - Retail 3,471 8,088 8,088 8,190 Cemetery Expenditures 3,631 14,116 14,116 14,398 Marketing Expenditures 7,739 SUBTOTAL $ 1,046,323 $ 1,724,072 $ 1,168,427 $ 1,215,067 City of Allen 138 FY2017 Budget I 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Machinery & Equipment ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Sport Champ Artificial Turf Cleaner 56,800 56,800 TOTAL $ $ 56,800 $ 56,800 $ 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Vehicles ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET F-150 for Park Tech 25,000 25,000 TOTAL $ $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ City of Allen 139 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 SUPPLIES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET General Supplies 470,727 292,536 636,413 469,578 Small Tools& Minor Equipment 51,602 106,410 93,574 108,492 Medical & Chemical Supply 33,999 37,188 37,188 9,712 SUBTOTAL $ 556,328 $ 436,134 $ 767,175 $ 587,782 MAINTENANCE Facility Maintenance 529,387 593,866 535,431 363,336 Vehicle Maintenance 28,768 33,972 34,972 34,651 Equipment Maintenance 96,310 215,627 244,524 220,396 SUBTOTAL $ 654,465 $ 843,465 $ 814,927 $ 618,383 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services 322,915 1,146,352 1,496,949 1,733,425 Professional Services 969,806 226,433 263,468 340,131 SUBTOTAL $ 1,292,721 $ 1,372,785 $ 1,760,417 $ 2,073,556 CAPITAL OUTIAY Machinery &Equipment - 56,800 56,800 - Vehicies 25,000 25,000 SUBTOTAL $ - $ 81,800 $ 81,800 $ - DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 10,166,496 $ 12,095,222 $ 12,229,712 $ 12,358,164 Hems here funded by Antenna revenue: 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET ' Cultural Arts Programs - Arts Alliance 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 Allen USA Celebration 248,400 253,368 253,368 259,868 Philharmonic Symphony 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Summer Sounds 20,000 20,400 20,400 20,400 Public Art Projects 22,231 32,472 32,472 37,322 TOTAL $ 410,631 $ 426,240 $ 426,240 $ 437,590 I 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Machinery & Equipment ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Sport Champ Artificial Turf Cleaner 56,800 56,800 TOTAL $ $ 56,800 $ 56,800 $ 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Vehicles ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET F-150 for Park Tech 25,000 25,000 TOTAL $ $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ City of Allen 139 FY2017 Budget I General Fund Cost Per Caoita General Fund cost per capita includes all $12,000,0100 park and recreation related operations. $240 This includes expenses for department $10,000.000 administration and park planning. Cost $220 per capita spiked in FY2016 primarily as a $8,000,000 result of an almost 14% increase in $200 personnel expenses which was m $8.000.000 principally due to the City's also implementation of salary market rate $4,000,000 adjustments. These adjustments were $160 most significant in the lower pay grade positions. These positions constitute the $140 bulk of parks and recreation's positions. Additionally, the figure for FY2015 was $120 artificially lowered by a late year $300,000 budget cut that had to be $100 absorbed. General Fund Revenue and Cost Recovery Cost per Capita $19572 2013 -14 -61` 20116 Est Expenses used in these calculations Revenue &Cost Rewvery include not only recreation and event 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% market rate adjustments had an 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est impact. The FY2015 rate was •Total Revenue ■%Cost Recovery based expenses, but all department $12,000,0100 administration, park planning and $10,000.000 maintenance expenses as well. The cost recovery in FY2013 was $8,000,000 artificially inflated by the consolidation of utility expenses m $8.000.000 outside of the Parks and Recreation Department, as well as temporary $4,000,000 cost cutting measures. Here again, $2,000.000 the $300,000 budget cut in FY2015 and the implementation of the salary $0 artificially raised and the increased personnel costs have lowered the projections for FY2016. Cost recovery is however expected to continue its positive trend of hovering around 50%. City of Allen 140 FY2017 Budget I 1 1 Park Acres The ratio of park acres to population has historically been a benchmark of the adequacy of the park system fora 500450 city's residents. However, numbers 400 from the ratio are not always 350 300 comparable between cities because of Y 2.50 variations in how open space and Y200 50 greenbelts within each community are 1,gg treated in the ratio. Using developed 0.50 acres as an alternative provides a 060 useful benchmark for com arisons Devebced Acres oer 1.900 Pooula0on 3.14 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est P between city park systems. The oNeighborhood Parks ■Communky Parks fluctuation in both the community park and neighborhood park numbers are indicative of our population growth exceeding park development; however, changes in our park classification system in FY2014 resulted in artificial increases in both the neighborhood and community park ratios. Both ratios are expected to remain steady or continue a slight decline as park development continues to lag behind population growth. New park acreage developed in FY2016 included the Orchards neighborhood park and additional development at Twin Creeks neighborhood park. Development of the Windridge neighborhood park is projected for FY2O17. Watters Branch Community Park is now not expected to be open until sometime in FY2018. Cost Per Maintained Acre Maintenance of parks and recreation as.000 facilities has a large effect on the aesthetic value of a city. For several years, cost efficiency initiatives allowed the department to maintain Allen's award-winning park system at high standards during difficult economic times. In FY2013, the City consolidated all utility and fuel expenses into one division outside of the Parks and Recreation budget. Additionally, onetime cost cutting measures in FY2O13 and FY2014 s, roc $4,022 $4.063 53,827 4 742 WU allowed for $574,000 and $459,000 2L1 2014 2015 2016 Est. respectively in savings in the maintenance division budgets. Without these savings, the 2013 rate would have been =$4,300 and the rate in FY2014 would have been =$4,400 both of which would have been significantly above the actual results for FY2O15. However, it must be kept in mind that the FY2O15 figure would have been $4,336 had there not been a $300,000 budget cut. The increase in FY2O16 is significant even when considering the $4,336 normalized FY2015 figure. As previously mentioned, the salary market rate adjustments that were implemented in FY2O16 were concentrated in the lower pay grades. The vast majority of the maintenance personnel are in these lower grades. This resulted in the dramatic increase in the cost of maintenance. City of Allen 141 FY2017 Budget Membership Sales Along with classes, facility Membership Salea membership sales are important 10,000 to the financial success of the 29.999 facilities. Each facility sells a - 8,009 12 variety of memberships. Those a 7,900 memberships sold at Don v 8,000 p � 5,000 Rodenbaugh Natatorium (DRN) 6 4,000 are valid at all locations, while 90 3,000 those sold at the JFRC, ASRC, and 2,000 the Visitor Center are specific to 1,000 those facilities. The JFRC 0 20132014 2015 2018 Esc membership numberalso includes WASRC 15]2 1823 1421 1451 the special membership charged •DRN 4025 3784 2292 2581 for the Saturday Night Rec N Roll '.aERc 3700 80 2495 zalz 2995 46 youth program. EDGE 33 39 JFRC, DRN, and the ASRC each participate in the Silver Sneakers program. This program is a collaboration with healthcare providers to provide seniors (age 65 and older), as well as persons with disabilities, the ' opportunity to utilize facilities and programs as a benefit of their health insurance. The city is reimbursed by the healthcare provider for visits. The program is tracked In the membership line item. In FY2009 the Youth Center transitioned into the Visitor Center. This continues to impact membership sales downward as membership is no longer necessary to utilize the lobby space of the facility. Additionally, the computer lab which was heavily utilized for several years has seen little use in the last few years. This is attributed to the evolution of technology, specifically smart phones which most young people now own. Accordingly, the computers have recently been removed from the Visitor Center, and the space is being repurposed for programs and rental space. Membership is required for use of the media room — which is still dedicated to youth use only. With the opening of new fitness facilities and swim clubs in Allen, DRN and JFRC memberships have seen decline. Cardio equipment at ASRC, DRN, and JFRC was replaced in the summer of 2015, and the locker room renovation at DRN was completed in the fall of 2014. City of Allen 142 FY2017 Budget I Customer Satisfaction The REAL philosophy is the Parks and Recreation Department's guiding customer service program now in its sixth year of execution. All Parks and Recreation staff are introduced and trained on the tailor made customer service model within the first months of employment, while existing employees undergo regular training. The Recreation Division uses a variety of surveys, comment cards, trailer (follow up) phone calls, and various other means to measure satisfaction. The benchmark goal for customer satisfaction has been set at 95%. 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% Customer Satisfaction Ratina Actuals Program Registration Recreation Center ""`"" Natatonom Recreation Center Center ''. '."' Program Realstration .2011 96% 96% 91% 92% 95% 940% X2012 93% 97% ti. 93% 91% 95% 938% 2013 92% 93% 84% 90% 93% 904% 2014 93% 93% 84% 91% 91% 904% —2015 93% 92% 92% 92% 93% 92.4% —Goal 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% Program Registration Program registration is an Program Realstration indicator of a unique individual 27,000 , or team registering for a 24,000 program, activity, or league. 21,000 The numbers for program registration also include facility 1s,eeo rentals for private parties. 15,000 Learn to Swim classes (DRN) 12,000 and youth camps (JFRC) 9,000 continue to be popular choices. 6,000 Participation in classes at the 3000 2013 2014 -- — 2015 2016 Est Visitor Center continues to be a .ED" 780 - 760 552 655 challenge; however, special I.3rlxc 6800 6511 6752 6900__ events and exhibitions in the I, ntn _ 8 o3 _ - park are highly popular and eu -'t— 695 570 s7600 -- 600 --- — ASRC 8120 6997 7784 8300 well attended. -- City of Allen 143 FY2017 Budget I 1 Class Success Rates The success rate of classes is an indicator of how many programs and leagues are offered vs. the number that were successfully held and not cancelled due to low enrollment or for other reasons. This is a significant indicator as it relates to decisions being made about which programs to maintain. The 75% goal is aligned to the industry standard. The class success rate has been impacted to varying degrees the past two years by turnover in the programming and supervisory levels of the Recreation Divisions. This was especially impactful at 1FRC in FY2014. Although TEVC saw a drop in class success rates in FY2013, since then the trend has been increasing each year due to adding technology based programming. JFRC staff will be implementing strategies to increase or enhance current programming to address the decrease class success rate at that facility. 00% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% III glen Senbr Recreation Center 2011 94% c 2012 91% 013 95 6 X =2014 94% 2016 94"r. �Goali 75% City of Allen Class Success Rate Actuals I" "In r Athletics Ron Rodenhaugh Joe Farmer The Edge Visitor Total Natstodum Rocmch.o Center Center 68% 88% 69". 60%. 758% 63% 91% 91% UlY 806% 799'r 89% 6630 38°/ 73.4% 78% 34% _� 53'4 42% 79.2% at% 90% 57. i 669A 764% 75% 75% �_.. 75% 75% 75% 144 FY2017 Budget 71i;43:�1Ti•17 73 iC•I: Qit1 i. Y i•14: Y14:7 Tmbnsonoa g m GererzlaYrupr I R¢rYn AOnin¢triw l 1^I A°"ram g palaMmcraa Mmaaa aor�rel raga v ORGS ' EVENT CENTER ARENA 1480100 ARENA -OPERATIONS 1480110 FRm sgeum�sl ARENA -FACILITY 1480320 ARENA -BOX OFFICE 1480330 ARENA -GUEST SERVICES 1480334 ARENA -FOOD & BEVERAGE 1480340 Tmbnsonoa g m GererzlaYrupr I R¢rYn AOnin¢triw l 1^I A°"ram g palaMmcraa Mmaaa aor�rel raga v vmea ea.arsD�rrmr FRm sgeum�sl Gurl Sante yrmms 6xCabe s+wmmr Cmwsims Mang E'eo4w CMI Lnw lata v Lea]Ereit pbnmM �Nm�bm® 1 mxal'm &ritllip RBy[daiu9l NbibM aeuyCh! Trtrgnnr .9 Ix Metlamee NNel e Fmdbp FinaRavg CanE LmNimYn Oire& of Ogamb y 1 dRmuctbn 1 Fmdd6vaye SpBtiYlal Cmva miaism lam crn Rggr l Nrrmm crn RggN aeiwrtwai p�mm sor+aim tem Rariiar� Invtl AlleMnf IBm ERM Nmrmm 1S Ranwm level Nlsr mm Fina Roma s 1 Ram un Lwel City of Allen 145 FY2017 Budget I 1 PARKS & RECREATION -EVENT CENTER ORGS ICE RINK 1485100 RCSpcll IpMp Spcl to R"IAr60am City of Allen 146 FV2017 Budget The Allen Event Center was constructed through a partnership between the City of Allen, The MGherring Group/ rhe Village at Allen, and Global Entertainment at a cost of $72,000,000 The facility opened on November 6, 2009, and the City assumed management of the facility in lune, 2010. The Allen Event Center consists of the main arena and support facilities, the Allen Community Ice Rink, the south parking structure, and shared ownership of the north parking structure with The Village at Allen. The Center hosts a variety of events ranging from professional and amateur athletics to concerts and family shows to trade shows, graduation ceremonies, and even private events These functions are estimated to have an economic impact of over $9,000,000 annually. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and Partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen AEC and ACIR hosted regional professional training events for S.T.A. R. Strategy 2. Create recreational partnerships • Partnered with the Dallas Stars organization to provide enhanced youth hockey introduction programs. • ACIR partnered with Special Olympics to host the Special Olympia ice skating competitions. Strategy 4. Fully utilize resources from Collin County, NCTCOG, TPWD, and other agencies and entities Partnered with Live Nation to promote concerts bringing increased national and regional credibility to venue. Goal 4. Signify, enhance and communicate Allen's identity to the region and the nation Strategy 9. Develop a Healthy Communities initiative to encourage fitness, exercise and healthy lifestyles Partnered with AISD and THA to host health fans at AEC. Strategy 10. Emphasize marketing efforts to communicate Allen's identity • Continued to raise awareness of AEC in the region via general brand marketing. Strategy 11. Sustain and enhance Parks and Recreation programming ' : Food & Beverage division assisted the Allen Senior Recreation Center in enhancing senior meals for special events. Goal S. Systematically invest in public Infrastructure Upgraded AECs W i-Fi capabilities to ensure the performance of building systems that require that functionality. • Completed ice plant chiller upgrades and brought Audio Visual System up to FCC compliancy. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 3. Continually Enhance the City of Allen's Customer Service Approach to Delivering Quality Services Conducted mandatory training for third parry staff in the Guest Relations and Food and Beverage Divisions. Strategy4. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain public trust • Reduced costs to ensure that programs and services are cost effective and reflect the interests of the community. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and Partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy 2. Create recreational partnerships Continue to partner with the Dallas Stars organization to provide enhanced youth hockey introduction programs. Strategy 4. Fully utilize resources from Collin County, NCTCOG, TPWD, and other agencies and entities • Partner with Live Nation to promote concerts bringing increased national and regional credibility to venue. Goal 4. Signify, enhance and communicate Allen's identity to the region and the nation Strategy 9. Develop a Healthy Communities initiative to encourage fitness, exercise and healthy lifestyles Expand joint programing with AISD and THA to host health fairs at AEC. Strategy 10. Emphasize marketing efforts to communicate Allen's identity • Create and implement brand identity for the AEC utilizing naming rights partner. • Continue to raise awareness of AEC in the region via general brand marketing. Strategy 11. Sustain and enhance Parks and Recreation programming ' : Identify and implement strategies for cultivating creative and innovative outreach programs Goal S. Systematically Invest in Public Infrastructure Construct additional storage space for the facility. • Establish a comprehensive capital replacement plan and timeline for the AEC and ACIR. City of Allan 147 FY2017 Budget I °!i*���acga'i.'��.I��aagi�c��ermnnnlct Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 3. Continually Enhance the City of Allen's Customer Service Approach to Delivering Quality Services Continue making the R.E.A.L. service philosophy the heart of our business. Strategy 4. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain public trust • Continue to ensure that programs and services are cost effective and reflect the interests of the community. • Pursue strategies for improved cost recovery measures. City of Allen 148 FY2017 Budget I EXPENSE SUMMARY Accounts Payable Technician 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel $ 2,501,805 $ 2,737,573 $ 2,737,573 $ 2,790,941 Operations 2,911,375 2,798,447 2,852,221 3,005,665 Supplies 149,718 222,323 243,373 209,496 Maintenance 178,103 234,318 208,330 267,177 Professional Services 2,683,921 2,470,922 3,292,871 3,123,305 Capital 6,335 2 2 2 TOTAL EXPENDITURES .8,431,257 $ 8,463,583 $ 9,334,368 9,396,584 Accounts Payable Technician 2014-2015 2015 2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET General Manager 1 1 1 1 Assistant General Manager 1 1 1 1 Director of Production & Operations 1 1 1 1 Booking Manager 1 1 1 1 Marketing Manager 1 1 1 1 Marketing Coordinator 2 2 2 2 Center Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Director of Food & Beverage 1 1 1 1 Food & Beverage Coordinator 2 2 2 2 Ice Rink Program Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Ice Operations Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Executive Chef 1 1 1 1 Sous Chef 1 1 1 1 Concessions Manager 1 1 1 1 Senior Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 Accounting Technician 1 1 1 1 Accounts Payable Technician 1 1 1 1 Box Office Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Lead Box Office Attendant 1 1 1 1 Guest Services Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Premium Level Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Event Specialist 1 1 1 1 Lead Event Attendant 2 2 2 2 Crew Leader 1 1 1 1 Building Technician 2 2 2 2 Recreation Specialist II 3 3 3 3 Conversion Specialist 1 1 1 1 Audio/Visual Specialist 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FULL TIME 33 33 33 33 City of Allen 149 FY2017 Budget I F TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PARTTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Ice Rink Attendant 1.80 180 1.80 1.80 Lead Recreation Specialist 1 0.96 096 0.96 0.96 Recreation Specialist 1 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 Receptionist 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Food & Beverage Specialist 1.20 120 1.20 1.20 Premium Level Coordinator 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lead Cash Room Attendant 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Cash Room Attendant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Food/Beverage Coordinator 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Concessions -Lead 080 0.80 0.80 0.80 Food Runner 050 0.50 0.50 0.50 Box Office Attendant 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Lead Premium Level Attendant 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 Premium Level Attendant 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Lead Event Attendant 0.50 0.50 0.50 050 PART FULL TIME 12.33 12.33 12.33 12.33 Dues and Subscriptions 26,801 27,359 27,359 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 45.33 45.33 45.33 45.33 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 1,689,116 1,853,240 1,853,240 1,916,929 Longevity 5,740 7,008 7,008 7,633 Overtime 122,400 103,347 103,347 104,756 FICA 134,149 152,477 152,477 148,099 TMRS 229,124 226,422 226,422 245,078 Worker's Compensation 13,216 32,624 32,624 29,522 Health Insurance 278,013 330,142 330,142 303,170 Health Savings Account 4,914 5,292 5,292 8,851 Dental Insurance 21,007 22,387 22,387 22,366 Long-term Disability 1,993 2,183 2,183 2,406 Life Insurance 1,572 1,735 1,735 1,511 Flexible Spending 561 716 716 620 SUBTOTAL $ 2,501,805 $ 2,737,573 $ 2,737,573 $ 2,790,941 OPERATIONS Training/Travel/Mileage 17,659 28,105 28,105 28,191 Dues and Subscriptions 26,801 27,359 27,359 23,374 Uniforms 14,356 22,747 22,747 26,672 Advertising 11,008 10,450 151,400 9,400 Rentals 68,849 76,500 81,500 76,180 Outside Printing 3,563 21,050 21,050 35,300 Meetings and Receptions 474 4,000 4,000 4,000 Liquor State Tax Expenses 63,806 43,550 60,999 55,543 Class/Day Camp Expenses 146,658 174,352 174,352 177,839 Events/Activities 34,021 4,700 4,700 4,794 City of Allen 150 FV2017 Budget C MAINTENANCE Facility Maintenance 145,688 193,025 16,501 213,724 Vehicle Maintenance - - 104,013 - 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 OPERATIONS - CONTINUED ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Cost of Goods Sold - Concessions 341,435 356,000 366,000 366,000 Liquor Supply Expenses 196,357 145,000 178,600 178,600 Cost of Goods Sold - Retail 7,844 8,600 8,600 8,772 Ticket Reimbursement Expense 1,478,001 1,420,000 1,210,000 1,395,000 Economic Grant Expenses 465,158 374,034 512,809 489,000 Marketing Expense 35,385 82,000 2,880 127,000 SUBTOTAL $ 2,911,375 $ 2,798,447 $ 2,852,221 $ 3,005,665 SUPPLIES 1,718,272 1,349,570 SUBTOTAL General Supplies 118,936 103,445 173,631 101,981 Small Tools and Minor Equipment 30,782 118,878 69,742 107,515 SUBTOTAL $ 149,718 $ 222,323 $ 243,373 $ 209,496 MAINTENANCE Facility Maintenance 145,688 193,025 16,501 213,724 Vehicle Maintenance - - 104,013 - Equipment Maintenance 32,415 41,293 87,816 53,453 SUBTOTAL $ 178,103 $ 234,318 $ 208,330 $ 267,177 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services 19,697 1,464,533 1,571,719 1,770,855 Lease Agreements 2,909 2,880 2,880 2,880 Professional Services 2,661,315 1,003,509 1,718,272 1,349,570 SUBTOTAL $ 2,683,921 $ 2,470,922 $ 3,292,871 $ 3,123,305 CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery & Equipment 6,335 SUBTOTAL $ 6,335 $ - $ - $ - DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 8,431,257 $ 8,463,583 $ 9,334,368 $ 9,396,584 No Capital Items City of Allen 151 FY2017 Budget PERFORMANCE MEASURES J Arena Attendance, Event Days, & Events The building programming has Arena Attendance, Event Days. & Events matured and this is reflected in the notoriety and size of artists and events. In FY2016 the Event Center will host 11 concerts, 6 8 graduations, 4 private concert a rehearsals, 168 sport tenant S games, and a multitude of events N N that drive economic impact for the City of Allen. The building hosted 120,000 140 130 m 120 0 m 110 w 100 m go H the first double event da in May, 80 Y Y 2013 2014 2015 201fi Est with Lovejoy graduation in the ■Attendance ■Event Days LIEvents morning and hockey in the evening. The venue continues improving its activity in the months of July, August, and September minimizing programming lulls. Attendance is trending upward due to an increase in large concerts, but it is heavily linked to the three sport tenants due to the number of dates they hold. Event Days did see a slight decline due to more single day events this year. The Allen Americans again won the Kelly Cup and are back-to- back ECHL champions. The facility continues to execute on multiple cooperative concert promotion with promoters which brings strong national acts to Allen. The FY2016 concert line-up has been a strong list of mainstream national touring acts which has brought strong exposure to Allen. Allen Community Ice Rink Attendance The facility is seeing consistent ACIR Attendance m m N N maintenance projects have 120,000 affected operating hours and 100,000 6 -- reduced program opportunities this 140 130 m 120 0 m 110 w 100 m go H the first double event da in May, 80 Y Y 2013 2014 2015 201fi Est with Lovejoy graduation in the ■Attendance ■Event Days LIEvents morning and hockey in the evening. The venue continues improving its activity in the months of July, August, and September minimizing programming lulls. Attendance is trending upward due to an increase in large concerts, but it is heavily linked to the three sport tenants due to the number of dates they hold. Event Days did see a slight decline due to more single day events this year. The Allen Americans again won the Kelly Cup and are back-to- back ECHL champions. The facility continues to execute on multiple cooperative concert promotion with promoters which brings strong national acts to Allen. The FY2016 concert line-up has been a strong list of mainstream national touring acts which has brought strong exposure to Allen. Allen Community Ice Rink Attendance The facility is seeing consistent ACIR Attendance numbers; although, a number of maintenance projects have 120,000 affected operating hours and 100,000 6 -- reduced program opportunities this 60,0,000000 year which is in turn reflected in the 40,000 attendance numbers. The rink staff 20,000 -- - has been able to prioritize _ _ programming and despite affected 2013 2014 2015 programming hours, has seen a •Annual Total 87.048 117,690 112,092 strong growth in in-house programs •Prearama&Drop In 65,625 91.995 90.478 for both youth and adults. •RenWls — 21,4233 , _25,695 21,614 Registrations continue to increase with Allen Academy of Skating (Learn to Skate), Adult Hockey C Leagues, Youth Hockey Learn to Play, and Birthday Parties. The weekend Open Skate (for the general public) has stayed at consistent start times resulting in a direct positive increase of Birthday Party reservations. City of Allen 152 FY2017 Budget I ' ADMINISTRATION 1330100 SUPPORT SERVICES 1335300 SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER 1335215 DETENTION 1335220 POLICE ORGS ANIMAL SHELTER 1335225 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS 1340100 PATROL 1345100 at t Deputy Chi t Chaplains Lieutenant PdminisbaB1 Assistant nmmxc o Supervise 1 1 Sr Aniniel Conbol Olflcer 1 Aninal Conaol Ofilcer 5 r Polio Services Technidan 2 Pafice RemNs od.mmn rclnp Defenfi 8 OFce e PofcelFlre EMS Manager PoIIceIFIe EMS Srpertiso 3 PoIIceIFIre EMS D'epatrh 78 Property Evitlana Tern 2 Adminitamb w Sergeant 1 Supervse 1 Records Tedinluan 4 Public Safety Officer 5 w"O Rnam. Sergeant -1 Officer -9 Ouanennasler 1 ao Oepuy Cnief i Adminl—b-Assistant 1 Lieutenant 1 cum..Aatl�n nre... Sargant 1 Cuevas l Oficeseinvestigor2 Chiltl ictmatimcalyalor 2 YlcamA 1.t1 Faniy UrNence Invalgata 1' N=Am Sergeant 1 Coporal 1 Offlo r/Inwstigator3 cn—'4 .l.d h.n.ro Sargant 1 Caporal 1 ORcergnws8gator6 Cd.Arelyat 1 Crirmalivi 2 ' *Funded in Grants & Special Revenue fund by Public Safety grant. **Funded out of the Special Revenue Fund. 11 .dd s m.. DePuy Gief 1 A Wdtli LleNenanl2 Sargant 4 Coryoral a O ficer 24 e wdm LeuWenant 2 Serganl4 CDWral4 Olficer24 nem Sargant 1 Colpora Oflcer4 K-1 Sergeant 1 Officer3 MuddO.I Ceutl Wamanl OFcerl6alilf 1" City of Allen 153 FV2017 Budget CM1ef Senior 1 Atlministm8w Assetant 1 Pvintlma SYn1�a. Immtl A0b Leutenant-1 Sergeant t Officer -4 Olficerl Ml:inlRaatiw Assistant -1 YreN cnm.. u.n Officer -2 Sergam-1 OlRaw-3 at t Deputy Chi t Chaplains Lieutenant PdminisbaB1 Assistant nmmxc o Supervise 1 1 Sr Aniniel Conbol Olflcer 1 Aninal Conaol Ofilcer 5 r Polio Services Technidan 2 Pafice RemNs od.mmn rclnp Defenfi 8 OFce e PofcelFlre EMS Manager PoIIceIFIe EMS Srpertiso 3 PoIIceIFIre EMS D'epatrh 78 Property Evitlana Tern 2 Adminitamb w Sergeant 1 Supervse 1 Records Tedinluan 4 Public Safety Officer 5 w"O Rnam. Sergeant -1 Officer -9 Ouanennasler 1 ao Oepuy Cnief i Adminl—b-Assistant 1 Lieutenant 1 cum..Aatl�n nre... Sargant 1 Cuevas l Oficeseinvestigor2 Chiltl ictmatimcalyalor 2 YlcamA 1.t1 Faniy UrNence Invalgata 1' N=Am Sergeant 1 Coporal 1 Offlo r/Inwstigator3 cn—'4 .l.d h.n.ro Sargant 1 Caporal 1 ORcergnws8gator6 Cd.Arelyat 1 Crirmalivi 2 ' *Funded in Grants & Special Revenue fund by Public Safety grant. **Funded out of the Special Revenue Fund. 11 .dd s m.. DePuy Gief 1 A Wdtli LleNenanl2 Sargant 4 Coryoral a O ficer 24 e wdm LeuWenant 2 Serganl4 CDWral4 Olficer24 nem Sargant 1 Colpora Oflcer4 K-1 Sergeant 1 Officer3 MuddO.I Ceutl Wamanl OFcerl6alilf 1" City of Allen 153 FV2017 Budget 1 The City Charter provides for the Allen Police Department to preserve order within the city limits and secure the residents from violence and property loss. Goal 1. Enhance Community Livability and Safety Strategy 1. Continue to provide progressive and efficient emergency services Objective 2. Effectively use technology to enhance public safety services • Created and implemented the Project H.O.M.E. initiative to help public safety (police and fire) reunite missing and endangered persons with their caregivers. • Redefined the Crime Analyst position to focus on assisting investigators and officers with the linking of crimes to suspects and with the identification of potential crime trends in our community. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy 3. Expand public safety regional partnerships Objective 1 Continue to enhance existing partnerships with FEMA and Homeland Security • Continued to work with other City of Allen Departments to develop plans to enhance the quality of living in our neighborhoods. • Implemented a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Wylie Police Department to assist in the investigation of child abuse cases. • Participated in Council of Government groups relating to the operations of the region's 9-1-1 system • Developed MOU with City of Plano Animal Services to provide emergency coverages between the cities with plans to deploy the MOU regionally for commulty of services during emergencies/ natural disasters. Goal 1. Enhance Community Livability and Safety Strategy 1. Continue to provide progressive and efficient emergency services Objective 1. Effectively use technology to enhance public safety services • Continue to pursue grants for the department to focus on personnel, equipment and technology needs. • Develop policies and procedures and then implement a body worn camera program for police officers • Pursue specialized training related to Emergency Vehicle Operations and Awareness. • Make recommendations regarding future improvements to the department's Records Management System and additional software needs. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy 3. Expand public safety regional partnerships Objective 1. Continue to enhance existing partnerships with FEMA and Homeland Security • Continue to provide an officer to a DEA and maintain relationships with our other federal partners. • Conduct computer forensics in-house and work with other area law enforcement agencies to assist each other with large scale investigations involving computer crimes. • Continue participation in the Collin County Child Advocacy Center Task Force and attend area robbery and gang intelligence meetings. • Work with other area law enforcement agencies to better utilize the sharing of resources and improve the exchanging of intelligence information with an emphasis on enhancing the Collin County Fusion Center. City of Allen 154 FY2017 Budget TOTAL FULL TIME 182 184 184 184 One position is funded in the Grant Fund by a Public Safety grant. City of Allen 155 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Police Chief 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 16,298,533 17,460,853 17,462,353 18,721,644 Operations 256,118 279,182 298,739 296,958 Supplies 299,815 334,798 387,168 307,090 Maintenance 295,174 292,416 311,124 275,020 Professional Services 88,176 115,169 146,369 156,050 Capital 23,029 1 1 - Quartermaster DEPARTMENTTOTAL $ 17,260,845 S 18,482,418 $ 18,605,753 19,756,762 TOTAL FULL TIME 182 184 184 184 One position is funded in the Grant Fund by a Public Safety grant. City of Allen 155 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Police Chief 1 1 1 1 Deputy Police Chief 3 3 3 3 Police Lieutenant 7 7 7 7 Police Sergeant 17 17 17 17 Police Corporal 12 12 12 12 Police Officer• 86 86 86 86 SUBTOTAL - Sworn 126 126 '126 126 Police Services Technician 1 1 1 1 Quartermaster 1 1 1 1 Police/Fire Dispatch Supervisor 3 3 3 3 Emergency Communications Manager 1 1 1 1 Police/Fire Dispatcher 16 16 16 16 Property/Evidence Technician 2 2 2 2 Police Records Supervisor 0 1 1 1 Police Records Technician 4 4 4 4 Criminalist 2 2 2 2 Criminal Analyst 1 1 1 1 Victims Advocate 1 1 1 1 Senior Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 Account Specialist 1 0 0 0 Administrative Assistant 4 4 4 4 Detention Officer 7 8 8 8 Public Safety Officer 4 5 5 5 Animal Control Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Senior Animal Control Officer 0 1 1 1 Animal Control Officer 4 5 5 5 Shelter Attendant 2 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL - Non -sworn 56 58 58 58 TOTAL FULL TIME 182 184 184 184 One position is funded in the Grant Fund by a Public Safety grant. City of Allen 155 FY2017 Budget I 1 1 .PERSONNEL SUMMARY - CONTINUED 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PARTTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Police Services Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTALPARTTIME 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 183.00 185.00 185.00 185.00 City of Allen 156 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2015-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 10,799,195 11,604,868 11,604,868 12,592,100 Longevity 70,599 76,538 76,538 81,174 Overtime 829,060 839,657 841,157 854,309 FICA 847,356 834,908 834,908 931,793 TMRS 1,658,794 1,661,742 1,661,742 1,839,609 Worker's Compensation 81,802 162,655 162,655 168,847 Health Insurance 1,806,284 2,056,299 2,056,299 2,018,299 Health Savings Account 11,847 14,729 14,729 25,537 Dental Insurance 128,177 141,744 141,744 143,626 Long-term Disability 14,330 15,991 15,991 17,493 Life Insurance 11,182 12,040 12,040 11,165 Flexible Spending 3,762 4,468 4,468 4,092 Clothing Allowance 36,145 35,214 35,214 33,600 SUBTOTAL $ 16,298,533 $ 17,460,853 $ 17,462,353 $ 18,721,644 OPERATIONS Traning/Travel/Mileage 93,061 93,899 109,649 95,776 Dues & Subscriptions 8,913 10,404 10,404 14,780 Clothing & Uniforms 61,266 80,804 80,804 81,000 Postage & Freight 8,857 9,260 9,260 9,350 Rentals/Leasing 38,686 36,997 36,997 45,692 Printing & Reproduction 10,105 10,612 10,612 12,500 Meetings and Receptions 7,390 11,050 11,050 11,270 Canine Maintenance 12,115 8,323 12,130 8,500 Crime Prevention 6,297 7,429 7,429 7,478 Narcotics Operations 9,430 10,404 10,404 10,612 SUBTOTAL $ 256,118 $ 279,182 $ 298,739 $ 296,958 SUPPLIES General Supplies 143,348 141,862 141,862 68,269 Small Tools& Minor Equipment 156,467 192,936 245,306 169,521 Ammunition Supplies - - - 62,000 SWAT Expenses 7,300 SUBTOTAL $ 299,815 $ 334,798 $ 387,168 $ 307,090 MAINTENANCE Facility Maintenance 6,038 7,783 7,783 7,500 Vehicle Maintenance 266,414 246,230 264,938 228,000 Equipment Maintenance 22,722 38,403 38,403 39,520 SUBTOTAL $ 295,174 $ 292,416 $ 311,124 $ 275,020 City of Allen 156 FY2017 Budget I 1 ORG 400-1350100 CAPITAL OUTLAY Vehicles VEHICLES Unmarked Car City of Allen 23,029 SUBTOTAL $ 23,029 $ - $ - $ - DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 17,260,845 18,482,418 18,605,753 $ 19,756,762 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET 23,029 TOTAL $ 23,029 $ - $ - $ - 157 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Contractual Services 1,641 - - 13,200 Lease Agreements 2,976 11,023 11,023 3,300 Profewonal Services 79,674 94,146 125,346 129,550 Donation Expenses 3,885 10,000 10,000 10,000 SUBTOTAL $ 88,176 $ 115,169 $ 146,369 $ 156,050 CAPITAL OUTLAY Vehicles VEHICLES Unmarked Car City of Allen 23,029 SUBTOTAL $ 23,029 $ - $ - $ - DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 17,260,845 18,482,418 18,605,753 $ 19,756,762 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET 23,029 TOTAL $ 23,029 $ - $ - $ - 157 FY2017 Budget I 1 Crime Rates Each year, cities and police departments throughout the country calculate, examine and make necessary changes in reporting the previous year's crime rate statistics. Generally, crime trends in America are based upon two factors: • Crime Volume—the aggregate sum of the Crime Index; and • Crime Rates — the rate at which crimes are expressed as a number per 1,000 residents. This figure compensates for the changes in population. All projections for 2016 are based on prior call history, projections made by the department and other factors. PART I CRIMES (Mahar Crimes) In the 2015 calendar year, the Allen Police Department experienced a decrease in Part I crimes. Part I crimes are those serious offenses which include Murder, Rape, Aggravated Assault, Robbery, Arson, Burglary, Larceny -Theft and Motor Vehicle Theft. Part II crimes generally refer to those crimes that include, but are not necessarily limited to Forgery, Fraud, Stolen Property, Criminal Mischief, Liquor Law violations and Weapons offenses. 1,700 1,600 1,500 1,400 1,300 Part I Crimes 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Projected ' statiscal mformotwn basedon repom from Cdlemntinformational sources. — To be ronslstent with ,Or years the above mentis number include Simple Assault statism¢ that are not Port I offense The City of Allen experienced an overall decrease of approximately 5.6% in the Uniform Crime Index -defined Part I crimes as compared to 2014. The decrease is based upon raw number comparisons. Many of the Part I offenses are considered "crimes of passion' or heat of the moment type incidents, and there are truly no predictability factors available to help reduce or prevent their occurrence. Based on UCR Part 1 crime (major crimes) statistics from January 1 through May 30, 2016 Part I incidents are expected to increase this year. ' It should be noted that the Allen Police Department had a significant shift in how crimes are reported to the State of Texas and subsequently the FBI. The police department must now City of Allen 158 FV2017 Budget ' manually compile all reportable crime statistics to the State. Additionally, the police department lost the ability to utilize the National Incident Based Reporting System which was a more precise and accurate system of collecting crime information about our community and allowed for a more comprehensive review of crime data. Offense Reports and Arrest The Allen Police Department continually examines the number of offense and information reports officers submit and the number of arrests made. While Part I crimes measure only a few offense categories, the total number of reports submitted provides a better look at the crimes and incidents that occur in the city. The decrease in reports submitted in 2015 is in part related to the decrease in arrests that were made during the year. Reports Submitted 8,000 6,000 Ir — 4,000 L 2,000 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Projected 3,500 2,800 2,100 1,400 700 0 Arrests Made 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Projected Another measurement the department utilizes is the number of arrests made by police officers in the city. In 2016, we are projecting that the number of arrests will increase as call demand for the officers continues to increase. Traffic As the City and surrounding areas continue to grow, the police department will continue to experience growth in the traffic volume. The chart below indicates the number of calls for service officers are dispatched to in reference to both major and minor crashes. The new Records Management System does allow officers to complete reports within the system which ' will allow for additional tracking in the future. Report / crash analysis still remains a challenge in Cily of Allen 159 FY2017 Budget ' the system. It should be noted that many times crashes are dispatched as a minor (no injuries) and change to a major (injuries involved) once officers are on scene and vice versa. 1 Calls For Service - Crashes 3.000 z,saa .... _. za0a 00 L 1.000 5W 2012 2013 2014 201s 2016 Wojxled •Mlnm •Mafw Citations are also monitored by the department. The department received numerous complaints throughout the city from home owners, businesses, and home owner associations relating to traffic complaints, most often speeders and persons who disregard traffic control devices (stop signs/stop lights). There is a increase in the projected number of citations for 2016. Citations Issued 20,000 — — ----- 15,000 10.000 ', 5,000 0" 2013 2013 1014 2015 2016 noieded Calls for Service / Officer Initiated Activity In 2015, the police department experienced a 11% decrease in total calls for service and officer self -initiated activity as follows: Department 2012 2013 12014 2015 2016 Proj. Police 59,586 62,999 73,031 65,192 74,227 Fire/EMS 4,740 5,241 5,190 5,630 6,165 This decrease is due to officers being assigned more dispatched calls for service resulting in the officers having less time for self initiated activities such as traffic enforcement, preventive patrols, and self initiated investigations/follow ups. City of Allen 160 FY2017 Budget ' In November 2011, the Allen Police Department made several changes to how calls for police services were entered in to the dispatching system or handled by officers. Calls for service were no longer entered (did not receive a call for service number) for special watches, fingerprint calls, prisoner releases/visitations/checks or property releases. In April 2012, broadcasts calls were no longer entered as calls for service. This information is now disseminated through the CAD BOLO feature. This change provides a more accurate number of calls for service for the department. To provide for a standardized representation of historical CFS data, 2011 CFS numbers were updated. The Allen Police Department continues its proactive approach to crime prevention and Community Oriented Policing. In 2015, the department conducted 123,915 Directed Patrols and 20,550 Park & Walks. Volunteer programs such as the Citizens on Patrol, Citizens Police Academy and Volunteers In Policing programs donated more than 10,000 hours of time to the department. This translates into a savings of thousands of dollars and supports our Community Oriented Policing philosophies. Animal Control As a part of the Support Services Division, the Animal Control Unit is responsible for the safety of citizens regarding domestic animals, wildlife and livestock. This includes rabies prevention, animal bite investigation and public education on responsible pet ownership. In addition, this ' unit administers animal adoptions and provides housing and care for stray and unwanted animals. In 2015, the Animal Control Unit responded to 2,967 calls for service. This is an increase from 2014. In 2015, the City converted to Animal Shelter Attendant Positions into Animal Control Officers to allowfor better delivery of services to our residents and animals. Animal Control Calls For Service 4,656 r 3,643 2,967 3,311 2,542 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Projected Adoption fees were adjusted in 2014 along with implementation of a spay neuter program that utilizes area veterinarians who provide services at a reduced rate to the City of Allen. All cat and dogs that are adopted from the shelter have been spayed / neutered, microchipped and vaccinated. It is anticipated that the Animal Control Unit will continue to see a slightly increased call volume as the city continues to grow and their staff increases. City of Allen 161 FY2017 Budget I 1 1 PUBLIC AND MEDIA RELATIONS ORG 1120100 Duector 1 xeutive Interactive Media I Madetlrg Producer Manager 6pecialist Video Protluce 2 City of Allen 162 FV2017 Budget ' The Public and Media Relations Office provides information about city government, programs and services to residents and the media. The office produces the City's weekly a -news, year in review, and special publications; oversees the City's website and social media outlets; and manages the government access channel, Allen City Television/ACTV. The office also helps coordinate special events and works with other City departments regarding education, outreach, and marketing efforts. Goa 14. Signify, enhance and communicate Allen's identity to the region and the nation. Strategy 10. Emphasize marketing efforts to communicate Allen's identity • Supported Allen NB marketing efforts to include support for daily communication operations and strategic objectives specific to communication. • Continued work with cross promotional team with Parks/event center marketing staff, CVB and PAMRO staff to discuss ongoing media and promotional opportunities and strategies. • Continued implementation of the 2014-2017 Communication Plan to include enhanced use of social media (added NextDoor agency account), began live streaming events on Facebook, practiced more proactive response, and increased overall posting activity. • Facilitated over 300 annual media requests. • Produced monthly Allen Image features, weekly a -news, and five annual publications. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 1. Utilize technology for optimum performance and customer service. Researched platforms designed to improve media distribution, social media archiving and management. Continued management of the employee intranet, PrideW ire. Monitor website analytics to highlight services areas or make navigational changes website to improve customer use and experience. • Continue to use and promote AIIenNews.org as a primary source for city-wide news, events, and video coverage. Strategy S. Continue to Provide Creative Original Programming on the City of Allen Government Channel ACTV • ACTV received first place in Overall Programming Excellence from national association, for fifth year. • New show, Work of Art, created. Regular programs such as Take 5 news segment, ACTV Spotlight and On The Go Show continue. Over 120 promotional PSAs produced. Goal 4. Signify, enhance and communicate Allen's identity to the region and the nation. Strategy 10. Emphasize marketing efforts to communicate Allen's identity • Continue to support CVB marketing efforts • Implement growth strategies identified in the 2014-2017 Communication Plan to include a new graphic identity policy, website and social media best practices guidelines, and strategic and consistent mass media distribution. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 1. Utilize technology for optimum performance and customer service. • Implement use of new or enhanced platforms for mass media distribution/monitoring and social media management. • Continue to monitor website analytics and push content or make changes based on these statistics. ' Strategy S. Continue to Provide Creative Original Programming on the City of Allen Government Channel ACTV Continue production of original and award-winning programming. City of Allen 163 f -Y2017 Budget E(PENSESUMMARY - ' TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 555,888 584,877 584,877 592,684 Operations 22,865 26,140 26,140 22,190 Supplies 1,488 3,500 3,500 3,000 Maintenance 40 600 600 600 Professional Services 51,458 29,500 29,500 37,600 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 631,738 644,617 $ 644,617 656,07. ' TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULL TIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Public & Media Relations Director 1 1 1 1 Executive Producer 1 1 1 1 Video Producer 2 2 2 2 Interactive Media Manager 1 1 1 1 Senior Marketing Specialist 0 0 0 0 Marketing Specialist 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FULL TIME 6 6 -6 6 ' TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 City of Allen 164 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 386,429 407,496 407,496 427,688 Longevity 2,128 2,452 2,452 2,740 Overtime 4,729 4,800 4,800 4,800 FICA 27,592 28,611 28,611 31,262 TMRS 55,580 58,786 58,786 61,762 Worker's Compensation 369 779 779 821 Health Insurance 73,195 75,800 75,800 58,189 Dental Insurance 4,657 4,878 4,878 4,110 Lang -term Disability 532 578 578 647 Life Insurance 501 518 518 479 Flexible Spending 176 179 179 186 SUBTOTAL $ 555,888 $ 584,877 $ 584,877 $ 592,684. OPERATIONS Training/ Travel/Mileage 8,477 11,000 11,000 11,825 Dues& Subscriptions 7,378 7,540 7,540 8,865 Printing & Reproduction 7,009 7,600 7,600 1,500 SUBTOTAL $ 22,865 $ 26,140 $ 26,140 $ 22,190 City of Allen 164 FY2017 Budget 1 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 631,738 $ 644,617 $ 644,617 656,074 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 165 FV2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 SUPPLIES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET General Supplies 1,488 3,500 3,500 3,000 SUBTOTAL $ 1,488 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ 3,000 MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance 40 600 600 600 SUBTOTAL S 40 S 600 $ 600 S 600 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services - 23,400 23,400 32,100 Professional Services 51,458 6,100 6,100 5,500 SUBTOTAL $ 51,458 $ 29,500 $ 29,500 $ 37,600 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 631,738 $ 644,617 $ 644,617 656,074 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 165 FV2017 Budget I L 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017" SUPPLIES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Small Tools & Minor Equipment 17,635 28,500 25,000 SUBTOTAL $ 17,635 $ 28,500 $ 25;000( $ - Professional Services 28,035 11,000 14,500 SUBTOTAL $ 28,035 $ 11,000 $ 14,500 $ - CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery & Equipment 148,646 105,131 73,100 - Vehicles 25,348 SUBTOTAL $ 173,994 $ 105,131 $ 73,100 $ - DEPARTMENT TOTALS 219,664 $ 144,631 $ 112,600 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017' VEHICLES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Ford Explorer 25,348 TOTALS 25,348 $ $ $ MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017' CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Supplies 17,635 28,500 25,000 - Professional Services 28,035 11,000 14,500 - Capital Outlay 173,994 105,131 73,100 DEPARTMENTTOTAL S 219,664 144,631 112,600 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017" SUPPLIES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Small Tools & Minor Equipment 17,635 28,500 25,000 SUBTOTAL $ 17,635 $ 28,500 $ 25;000( $ - Professional Services 28,035 11,000 14,500 SUBTOTAL $ 28,035 $ 11,000 $ 14,500 $ - CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery & Equipment 148,646 105,131 73,100 - Vehicles 25,348 SUBTOTAL $ 173,994 $ 105,131 $ 73,100 $ - DEPARTMENT TOTALS 219,664 $ 144,631 $ 112,600 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017' VEHICLES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Ford Explorer 25,348 TOTALS 25,348 $ $ $ MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Tightrope Digital Playback System 12,552 HD Cameras - Library 8,996 Sony Live Studio - Library 12,212 Vaddw Production View - Library 6,933 HD Cameras for Civic Auditorium x 3 28,290 HD Cameras for Council Chambers x3 21,272 Hardware Production Equipment 58,390 Video Projector for Civic Auditorium - 8,489 - - Mac Pro Editing Workstation - 12,000 12,000 - Studio ENG Camera - 30,000 30,000 - LaserProjectorforCouncil Chambers - 15,000 15,000 - CATDV Server for Media Management - 15,000 - - AutomatedStreamingEngine - 16,100 16,100 - Projector at Library 8,542 TOTAL $ 148,646 $ 105,131 $ 73,100 $ "Expenditures will be moved to the Special Revenue Fund 540 for FY2017. City of Allen 166 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN DEBT SERVICE FUND ' FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 Debt Policy The City of Allen issues general obligation bonds for a term of generally twenty years, for the purpose of constructing major capital improvements which include municipal facilities, parks and streets. Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution, applicable to cities of more than 5,000 population states that the maximum rate shall not exceed $2.50 per $100.00 of assessed valuation of taxable property. The City's Charter (Article 5, Section 1) states: -in accordance with the constitution of the State of Texas, and not contrary thereto, the City of Allen shall have the power to borrow money against the credit of the city for any public purpose that is not now nor hereafter prohibited by the constitution and laws of the State of Texas'. The City's debt policy, adopted by Council in September 2011, is to keep the portion of ad valorem tax collections appropriated to the debt service fund below 35% and to maintain a fund balance between 5% and 10% of annual principal and interest payments. In addition, the debt burden ratio, calculated by total debt divided by the taxable assessed valuation must be below 2%. FY2017 debt burden ratio is 0.79%. The proposed tax rate at October 1, 2016 is $0.520 per $100.00 of assessed valuation of which $0.123727, or 23.79%, is designated to the debt service fund. This is within the limits of the state law and is below the City's policy limit. Bond Ratines In August 2016, the ratings on the City's General Obligation debt were reaffirmed at AAA by Standard and Poor's, and were upgraded to Aaa by Moody's. The ratings on the City's Water & ' Sewer Revenue debt were upgraded to AAA from AA+ by Standard and Pool's in lune 2012. The Water & Sewer rating was recalibrated by Moodys to Aa2 from Aa3 in May 2010. In August 2016, the City's CDC Revenue debt rating was upgraded to Aa2 from Aa3. The EDC Revenue debt rating was recalibrated to Aa3 from Al by Moody's in May 2010. PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 10/1 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENDITURES PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30 5% OF ANNUAL DEBT 5ERVICE' ' -Beginning Fund Balance required: 5% to 10% of annual debt service. City of Allen 167 FY 2016 FY 2017 $ 1,293,259 $ 1,294,932 20,742,093 13,826,908 (20,740,420) (13,933,265) $ 1,294,932 $ 1,188,575 $ 640,073 $ 696,138 FY2017 Budget II II CITY OF ALLEN DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENT FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: 39,744 119,744 2006 07/26/06 1,595,000 4.14% 08/15/26 2007 08/15/07 11,145,000 4.00% 08/15/17 2008 05/01/08 10,185,000 4.00% 08/15/17 2009 05/01/09 15,400,000 3%-4.5% 08/15/28 2010 05/01/10 12,000,000 3%-4% 08/15/29 2030A 11/01/10 8,785,000 2%-3% 08/15/22 2011 05/01/11 8,840,000 2%-4.25% 08/15/30 2012 02/01/12 13,865,000 2%-5% 08/15/24 2013 05/01/13 5,065,000 2%-3.5% 08/15/32 2014 05/01/14 10,595,000 2%-4% 08/15/33 2015 05/19/15 32,245,000 2%-5% 08/15/34 2016 09/13/16 6,910,000 2%-4% 08/15/28 TOTAL $ 136,630,000 CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION: 2004B 10/01/04 765,000 5.2%-5.5% 09/01/24 TOTAL $ 765,000 TAX NOTES: 2016 09/13/16 1,940,000 200% 08/15/19 TOTAL $ 1,940,000 City of Allen 960,000 80,000 39,744 119,744 525,000 525,000 21,000 546,000 495,000 495,000 19,800 514,800 3,955,000 730,000 158,200 888,200 9,025,000 560,000 338,363 898,363 5,380,000 830,000 155,175 985,175 5,400,000 505,000 202,163 707,163 11,075,000 1,275,000 460,150 1,735,150 4,430,000 230,000 122,000 352,000 9,770,000 460,000 312,465 772,465 28,520,000 3,025,000 1,274,544 4,299,544 6,910,000 1,000,000 207,684 1,207,684 $ 86,445,000 $ 9,715,000 $ 3,311,288 $ 13,026,288 450,000 45,000 24,150 69,150 $ 450,000 $ 45,000 $ 24,150 $ 69,150 168 FY2017 Budget 1,940,000 685,000 35,782 720,782 $ 11940,000 $ 685,000 $ 35,782 $ 720,782 168 FY2017 Budget I 1 CITY OF ALLEN AGGREGATE DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: 9/30/2017 10,445,000 3,371,219 13,816,219 9/30/2018 9,680,000 3,067,738 12,747,738 9130/2019 9,255,000 2,679,517 11,934,517 9/30/2020 7,865,000 2,314,385 10,179,385 9/30/2021 7,220,000 2,002,032 9,222,032 9/30/2022 6,565,000 1,719,109 8,284,109 9/30/2023 5,785,000 1,501,423 7,286,423 9/30/2024 5,495,000 1,262,858 6,757,858 9/30/2025 4,465,000 1,022,761 5,487,761 9/30/2026 4,655,000 835,857 5,490,857 9/30/2027 4,710,000 645,396 5,355,396 9/30/2028 3,510,000 462,046 3,972,046 9/30/2029 2,595,000 335,231 2,930,231 9/30/2030 1,785,000 239,031 2,024,031 9/30/2031 1,490,000 173,256 1,663,256 9/30/2032 1,540,000 119,463 1,659,463 9/30/2033 1,250,000 63,238 1,313,238 9/30/2034 525,000 17,063 542,063 TOTAL $ 88,835,000 $ 21,831,624 $ 110,666,624 City of Allen 169 FY2017 Budget I 1 II The City Council approved an ordinance in September of 2011 that set debt issuance limits as follows: 35% of total tax rate towards debt Tax Rate Analysis 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 400% 350% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 100% 50% 0.0% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 iiiiiiiiitM&O Rate I&SRate — I&S%of Total —Debt Service Policy 35% or less of total tax rate General Obligation. Certificates of Obligation and Capital Leases supported by Crovertv tax not to exceed a debt burden ratio of 2.0% Debt Burden = Tax Debt / Taxable Assessed Value Debt Burden Ratio 2.50% - - 2.00% - 2% Debt Burden Policy — 1.43% 1.50% _... _ __- 1.16% 1.09% 1.00% 0.94% — 050%. 0.00% ---- 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Debt Burden —Debt Burden Policy City of Allen 170 FY2017 Budget I 1 CITY OF ALLEN TAX INCREMENT FINANCING FUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 REVENUES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Operating Revenues ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Property Tax (City Participation) 543,620 563,310 702,283 925,733 Sales Tax 437,018 462,657 426,296 430,177 Intergovernment(County Participation) 125,876 126,243 125,319 126,243 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ 1,106,514 $ 1,152,210 $ 1,253,898 $ 1,482,153 Non -Operating Revenues 846,303 TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENDITURES (800,314) Interest 9,081 8,200 9,840 9,840 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES $ 91081 $ 8,200 $ 9,840 $ 9,940 TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,115,595 $ 1,160,410 $ 1,263,738 $ 1,491,993 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 806,757 $ 834,250 $ 817,314 $ 847,892 FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 10/1 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET TIF#1- Montgomery Farms 791,757 817,250 800,314 830,892 TIF#2-Central Business District 15,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 TOTAL TIF FUND EXPENDITURES $ 806,757 $ 834,250 $ 817,314 $ 947,892 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 806,757 $ 834,250 $ 817,314 $ 847,892 FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 10/1 $ 1,800,065 $ 2,246,489 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES 1,263,738 1,491,993 TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENDITURES (817,314) (847,892) PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30 $ 2,246,489 $ 2,890,590 TIF 1 PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 10/1 $ 277,893 $ 281,240 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES 803,661 846,303 TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENDITURES (800,314) (830,892) PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30 $ 281,240 $ 296,651 TIF 2 PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 10/1 $ 1,522,172 $ 1,965,249 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES 460,077 645,690 TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENDITURES (17,000) (17,000) PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30 $ 1,965,249 $ 2,593,939 City of Allen 171 FY2017 Budget ' TAX INCREMENT FINANCING FUND ORGS 5300190-5300191 No Personnel in this Department City of Allen 172 FY2017 Budget ' The Tax Increment Financing (TIF) fund was established in FY 2006 to track property tax and sales tax revenue, and associated expenses, for the City's Tax Increment Financing agreements. The City established its first Reinvestment Zone in December 2005. The City now has two TIFs: the Montgomery Farm "Garden District" and the Central Business District (CBD). Revenues from the TIF zones are used to pay for eligible infrastructure costs, including parking garages, U.S. 75 ramp reversals, and public streets and bridges within the defined TIF areas. The county also has an agreement with the city to contribute property taxes to the "Garden District' TIF. L Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 4. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain public trust Goal 7. Provide economic investment that increases employment opportunity, the tax base and provides desired goods and services for residents and contributes to the community character and identiri • Monitored compliance of the TIF agreements to ensure eligible infrastructure costs are verified prior to reimbursements. • Maintained fund reserves of $50,000 as required by the economic development agreement. e Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 4. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain public trust Goal 7. Provide economic investment that increases employment opoortuniri the tax base, and provides desired goods and services for residents and contributes to the community character and identity • Continue to administer the financing plans for both TIFs as property tax and sales tax revenues materialize. • Continue to monitor compliance of the TIF agreements to ensure eligible infrastructure costs are verified prior to any reimbursements. • Continue to maintain fund reserve of $50,000 as required by the economic development agreement. City of Allen 173 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET CLASSIFICATION Operations 774,844 800,250 783,314 813,892 Professional Services 16,913 17,000 17,000 17,000 DEPARTMENTTOTAL $ 791,757 $ 817,250 $ 800,314 $ 830 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET OPERATIONS Economic Grant Expenses 774,844 800,250 783,314 813,892 SUBTOTAL $ 774,844 $ 800,250 $ 783,314 $ 813,892 Administrative Expenses 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Legal Expenses 1,913 2,000 2,000 2,000 SUBTOTAL $ 16,913 $ 17,000 $ 17,000 $ 17,000 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 791,757 $ 817,250 $ 800,314 $ 830,892 m, NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 174 FY2017 Budget 1TIF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING - TIF#2 11 EXPENSE SUMMARY 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET CLASSIFICATION Professional Services 15,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 DEPARTMENTTOTAL $ 15,000 $ 17,000 17,000 $ 17,000 1 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Administrative Expenses 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Legal Expenses 2,000 2,000 2,000 SUBTOTAL $ 15,000 $ 17,000 $ 27,000 $ 17,000 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 15,000 $ 17,000 $ 17,000 $ 17,000 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 175 FY2017 Budget I CITY OF ALLEN I CITY OF ALLEN WATER AND SEWER FUND REVENUE AND EXPENSE SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 REVENUES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Operating Revenues ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Water Sales 19,771,508 21,000,000 23,000,000 23,000,000 Sewer Charges 13,591,909 14,244,453 14,244,453 14,444,453 Connections 180,976 130,000 150,000 130,000 Service Charges 546,627 477,500 537,500 512,500 Miscellaneous 971,619 262,000 298,000 298,000 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ 35,062,639 $ 36,113,953 $ 38,229,953 $ 38,384,953 Non -Operating Revenues Interest 46,832 47,400 56,880 56,880 Operating Transfer In 788,249 786,365 786,365 790,175 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES $ 835,081 $ 833,765 $ 843,245 $ 847,055 TOTAL REVENUES $ 35,897,719 $ 36,947,718 $ 39,073,198 $ 39,232,008 EXPENSES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 General Government ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Utility Collections 888,238 1,016,559 1,114,279 1,043,040 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 888,238 $ 1,016,559 $ 1,114,279 $ 1,043,040 Publm Works Water& Sewer Operating Expenses 11,348,412 11,236,557 11,212,475 11,886,750 NTMWD Expenses 19,232,849 21,255,049 22,236,751 24,012,849 Depreciation Expense 5,806,042 - - - Capital Improvement Projects 370,000 1,995,000 1,995,000 3,345,000 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 36,757,302 $ 34,486,606 $ 35,444,226 $ 39,244,599 Debt Service $ 1,526,235 $ 1,166,747 $ 1,166,745 $ 1,162,998 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 39,171,775 $ 36,669,912 $ 37,725,250 $ 41,450,637 PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL 10/1 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENSES PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL 9/30 DAYS OPERATIONAL EXPENSES IN RESERVE Fund Balance Required: 90 to 120 days operational expenses City of Allen 176 $ 14,485,577 $ 15,833,525 39,073,198 39,232,008 (37,725,250) (41,450,637) FY2017 Budget WATER & SEWER FUND REVENUES ' FY 2017 ' WATER & SEWER FUND I iransrenn 2.0% EXPENSES BY FUNCTION FY 2017 Irges City of Allen 177 FY2017 Budget TOTAL REVENUE $ 35,897,719 $ 36,947,718 $ 39,073,198 $ 39,232,008 ' WATER & SEWER FUND REVENUES FY 2017 I 2.0% City of Allen 178 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN WATER AND SEWER FUND ' REVENUE DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Operating Revenues ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Water Sales 19,771,508 21,000,000 23,000,000 23,000,000 Sewer Charges 13,591,909 14,244,453 14,244,453 14,444,453 Penalties 385,410 400,000 425,000 400,000 Connections 180,976 130,000 150,000 130,000 Sewer Clean Outs 2,100 2,500 2,500 2,500 Charges for Services 159,117 75,000 110,000 110,000 Miscellaneous 875,275 28,000 28,000 28,000 Other Reimbursements 96,344 234,000 270,000 270,000 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ 35,062,639 $ 36,113,953 $ 38,229,953 $ 38,384,953 Non -Operating Revenues Interest on Investments 46,832 47,400 56,880 56,880 Operating Transfer In 788,249 786,365 786,365 790,175 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES $ 835,081 $ 833,765 $ 843,245 $ 847,055 TOTAL REVENUE $ 35,897,719 $ 36,947,718 $ 39,073,198 $ 39,232,008 ' WATER & SEWER FUND REVENUES FY 2017 I 2.0% City of Allen 178 FY2017 Budget arvices City of Allen 179 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN WATER & SEWER FUND EXPENSES BY CLASSIFICATION AS A PERCENT OF TOTAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 %OF REVISED %OF 2016-2017 %OF CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET Personnel Services $ 4,480,387 11.4% $ 4,777,947 12.7% $ 5,128,348 12.3% Operations $ 32,692,309 83.5% $ 30,993,058 82.1% $ 34,463,791 83.1% Debt Service Payments $ 1,526,235 3.9% $ 1,166,745 3.1% $ 1,162,998 2.9% Capital $ 472,845 1.2% $ 787,500 2.1% $ 695,500 1.7% TOTAL $ 39,171,775 $ 37,725,250 $ 41,450,637 WATER & SEWER FUND Debt Service Payments Expenses By Classification 7 9H. arvices City of Allen 179 FY2017 Budget Dlredor UBTanar Manager Assistant Director 5 Adminftatw Asaiatant Utbty Biling su,e . 1 1 Water Conservatun Manager SupenMend.t 5erwm Real EtluoationtSp tag at Rep 1 WATER AND SEWER I ' ORGS WATER AND SEWER 7006700 UTILITY BILLING 7006710 Dlredor UBTanar Manager Assistant Director 5 Adminftatw Asaiatant Utbty Biling su,e . 1 1 Water Conservatun Manager SupenMend.t 5erwm Real EtluoationtSp tag at Rep 1 -Half of position funded out of Community Development. City of Allen 180 FY2017 Budget ' eeal Ops Wastewater Foreman Water Foramen Wag ater Foreman a Sawer Crew leader Crew Leatler OpemW Crew taader3 5 5Egulpment Opararoreader5 Egulpment DpBretQMantananeeWorker I.e... oes Teel Ma..n.n. Wanar4 Operatorm Worker -Half of position funded out of Community Development. City of Allen 180 FY2017 Budget The Water and Sewer division is responsible for delivering potable water purchased from the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) to Allen customers and collecting wastewater from customers and delivering it to NTMWD sewer trunk lines. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy S. Work with partners to protect and conserve natural resources • Completed TCEQ Compliance Evaluation Investigation for Public Water and Waste Water Systems. No operational violations were noted. Retained "Superior" system rating • Filed Texas Water Development Board Annual Audit— Water loss reported at 6.14% for Cy 2015. • Proactively address EPA's findings and work to develop regional and local CMOM plans with NTMWD. This approach caused Allen to receive a letter from the EPA instead of an Administrative Order. Objective 3. Administer the Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit • Continued ongoing sewer system efforts to reduce sewer system inflow and infiltration (IM). • Filed eighth annual report for the Sanitary Sewer Overflow(SSO) Outreach Initiative through the TexasCommission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) with three overflows reported in the period. Goal B. Proactively work to protect, conserve and manage water resources Strategy 1. Develop water conservation initiatives that encourage residents, businesses and City's operations to adopt a "low water -use" lifestyle • Continued an effective water leak detection program to reduce water loss for the year. • Completed the Ph year of commercial irrigation inspection program and reported results to council. • Continued 6'^ year of the residential irrigation system inspection program. ' • Continued the water conservation Block leader Program with 32 leaders who adopted 1,000+ homes. • Implemented changes to response to drought stages by continuing the water conservation hotline. Implemented the H2O youth Education Program. Strategy 2. Improve water and sewer infrastructure • Assisted Engineering with installation of water and, sewer replacement in Fountain Park, Phase 1 completed early 2016 and began Fountain Park, Phase 2 mid -2016. • Recoated the interior of Custer Water Tower • Replaced aging SCADA system and all site related electronics. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy 8. Work with partners to protect and conserve natural resources Objective 3. Administer the Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit • Maintain sanitary sewer system to minimize stoppages and back-ups; have no sewer discharges in violation of NPDES rules; control and lessen sewer inflows and infiltration (I&I) and continue the SSO Outreach Initiative in coordination with the TCEQ. • Continue to implement the City's CMOM program including finalization of the Cities CMOM program documents, implementing a Fats/Oil/Grease/Smoke (FOGS) crew, fielding asset management/work order software, continuing PACP/MACP/[ACP rating of the wastewater system, replacing old CCN Van with much more capable system, and addressing EPA inspection results. Goal 8. Proactively work to protect and conserve water resources Strategy 1. Develop water conservation initiatives that encourage residents, businesses and City's operations to adopt a "low water -use" lifestyle Maintain an acceptable water loss of less than 10%. Continue Commercial and Residential Irrigation inspection programs. City of Allen 181 FY2017 Budget D 2014-2015 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 4,118,016 4,351,057 4,351,057 4,675,425 Operations 20,491,940 22,738,965 23,707,987 25,545,897 Supplies 87,403 86,468 124,468 111,883 Maintenance 456,643 382,605 403,203 405,625 Professional Services 205,837 234,058 234,058 277,058 Capital 472,845 857,500 787,500 695,500 Transfers Out 5,118,578 5,835,953 5,835,953 7,533,211 Depreciation Expense 5,806,042 1 Equipment Operator 10 10 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 36,757,302 $ 34,486,606 $ 35,444,226 $ 39,244,599 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Superintendent 1 1 1 1 Foreman 3 4 4 4 Water Conservation Manager 1 1 1 1 Education Specialist 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 Pump Station Operator 4 4 4 4 Crew Leader 15 15 15 16 ' Civil Engineer' 1 1 1 1 ROW Utility Coordinator" 1 1 1 1 Construction Inspector1 1 1 1 Equipment Operator 10 10 10 13 Code Enforcement Officer— 1 1 1 1 Meter Services Technician 8 8 8 8 Maintenance Worker 13 13 13 13 TOTAL FULL TIME 61 62 fit 66 ' These positions are under supervision of the Engmeenng Dept —Half of this position rs funded by the Sobd Waste fund PARTTIME Customer Service Representative 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 TOTAL PART-TIME 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 61.50 62.50 62.50 66.50 1 City of Allen 182 FY2017 Budget I 1 City of Allen 183 FV2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 2,494,375 2,685,259 2,685,259 2,833,347 Longevity 27,036 28,502 28,502 28,930 Overtime 275,597 245,000 245,000 245,000 FICA 197,120 182,960 182,960 218,251 TMRS 395,347 376,762 376,762 456,517 Worker's Compensation 25,127 47,776 47,776 50,023 Health Insurance 651,301 729,947 729,947 783,623 Health Savings Account 1,138 - - 570 Dental Insurance 43,299 46,562 46,562 50,506 Long-term Disability 3,413 3,662 3,662 4,263 Life Insurance 2,594 2,693 2,693 2,481 Flexible Spending 1,668 1,934 1,934 1,914 SUBTOTAL $ 4,118,016 $ 4,351,057 $ 4,351,057 $ 4,675,425 OPERATIONS Telephone - 6,100 6,100 6,100 Fuel 94,158 138,000 85,420 116,000 Water 13,379 18,700 18,700 19,074 Natural Gas 3,425 4,050 3,500 4,050 Electricity 558,332 677,250 725,000 725,000 Training & Travel 17,817 25,345 25,345 24,300 Dues & Subscriptions 84,155 93,123 93,123 96,467 Clothing & Uniforms 32,089 39,767 39,767 41,992 Postage & Freight 3,141 24,700 18,000 18,000 Advertising - 2,000 2,000 2,000 Rentals 8,910 1,600 6,000 6,000 Outside Printing 6,727 25,000 20,000 20,000 Insurance 43,800 45,406 45,406 41,744 NTMWD-Upper E. Fork 2,558,988 2,820,085 3,101,817 3,475,428 NTMWD-Regional Treatment 4,255,536 4,615,958 5,322,337 5,273,686 Water District -Water 12,383,088 13,765,666 13,765,666 15,208,356 NTMWD Pretreatment 35,237 53,340 46,931 55,379 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement 294,581 282,125 282,125 311,571 Release of Claims 5,825 - - - Conservation Rebates 92,751 100,750 100,750 100,750 SUBTOTAL $ 20,491,940 $ 22,738,965 $ 23,707,987 $ 25,545,897 SUPPLIES General Supplies 13,148 11,990 11,990 11,990 Small Tools& Minor Equipment 72,884 66,318 104,318 71,733 Medical& Chemical Supply 1,370 8,160 8,160 28,160 SUBTOTAL $ 87,403 $ 86,468 $ 124,468 $ 111,883 MAINTENANCE Facility Maintenance 38,790 52,000 52,000 52,000 Vehicle Maintenance 66,884 42,580 63,178 60,750 Equipment Maintenance 31,068 42,525 42,525 43,375 Infrastructure Maintenance 3,127 - - - Meter Maintenance 31,040 25,500 25,500 25,500 Water System Maintenance 164,433 110,000 110,000 112,000 Sewer System Maintenance 121,300 110,000 110,000 112,000 SUBTOTAL $ 456,643 $ 382,605 $ 403,203 $ 405,625 City of Allen 183 FV2017 Budget 1 City of Allen DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 36,757,302 $ 34,486,606 $ 35,44,226 $ 39,244,599 184 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Contractual Services 33,774 92,713 92,713 142,713 Professional Services 114,898 72,000 72,000 65,000 Post -Employment Funding Expense 19,345 19,345 19,345 19,345 Bad Debt Expense 37,820 50,000 50,000 50,000 SUBTOTAL $ 205,837 $ 234,058 $ 234,058 $ 277,058 CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery & Equipment 52,926 140,000 140,000 125,000 Vehicles 20,270 97,500 27,500 50,500 Mains & Connections - 120,000 120,000 120,000 Meters 399,649 500,000 500,000 400,000 SUBTOTAL $ 472,845 $ 857,500 $ 787,500 $ 695,500 DEPRECIATION Depreciation Expense 5,806,042 SUBTOTAL $ 5,806,042- OtherFinance Uses Operating Transfer Out 4,748,578 3,840,953 3,840,953 4,188,211 Capital Projects Transfer Out 370,000 1,995,000 1,995,000 3,345,000 SUBTOTAL $ 5,118,578 $ 5,835,953 $ 5,835,953 $ 7,533,211 City of Allen DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 36,757,302 $ 34,486,606 $ 35,44,226 $ 39,244,599 184 FY2017 Budget I 1 1 SUBTOTAL $ 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET Loader Backhoe Trailer 10,380 - - - CargoTrailer 9,196 - - 40,096 HammerHeadBreaker 10,478 - - - FlowMeters 22,872 - - 50,500 Replace Vac Trailer - 46,000 46,000 50,500 Walk Behind Concrete Saw - 23,000 23,000 125,000 60 kW Portable Generator - 71,000 71,000 200,000 CMOM Integration System - - - 125, SUBTOTAL $ 52,926 $ 140,000 $ 140,000 $ 125,000 VEHICLES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET F150 Regular Cab 20,270 27,500 27,500 - 1/210 Yard Concrete Mixer Truck (Split 43,984 40,096 40,096 40,096 with Drainage) - 70,000 - - FOG Crew -1 ton truck 400,000 500,000 500,000 50,500 SUBTOTAL $ 20,270 $ 97,500 $ 27,500 $ 50,500 MAINS & CONNECTIONS Mains & Connexions 12,000 120,000 120,000 SUBTOTAL $ - $ 12,000 $ 120,000 $ 120,000 METERS Meters 399,649 500,000 500,000 400,000 SUBTOTAL $ 399,649 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 400,000 TOTAL CAPITAL $ 472,845 $ 749,500 $ 787,500 $ 695,500 City of Allen 185 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 OPERATING TRANSFER OUT ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET General Fund 4,704,594 3,800,857 3,800,857 3,800,857 Risk Fund -Administrative costs 43,984 40,096 40,096 40,096 TOTAL 4,748,578 $ 3,840,953 $ 3,840,953 $ 3,840,953 City of Allen 185 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CAPITAL PROJECTS TRANSFER OUT ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Cottonwood Creek Project (DR3401) 150,000 - - - AEDCContribution (3,000,000) - - - Water Line Replacement 450,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 500,000 Sewer Line Replacement 400,000 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 Sewer Lift Station Maintenance 70,000 70,000 70,000 100,000 Pump Station Maintenance 100,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 Unprogrammed CIP 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Rowlett Elevated Storage Tank Repaint - - - 750,000 Stacy Ground Storage Tank 82 Repaint 670,000 TOTAL 370,000 11995;000 1,995,000 S 3,345,000 City of Allen 185 FY2017 Budget PERFORMANCE MEASURES Water Loss Water loss is the difference between Percentage of Water Loss the volume of water purchased from NTMWD and the volume of water 13% - 12.0% sold to customers. The numbers do 12% - not subtract water loss resulting 11% from routine daily operations (such 9.5% 9.3% as firefighting and water line 10% flushing), construction projects, and 90/0 B-9% 8.5% service line and main line breaks. 6% 7.5% The City's water loss goal is based on the NTMWD model water 7% conservation plan and is to not 6% exceed 10%. The running average of CY2014 CY2015 CY2016 ESL water loss for the three prior years is also shown. Due to the billing period ■CY Average ■Lest 3 Yr Average ' variances, the three year average is a more representitive indicator of water loss. With the extreme drought and high temperatures, crews flushed lines more than usual to maintain safe levels of disinfectant which accounts for the rise in percentages. Large water line leaks have also been discovered and repaired. The State now requires the data to be in Calendar years, so this chart has been revised to reflect Calendar years. 1 Water Conservation In 2004, the HOME IMPROVEMENT REBATE program began offering rebate incentives for residential water conservation. Rebates up to $125.00 are offered for water efficient washing machines, pressure reducing valves, rain and freeze sensors, low flow toilet, and rain barrels. In 2009, an additional rebate for SMART irrigation technology was added. The chart indicates the total number of rebates processed for each year. City of Allen Rebates Processed 1,200 1,100 1,020 1,000 924 900 t--850 900 700 600 FY2014 FY2016 FY2016 Est 186 FY2017 Budget ' The Utility Billing and Collections division Is responsible for billing and processing payments from city utilities that include water, sewer, drainage, solid waste, HHW, and recycling services. With extensive customer contact, this division places a strong emphasis on customer service. 11 Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services • Completed annual financial audit without any incorrect practices. • Maintained fiscal responsibility with US division budget. • Worked directly with water conservation to provide residents information on conservation with their monthly water bill. Strategy 1. Utilize technology for optimum performance and customer service • Continued to expand the number of online banking customers using electronic check deposits. This allowed us to receive customer payments via the internet and deposit them electronically. • Processed an increasing number of on-line and telephone credit card payments. • Worked directly with our check remittance vendor to al low more online check companies to send electronic customer payments to the COA which replaces paper checks. This has increased the division's efficiency. This is accomplished through IPAY. • Create and implemented use of online services to view and/or pay customers monthly utility bill. • Implemented discounted rate change for senior citizens' solid waste fees. Strategy 3. Continually Enhance the City of Allen's Customer Service Approach to Delivering Quality Services • Completed customer service training for Utility Billing Customer Service Representatives. • Help expand the use of electronic check deposits for other City departments This will be using equipment and software managed by both the City of Alien and the City's depository bank. ' Strategy 6. Continue to maintain and enhance web -site to improve customer service • Provided monthly updates regarding water conservation and recycling education for Utility Bill publication. • Provided a high level of service to each customer with a courteous, efficient, and professional manner. This service is something we strive to provide each day to each internal or external customer. • Worked directly with the Public & Media Relations Office to update our "NetBiII" site on the COA website. Ill In Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 1. Utilize technology for optimum performance and customer service • Continue to encourage online, telephone credit card usage and or bank drafting payment options. • Implementation of the new Tyler Munis utility billing software system. This new system will be innovative and productive to the Utility Billing staff which will cross over to our customer base. Strategy 3. Continually Enhance the City of Allen's Customer Service Approach to Delivering Quality Services • Continue working with water conservation to provide residents information on conservation with their monthly water bill. • Work with more online check companies by sending electronic customer payments to replace paper checks which increase the divisions efficiency. • Manage the utility bill "stuffier" program and space allocation to provide all City Departments access to this communications avenue with citizens. Strategy 6. Continue to maintain and enhance web -site to improve customer service • Continue to educate citizens about the online credit card bill pay and bank drafting program to increase citizen acceptance and participation. City of Allen 187 FY2017 Budget FUND DEPARTMENTIDIVISION ORGANIZATION WATER AND SEWER W&S-UTILITY BILLING 7006710 EXPENSE SUMMARY This position is split between Community DevelopmentPermitsand Water & Sewer -Utility Billing 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Personnel Services 362,371 426,890 426,890 452,923 Operations 175,753 220,052 122,992 21,200 Supplies 6,976 9,131 9,131 9,131 Maintenance - 800 800 800 Professional Services 343,138 359,686 554,466 558,986 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 888,238 $ 1,016,559 $ 1,114,279 $ 1,043,040 This position is split between Community DevelopmentPermitsand Water & Sewer -Utility Billing 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016 -2D17 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Utility Billing/PermR Manager 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Utility Billing Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Sr. Customer Service Representative 1 1 1 1 Customer Service Representative 5 5 5 5 TOTAL FULL TIME 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 This position is split between Community DevelopmentPermitsand Water & Sewer -Utility Billing Cly of Allen 188 FY2017 Budget TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 EXPENSE DETAIL 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 240,854 285,787 285,787 292,563 Longevity 1,955 2,112 2,112 1,304 Overtime 3,923 4,500 4,500 4,500 FICA 17,540 20,616 20,616 20,608 TMRS 34,786 41,285 41,285 42,342 Worker's Compensation 236 547 547 562 Health Insurance 58,209 66,708 66,708 84,571 Dental Insurance 4,289 4,655 4,655 5,708 Long-term Disability 314 358 358 441 Life Insurance 236 262 262 262 Flexible Spending 29 60 60 62 SUBTOTAL $ 362,371 $ 426,890 $ 426,890 $ 452,923 OPERATIONS Telephone - 3,050 3,050 3,050 Training & Travel 1,150 2,660 7,400 7,400 Dues & Subscriptions 434 305 500 500 Postage & Freight 152,231 184,090 92,045 1,000 Advertising - 100 100 100 Outside Printing 18,378 26,010 16,060 6,110 Insurance 3,560 3,837 3,837 3,040 SUBTOTAL $ 175,753 $ 220,052 $ 122,992 $ 21,200 Cly of Allen 188 FY2017 Budget NO CAPITAL EXPENSES City of Allen 189 FV2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 SUPPLIES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET General Supplies 6,976 9,131 9,131 9,131 SUBTOTAL $ 6,976 $ 91131 $ 9,131 $ 9,131 MAINTENANCE Equipment Maintenance 800 800 800 SUBTOTAL $ $ 800 $ BOB $ 800 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services 33,012 85,386 201,086 311,486 Professional Services 30,157 - - - Credit Card Costs 279,969 274,300 353,380 247,500 SUBTOTAL $ 343,138 $ 359,686 $ 554,466 $ 558,986 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 888,238 $ 1,016,559 $ 1,114,279 $ 1,043,040 NO CAPITAL EXPENSES City of Allen 189 FV2017 Budget 1 1 } . 1 w..i2. .. 1'� rR.at-'w,ayA� . • • f n - - ... EW Utility Accounts The total number of all utility accounts has grown steadily with the City's population. The graph shows both total number of accounts and accounts handled monthly by each Customer Service Representative (CSR). We currently have 5 FT CSR's, 1 Senior CSR and 1 supervisor. The conversion to contracted utiltity bill printing and mailing in FY2008 freed time for our CSR's to handle additional customer workload. Bill Payments 30,200 - 4,9 5,050 30,000 29,800 — 1JSR 5,000 29,600 } 4,950 29.200 400 .750 29, 4 4.900 — 29,000 -t 4,800 28,800 4,800 28,600 28,400 4,750 28,200 4,700 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Pmj. iiiiiiiiiii#orA oun% to unwmrEmployee City efforts to improve on-time utility bill payments included increasing Average Percentaias of Bill customers' time allowed to pay their Payments Received on Time accounts, promotion of on-line and 100.014 telephone credit card payments along 93.0% 93.0% 93.0% 90.0% with continual advertising of bank drafting. The City also allows 80.0% establishment of payment plans. Our efforts have allowed us to attain above a 70.0%. 90% on time payment record. Starting 60.0% FY2016 electronic payments consist of 70% of all payments made for utility bills. 50.0% This number is expected to increase for FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15.16 prof. FY2017 to 72%. These payments include bank drafting, on-line credit card payments via NetBill and electronic payment transfers from payment processing providers i.e. CheckFee. City of Allen 190 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMEN DEO BUDGET Debt Service 1,504,398 1,166,747 1,166,745 1,162,998 DEPARTMENTTOTAL $ 1,504,398 $ 1,166,747 $ 1,166,745 $ 1,162,998 h 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 DEBT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Principal 1,280,000 975,000 975,000 1,000,000 Interest Expense 222,098 188,747 189,691 160,748 Miscellaneous Debt Expense 2,300 3,000 2,054 2,250 SUBTOTAL $ 1,504,398 $ 1,166,747 $ 1,166,745 $ 1,162,998 DEBT SCHEDULE M, FISCALYEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTALANNUAL 2016-2017 1'" D00 159,946 1,159,946 2017-2018 1,040,000 130,592 1,170,592 2018-2019 1,070,000 97,009 1,167,009 2019-2020 455,000 69,975 524,975 2020-2021 465,000 57,272 522,272 2021-2022 475,000 44,268 519,268 ' 2022-2023 490,000 30,930 520,930 2023-2024 505,000 17,172 522,172 2024-2025 260,000 5,200 265,200 TOTAL $ 5,760,000 $ 612,364 $ 6,372,364 WATER 8 SEWER REVENUE BONDS 2009 02/15/09 5,795,000 3 0%-3.5% 06/01/19 1,825,000 585,000 62,413 647,413 2013 10/15/13 3,370,000 2%-3% 06/01/25 3,025,000 310,000 87,650 397,650 2014 05/01/14 1,280,000 209% 06/01/24 910,000 105,000 19,019 124,019 TOTAL $ 10,445,000 $ 5,760,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 169,082 $ 1,169,082 City of Allen 191 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN ' SOLID WASTE FUND REVENUES AND EXPENSES BY FUNCTION FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 REVENUES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Operating Revenues ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Garbage Fees 5,085,123 5,159,440 5,094,384 5,149,384 Commercial Garbage Fees 1,075,411 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,125,000 Household Hazardous Waste 186,139 190,000 185,000 186,000 Recycling Revenues 71,591 69,500 71,500 73,500 Composting Revenue 56,122 58,000 58,000 58,000 Miscellaneous 18,824 47,000 82,000 47,500 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ 6,493,210 $ 6,623,940 $ 6,590,884 $ 6,639,384 Non -Operating Revenues Interest 16,200 15,600 15,600 15,600 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES $ 16,200 $ 15,600 $ 15,600 $ 15,600 TOTAL REVENUES $ 6,509,410 $ 6,639,540 $ 6,606,484 $ 6,654,984 EXPENSES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Public Works ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Solid Waste 6,400,674 6,625,021 6,793,590 6,588,640 Capital Improvement Projects 500,000 500,000 500,000 300,000 ' TOTAL EXPENSES $ 6,900,674 $ 7,125,021 $ 7,293,590 $ 6,688,640 1 PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL 10/1 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENSES PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL 9/30 DAYS OPERATIONAL EXPENSES IN RESERVE Fund Balance Required: 90 to 120 days operational expenses 3,226,135 $ 2,539,029 6,606,484 6,654,984 (7,293,590) (6,888,640) $ 2,539,029 $ 2,305,373 127 122 City of Allen 192 FY2017 Budget I I SOLID WASTE ORG 7050110 Director Waste Services Manager 1 HHW Maintenance Custaner Serve Rep. Education Specialist Worker 2 3 City of Allen 193 FY2017 Budget The Solid Waste Fund represents the financial activity related to solid waste collection and disposal, including recycling services and management of household hazardous waste (HHW). Seventy-seven percent of revenues are used to fund contracts with the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD), the City's franchised waste disposal vendor (Community Waste Disposal), and the City's litter collection contract for the parks, greenbelts, and along U575. The fund also supports employees who manage solid waste customer service; educate citizens and youth through environmental programs; run HHW education, collection programs for HHW and the Chemical Reuse Center in coordination with the Plano Reuse Center; and provide support staff to Keep Allen Beautiful. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen • Worked with the Parks Department to promote recycling at the City's larger parks and the Event Center. • Continued to provide HHW services to residents through partnership with the City of Plano. HHW payments to Plano - $57,000. • Continued the Community Waste Disposal (CWD) contract for solid waste collection and recycling services - $2,632,688 and NTMW D - $2,405,539. Strategy 4. Fully utilize resources from Collin County, NCTCOG, TPWD, and other agencies and entities Purchased equipment to complete the NCTCOG stop illegal dumping (SID) grant to facilitate community cleanups. Strategy 8. Work with partners to protect and conserve natural resources • Partnered with KAB and Parks & Recreation Department to receive funding from National Wildlife Federation and Bring Back the Monarchs' to Texas for the Mayor's Monarch Challenge. Objective 3. Administer the Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System (TPOES) Permit • Met education -related standards for mandated TPDES program at special events & public education. t Goal 4. Signify, enhance and communicate Allen's identity to the region and the nation. Strategy 6. Signify the City of Allen through beautification efforts Continued to fund the litter collection contract managed by Parks & Recreation - $225,000. • Assisted the Keep Allen Beautiful Board (KAB) in the successful execution of key events: Allen Recycles Day, Earthiest 2016, Great American Cleanup, National Planting Day and the Educator Expo. • Assisted KAB in preparing three competitive nominations through KTB which resulted in three winning applications, including the second Governor's Community Achievement Award of $270,000. • Received a national Keep America Beautiful award, two NTCRA/GDFWRA regional awards, one STAR state award, and an Allen ISD Council of PTA's Citizenship Award • KAB provided $10,200 in support of youth education and projects and a legacy scholarship through Allen Foundation for Schools. Additionally, KAB awarded 17 Waste Works Awards jointly with CWD to support AISD environmental education in schools. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in Oily government services Strategy 3. Continually Enhance the City of Allen's Customer Service Approach to Delivering quality Services • Brought Allen youth forward for Council recognition through the Reuse -a -Shoe Contest, Arbor Day Poster Contest, and the Recycled An Contest. • Continued to meet the public expectation of quality environmental services; HHW, waste, and recycling. • Purchased a replacement Grapple truck $150,000. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen • Use grant funds & enterprise fund money to promote effective environmental management programs. • Continue to provide HHW services to residents through partnership with the City of Plano. HHW payments to ' Plano -$58,000. City of Allen 194 FY2017 Budget PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services $ 466,466 $ 559,318 $ 559,318 $ 561,722 Operations 2,212,261 2,356,429 2,478,078 2,552,030 Supplies 33,863 37,855 44,655 37,906 Maintenance 4,842 2,750 2,750 2,795 Professional Services 2,827,104 3,065,193 3,112,113 3,196,801 Capital 6,245 150,000 143,200 - Transfers Out 1,349,268 953,476 953,476 537,386 DEPARTMENTTOTAL $ 6,900,049 $ 7,125,021 $ 7,293,590 5 6,888,640 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Ire 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Waste Services Manager 1 1 1 1 Education Specialist 2 2 2 2 HHW Maintenance Worker 2 3 3 3 Customer Service Representative 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FULLTIME 6 7 7 7 PART-TIME 2,342 4,760 4,760 5,720 HHW Maintenance Worker 0.5 0.0 0.0 00 TOTALPARTTIME 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dental Insurance 4,242 4,652 4,652 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT Long-term Disability 427 483 483 6.50 7.00 7.00 7.00 Ire City of Allen 195 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 328,686 402,662 402,662 394,727 Longevity 3,544 3,416 3,416 3,812 Overtime 8,136 9,384 9,384 9,384 FICA 24,771 26,416 26,416 29,999 TMRS 48,112 52,080 52,080 57,887 Worker's Compensation 2,342 4,760 4,760 5,720 Health Insurance 44,960 54,899 54,899 53,808 Health Savings 743 - - 571 Dental Insurance 4,242 4,652 4,652 4,676 Long-term Disability 427 483 483 597 Life Insurance 327 358 358 355 Flexible Spending 176 208 208 186 SUBTOTAL $ 466AN $ 559,318 $ 559,318 $ 561,722. City of Allen 195 FY2017 Budget SUPPLIES General Supplies 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 OPERATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Gasoline 5,668 8,500 6,181 8,500 Training & Travel 7,260 8,145 11,245 11,595 Dues & Subscriptions 1,678 1,400 1,400 1,400 Uniforms 2,161 1,650 1,650 1,680 Postage & Freight 9,413 10,750 10,750 10,960 Outside Printing 3,588 13,850 13,850 14,125 Insurance 4,706 4,799 4,799 4,675 Solid Waste Services 2,153,653 2,284,671 2,405,539 2,469,952 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement 24,134 22,664 22,664 29,143 SUBTOTAL $ 2,212,261 $ 2,356,429 $ 2,478,078 $ 2,552,030 SUPPLIES General Supplies 31,714 34,355 34,355 34,361 Tools/Small Equipment 1,517 2,250 9,050 2,295 Medical/Chemical Supply 632 1,250 1,250 1,250 SUBTOTAL $ 33,863 $ 37,855 $ 44,655 $ 37,906 MAINTENANCE 13,250 13,250 Household Hazardous Waste Vehicle Maintenance 3,859 2,300 2,300 2,345 Equipment Maintenance 983 450 450 450 SUBTOTAL $ 4,842 $ 2,750 $ 2,750 $ 2,795 Contractual Services 2,549,679 2,990,000 2,815,000 3,123,688 Professional Services 207,509 - 225,000 - Recycling 13,119 13,250 13,250 13,250 Household Hazardous Waste 54,934 60,080 57,000 58,000 OPER Trust 1,863 1,863 1,863 1,863 SUBTOTAL $ 2,827,104 $ 3,065,193 $ 3,112,113 $ 3,196,801 CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery & Equipment 6,245 - - - Vehicles 150,000 143,200 SUBTOTAL -$ 6,245 $ 150,000 $ 143,200 $ - OTHER FINANCING USES Operating Transfer Out 837,526 442,976 442,976 226,261 Capital Projects Transfer Out 500,000 500,000 500,000 300,000 Depreciation Expense 625 - - 625 Bad Debt Expense 11,117 10,500 10,500 10,500 SUBTOTAL $ 1,349,268 $ 953,476 $ 953,476 $ 537,386 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 6,900,049 $ 7,125,021 $ 7,293,590 $ 6,888,640 City of Allen 196 FY2017 Budget I 1 P CAPITAL EXPENSE LIST 2015-2016 2016-2017 VEHICLES AMENDED BUDGET Grapple Truck 143,200 $ 143,200 $ 2015-2016 2016-2017 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT AMENDED BUDGET Risk Management Administrative Costs 3,777 4,300 General Fund 150,121 178,946 Water &Sewer Fund 36,365 40,175 Debt Service 250,000 - General Fund PC Lease 1,435 1,435 Service Center Cost Allocation 1,278 1,405 TOTAL $ 442,976 $ 226,261 CAPITAL PROJECTS TRANSFERS OUT Alley Repairs 500,000 300,000 TOTAL S 500,000 $ 300,000 City of Allen 197 FY2017 Budget 1 1 Recycling 16,600 70 The City of Allen measures the 16,400 c impact of its recycling programs 18,200 65 0 by tracking the pounds of s1 s s1.s 3 18,000 materials diverted, including co- a 15,800 60 ` mingled recyclables and yard ov. waste. Recycling extendsthe life 15'600 v of the landfill while allowing 15,200 55 c resources (glass, paper, plastics, 15,200 0. and metals) to be recovered for 15,000 50 reuse or re -manufacturing. The 2014 2e T 2016 Est. � Recyclable Trash Diverted City continues to gain —$—Pounds Per Houshold/month recognition for its innovative ,. and progressive recycling and diversion efforts, including national, state and regional awards. City provided commercial cardboard recycling diverts 2,408 tons per year. Multi -family complex (apartment) and Allen ISD divert 898 tons of single -stream recycling per year. Many of the large commercial stores have found value in their recycling tonnages and no longer participate in the local recycling programs. This has greatly impacted the City's overall recycling numbers. Single - stream residential recycling in 95 -gallon carts diverts 7,429 tons of materials from the landfill. The NTMWD composting program converts yard trimmings into soil amendments, saving landfill space through diversion of 7,429 tons. Public Education efforts in FY2014 reached 1,756 adults and 3,111 youth through 45 hands-on environmental programs. Trash Collection Complaints The Solid Waste Division contracts with Community Waste Disposal (CWD) for garbage and recycling collection and provides oversight to their operations. CWD's contract renewed June 1, 2013. CWD is contractually obligated to achieve <1.1 service inquiries per 1000 service opportunities. In FY2015, CWD performed 4,170,695 service opportunities. City of Allen 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 Customer Complaints per 1000 Service Opportunities 2014 2015 2016 Est. 198 FY2017 Budget disposal. This program is an important part of our Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) program. The HHW program is conducted in cooperation with the City of Plano through an Interlocal Agreement. The ' program provides residents with an environmentally safe way to remove household chemicals (paint, cleaners, oil, etc.) from their homes. From the beginning of the program through April 2016, 121,686 pounds of reusable chemicals have been collected and redistributed to residents of Allen and Plano. In FY2012, the Allen Municipal Service Centers Chemical Reuse Center (ACRO) was opened under the TCEQ permit for the City of Plano as a satellite station to their Chemical Reuse Center. To date, 4,095 Allen and Plano residents have made use of the free chemicals at the ACRC. In July 2008, computer collection services changed from curbside collection to scheduled quarterly collection at one day events. In FY2013, e -cycling had decreased to the point that twice a year collections are now programmed. This important service continues to eliminate a potential hazard from the landfill system and recycled electronics add to the City's overall recycling statistics. 1 City of Allen 199 FY2017 Budget ' Household Hazardous Waste Collection In FY2002, funding for the 1o,sza3,000 „ 12,000 residential HHW program was $ 10.106 approved by City Council. The : 10,000 8,887 2,750 " program began in February 2002 u 8,000 through a grant from NCTCOG a 8,000 2,500 i and continued without cost to a residents through FY 2003. In FY c 4,000 2,250 As 04, a $0.50 fee was included on o 2,000 u the water utility bill to support T, 0 2,000 the HHW program. In lune 2008, i 2014 2015 2016 Est a fee increase to $0.57 per month was approved to Pounds of Reuseable Chemicals overcome the rising costs of non -reusable HHW collection —+—Curbside Participants disposal. This program is an important part of our Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) program. The HHW program is conducted in cooperation with the City of Plano through an Interlocal Agreement. The ' program provides residents with an environmentally safe way to remove household chemicals (paint, cleaners, oil, etc.) from their homes. From the beginning of the program through April 2016, 121,686 pounds of reusable chemicals have been collected and redistributed to residents of Allen and Plano. In FY2012, the Allen Municipal Service Centers Chemical Reuse Center (ACRO) was opened under the TCEQ permit for the City of Plano as a satellite station to their Chemical Reuse Center. To date, 4,095 Allen and Plano residents have made use of the free chemicals at the ACRC. In July 2008, computer collection services changed from curbside collection to scheduled quarterly collection at one day events. In FY2013, e -cycling had decreased to the point that twice a year collections are now programmed. This important service continues to eliminate a potential hazard from the landfill system and recycled electronics add to the City's overall recycling statistics. 1 City of Allen 199 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN ' DRAINAGE FUND REVENUES AND EXPENSES BY FUNCTION FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 REVENUES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 2015-2016 ACTUAL 2016-2017 Operating Revenues ACTUAL Drainage Operating Expenses BUDGET 1,503,425 AMENDED 1,562,792 BUDGET Inspection Fees 114,360 146,235 40,000 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 60,000 $ 1,584,925 40,000 Drainage Fees 1,350,684 1,544,891 1,480,000 $ 1,724,379 1,480,000 1,510,000 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ 1,465,044 $ 1,520,000 $ 1,540,000 $ 1,550,000 Non -Operating Revenues Interest 3,319 3,600 4,320 4,320 Other Reimbursements 2,759 1,500 1,500 1,500 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES $ 6,078 $ 5,100 $ 5,820 $ 5,820 TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,471,122 $ 1,525,100 $ 1,545,820 $ 1,555,820 EXPENSES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Public Works: ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Drainage Operating Expenses 1,519,948 1,503,425 1,578,144 1,562,792 Capital Expenses 24,943 81,500 146,235 81,000 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 1,544,891 $ 1,584,925 $ 1,724,379 $ 1,643,792 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 1,544,891 $ 1,584,925 $ 1,724,379 $ 1,643,792 PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL 10/1 $ 764,101 $ 585,542 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES 1,545,820 1,555,820 TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENSES (1,724,379) (1,643,792) PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL 9/30 $ 585,542 $ 497,570 Z{7:ia1737SiGP.k1�£/9i:FY#117:1#Y4:1➢ c Fund Balance Required: 90 to 120 days operational expenses City of Allen 200 FY2017 Budget Director Assistant Dmdor Foreman Stre WDrainage Drainage'' nspedor Crew Leader ' Maintenance Equipme t Operator Maintenance Worker Worker 1 1 City of Allen 201 FY2017 Budget DRAINAGE ' ORG 7100110 Director Assistant Dmdor Foreman Stre WDrainage Drainage'' nspedor Crew Leader ' Maintenance Equipme t Operator Maintenance Worker Worker 1 1 City of Allen 201 FY2017 Budget ' The Drainage crew maintains drainage inlets, storm sewers, open drainage channels and ditches to assure they remain free of vegetation and hazardous wastes. Sedimentation must be controlled and channels should carry water runoff flow as designed. i 1 Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy B. Work with partners to protect and conserve natural resources Objective 3. Administer the Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit • No homes or businesses were flooded during the heavy rain events in the spring of 2016. • Maintained street sweeping frequency of twice monthly on arterial and thoroughfares and once monthly on collectors; added new roads to the sweeping plan based on funds made available by a lower cost street sweeping contract; part of TPDES permit requirements. • Maintained drainage ways with the newly replaced Gradall. • Implemented 9th year tasks in the City's TPDES permit. • Continued the 7th year of Drainage Technician; Inspecting and verifying outfall structures and dry weather inspections utilizing GIS data collector as required in the City's TPDES Permit. • Completed a$68,000 emergency repair of a collapsed 60" storm drainage line in easements on private property with very limited access. • Worked with Engineering to continue to meet TPDES Permit requirements. • Purchased Concrete Mixer Truck for delivery of concrete to Drainage, Streets, Water& Sewer, and Parks. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and oartnershios with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy B. Work with partners to protect and conserve natural resources Objective 3. Administer the Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit • Inspect and clear all storm sewer inlets after major storm events. • Implement 10th year tasks in the City's TPDES permit. • Continue installation of curb inlet markers in support of the storm drain marking program. • Maintain drainage structures or channels to prevent Flooding. • Continue to ensure the drainage system is clear of debris: Drainage Maintenance - $104,000, Contract mowing of greenbelts - $85,000; Contract street sweeping - $135,000. • Continue funding for Phase II NPDES professional services contract -$21,000. • Continue funding of costs of NPDES Storm Water Management Best Practices Manual from COG - $9,500 and share of COG Storm Water Management Program - $5,700. • Continue to rapidly respond to citizens calls and concerns related to drainage and storm water • Purchase a replacement for the VacTron trailer for spill responses ($68,600). • Increase financial support of Environmental Health's response to mosquito related issues (WNV and Zika). City of Allen 202 FY2017 Budget I 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 486,926 580,672 580,672 593,159 Operations 68,457 114,986 107,423 149,437 Supplies 23,464 45,866 85,181 52,505 Maintenance 131,354 129,900 178,867 132,460 Professional Services 178,476 285,493 279,493 299,143 Capital 24,943 81,500 146,235 81,000 Transfers Out 631,271 346,508 346,508 336,088 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 1,544,891 $ 1,584,925 $ 1,724,379 $ 1,643,792 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULL TIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Crew Leader 1 1 1 1 Drainage Inspector 1 1 1 1 Construction Inspector 1 1 1 1 Equipment Operator 1 2 2 2 Maintenance Worker 4 4 4 4 TOTAL FULL TIME 8 9 9 9 ' • This position is under the supervision of Engineering. TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 8 9 9 9 EXPENSE DETAIL 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 296,226 380,948 380,948 364,397 Longevity 3,460 3,736 3,736 4,144 Overtime 16,410 14,000 14,000 14,000 FICA 22,150 22,349 22,349 26,829 TMRS 44,684 45,890 45,890 54,287 Worker's Compensation 6,034 11,731 11,731 14,397 Health Insurance 91,322 94,855 94,855 107,546 Dental Insurance 5,787 6,206 6,206 6,622 Long -Term Disability 397 449 449 548 Life Insurance 304 329 329 327 Flexible Spending 152 179 179 62 SUBTOTAL $ 486,926 $ 580,672 $ 580,672 $ 593,159 OPERATIONS Telephone - 100 100 100 Fuel 11,316 20,500 12,937 18,000 Training & Travel 1,131 2,500 2,500 2,500 ' Uniforms 4,921 7,417 7,417 7,417 City of Allen 203 FY2017 Budget SUPPLIES General Supplies 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 OPERATIONS -CONTINUED ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Postage & Freight 132 1,500 1,500 1,500 Advertising - 1,500 1,500 1,500 Rentals 88 7,000 7,000 7,000 Outside Printing 1,702 6,500 6,500 6,500 Insurance 5,792 5,906 5,906 6,011 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement 43,375 62,063 62,063 98,909 SUBTOTAL $ 68,457 $ 114,986 $ 107,423 $ 149,437 SUPPLIES General Supplies 1,812 5,125 5,125 5,125 Tool/Small Equipment 19,980 25,741 31,006 22,980 Medical & Chemical Supply 1,672 15,000 49,050 24,400 SUBTOTAL $ 23,464 $ 45,866 $ 85,181 $ 52,505 MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance 3,883 11,900 31900 12,135 Equipment Maintenance 17,700 16,000 16,000 16,325 Infrastructure Maintenance 109,771 102,000 150,967 104,000 SUBTOTAL $ 131,354 $ 129,900 $ 178,867 $ 132,460 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services 159,351 246,200 240,200 259,850 Professional Services 16,832 37,000 37,000 37,000 ' Post -Employment Funding Expense 2,293 2,293 2,293 2,293 SUBTOTAL $ 178,476 $ 285,493 $ 279,493 $ 299,143 CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery & Equipment 24,943 11,500 11,500 81,000 Vehicles 70,000 134,735 SUBTOTAL $ 24,943 $ 81,500 $ 146,235 $ $1,000 TRANSFERS OUT Operating Transfer Out 606,278 342,508 342,508 309,349 Depreciation Expense 22,739 - - 22,739 Bad Debt Expense 2,254 4,000 4,000 4,000 SUBTOTAL $ 631,271 $ 346,508 $ 346,508 $ 336,088 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 1,544,891 $ 1,584,925 $ 1,724,379 $ 1,643,792 City of Allen 204 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 VEHICLES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Concrete Mixer Truck 70,000 134,735 SUBTOTAL $ $ 70,000 S 134,735 $ MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 5.5 Cubic Yard Sand Spreader 14,989 - - - Skag Mower 9,954 - - - TrailerforBackhoe - 11,500 11,500 - Replace Hammerhead Breaker - - - 12,400 Replace VacTron Trailer 68,600 SUBTOTALS 24,943 S 11,500 $ 11,500 $ 81,000 TOTAL CAPITAL $ 24,943 $ 81,500 $ 146,235 $ 81,000 2015-2016 2016-2017 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT AMENDED BUDGET Risk Management Administrative Costs 4,649 5,528 General Fund Administrative Support 337,859 303,821 $ 342,508 $ 309,349 City of Allen 205 FY2017 Budget 1 Arterial and collector roads are swept during the year in order to remove debris for aesthetics, safety, and for TPDES permit compliance. These are actual "curb miles" of streets swept. The number of curb miles is larger than the number of street miles in Allen because there are at least two curb miles per mile of road (one curb on each side) and up to four curbs on roads with medians. Arterials are swept twice monthly and collectors are swept once per month. The number of curb miles swept has grown due to the increase in roads. A decrease in contract price allowed the City to begin sweeping arterials twice monthly in 2003. City of Allen 206 FY2017 Budget I CITY OF ALLEN I CITY OF ALLEN ' GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUES AND EXPENSES BY FUNCTION FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 REVENUES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Operating Revenues ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Lesson Fees 5,854 12,750 352,250 401,000 Facility Rentals 5,940 11,200 7,200 9,600 Greens Fees 1,882,314 2,258,000 2,111,000 2,270,400 Concession Sales 352,389 418,021 374,271 416,296 Retail Store 114,784 140,989 130,989 131,588 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ 2,361,281 $ 2,840,960 $ 2,975,710 $ 3,228,884 Non -Operating Revenues Reimbursements and Contributions 10,903 4,000 4,000 - Operating Transfer ln 554,644 226,000 300,000 300,000 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES $ 565,547 $ 230,000 $ 304,000 $ 300o00D TOTALREVENUES $ 2,926,828 $ 3,070,960 $ 3,279,710 $ 3,528,884 1 PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL 10/1 $ 83,317 $ - TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES 3,279,710 3,528,884 TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENSES (3,363,027( (3,528,884) PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL 9/30 $ $ City of Allen 207 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 EXPENSES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 1,288,820 1,577,430 1,577,430 1,655,975 Operations 1,513,552 1,381,739 1,659,410 1,749,057 ' Depreciation 123,851 126,187 126,187 123,852 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,926,223 $ 3,085,356 $ 3,363,027 $ 3,S28,884 1 PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL 10/1 $ 83,317 $ - TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES 3,279,710 3,528,884 TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENSES (3,363,027( (3,528,884) PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL 9/30 $ $ City of Allen 207 FY2017 Budget ' GOLF COURSE I ORG 7254510 Director Assistant Diector Supedntendet Golf Services Manager 1 Administmlhe Assistant 1 Golf Supeintendenl 1 ' dsor Golf Program Srper Fmd113everage Supenisor �amt Lead Golf Lead FoodlBe -age ChertYml Technician Specialist Special:, 2 Food/Beverage MamtenanceWorker Golf Speoalisl Specialist g 2 90 Tenp-FmdlBe rage Seasonal Mamt Worker Golf Aderdanl Speaalist 96 2 78 24 Seasonal GOR Park Maintenance Tech Attendant .75 Irrigation Technician Range Alerdant 1 1.5 City of Allen 208 FY2017 Budget ' The Golf Course Fund was established to support the daily operations of the golf course in providing recreational opportunities for the Citizens of Allen and the surrounding region. The course closed in October 2011 to begin a year-long renovation to improve playability, as well as course and homeowner safety. Newly rebranded as The Courses at Watters Creek, the facility re -opened in January 2013 with a redesigned 18 -hole course and driving range. The Players 9 -hole course and the Futures 6 -hole course opened for play in September 2013. The re -named Grill 33 received a minor remodel, to enhance guests' experiences. The course experienced significant flood damage on two greens in November 2015. The Greens are expected to reopen for play in August 2016 Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and Partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy 2. Create recreational partnerships • Engaged local, Regional and state golf associations to attract high level professional and amateur golf events. • Hosted the Texas Golf Association State Amateur Qualifier and TXGA Amateur Series tournament. • Hosted the regional Drive, Chip, and Putt competition. • Hosted numerous other Northern Texas PGA junior tournaments and PGA junior camps. • Hosted the District Golf Championships for area 6A schools. • Completed sixth year as a First Tee program affiliate. • Continue the association with the American Foot Golf League as a Certified Foot Golf Course. • Utilized the PGA of America's "Golf 2.0" plan to create instructional opportunities for all customer segments. A Junior League golf team was formed and competed locally against other league teams Goal 4. Signify, enhance, and communicate Allen's identity to the region and the nation • Recognized by the Golf Channel as a host facility to the National Drive, Chip, and Putt Competition. Partnered with the Plane Truth and Individual instructors to enhance instructional programs ' ' • Prominent Golf Instructors associated with The Courses at Watters Creek (TCWC) include a Top 100 Golf Instructor as designated Golf Digest and a Track Man Master Professionals (one of only 65 in the world). • Implemented new"Golf for Everyone" advertising campaign. • Participated in the PGA"Play Golf America" initiatives to grow the game • Increased database and outreach to women, families and juniors. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and oartnershios with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen Strategy 2. Create recreational partnerships • Continue discussions with outside groups to attract high level professional and amateur golf events. • Continue to utilize the PGA of America's "Golf 2.0" plan to create instructional opportunities for all customer segments. Goal 4. Signify, enhance, and communicate Allen's Identity to the region and the nation. • Work closely with the Parks and Recreation Marketing Division to promote The Courses at Watters Creek (TCWC) as a quality tournament and daily play destination. • Work in conjunction with the PGA of America to promote TCWC as a learning destination with outstanding practice facilities. • Continue to expand database and outreach efforts to women, families, and juniors. Goal6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 3. Continually Enhance the City of Allen's Customer Service Approach to Delivering Quality Seryices • Continue to emphasize staff training in Golf Operations, Course Maintenance, and Food & Beverage Services to ensure product and operational excellence City of Allen 209 FY2017 Budget EXPENDITURE SUMMARY �. ... ::moi 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 1,288,820 1,577,430 1,577,430 1,655,975 Operations 538,314 599,078 572,981 586,170 Supplies 195,420 156,730 156,730 202,819 Maintenance 54,576 53,923 53,923 54,754 Professional Services 696,442 572,008 875,776 905,314 Capital 28,800 - - - Depreciation 123,851 126,187 126,187 123,852 DEPARTMENT TOTAL S 2,926,223 $ 3,085,356 $ 3,363,027 $ 3,528,884 �. ... ::moi TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 33.64 34.64 33.64 33.64 City of Allen 210 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Golf Services Manager/Head Golf Pro 1 1 1 1 Golf Program Supervisor 0 1 1 1 Golf Specialist - Lead 1 1 1 1 Golf Specialist 3 2 2 2 Superintendent 1 1 1 1 Assistant Superintendent 1 1 1 1 Chemical Technician 1 1 1 1 ' Irrigation Technician 1 1 1 1 Maintenance Worker 8 8 8 8 Parks Maintenance Technician 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 Golf Attendant 1 1 1 1 Food & Beverage Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Lead Food & Beverage Specialist 2 2 2 2 TOTAL FULL TIME 23 23 23 23 PARTTIME Golf Specialist 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 Golf Attendant 1.78 1.88 1.78 1.78 Range Attendant 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Food & Beverage Specialist 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Recreation Specialist 1 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 Maintenance Worker 4.51 4.41 4.51 4.51 TOTALPARTTIME 8.69 9.69 8.69 8.69 TEMPORARY Maintenance Worker 0.96 096 0.96 0.96 Golf Attendant 0.75 0.75 O35 O.75 Food & Beverage Specialist 0.24 0.24 024 0 24 TOTALTEMPORARY 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 33.64 34.64 33.64 33.64 City of Allen 210 FY2017 Budget EXPENSE DETAIL 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 829,705 1,003,947 1,003,947 1,081,215 Longevity 5,344 6,491 6,491 7,273 Overtime 56,205 56,751 56,751 63,127 FICA 66,965 73,656 73,656 82,084 TMRS 121,125 130,606 130,606 150,959 Worker's Compensation 6,358 15,971 15,971 17,216 Health Insurance 187,372 269,660 269,660 232,431 Health Savings 357 - - 1,141 Dental Insurance 13,651 17,955 17,955 18,032 Long-term Disability 983 1,230 1,230 1,449 Life Insurance 747 925 925 862 Flexible Benefit Expense 8 238 238 186 SUBTOTAL $ 1,288,820 $ 1,577,430 $ 1,577,430 $ 1,655,975 OPERATIONS Telephone 137 12,600 12,600 12,600 Gasoline 18,826 22,884 22,884 18,755 Water 72,595 107,462 107,462 107,462 Electricity 121,368 120,000 125,000 130,000 Training & Travel 1,330 7,530 7,530 8,296 Dues & Subscriptions 8,911 9,931 9,931 12,485 ' Uniforms 9,593 18,484 18,484 17,012 Postage & Freight 14 77 527 77 Advertising 3,608 19,245 19,245 4,329 Rentals 594 2,448 2,448 2,448 Outside Printing 856 3,975 3,975 3,500 Liquor State Tax Expense 76,298 13,590 8,304 27,801 Cost of Goods Sold - Concessions 92,133 90,381 85,381 87,088 Liquor Supply Expenses 44,174 68,961 56,200 59,574 Cost of Goods Sold - Retail 87,877 101,510 93,010 94,743 SUBTOTAL $ 538,314 $ 599,078 $ 572,981 $ 586,170 SUPPLIES General Supplies 139,146 134,880 134,880 150,369 Small Tools& Minor Equipment 56,274 21,850 21,850 52,450 SUBTOTAL $ 195A20 $ 156,730 $ 156,730 $ 202;819' MAINTENANCE Building Maintenance 13,868 17,269 17,269 17,500 Equipment Maintenance 40,707 36,654 36,654 37,254 SUBTOTAL $ 54,576 $ 53,923 $ 53,923 $ 54,754 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services - - 293,768 570,599 Lease Expenses 126,787 247,257 257,257 265,918 Professional Services 501,580 265,454 265,454 9,500 Credit Card Costs 58,778 50,000 50,000 50,000 Post -Employment Funding Expense 9,297 9,297 9,297 9,297 ' SUBTOTAL $ 696p42 $ 572,008 $ 875,776 '. $ 905,314 City of Allen 211 FY2017 Budget I 1 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,926,223 $ 3,085,356 $ 3,363,027 $ 3,528,884 NO CAPITAL EXPENSES City of Allen 212 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CAPITAL ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Machinery & Equipment 28,800 SUBTOTAL S 28,800 $ - $ - $ - MISCELLANEOUS Depreciation $ 123,851 $ 126,187 $ 126,187 $ 123,852 SUBTOTAL $ 123,851 $ 126,187 $ 126,187 $ 123,852 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,926,223 $ 3,085,356 $ 3,363,027 $ 3,528,884 NO CAPITAL EXPENSES City of Allen 212 FY2017 Budget I 1 Rounds Produced & Cost per Maintained Acre With the January 2013 reopening, Rounds & Cost Per Acre additions to the facility included a 60,000 soon six -hole course (Futures course), a 4a,ago - 5,500 short game practice area, and a 46,000 larger driving range tee with 52 44,000 5.000 hitting stations. These additions and 11 02000 $ 14.500 m the need to add new specialized o 40.000 4.000 38,000maintenance equipment increased $ 3,500 id the cost per maintained per acre but 36, oDoo 3.000 have also generated new revenue 3z 000 1 2,500 opportunities. These improvements 30 1x10 2880 also accomplished the goal of 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. providing "Golf for Everyone". Golf rounds in FY2016 are trending to •Rounds Produced ❑Cost Per Acre exceed 40,000 rounds as golfers have reacted favorably to the reduced fees implemented to offset any negative perceptions of the two temporary greens that were set up to mitigate damage from the flood event in November 2015. Golf rounds generated in FY2015 were impacted by two winter snow storms and significant rainfall during the prime months of April and May. The number of rounds in FY2013 was impacted as a result of the course not being fully reopened until September. Revenue per Golfer Revenue per golfer is calculated as Revenue/Sales the sum of all sales from green fees, $65 cart fees, range balls, merchandise $60 sales, and food and beverage 855 f purchases. This measure is projected $50 for a slight decrease in FY2016 due to $45 the higher number of non -peak $40 �L -- zols (twilight, senior) rounds being 2013 2014 lou Est experienced compared to rack rate mMerchandise $223 -- $269 $340 $289 rounds. The golfer demographic for oorlmng Range $6.75 $6.59 $766 $6.81 • Food &nevg. $8.55$8.35 $8.87 $875 non -peak rounds tends to be very INcreeo Fees $3647 �a4428 $38.71 $3583 budget conscious and typically spends less in other categories. Another factor in the lower revenue per golfer is the downward green fee adjustment due to the temporary greens on holes #16 and #17. With the continued high level of maintenance, delivery of quality food and beverage products, and strong marketing efforts to appeal to golfers of all segments, rack rate rounds are expected to increase in FY2017 which should mitigate the lower per golfer revenue in the other categories. 1 City of Allen 213 FY2017 Budget I CITY OF ALLEN I CITY OF ALLEN ASSET FORFEITURE FUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 REVENUES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 2015-2016 ACTUAL 2016-2017 Operating Revenues ACTUAL Public Safety BUDGET 110,785 AMENDED 129,292 BUDGET State Forfeiture 38,331 114,453 40,000 35,000 35,000 Federal Forfeiture - Justice Funds 93,593 175,000 100,000 150,000 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ 131,924 $ 215,000 $ 135,000 $ 185,000 Non -Operating Revenues Interest 580 550 660 660 Auction Revenue 2,499 10,000 5,000 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES $ 3,079 $ 550 $ 10,660 $ 5,660 TOTAL REVENUES $ 135,003 $ 215,550 $ 145,660 $ 190,660 ' TOTAL EXPENSES $ 112,425 $ 110,785 $ 114,453 $ 129,292 1 PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 10/1 $ 64,483 $ 95,690 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES 145,660 190,660 TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENDITURES (114,453( (129,292( PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30 $ 95,690 $ 157,058 City of Allen 214 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Public Safety 112,425 110,785 114,453 129,292 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $ 112,425 $ 110,785 $ 114,453 $ 129,292 ' TOTAL EXPENSES $ 112,425 $ 110,785 $ 114,453 $ 129,292 1 PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 10/1 $ 64,483 $ 95,690 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES 145,660 190,660 TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENDITURES (114,453( (129,292( PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30 $ 95,690 $ 157,058 City of Allen 214 FY2017 Budget 1 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND ORGS 5085250-5085260 No Personnel in this Department City of Allen 215 FY2017 Budget ' In accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 59, this fund accounts for money, property, or proceeds from the sale of property seized in connection with a crime and subsequently awarded by court order to the law enforcement agency or agencies involved in the investigation or prosecution of that crime. These monies must be accounted for separately, and may be used for law enforcement purposes. 1 City of Allen 216 FY2017 Budget FEDERAL FORFEITURE EXPENSE -JUSTICE 20 Helmets, Shields and Batons Forensic Computer System and Training Zetx Investigative Software and Training 12 Analysts Notebook/Maintenance Conversion of In -Car Camera System 12 Rifles, Light System and Magazines TOTAL CAPITAL 12,912 FUND 12,363 DEPARTMEN 3,600 - 4,000 - - 100,000 ASSET FORFEITURE 9,000 ASSET FORFEITURE 109,000 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Supplies(Tools/Small Equipment) 99,213 110,785 84,161 109,000 Professional Services 13,212 - 30,292 20,292 DEPARTMENTTOTAL $ 112,425 $ 110,785 $ 114/153 $ 129,292 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 TOOLS/SMALL EQUIPMENT ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET State Forfeiture/Seizure Expense 5,620 26,939 51,286 - FederalForfeitureExp- Justice 93,593 83,846 32,875 109,000 SUBTOTAL $ 99,213 $ 110,785 $ 84,161 $ 109,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES State Forfeiture/Seizure Expense 13,212 - 13,292 13,292 Federal Forfeiture Exp - Justice 17,000 7,000 SUBTOTAL $ 13,212 $ - $ 30,292 $ 20,292 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 112,425 $ 110,785 $ 114,453 $ 129,292 '2015-2016 20162017 STATE FORFEITURE/SEIZURE EXPENSE AMENDED BUDGET 37 Taser, Holsters, BatteryPacks and Cartridges 51,286 TOTAL CAPITAL $ 51,286 $ FEDERAL FORFEITURE EXPENSE -JUSTICE 20 Helmets, Shields and Batons Forensic Computer System and Training Zetx Investigative Software and Training 12 Analysts Notebook/Maintenance Conversion of In -Car Camera System 12 Rifles, Light System and Magazines TOTAL CAPITAL 12,912 - 12,363 - 3,600 - 4,000 - - 100,000 9,000 32,875 109,000 City of Allen 217 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN t HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX FUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 REVENUES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Operating Revenues ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Hotel Occupancy Ta. 1,544,160 1,788,243 1,595,815 1,763,785 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ 1,544,160 $ 1,788,243 $ 1,595,815 $ 1,763,785 Non-Ooeraone Revenues $ 1,148,780 $ 1,296,500 $ 1,299,200 $ 1,354,865 Interest 16,979 17,000 20,400 20,400 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES $ 16,979 $ 17,000 $ 20,400 $ 20,400 TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,561,139 $ 1,805,243 $ 1,616,215 $ 1,784,185 EXPENDITURES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Culture & Recreation ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Grants 391,459 390,570 390,570 395,570 Convention and Visitors Bureau 757,321 905,930 908,630 959,295 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,148,780 $ 1,296,500 $ 1,299,200 $ 1,354,865 FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 10/1 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENDITURES PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30 FUND BALANCE ASSIGNED FOR HOTEL/CONVENTION CENTER REMAINING FUND BALANCE TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND BALANCE $ 3,646,160 $ 3,963,175 1,616,215 1,784,185 (1,299,200) (1,354,865) $ 3,963,175 $ 4,392,495 2,050,000 3,100,000 1,913,175 1,292,495 3,963,175 4,392,495 City of Allen 218 FY2017 Budget U HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX FUND ORG 5067100 Asistant Qly Manager CVB Dirator 1 Marketing Speoalist 1 CVH Sales Manager 1 CVB Intern 5 City of Allen 219 FY2017 Budget ' The Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund collects funds from a 7% tax on hotel rooms rented in the city of Allen. These funds are used to support various projects that enhance and promote tourism, the arts, and the convention/hotel industry in the city of Allen, as allowed by state law. Goal 4. Signify,enhance, and communicate Allen's identity to the region and the nation Strategy 10. Emphasize marketing efforts to communicate Allen's identity • Continued to work with our destination partners on key projects to successfully sell Allen as a destination to attract and retain meetings/conventions and sporting tournaments. • Launched in house management for search engine marketing on February 1, 2016 (reporting timeframe February 1,1016—May 31, 1016). • Google Ad Words;937,502 impressions and 4,570 clicks/interactions. • Bing Ads; 17,322 impressions & 214 clicks; Total Search Results; 954,824 impressions and 4,784 clicks/interactions • Gained 172 new Facebook page likes. • Launched Instagram account with interactive frames and the official hashtag, #VisitAllen. • Launched Linked In business page. • May 2015- May 2016, wsitAlllenTexas.com received 45,840 total visits; 112,892 page views, 86,334 unique page views and Hotel "Where to stay page" received views 12,356 with unique hotel page views: 7,535. • Continued the NorthTexasShopping.com partnership website 262,149 total views. • Visitors Guide — distributed 6,000 copies of the visitor's guides May 201 - May 2016 and over 2,000 digital downloads. • Maintained awareness of Allen with Texas Travel Centers. ' Increased planner database with over 500 new planners through prospecting, lead generation and database development and handled over 200 RFPs. Hosted customer events during Lenny Kravitz, Counting Crows and River Dance Concert and at Nine Band Brewery. • Attended the Connect Meetings, Connect Texas, Small Meetings and Rejuvenate Marketplace tradeshows. • Showcased Destination Allen during National Tourism Week in May by hosting a partner Travel Rally. • Continued Partnerships with the Lone Star Conference Basketball Championships. • Hotel Occupancy Tax Grant assisted the following organizations Allen Civic Ballet, Allen Philharmonic Symphony, Allen Arts Alliance, Connemara Conservancy Allen Chamber of Commerce, Allen Heritage Guild, Friends of the Library/s Jazz Blues Festival, Allen Event Center and Parks & Recreations , Goal 4. Signify, enhance, and communicate Allen's identity to the region and the nation Strategy 10. Emphasize marketing efforts to communicate Allen's identity • Continue to position the city of Allen's LV8 as the principal vehicle for attracting new tourism opportunities and establishing the city as a tourism destination. • Continue lead generation, marketing, prospecting and database development efforts. • Continue direct selling activity by attending tradeshows and hosting customer events/FAM by working with our destination partners on key projects to successfully sell Allen as a destination. • Showcase Destination Allen during National Tourism Week in May. • Develop Destination Partner Program to increase partner participation. • Increase video library footage of event activity and personal feedback from visitors and planners and us in engaging ways. Continue to increase social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In, in engaging ways. Continue Hotel Occupancy Tax Grants to assist in funding local non-profit organizations. City of Allen 220 FY2017 Budget r,+ L 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 OPERATIONS 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Operations 366,459 388,570 388,570 393,570 Professional Services - 2,000 2,000 2,000 Transfers Out 25,000 2,200 2,200 2,200 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 391,459 5 390,570 390,570 395,570 r,+ L PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Legal Expenses 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 OPERATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Advertising 180 270 270 270 Community Events P&R 38,745 60,000 60,000 60,000 Allen Ovic Ballet 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Allen Community Theatre 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 Allen Chamber of Commerce 2,615 1,600 1,600 1,600 Allen Heritage Guild 2,428 2,500 2,500 2,500 Philharmonic Symphony 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Connemara Conservancy 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Friends of the Library 3,500 5,000 5,000 10,000 Allen Arts Alliance 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Event Center Marketing and Advertising 234,792 235,000 235,000 235,000 ' Lone Star Basketball Conference 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 SUBTOTAL 366,459 388,570 388,570 393,570 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Legal Expenses 2,000 2,000 2,000 SUBTOTAL - 2,000 2,000 2,000 TRANSFERS OUT Operating Transfer Out 25,000 SUBTOTAL 25,000 - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURE 391,459 390,570 390,570 395,5. NO CAPITAL EXPENSES City of Allen 221 FY2017 Budget FUND DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ORG HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX CONVENTION & VISITORS 5067100 BUREAU EXPENDITURE SU I 2014-2015 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ACTUAL CLASSIFICATION ACNIAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET 206,724 Personnel Services 247,021 285,767 285,767 333,632 604 Operations 208,928 302,158 370,008 406,583 2,340 Supplies 1,506 3,945 5,000 3,945 TMRS Maintenance - - 500 500 173 Professional Services 299,866 286,060 219,355 214,635 32,293 Capital 42,852 28,000 28,000 2,216 2,216 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 757,321 $ 905,930 $ 908,630 959,295; 330 Life Insurance 184 195 195 189 Flexible Spending 176 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 SUBTOTAL $ 247,021 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET CVB Director 1 1 1 1 CVB Sales Manager 1 1 1 2 Marketing Specialist 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FULL TIME 3 3 3 4 PARTTIME ' CVB Intern TOTAL FULL TIME 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 3.00 3.50 3.50 4.50 I City of Allen 222 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 174,500 206,724 206,724 233,339 Longevity 496 604 604 560 Overtime 814 2,340 2,340 2,340 FICA 12,738 13,605 13,605 17,175 TMRS 24,847 26,987 26,987 33,474 Worker's Compensation 173 358 358 438 Health Insurance 30,771 32,293 32,293 42,852 Dental Insurance 2,080 2,216 2,216 2,720 Long-term Disability 242 266 266 330 Life Insurance 184 195 195 189 Flexible Spending 176 179 179 215 SUBTOTAL $ 247,021 $ 285,767 $ 285,767 $ 333,632 City of Allen 222 FY2017 Budget 1 1 FUND DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ORG HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX CONVENTION & VISITORS 5067100 BUREAU SUPPLIES General Supplies 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 OPERATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Fuel - - 2,000 2,000 Training & Travel 11,198 6,600 12,850 14,800 Dues & Subscriptions 21,745 7,000 9,475 10,820 Postage & Freight 2,625 3,800 3,800 3,800 Advertising 68,723 94,913 152,038 154,913 Outside Printing 3,817 15,385 15,385 15,385 Meetings & Receptions 14,481 20,094 20,094 20,094 Special Activities 50,550 109,200 109,200 109,200 Vehicle Replacement Contribution - - - 2,800 Marketing Expenses 35,789 45,166 45,166 72,771 SUBTOTAL $ 208,928 $ 302,158 $ 370,008 $ 406,583 SUPPLIES General Supplies 1,506 3,945 5,000 3,945 SUBTOTAL $ 1,506 $ 3,945 $ 5,000 $ 3,945 MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance 500 500 SUBTOTAL $ - S - $ 500 $ Soo PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Professional Services 299,006 285,200 218,495 213,775 Post -Employment Funding Expense 860 860 860 860 SUBTOTAL $ 299,866 $ 286,060 $ 219,355 $ 214,635 CAPITAL OUTLAY Vehicles 28,000 28,000 SUBTOTAL $ - $ 28,000 $ 28,000 $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURE $ 757,321 $ 905,930 $ 908,630 $ 959,295 2014-2015 2015-2016 VEHICLES AMENDED BUDGET Ford Explorer 28,000 $ 28,000 $ City of Allen 223 FY2017 Budget I MMF7PERFORMANCE MEAS Allen Hotels & Rooms Allen currently has seven existing hotels. At the end of 2016, the Hyatt Place will finish construction with another one in the development phase (opening September 2017). 350 290 300 250 2 28 200150 150 103 87 114 104 90 100 59 50 0 � 0 c' 0 -AP a�0� �- ZC �J`o9 �J �y 4r aha g & b Ja o0 G c O �6vA cmc o i�cc o� �Q�a Z,oF �'tyop�•c �c CPO�.` �o\6a Online Marketing Online Marketing Actuals The Allen CVB 1,400 -- 200 ' opened its doors in o's 1,000 150 ¢ July 2009 and 29 600 ' 100 008 launched its brand E= q00 �,_ atl' during the summer of 200 , 50 S 2012. Over the past 0 Fv2014 Fv2015 FY2016 Est - = three years since .Impressions 788,140 917.672 1,206.275 establishing the Allen .crcks 17,638 21.679 10.396 CTR 223% 2.36% 0.86% brand, the CVB's primary marketing focus was to establish Allen as a meetings destination in the DFW Region and to create brand awareness. The campaign has been very successful with the online advertising garnering significant results. Economic Impact The economic impact of tourism 200 in Allen continues to grow and 150 supports 1,460 jobs in Allen. In p 2014, $156 million was spent on E 100 tourism in Allen. 2014 is the _ most current year for which c 50 ' data is available. 0 Economic Impact 2010 2012 2013 2014 ■Toursim Spending o Total Employment 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 City of Allen 224 FY2017 Budget I CITY OF ALLEN I CITY OF ALLEN ' GRANTFUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 P REVENUES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Operating Revenues ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Fire Grants - 785 1,564 1,704 Police Grants 108,757 122,556 134,279 192,758 Library Grants 39,550 56,525 46,869 66,912 Park & Recreation Grants 182,807 - - - Planning 458,261 597,450 312,418 560,465 Solid Waste Grants 22,360 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ $11,735 $ 777,316 $ 495,130 $ 821,839 Non-Ooeratinc Revenues Interest on Investments 784 1,300 1,560 1,560 Contributions/Sponsorships 215,000 - - - Other Reimbursements 16,767 10,800 - - Operating Transfer ln 69,060 79,573 87,744 92,157 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES $ 301,612 $ 91,673 $ 89,304 $ 93,717 TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,113,347 $ 868,989 $ 584,434 $ 915,556 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET EXPENDITURES Grants 1,083,900 1,090,001 812,079 913,037 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,083,900 $ 1,090,001 $ 812,079 $ 913,037 FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 10/1 $ 430,537 $ 202,892 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENDITURES PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30 584,434 915,556 (812,079) (913,037) $ 202,892 $ 205,411 City of Allen 225 FY2017 Budget I 1 GRANTFUND ORGS 5500100-5506010 No Personnel in this Department City of Allen 226 FY2017 Budget ' The Grant Fund was created to track state and federal grants received and matching funds committed. Grants are tracked by department within each of the funds. For purposes of staffing count, all personnel are shown under their respective operating divisions. Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen • Materials Management Project — grant funds awarded from the North Texas Council of Governments passed thru from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for the construction of a shared -use container enclosure and purchase of recycling receptacles at Watters Branch Community Park. • Arts Respond Performance Support Grants — multiple grant awards received from the Texas Commission on the Arts in support of arts programming at the Allen Public Library. • Selective Traffic Enforcement Program Grant — grant funds received from the Texas Department of Transportation for the enforcement of traffic laws by targeting seat belt violations and violators of the speed limit. • Family Violence Investigation and Prevention Officer Grant—allowed the Police Department to dedicate a full time position to violent family and domestic abuse situations and to educate the public in relation to family violence. • Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)—grantfunds received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development used to provide funding to public service agencies and assistance for low and moderate income families. Objectives forr 1 Goal 2. Cultivate regional alliances and Partnerships with agencies and governmental units that affect Allen • Mental Health Coordinator— pursue funding through the Bureau of Criminal Justice Division for a licensed Mental Health Coordinator to assist mental health consumers within the City by bridging the gaps between law enforcement, mental health providers, and persons in need of mental health services. • Force Options Simulator—pursue funding through the Criminal Justice Division for the purchase of a force options simulator that will be used to ensure that officers are able to correctly evaluate situations that they encounter while on -duty and to determine the officer's ability to react under stress. • Family Violence Investigation and Prevention Officer Grant— continue to pursue the third year of funding that will allow the Police Department to continue to dedicate a full time position to violent family and domestic abuse situations and to educate the public in relation to family violence. • Selective Traffic Enforcement Program Grant— continue to pursue funding through the Texas Department of Transportation for the enforcement of traffic laws by targeting seat belt violations and violators of the speed limit. • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) — continue to seek funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in order to provide funding to public service agencies and assistance for low and moderate income families. City of Allen 227 FY2017 Budget I 1 City of Allen 228 FY2017 Budget - EXPENSE SUMMARY 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Fire - 785 1,564 1,704 Police 160,989 203,441 221,789 282,456 Library 39,811 62,525 48,309 68,412 Park & Recreation 179,101 - - - Planning 681,639 823,250 347,256 560,465 Grant Administration - - 193,161 - Solid Waste 22,360 DEPARTMENTTOTAL $ 1,083,900 $ 1,090,001 $ 812,079 913,037 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET LEOSE 785 1,564 1,704 SUBTOTAL $ - $ 785 S 1;564 $. 1,704 POLICE DEPARTMENT Family Violence Investigator 100,494 99,090 99,090 105,325 STEP Overtime Grant 53,000 81,090 89,146 81,090 TCLEOSE Training Grant 1,079 14,332 14,332 14,332 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant 6,417 8,929 19,221 16,709 Force Simulator Grant 65,000 SUBTOTAL $ 160,989 $ 203,441 $ 221,789 $ 282,456 LIBRARY Collin County Library Grant 34,970 57,588 43,500 63,512 Texas Commission on the Arts 3,020 2,500 2.880 3,000 Interlibrary Loan Program 1,821 2,437 1,929 1,900 SUBTOTAL $ 39,811 $ 62,525 $ 48,309 $ 68,412 PARKS & RECREATION Cottonwood Creek -Texas Wildlife 179,101 SUBTOTAL $ 179,101 $ - $ $ PLANNING DEPARTMENT Job Access/Reverse Commute Grant 430,000 430,000 52,059 - Home Repair 202,728 339,262 241,697 507,465 Public Service Agencies 44,451 43,988 43,500 48,000 CDBG Administration 4,461 10,000 10,000 5,000 SUBTOTAL $ 681,639 $ 823,250 $ 347,256 $ 560,465 GRANT ADMINISTRATION Miscellaneous Expense $ $ $ 193,161 $ SUBTOTAL $ - $ - $ 193,161 $ - SOUD WASTE Solid Waste Implementation Grant $ 22,36D $ $ $ SUBTOTAL $ 22,360 $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,083,900 $ 1,090,001 $ 812,079 $ 913,037 City of Allen 228 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ' REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 REVENUES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Operating Revenues ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Public Education Government Access Fees - - - 262,819 Juvenile Case Management Fine Revenue - - - 61,506 Court Security Fine Revenue - - - 36,927 Court Technology Fine Revenue - - - 49,247 Red Light Fine Revenue 10,000 TOTALOPERATING REVENUES $ - $ - $ - $ 420,499 Non -Operating Revenues Interest - - - - Intergovernmental (Radio System) - - - 46,824 Operating Transfer In 1,374,954 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES $ - $ - $ - $ 1,421,778 TOTAL REVENUES $ $ $ $ 1,842,277 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Public Education Government Access Fees - - - 172,100 ' Juvenile Case Management 58,537 Court Security 102,828 Court Technology - - - 33,668 Red Light - - - 10,000 Radia System 108,115 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ $ $ $ 485,248 FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 10/1 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENDITURES PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30 1,842,277 (485,248) $ 1,357,029 City of Allen 229 FY2017 Budget LJ 1 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ORGS 5401211-5403301 Personnel in this fund are shown on the departmental Org Charts City of Allen 230 FY2017 Budget ' The Special Revenue Fund is used to account for and report the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted or committed to expenditures for specific purposes other than debt service or capital projects. This fund provides an enhanced level of accountability and transparency to taxpayers that the dollars will go to the intended purpose. Where required additional revenue sources may be added to supplement approved uses. City of Allen 231 FY2017 Budget pera Ing _ SUBTOTAL $ COURT SECURITY Personnel (Court Bailiff) Operating Costs _ SUBTOTAL $ COURTTECHNOLOGY Computer Equipment & Software $ 58,537 102,828 $ 102,828 SUBTOTAL $ - $ - S - $ 33,668 RED LIGHT Personnel - - - 3,500 Tools/Small Equip - - - 5,500 Professional Services 1,000 SUBTOTAL $ - $ - $ - $ 10,000 RADIO SYSTEM Capital 108,115 SUBTOTAL $ - $ - $ $ 108,115 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 $. ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET ORGANIZATIONS PEG Expenses - - - 172,100 Juvenile Case Management - - - 58,537 Count Security - - - 102,828 Court Technology - - - 33,668 Red Light - - - 10,000 Radio System 108,115 DEPARTMENTTOTAL EXPENSE DETAIL 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PEG EXPENSES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Tools/Small Equip - - - 17,100 Professional Services - - - 26,000 Machinery & Equipment 129,000 SUBTOTAL $ - $ - $ - $ 172,100 JUVENILE CASE MANAGEMENT Personnel (Juvenile Case Manager) - - - 58,537 0C Costs is - pera Ing _ SUBTOTAL $ COURT SECURITY Personnel (Court Bailiff) Operating Costs _ SUBTOTAL $ COURTTECHNOLOGY Computer Equipment & Software $ 58,537 102,828 $ 102,828 SUBTOTAL $ - $ - S - $ 33,668 RED LIGHT Personnel - - - 3,500 Tools/Small Equip - - - 5,500 Professional Services 1,000 SUBTOTAL $ - $ - $ - $ 10,000 RADIO SYSTEM Capital 108,115 SUBTOTAL $ - $ - $ $ 108,115 TOTAL EXPENSES $ $. $ $.. 4811 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 RADIO SYSTEM ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET ' NICE Perform System - Dispatch 108,115 $ 108,115 City of Allen 232 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN ' REPLACEMENT FUND REVENUES AND EXPENSES BY FUNCTION FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 REVENUES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Operating Revenues ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET General Fund 1,664,370 1,767,780 1,767,780 2,432,031 Water &Sewer 267,741 271,725 271,725 294,875 Solid Waste 24,134 17,464 17,464 20,795 Drainage 43,375 56,863 56,863 90,561 Convention/Visitor's Bureau FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS 2,800 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ 1,999,620 $ 2,113,832 S 2,113,832 $ 2,841,062 Non -Operating Revenues Interest 55,601 57,500 69,000 69,000 Auction Revenue 64,459 83,500 170,000 80,000 Other Reimbursements 2,088 - - - Operating Transfer In 895,851 3,313,117 Transfer Out 220,000 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES $ 1,017,999 $ 141,000 $ 239,000 $ 369,000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 3,017,619 $ 2,254,832 $ 2,352,832 $ 3,210,062 EXPENSES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Capital Outlav ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Replacement 2,534,052 2,764,985 3,494,233 3,313,117 Transfer Out 201,443 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2,534,052 $ 2,764,985 $ 3,494,233 $ 3,514,560 FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 10/1 $ 11,423,137 $ 10,281,736 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES 2,352,832 3,210,062 TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENSES (3,494,233) (3,514,560) PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30 $ 10,281,736 $ 9,977,238 1 City of Allen 233 FY2017 Budget REPLACEMENT FUND ORGS 6001410-6008210 No Personnel in this Department City of Allen 234 FY2017 Budget ' The Replacement Fund is administered by the Finance Department to collect replacement fees on vehicles, technology, and equipment so the city is able to replace them in a timely manner on a cash basis. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 4. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain public trust • Continued paying into this fund for vehicles, equipment, and technology items that are to be replaced in the near future. IQbjectives for FY 2017: Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in City government services Strategy 4. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain public trust • Continue to ensure that revenues are adequate to facilitate future replacements. City of Allen 235 FY2017 Budget I City of Allen 236 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLAS51FICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Capital 2,534,052 2,764,985 3,494,233 3,313,117 Transfers Out - 201,443 DEPARTMENTTOTAL 2,53��4,0522���2,764,985 3,494,233 $ 3,514,560 ... -. iiFBiL , CAPITAL OUTLAY 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Technoloev ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Replacements - All Departments 914,294 121,500 652,861 725,292 SUBTOTAL $ 914,294 $ 121,500 $ 652,861 $ 725,292 Vehicles & Eawoment Municipal Court - Court Technology - 16,743 - - Fire 305,176 1,406,400 1,448,500 1,246,870 Police 299,487 515,033 595,033 599,294 Parks 184,189 268,810 268,810 145,161 Community Development - 100,487 100,487 - Community Services 161,917 - - 28,000 Engineering - 47,712 47,712 - Public Works 668,989 288,300 380,830 568,500 SUBTOTAL $ 1,619,758 $ 2,643,485 $ 2,841,372 $ 2,587,825 TOTAL CAPITAL 2,534,052 2,764,985 $ 3,494,233 3,313,117 Other Financing Uses Transfers Out 201,443 SUBTOTAL $ - $ - $ - $ 201,443 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,534,052 $ 2,764,985 3,494,233 3,514,560 City of Allen 236 FY2017 Budget 1 1 CAPITAL EXPENSE LIST 2016-2017 TECHNOLOGY QUANTITY BUDGET Servers and Switches Equipment 160,331 IT Master Plan Professional Services 564,961 SUBTOTAL $ 725,292 EQUIPMENT Parks Equipment 3 115,561 Public Works Equipment 1 57,000 SUBTOTAL $ 172,561 VEHICLES Fire Vehicles 5 1,246,870 Police Vehicles 11 599,294 Parks Vehicles 1 29,600 Community Services Vehicles 1 28,000 Public Works Vehicles 4 511,500 SUBTOTAL S 2,415,264 TOTAL CAPITAL 3,313,117 City of Allen 237 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN I CITY OF ALLEN FACILITY MAINTENANCE FUND REVENUES AND EXPENSES BY FUNCTION FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 REVENUES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Non -Operating Revenues ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Interest - - - - Reimbursements - - - - Transfer ln 1,560,805 600,000 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES $ - $ - $ 1,560,905 $ 600,000 TOTALREVENUES $ $ $ 1,560,805 $ 600,000 EXPENSES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Maintenance ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Facility Maintenance 985,868 439,200 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ $ $ 985,868 $ 439,200 FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS City of Allen 238 FY2017 Budget PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 10/1 $ - $ - $ - $ 574,937 ' TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES - - 1,560,805 600,000 TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENSES - - (985,868) (439,200) PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30 $ $ $ 574,937 $ 735,737 City of Allen 238 FY2017 Budget FACILITY MAINTENANCE FUND ORG 6056510 No Personnel in this Department City of Allen 239 FY2017 Budget ' The Facility Maintenance Fund accumulates resources to address large repairs of aging facility infrastructure. The accumulation of resources will help address major building repairs and prevent building deterioration. Routine maintenance and small repairs will continue to be addressed in the related Operations and Maintenance. City of Allen 240 FY2017 Budget I H 1 City of Allen TOTAL EXPENSES $ - 1,017,168 $ 439,200 241 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Facility Maintenance - - 985,868 439,200 Professional Services 31,300 DEPARTMENTTOTAL 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Maintenance Facility Maintenance $ $ $ 985,868 $ 439,200 SUBTOTAL - - 985,868 439,200 Professional Services Professional Services $ $ 5 31,300 $ SUBTOTAL - - 31,300 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,017,168 $ 439,200, 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Proied, ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Bid Advertising $ - $ - $ 2,500 $ - AnimalSelterHVAC - - 67,000 - AnimalSelterKennels/Flooring/Repans - - 140,000 - AnimalShelterMonumentSignLEDScreen - - 40,000 - City Hall Panic Buttons - - 4,798 - Bullet Resistant Product @ Council Chambers - - 21,000 - GolfCourse Doors/Bailiff Glass/Panic Hardware - - 18,000 - MiscCube Work (Engineenng/Code/IT/Parks) - - 25,000 - LibraryEnergyManagementControls - - 90,000 - Doom Epoxy Flooring to Celebration Restrooms - - 19,092 - NewEnergyManagementControls - - 33,760 - ConsultantforPhaselofPD HVAC - - 8,390 - Access Control Proints for Stairwell Doors - - 25,139 - FireLifeSafetyRelay - - 1,322 - Signage Throughout - - 10,000 - 1stFloor Lobby Renovations - - 9,000 - RecarpetallGolfCourse areas; add double doors - - 41,922 - ConsultantforUbrary/Animal Shelter HVAC - - 18,000 - Pressure Wash Library - - 4,000 - MCPAR Replace 19 VAV Boxes/EMS Controls - - 157,569 - Replace Exterior Parking Pole Fixtures - - 7,326 - New Grates in Old Kennels/Fence Repair - - 3,872 - Paint City Hall Interior/PD Headquarters - - 32,200 - FurnitureforBasementMeetingRooms - - 32,174 - Misc Concrete Repairs - - 10,000 - Emergency Replacement of Training Room HVAC - - 76,424 - Replace 1st Floor City Hall Carpet - - 25,840 - Trace Out Generator Load - - 540 - Allen Event Center Elevator Repair - - 46,000 Emergency Ice Rink Repair - - 31,300 - UnprogrammedFacilityMalntenance 15,000 439,200 SUBTOTAL $ - $ - $ 1,017,168 $ 439,200 City of Allen TOTAL EXPENSES $ - 1,017,168 $ 439,200 241 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN ' RISK MANAGEMENT FUND REVENUES AND EXPENSES BY FUNCTION FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 REVENUES Operating Revenues 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 2015-2016 ACTUAL 2016-2017 Charges for Self Insurance: ACTUAL Administration BUDGET 442,766 AMENDED 484,991 BUDGET Employee 1,850,185 9,095,587 2,081,741 Worker's Compensation 2,081,741 423,261 2,081,741 Employer 7,361,146 504,679 8,111,137 590,000 8,111,137 Otherinsurance 8,111,137 COBRA & Retiree Reimbursements 141,068 796,319 172,000 $ 10,712,110 172,000 $ 11,177,554 172,000 Worker's Compensation Charges 290,059 FUND BALANCE: 532,539 532,539 532,539 Post Employment Funding 217,450 $ 217,450 $ 4,757,184 217,450 $ 5,692,846 187,450 Other Insurance Charges 590,845 436,774 611,078 520,943 611,078 611,078 Other Reimbursements 322,166 917,413 2,500 817,644 2,500 TOTAL FUND BALANCE: 165,500 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ 10,772,919 $ 11,728,445 $ 11,728,445 $ 11,861,445 Non -Operating Revenues Interest 27,847 29,000 34,800 34,800 Operating Transfer In 489,844 445,375 445,375 482,462 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES $ 517,691 $ 474,375 $ 480,175 $ 517,262 TOTAL REVENUES $ 11,290,610 $ 12,202,820 $ 12,208,620 $ 12,378,707 EXPENSES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ' General Government ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Administration 355,887 442,766 432,516 484,991 Health and Dental 8,909,720 9,095,587 9,095,587 8,898,387 Worker's Compensation 415,075 423,261 448,370 521,190 Post Employment 504,679 590,000 590,000 590,000 Otherinsurance 526,749 611,081 611,081 796,319 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 10,712,110 $ 11,162,695 $ 11,177,554 $ 11,290,887 City of Allen 242 FY2017 Budget TOTAL EXPENSES $ 10,712,110 $ 11,162,695 $ 11,177,554 $ 11,290,887 FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 10/1 $ 4,345,396 $ 5,136,189 $ 4,923,896 $ 5,954,962 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES 11,290,610 12,202,820 12,208,620 12,378,707 TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENSES (10,712,110) (11,162,695) (11,177,554) (11,290,887) PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30 $ 4,923,896 $ 6,176,314 $ 5,954,962 $ 7,042,782 FUND BALANCE: Health and Dental $ 3,484,234 $ 4,757,184 $ 4,431,134 $ 5,692,846 Worker's Compensation 436,774 501,717 520,943 532,292 Other Insurance 1,002,888 917,413 1,002,885 817,644 ' TOTAL FUND BALANCE: $ 4,923,896 $ 6,176,314 $ 5,954,962 $ 7,042,782 City of Allen 242 FY2017 Budget I 1 RISK MANAGEMENT ORG 6101810 Human Resources Director Manager I Risk Manager Senior HR AnalystI Senior Risk Analyst Benefit i 1 HR Analyst Ben efi s 1 City of Allen 243 FY2017 Budget ' The purpose of the Risk Management Fund is to effectively manage the city's insurance contracts, and to recover costs in order to maintain adequate reserve for premiums and claims. The Risk Management Fund includes the health and dental insurance benefits offered to city employees, as well as property, liability, and workers compensation insurance coverage. Contributions to the fund are comprised of charges to the operating departments for the city's share of expenses, and payroll deductions for the employees' elected health and supplemental coverage. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in city government services Strategy 2. Develop Human Resources programs to become the city that is the "Employer of Choice" • Continue to develop new Risk Management programs ensuring the safety of all employees and citizens. • Provide supervisor training for Risk Management program. • Provide training opportunities for all city employees on various safety related subjects. • Implement new auto safety policy to ensure accountability. • Implement new claims software. • Create an atmosphere of "safety awareness" via training and education. Strategy 4. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain public trust • Provide educational opportunities to employees to maximize benefits while reducing costs. • Enhance the Wellness Program to increase participation and manage claims cost. o Focus on reduction in tobacco usage. o Refocus preventive screenings. • Increase participation in the Employee Wellness Program through marketing and education. • Continue to monitor and implement PPACA required benefit changes. City of Allen 244 FY2017 Budget Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in city government services Strategy 2. Develop Human Resources programs to become the city that is the "Employer of Choice" • Hosted several DPS training events that allowed the city the opportunity to obtain certification in Work Zone Safety, Department of Transportation compliance, and OSHA compliance • Partnered with Texas Municipal League and hosted several safety related trainings. • Implemented new subrogation program to reduce repair cost for damaged property. • Hosted annual Employee Health Fair providing employee health screenings and healthy living education. • Provided city employees with the opportunity to receive flu vaccinations for two different strains. • Provided city employees with the opportunity to receive biometric screenings Strategy 4. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain publictrust • Performed a Physical Audit on city Fleet. • Performed safety inspection on all city owned assets. • Redesigned the Wellness Program to increase participation as a way to manage claims costs. • Revised medical plans to encourage fiscally responsible medical spending. • Monitored and implemented PPACA required changes including but not limited to 30 -hour tracking, PCORI Fees, TRF Fees, and ensuring essential health benefits. Goal 6. Maintain operational excellence in city government services Strategy 2. Develop Human Resources programs to become the city that is the "Employer of Choice" • Continue to develop new Risk Management programs ensuring the safety of all employees and citizens. • Provide supervisor training for Risk Management program. • Provide training opportunities for all city employees on various safety related subjects. • Implement new auto safety policy to ensure accountability. • Implement new claims software. • Create an atmosphere of "safety awareness" via training and education. Strategy 4. Ensure excellent fiscal management to maintain public trust • Provide educational opportunities to employees to maximize benefits while reducing costs. • Enhance the Wellness Program to increase participation and manage claims cost. o Focus on reduction in tobacco usage. o Refocus preventive screenings. • Increase participation in the Employee Wellness Program through marketing and education. • Continue to monitor and implement PPACA required benefit changes. City of Allen 244 FY2017 Budget TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT SUMMARY 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME -EXPENSE 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 252,405 337,691 337,691 353,666 Operations 10,113,068 10,455,598 10,470,457 10,388,815 Supplies 5,645 1,500 1,500 1,500 Maintenance 360 500 500 500 Professional Services 340,632 367,406 367,406 546,406 TMRS DEPARTMENTTOTAL $ 10,712,110 $ 11,162,695 $ 11,177,554 $ 11,290,887 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Risk Administrator 1 1 1 1 Senior Risk Analyst 1 1 1 1 Human Resources Analyst 0 0 0 1 Senior Human Resources Analyst 1 1 1 1 Benefits Specialist 1 1 1 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 4 4 4 4 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 4 4 4 4 y 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 184,353 240,696 240,696 258,056 Longevity 236 436 436 572 Overtime 2,789 - - - FICA 13,881 17,588 17,588 18,957 TMRS 26,424 34,153 34,153 36,700 Worker's Compensation 194 452 452 494 Health Insurance 19,900 38,638 38,638 33,777 Health Savings Account 2,144 2,146 2,146 2,146 Dental Insurance 2,006 2,880 2,880 2,282 Long -Term Disability 243 337 337 391 Life Insurance 187 257 257 229 Flexible Spending 48 108 108 62 SUBTOTAL $ 252,405 $ 337,691 $ 337,691 $ 353,666 OPERATIONS Fuel - 2,000 2,000 2,000 Training/Travel/Mileage 5,066 9,015 7,845 8,345 Dues & Subscriptions 3,048 5,064 3,884 3,884 Printing & Reproduction 2,945 3,750 3,750 3,750 Insurance 1,763,137 2,158,993 2,158,993 2,004,031 Events/Activity 51,575 55,623 47,723 47,723 City of Allen 245 FY2017 Budget EXPENSE DETAIL -CONTINUED TOTAL EXPENSES $ 10,712,110 $ 11,162,695 $ 11,177,554 $ 11,290,887 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 246 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 OPERATIONS - CONTINUED ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Workers Comp Premium 202,428 208,261 223,370 296,190 Health & Dental Claims 7,869,304 7,747,892 7,747,892 7,747,892 Workers Comp Claims 212,647 215,000 225,000 225,000 Risk Management Expenses 2,918 50,000 50,000 50,000 SUBTOTAL $ 30,113,068 $ 10,455,598 $ 10,470,457 $ 10,388,815 SUPPLIES General Supplies 5,645 10500 1,500 1,500 SUBTOTAL $ 5,645 $ 11500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance 360 500 500 500 SUBTOTAL $ 360 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services - - - 143,000 Professional Services 71,982 66,700 66,700 102,700 Immunization/Physical Expense 50,055 79,560 79,560 79,560 Post -Employment Funding Expense 218,595 221,146 221,146 221,146 SUBTOTAL $ 340,632 $ 367,406 $ 367,406 $ 546,406 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 10,712,110 $ 11,162,695 $ 11,177,554 $ 11,290,887 NO CAPITAL ITEMS City of Allen 246 FY2017 Budget 1 II Casualtv Proeram Costs The total program cost (premiums, paid and reserved losses) shown in the graphs below depict the cost associated with the Property and Casualty program for the City of Allen. Lines of coverage shown include Workers Compensation claims, General Liability claims and Automobile claims. Paid and reserved workers compensation claims have shown a decrease, as depicted in the chart below: $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $0 Workers Compensation Program Costs 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. The chart below depicts the General Liability Claims for the past four years. $120,000 $80,000 $40,000 $0 City of Allen General Liability Program Cost 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. 247 FY2017 Budget ' Total incurred Automobile Liability and Automobile Physical Damage claims since 2013 areshown below: $200,000 $180,000 $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 Automobile Liability and Physical Damage Claim Costs 2013 2014 2015 2016 Est. Harrassment and Discrimination Claims ' The City has had a total of six Title VII related claims since 1997, which is a very low rate. Title VII refers to a specific section of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 that addresses discrimination in the workplace. Title VII claims therefore are not related to injuries, but instead are from issues such as sexual harassment or discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, and other protected classes. A lack of claims indicates a positive organizational culture combined with controls to prevent and resolve issues before they turn into formal grievances. Cdy of Allen 248 FV2017 Budget I CITY OF ALLEN I CITY OF ALLEN ' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FUND REVENUE AND EXPENSE SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 REVENUES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Operating Revenues ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Sales Tax 8,893,669 9,326,566 9,306,423 9,586,361 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ 8,893,669 $ 9,326,566 $ 9,306,423 $ 9,586,361 Non -Operating Revenues Interest 84,074 75,800 90,960 90,960 Other Reimbursements 3,250 - - - Sale of Properties 1,060,792 - 1,140,924 Other Financing Sources' 4,400,000 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES $ 5,548,116 $ 75,800 $ 1,231,884 $ 90,960 TOTALREVENUES $ 14,441,785 $ 9.402,366 $ 10,538.307 $ 9,677,321 EXPENSES 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 General Government ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Operations 3,232,008 8,005,058 6,360,027 13,296,626 ' Capital 6,013,633 679,853 - - TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 9,245,641 $ 8,684,911 $ 6,360,027 $ 13,296,626 Debt Service 1,594,655 1,594,625 2,276,729 2,274,229 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 10,840,296 $ 10,279,536 $ 8,636,756 $ 15,570,855 I PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 10/1 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENDITURES PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30 ' Other Financing Sources includes Loan Proceeds $ 17,490,648 $ 19,392,199 10,538,307 9,677,321 (8,636,756( (15,570,855( $ 19,392,199 $ 13,498,665 City of Allen 249 FY2017 Budget I I ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORG 8010100 Allen City Council AEDC Board of puecbrs Director 1 EDC Office Manager 1 Assistant Director 1 EDC Business Retention 8 Expansion Manager 1 EDC Ma&eLng Manager 1 EDC Analyst 1 Intern W Intern 50 City of Allen 250 FV2017 Budget I 1 FUND DEPARTMENT- ACCOUNT' EDC ECONOMCLOPMENT ' 010100-8018096 The Allen Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) was formed in 1992 by the citizens of Allen. Its primary mission is to recruit and retain businesses to increase the tax base and create quality jobs. The AEDC is overseen by a five -member board appointed by City Council, and is funded by one-half cent sales tax. AEDC efforts stimulate employment, retail sales and the commercial tax base which in turn reduces the property tax burden and improves the quality of life of Allen's residents. Accomplishments in FY 2016: Goal 7. Provide economic investment that increases emoloyment 0000rtunity. the tax base. and provides desired goods and services for residents and contributes to the community character and identity Strategy 3. Continue to target prospects to achieve City goals for company recruitment and business retention • Recruited projects with over 450 jobs, $130 million in investment and 320,000 square feet of space • Facilitated plans for development of the $91 million Convention Center at Watters Creek slated to open in 2018. • Facilitated lack Henry & Associate's application for Texas Enterprise Zone Program designation that secured up to $1.25 million in State funds for the retention of 600 jobs and $6.7 million in additional capital investment. • Completed incentives and land sale to proceed with Watters Creek Office Park Phase -1, a 125,000 square foot Class -A office building planned for construction by Kaizen Development Partners. • Recruited TOPS Software, a developer of packaging optimization software. • Recruited Formulife, a nutritional supplements manufacturer. • Prevented the closure of the former Okmetic silicon wafer plant saving 35 jobs. Facilitated an acquisition by owners of California-based competitor, EpiTek that will relocate its existing operations to Allen, invest over $14 million in the project and create an additional 20 jobs. • Assisted OrthoTexas with the construction of a new 36,000 SF orthopedic and surgery center. • Recruited the home offices of the Texas Revolution (indoor football) and Dallas Sidekicks (indoor soccer), bringing all sales taxes from ticket sales and merchandise to Allen. • Held the city's first annual job fair that connected 600 job -seekers to Allen employers. • Relaunched major overhaul of AEDC website, Allentx.com. Goal 7. Provide economic investment that increases employment opportunity, the tax base, and provides desired goods and services for residents and contributes to the community character and identity Strategy 3. Continue to target prospects to achieve City goals for company recruitment and business retention • Work with landowners and developers to attract large corporate users and mixed-use developments along SH 121. • Partner with developers to fill existing office buildings and stimulate new, speculative off ice development for: o Watters Creek Office Park (Phase I progressing) o AIIenPlace Office Center (Phase I under construction) o Rayburn Centre, KDC and Hines Developments (SH 121) • Proceed with the construction and marketing of The Convention Center at Watters Creek. • Develop and implement comprehensive digital marketing and business development campaigns targeting site selectors, commercial real estate community, and corporate decision makers. • Recruit data centers to the area near Cisco Systems, implement comprehensive program to attract data centers. • Attract high-growth small businesses by developing a facility for an incubator. • Implement Business Retention & Expansion program to develop and leverage relations with existing business, City, secondary and higher education, workforce, chamber and others to share intelligence and ideas on improving Allen's competitiveness for corporate investment and quality of life. • Monitor Allen's retail sector and provide site selection assistance to tenants. City of Allen 251 FY2017 Budget I PARTTIME Intern 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL PART-TIME 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 7 7 7 7 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Services 529,856 652,073 652,073 675,010 Operations 2,425,826 7,073,695 5,406,664 12,302,541 Supplies 24,390 23,500 20,500 28,000 Professional Services 235,604 252,705 277,705 287,990 Miscellaneous 16,333 3,085 3,085 3,085 Capital 6,013,633 679,853 1 - DEPARTMENT TOTAL5,641 1 8,684,911 6,360,027 13,296,626 EDC Office Manager 0 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 0 0 ML PARTTIME Intern 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL PART-TIME 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 7 7 7 7 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 FULLTIME ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Director 1 1 1 1 Assistant Director 1 1 1 1 EDC Marketing Manager 1 1 1 1 Economic Development Specialist 1 0 0 0 Economic Development Analyst 0 1 1 1 Business Retention & Exp. Manager 0 1 1 1 Sr. Administrative Assistant 1 0 0 0 EDC Office Manager 0 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 0 0 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 6 6 6 6 PARTTIME Intern 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL PART-TIME 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL FULL -TIME -EQUIVALENT 7 7 7 7 City of Allen 252 FV2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Salaries 385,817 450,879 450,879 483,621 Longevity 892 1,136 1,136 1,480 Overtime 5,028 10,000 10,000 10,000 FICA 28,946 35,144 35,144 35,554 TMRS 53,827 64,405 64,405 68,736 Worker's Compensation 361 2,047 2,047 936 Health Insurance 42,166 73,331 73,331 61,087 Health Savings 89 - - 1,141 Dental Insurance 3,725 5,091 5,091 5,024 City of Allen 252 FV2017 Budget I 1 City of Allen 253 FY2017 Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 PERSONNEL SERVICES -CONTINUED ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Long-term Disability 485 679 679 676 Life Insurance 601 723 723 631 Flexible Spending 120 238 238 124 Car Allowance 7,800 8,400 8,400 6,000 SUBTOTAL $ 529,856 $ 652,073 $ 652,073 $ 675,010 OPERATIONS Telephone 6,563 11,600 15,000 16,500 Training & Travel 23,006 26,500 20,000 28,000 Dues & Subscriptions 59,260 80,000 91,000 80,000 Postage & Freight 2,512 3,000 3,000 4,000 Rentals& Leasing 84,008 100,000 98,000 101,000 Meetings & Receptions 19,768 20,000 27,500 86,500 Insurance 5,500 5,500 5,500 2,838 Economic Incentive Grants 2,001,750 6,527,095 4,856,664 11,660,203 Marketing Expenses 217,087 280,000 280,000 305,000 Marketing Travel 6,374 20,000 10,000 18,500 SUBTOTAL $ 2,425,826 $ 7,073,695 $ 5,406,664 $ 12,302,541 SUPPLIES General Supplies 24,390 23,500 20,500 28,000 SUBTOTAL $ 24,390 S 23,500 $ 20,500 $ 28,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services 14,432 16,307 46,307 51,307 Professional Services 221,172 236,398 231,398 236,683 SUBTOTAL $ 235,604 $ 252,705 $ 277,705 $ 287,990 MISCELLANEOUS Donation Expense 3,036 2,500 2,500 2,500 Post -Employment Funding Expense 585 585 585 585 Unemployment Claims 12,712 SUBTOTAL $ 16,333 $ 3,085 $ 3,085 $ 3,085 CAPITAL Land 6,013,633 679,853 - SUBTOTAL $ 6,013,633 $ 679,853 $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENSES 9,245,641 8,684,911 6,360,027 13,296,626 City of Allen 253 FY2017 Budget SUBTOTAL $ 1,594,655 $ 1,594,625 IS 2,276,729 $ 2,274,229 FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTALANNUAL 2016-2017 EXPENSE SUMMARY 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Debt Service 1,594,655 1,594,625 2,276,729 2,274,229 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 1,594,655 $ 1,594,625 $ 2,276,729 $ 2,274,229 1,140,000 458,763 1,598,763 2022-2023 1,185,000 408,223 1,593,223 2023-2024 1,240,000 359,668 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 DEBTSERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Principal 870,000 900,000 900,000 930,000 Interest Expense 723,905 694,625 694,626 662,126 Miscellaneous Debt Expense 750 - 2,250 2,250 Lebow Trust - Loan Expense - - 591,853 603,690 Lebow Trust- Interest Expense - - 88,000 76,163 SUBTOTAL $ 1,594,655 $ 1,594,625 IS 2,276,729 $ 2,274,229 FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTALANNUAL 2016-2017 930,OOD 662,125 1,592,125 2017-2018 970,000 627,500 1,597,500 2018-2019 1,010,000 590,288 1,600,288 2019-2020 1,050,000 549,466 1,599,466 2020-2021 1,090,000 505,579 1,595,579 2021-2022 1,140,000 458,763 1,598,763 2022-2023 1,185,000 408,223 1,593,223 2023-2024 1,240,000 359,668 1,599,668 2024-2025 1,290,000 309,230 1,599,230 2025-2026 725,000 256,240 981,240 2026-2027 755,000 225,428 980,428 2027-2028 790,000 192,963 982,963 2028-2029 820,000 158,400 978,400 2029-2030 860,000 121,500 981,500 2030-2031 900'00 82,800 982,800 2031-2032 940,000 42,300 982,300 TOTAL $ 15,695,000 $ 5,550,470 $ 21,245,470 City or Allen 254 FV2017 Budget '"F t,. aS'y5l ♦ d 'i :d a r r i4' +:� ✓4 a SALES TAX REVENUE BONDS: 2008 01/15/08 15,335,000 3.5%-4.5% 09/01/32 11,190,000 515,000 464,955 979,955 2010A 05/15/10 1,605,000 4% 09/01/25 1,605,000 - 64,200 64,200 2010B 05/15/10 5,165,000 3.2%-5.1% 09/01/23 2,900,000 415,000 132,970 547,970 TOTAL $ 22,105,000 $ 15,695,000 $ 930,000 $ 662,125 $ 1,592,125 City or Allen 254 FV2017 Budget Project Results — FY2016 Within the last fiscal year, the Allen Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) completed 19 projects. These projects brought to the city: • 2,125 jobs, increasing to 3,550 jobs once the projects reach full occupancy • $421 million in new investment • 1,050,000 square feet of new commercial space • Leases totaling over 100,000 SF to existing space Impact Report The AEDC completed its biennial impact report with Insight Research Corporation to gauge the fiscal impacts of its projects. ' The report found that since its creation in 1992, the AEDC has: • Brought over $32.22 billion of new income into the regional economy • Created 15,164jobs in the city, or 48% of the city's current employment base. • Created over $1.696 billion, or 67%, of the city's commercial property tax base. • Brought over $789 million in new sales and property tax revenues to local entities, including $291.8 million to the City of Allen and $398.3 million to Allen ISD. Property Tax Base Created by AEDC Projects $12 $10 N $8 - c o $6 m $4 $2 $0 _ 2010 2011 2012 2013 ' ■ AEDC-Related Tax Base rzrsef ■ Tax Base 2015 City of Allen 255 FY2017 Budget CITY OF ALLEN I CITY OF ALLEN ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FUND REVENUE AND EXPENSE SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2017 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE Restricted for Capital Projects 2014-2015 ACTUAL 2015-2016 ORIGINAL 2015-2016 AMENDED 2016-2017 BUDGET Restricted for Capital Projects 5,112,452 10,984,042 7,819,170 4,176,369 Restricted for Debt Service Reserve 855,447 854,548 855,542 855,542 Unrestricted Fund Balance 3,572,579 2,892,020 3,341,162 3,282,602 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 9,540,478 14,730,610 12,015,874 8,314,513 REVENUES: - - 264,909 930,744 Sales Tax 8,893,669 9,326,566 9,306,423 9,586,361 Interest On Investments 50,073 43,000 51,600 51,600 Reimbursements- - - 193,161 - Refunding Bond Proceeds 35,080,431 2,954,046 31,235,000 Non -Operations: TOTAL REVENUES 8,943,742 9,369,566 40,786,184 9,637,961 TOTAL AVAILABLE 18,484,220 24,100,176 52,802,058 17,952,474 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE Restricted for Capital Projects 7,819,170 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 - 855,542 EXPENSES: ACTUAL ORIGINAL AMENDED BUDGET ENDING FUND BALANCE Operations: 841,813 8,314,513 - Bolin baseball Upgrade - Allen Event Center South Garage Storage - Ford Park Field Ughting Re -lamp Operations" 896,499 4,845,524 1,347,365 3,447,785 -Trail Construction and Repair Maintenance - - 264,909 930,744 City of Allen Professional Services 8,320 8,922 396,780 420,591 ' Capital Total Operations - 894,819 - 4,854,446 6,410 2,015,464 458,900 5,258,020 Debt Service 2,954,065 2,955,327 35,080,431 2,954,046 Non -Operations: Capital Projects 2,619,462 3,610,000 7,391,650 5,118,850 Prior Year Project Commitments - 10,984,042 - - Debt Service Reserve 854,548 Total Construction in Progress 2,619,462 15,448,590 7,391,650 5,118,850 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE Restricted for Capital Projects 7,819,170 - 4,176,369 528,000 Restricted for Debt Service Reserve 855,447 - 855,542 855,542 Unrestricted Fund Balance 3,341,352 841,813 3,282,602 3,238,016 ENDING FUND BALANCE 12,015,874 841,813 8,314,513 - Bolin baseball Upgrade -Amount returned from Grant Fund for JARC contribution 'a Hotel/Convention Center Incentive - 4,100,000 1,000,000 3,100,000 CDC BOARD APPROVED PROJECTS. -Special Services Equipment -Bridge and Trail/Park at ASRC - ASP Softball Scoreboard Upgrades -DRN Leisure Pool Renovation - Bolin baseball Upgrade - Allen Event Center South Garage Storage - Ford Park Field Ughting Re -lamp - On Demand Ride Service ' - Production Upgrade - Dayspring Park pecking -Green Park Playground Replacement - Heritage Village Pavilion -Trail Construction and Repair - locomotive at the Train Depot -Allen USA -JFRC Renovations City of Allen 256 FY2017 Budget 1 I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ORGS 8040100-8056510 No Personnel in this Department City of Allen 257 FY2017 Budget CDC p FUND Formed in 1996 by the voters of Allen, the Allen Community Development Corporation (CDC) receives funds from the Type B half -cent sales tax for community development projects. The Allen City Council appoints the seven - member board. The CDC identifies and authorizes projects to be funded by the tax. Expenditures are subject to the provisions of the Development Corporation Act of 1979 and local Government Code, Title 12, Subtitle Cl. The Type B half -cent sales tax continues to enable the City of Allen to undertake scores of quality -of -life projects, equipment purchases and community programs that would otherwise have to compete for limited sources of funds or remain unrealized. Goal 4. Signify, enhance and communicate Allen's identity to the region and the nation Strategy 4. Plan for the design and construction of needed City Parks and Recreation Facilities • Publicized and conducted the annual "Town Hall" meeting to obtain public input regarding projects funded by the Type B half -cent sales tax. • Oversaw the expenditure of Type B half -cent sales tax revenue on projects including: o Trail Development and o "Share the Road" Enhancement o Ford Pool Re -Development o Allen USA Celebration o Hotel and Conference Center o Demand Response—Paratransit o Allen Outlet Mall Expansion Transportation Goal 4. Signify, enhance and communicate Allen's identity to the region and the nation Strategy 4. Plan for the design and construction of needed City Parks and Recreation Facilities • Publicize and conduct the annual "Town Hall" meeting to obtain public input regarding projects funded by the Type B half -cent sales tax. • Oversee the expenditure of Type B half -cent sales tax revenue for the following projects: o Special Services Equipment o Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium — Leisure o Allen Station Park- Softball Scoreboard Pool Renovation Upgrade o Allen Event Center — South Garage o Bolin Park—Baseball Field Upgrade Storage Ford Park— Field Lighting Re-lamping o Demand Response — Paratransit o Allen Event Center—Production Transportation Upgrade o Dayspring Park — Decking o Green Park— Playground Replacement o Trail Construction and Repair o Heritage Village — Pavilion o Allen USA Celebration o Train Depot—Locomotive o Allen Senior Recreation Center — Trail, o Joe Farmer Recreation Center - Bridge and Amenities Renovation City of Allen 258 FY2017 Budget I 1 1 Non-Ooeratine Exoenses Construction in Progress 2,619,462 2014-2015 7,391,650 2015-2016 DEVELOPMENTFUND COMMUNITY 2015-2016 10,984,042 2016-2017 Debt Service Reserve ACTUAL 854,548 ORIGINAL AMENDED 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL ORIGINAL AMENDED BUDGET Operations 886,499 4,845,524 1,347,365 3,447,785 Maintenance - - 264,909 930,744 Professional Services 8,320 8,922 396,780 420,591 Capital - - 6,410 458,900 Construction in Progress 2,619,462 15,448,590 7,391,650 5,118,850 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 3,514,281 20,303,036 $ 9,407,114 $ 10,376,870 Non-Ooeratine Exoenses Construction in Progress 2,619,462 2014-2015 7,391,650 2015-2016 Prior Year Project Commitments 2015-2016 10,984,042 2016-2017 OPERATIONS Debt Service Reserve ACTUAL 854,548 ORIGINAL AMENDED 2,619,462 $ BUDGET Advertising 5,118,850 189 4,120 4,120 3,514,281 $ 4,120 Meetings & Receptions 10,376,870 750 3,090 3,090 3,090 Economic Grant Expense 885,560 4,838,314 1,340,155 3,440,575 SUBTOTAL $ 886,499 $ 4,845,524 $ 1,347,365 $ 3,447,785 MAINTENANCE Facility Maintenance $ $ $ 264,909 $ 930,744 SUBTOTAL $ - $ - $ 264,909 $ 930,744 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contractual Services 7,806 8,407 8,407 8,407 Professional Services 514 515 388,373 412,184 SUBTOTAL $ 8,320 $ 8,922 $ 396,780 $ 420,591 CAPITAL Machinery & Equipment 6,410 458,900 SUBTOTAL $ - $ - $ 6,410 $ 458,900 Non-Ooeratine Exoenses Construction in Progress 2,619,462 3,610,000 7,391,650 5,118,850 Prior Year Project Commitments - 10,984,042 - - Debt Service Reserve 854,548 SUBTOTAL $ 2,619,462 $ 15,448,590 $ 7,391,650 $ 5,118,850 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 3,514,281 $ 20,303,036 $ 9,407,114 $ 10,376,870 I 9 CAPITAL PROJECTS "Share the Road" Bicyclist Signs Trail Development and Enhancement - FY17 Tree Farm Molsen Farm Molsen Farm Phase II Allen Station Park Improvements Advertising Monitors Park Security Camera System Watters Station Security Cameras Allen Heritage Village JFRC Renovations City of Allen 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ACTUAL ORIGINAL AMENDED BUDGET $ 6,080 $ 50,000 $ - $ - 463,068 700,000 1,244,253 1,002,000 10,380 - - 8,739 - - 95,642 8,401 - 9,720 - 162,103 - 33,689 - - - 54,208 330,192 - 1,247,700 - 1,160 - 259 FY2017 Budget I AD ORG JMMUNITY DEVELOPMEA R040100 OgRG1C 41��L'i■ia NiCp4lUi/eYl 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ACTUAL ORIGINAL AMENDED BUDGET Hillside Play Area Pocket Park 275,043 - - - Celebration Spray Ground 24,977 - - - DRN Renovations Pool & Pump 176,834 - - - Ford Pool Concept, Design & Construction 200,707 2,860,000 3,633,869 - Orchards Neighborhood Park 22,745 - 323,751 - ASP Field #4 Renovations 331,566 - 5,400 - ACIRAccousticBafOes 12,814 - - - Special Services Equipment 54,582 - 1,553 - Cardio Fitness Equipment 279,334 - - - AECChiller 23,849 - 162,676 - TCWCCapitalEquipment 7,060 - 24,784 - DRN Pool Deck 26,913 - - - Old Stone Dam Gabion 183,195 - - - CottonwoodCreekStabilization - - 84,975 - Green Park Playground Replacement - - - 200,000 City of Allen Entry Monument - - - 27,000 Windridge Neighborhood Park - - 25,000 255,000 Recreation LED Signs - - 204,000 - WattersBranchArtifwalTurf - - - 1,800,000 Watters Branch Community Park - - 400,000 1,350,000 Bridge/Trail Park ASRC - - - 185,000 Heritage Village Pavilion - - - 150,000 Prior year Project Commitments - 10,984,042 - - Debt Service Reserve 854,548 TOTALCAPITAL 2,619,462 15,448,590 7,391,650 5,118,850 City of Allen 260 FY2017 Budget I DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ORGANIZATION DEBT SERVICE CDC 8049210 FISCAL YEAR 2016-2012• 2012-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021.2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2022 2022-2028 2028-2029 2029-2030 2030-2031 2031-2032 SALES TM REVENUE BONDS: PRINCIPAL 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Debt Service 2,954,065 2,955,322 35,060,431 2,954,046 1,285,000 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 2,954,065 $ 2,955,322 $ 35,080,431 $ 2,954,046 2,410,235 1,850,000 560,S60 2,410,560 1,890,000 521,192 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 DEBT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Contractual Services 1,200 2,400 2,400 2,400 Pnncipal 1,135,000 1,190,000 1,190,000 1,245,000 Interest Expense 1,816,365 1,260,455 1,260,455 1,20S,146 Miscellaneous Debt Expense 1,500 2,422 363,943 1,500 Payment to Escrow Agent 31,763,633 SUBTOTAL $ 2,954,065 $ 2,955,322 $ 35,080,431 $ 2,954,046 FISCAL YEAR 2016-2012• 2012-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021.2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2022 2022-2028 2028-2029 2029-2030 2030-2031 2031-2032 SALES TM REVENUE BONDS: PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTALANNUAL 1,245,000 1,205,146 2,950,146 1,215,000 695,581 2,410,581 1,235,000 626,819 2,411,819 1,255,000 654,489 2,409,489 1,285,000 626,866 2,411,866 1,815,000 595,235 2,410,235 1,850,000 560,S60 2,410,560 1,890,000 521,192 2,411,192 1,935,000 426,221 2,411,721 1,980000 431,190 2,411,190 2,030,000 382,423 2,412,423 2,080,000 329,176 2,409,126 2,145,000 220,824 2,415,824 2,205,000 209,248 2,414,248 2,265,000 143,693 2,408,693 2,335,000 24,090 2,409,090 TOTAL $ 30,265,000 $ 8,353,802 $ 39,118,802 2016' 08/16/16 31,235,000 0.25%-3123% 09/01/32 31,235,000 1,245,000 1,205,146 2,950,146 TOTAL $ 31,235,000 $ 31,235,000 $ 1,245,000 $ 1,705,146 $ 2,950,146 'Debt Service payment prior to refunding City of Allen 261 PY2017 Budget (A i'`()E1 1IATI,N 6 City of Allen City of Allen, Texas Capital Improvements FY 2017-2021 McKinney • Fairview • a�.c.�row •. 4 � Z 44(f crv.¢h�n • ec�xwvmxi t. � e Plano Parker f6 1 Lucas Public Works Government Parks Utilities 262 FY2017 Budget I 2017 CAPITAL PROJECTS The City's five-year Capital Improvement Program represents the Capital Budget for 2017 and is a financial plan for infrastructure and other improvements through 2021. The Engineering and Parks departments, in conjunction with those departments whose projects are included, prepare this plan. The CIP is a separate document that is formally adopted as part of the annual budget process. The CIP is used as a guide for project, debt, and other related budget planning. Current year projects have been approved. Future years of the plan may change, with the later years being the most subject to change. Also, it is important to note that for some future projects, debt funding is subject to approval by the electorate. Voters approved a $93.15 million bond proposal in May 2016. The list of projects includes streets, drainage, public facilities such as an expansion of the Allen Public Library, public art projects, public parks, public safety facility upgrades at the Central Fire Station, acquisition of a Police Training Center and building a new fire station. Approximately $28.1 million is allocated to spend on capital projects in FY2017. Following are brief descriptions of the larger projects that will be in progress, and a discussion of the relationship between the capital budget and the operating budget. Also included is a complete list of all CIP projects that are in the current plan, and debt information as it relates to capital projects. More complete information may be found on each project in the City's Capital Improvement Program document. Highlights General Government ' Public Safety. The reconstruction of existing Fire Station #2 is nearing its conclusion with project costs estimated at $800 thousand for FY2017. In addition, $1.02 million has been allocated for the funding of a new Police Training Facility. Lastly, an expansion and repair of the Central Fire Station is planned to begin with $950 thousand scheduled to be spent in FY2017. Public Art. $574 thousand is anticipated for construction of public art projects. (r) ,uen Peek Weer Ewensm RI Ori Fee SUI. Erne... neper, PI Faai,ms upg e (4( Fire SlelpnQ (5) Fire SIeWn W eM EPePnen, �B) FueemS T,Ang C4nle, m MiriM sen'ice2 lB) RficM City of Alien 263 FY2017 Budget f rw.r. t � Y f 263 FY2017 Budget E Parks and Recreation Funding of $9.25 million is provided in FY2017 for various parks projects. The majority is allocated for community parks and park facilities. Projects include, but aren't limited to, the beginning development of the 55 acre Watters Branch Community Park at $6.9 million and the Watters Branch Gap Trail and other trail extensions at $1.07 million. Additionally, Parks and Recreation is planning land acquisition for future development. Cmm,nNv PNa (1) L M4r61bY, (2) Ravlat Creek C holy Perk Reaea fl MIiNO Ceder (3) We B h .rM Park.%aseI WeM1ere BrachC Uiliry Park, Placa2 MNehEnhwel Park Ca,reloaneM (4) NeghWrhwdp .k,.a-r (5) WranM NeighWrlvoUPerk Park Fatllltlaa (5) Braille B TrauPud atakn S Rec Cenla (6) CCL Canal Pr"ws-2015 m Enn —1,1l rl--, C.A. (0) HerNya VAloge PwWn (9) Mdsen Fann S,.rl U. Park (10) Wmer Smmn Semi? Carreras Tralla and GreaMreM (11) Tral Cetekpred (12) Wagers Breton GBp Trer Public Works Streets Approximately $9.03 million in FY2017 is allocated for street projects; and is primarily being spent on the following: Alma Drive improvements from Hedgcoxe to SH121 for $2.5 million, Median Landscaping and Lighting at various locations for $1.0 million, an update to the interchange at US 75 and Ridgeview Drive for $1.0 million, Intersection Improvements at various locations for $913 thousand, Angel Parkway from Main St. to Parker Rd. design of proposed expansion to four lanes for $1.1 million, and design of Ridgemom Drive reconstruction from Greenville Avenue past the current railroad crossing for $500 thousand. Street Maintenance. Routine replacement of street and alleys throughout the city totaling $570 thousand. City of Allen 264 FY2017 Budget II I 1 II ' l—iy(Moin WPM Rd) onN1MMn I V unrs Lareuorsl of lunstrmum R. siaewew ImpowmeMs RecarsO,rtlwn Utilities In FY2017, $2.75 million is allocated for the replacement of deteriorated water and sanitary sewer pipes in various locations throughout the city. Stacy Road ground storage tank and Rowlett Water Tower are planned to be repainted for $1.42 million. Lift station and pump station maintenance, as well as a new 12" Force Main and Lift Station along US 75 combined are $615 thousand. (1) 9¢O Taws Repmm (2) Lm Sl m Mmmerence (3) Pump SWRpn Main)ewnce (4) R RTp &Ste Grp S)aege 92 RepsiM 15) US 75 LM Suri. 6,T F.Marnlemnre (6) WM t aM Saner Man Replerenent City of Allen 265 FY2017 Budget RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS The City's operating and capital projects budgets are closely linked. The capital budget is a multi-year financial plan of the capital improvement program (CIP) for the acquisition, expansion, or rehabilitation of infrastructure, capital assets, or productive capacity of City Services. Revenues for the capital budget come from bond sales, intergovernmental revenues, 4a/4b sales taxes, development fees, and some current operating revenues. The capital improvement program, unlike the operating budget, is a five-year plan. The plan is reviewed and projects are reprioritized on an ongoing basis. Impact of Capital Projects on the Operating Budget Capital projects impact the operating budget in several ways. First, since the City is committed to systematically investing in infrastructure (Strategic Goal #5), each year funds are set aside in the operating budget to provide cash financing toward some projects. Also, the City must generate enough operating revenues to cover any payments for General Obligation and Revenue debt incurred for long-term financing of capital projects approved this year and in prior years. These represent funds that would otherwise be available to pay for other programs, services, or projects. Finally, after projects are completed, there is usually a need for additional funding to cover ongoing maintenance, utilities, other operating costs, and sometimes additional personnel or equipment. This year the total estimated ' impact of the capital budget on the operating budget is approximately $4.7 million. Capital Budget $4•7m $28.1m Cash Financing and Debt Service Debt service payments and cash financing for projects comprise $23.93 million of this total. The debt service payments are $9.59 million, all of which are for General Obligation debt. Budgeted transfers from operating funds to the Capital Projects funds are $2.395 million, and include: Water and Sewer Proiects: $3,345,000. Of this total, $1,500,000 is allocated for water and sewer line replacement projects. In addition, $225,000 is appropriated for pump station and lift station improvements, and $200,000 is budgeted for un -programmed replacement or ' maintenance needs. Lastly, $1,420,000 is appropriated for the repainting of the Rowlett Elevated Storage Tank and Stacy Ground Storage Tank #2. Solid Waste Proiects: $300,000 is allocated for major alley repairs. City of Allen 266 Fw2017 Budget 1 1 Other Operating Costs In addition to cash financing and debt service, the increases in operating costs in the FY2016-2017 budget related to the CIP totals approximately $533,000. These are listed below by project type. Increases are stated in comparison to the FY2016 revised budget. Community Park: Approximately $533,000 was absorbed in the operating budget for FY2017 in professional services to support the operations and maintenance of the Watters Branch Community Park. No additional personnel or other operating costs were approved in the budget for FY2017 for this park. Capital Projects List A complete list of proposed projects for FY2017 through FY2021 is on the following pages. City of Allen 267 FY2017 Budget ' Watters Branch Community GOBon0;4a/4b Park, Phase 1 Taxes, Intend, Fees $ 928 $ 6,901 $ $ $ $ $ 7,829 Rowlett Creek Community Development GO Bonds CITY OF ALLEN $ - $ 200 $ - $ - $ - $ 200 Heed Park Improvements Capital Projects Expenditure Summary $ - $ 61 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ ("Gal W indridge Neighborhood TYPE Major Project Park 4a/41, Taxes $ 25 $ 255 $ - Total CATEGORY Funding Est. thro Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected PROTECT Sourtels) FY2016 Fnili FY2018 FY2029 FY2020 H2021 Investment Government Environmental Discovery Arts Center Go Bonds S - S - S 50 Public An GO Bonds $ 120 $ 574 $ 442 $ 188 $ 368 $ 337 $ 2,029 $ - Arts Subtotal 5 120 $ 524 $ 442 $ 166 $ 368 $ 337 $ 2,029 Public Facilities $ - $ - $ 150 Bridge &Tdil/Park at Allen Allen Public Library Expansion GO Bonds $ $ 600 $ - $ - $ $ 831 $ 1,431 $ 165 Public Facilities Subtotal $ $ 6x0 $ $ Water Station Security $ $ 831 $ IA31 Public safety Cameras 4a/4b Taxes $ - $ 54 $ - General Fund $ - $ - $ 54 Motion Farm Special Use GO Bonds, 4a/4b Fanlity Upgrades Revenues $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 $ WO $ 3,600 Municipal Semov Center, $ 2,850 5 $ $ 3,096 Park FacilRles Subtotal $ 528 $ 662 Phase 11 GO Bonds $ - $ - $ 500 $ 11500 $ - $ - $ 2,000 Fire Station 12 GO Bonds, Other $ 4,533 $ goo Si - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,333 Firearms Training Center GO Bands $ - $ 1,020 $ 6,880 $ - $ - $ - $ 7,900 Central Fire Station $ $ $ $ 572 TralSuMWI $ 57 $ 1,071 Expansion and Repair GG Oontls $ $ 950 $ 5650 5 Parks Total 5 $ 5 61 $ 4,023 Public Safety Subtotal $ 5,133 $ 3,370 $ 13,630 $ 2,100 $ 600 $ 600 $ 2SA33 G.r.ce ment TM]I -_.5.:_ 6.3513..'} Q,$tt $ 19,472 $ 2,2118 $ 968 $ 1,768 $ Parks Community Parks Land Acquisition GO Bonds, Ind,mr $ 3,487 $ - $ - $ 1,500 5 5 5 4,987 ' Watters Branch Community GOBon0;4a/4b Park, Phase 1 Taxes, Intend, Fees $ 928 $ 6,901 $ $ $ $ $ 7,829 Rowlett Creek Community Development GO Bonds 5 - $ - $ 200 $ - $ - $ - $ 200 Heed Park Improvements Fees $ - $ 61 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 61 W indridge Neighborhood Park 4a/41, Taxes $ 25 $ 255 $ - $ - $ $ $ 280 Neighborhood Parks Subtotal $ 25 $ 316 $ 200 $ $ $ $ 541 Park Facilities Environmental Discovery Center Go Bonds S - S - S 50 S 450 $ - $ - S 500 COC Capital Projects 1015 40/41, Taxes $ 528 $ 273 $ 243 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,044 Heritage Village Pai 4a/4b Taxes $ - $ 150 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 150 Bridge &Tdil/Park at Allen Senior Red Center 4a/4b Taxes $ - $ 165 $ 165 $ - $ - $ - $ 370 Water Station Security Cameras 4a/4b Taxes $ - $ 54 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 54 Motion Farm Special Use GO Bonds, 4a/4b Park Taxes $ $ $ 246 $ 2,850 5 $ $ 3,096 Park FacilRles Subtotal $ 528 $ 662 $ 724 $ 3,300 $ $ $ 5,214 Trail Trel Development 4a/41, Taxes $ - $ 551 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 551 Watters Branch Gap Trail 4a/4b Taxes $ 57 $ 520 $ $ $ $ $ 572 TralSuMWI $ 57 $ 1,071 $ $ $ $ $ 1,126 Parks Total $ 5,026 $ 9,250 $ 4,023 $ 6,300 $ 14,500 $ $ 39,099 City of Allen 268 FY2017 Budget CIN OF ALLEN ' Capital Projects Expenditure Summary - continued... pi TYPE Major Project Taal CATEGORY Forcing Est. thin Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected PROJECT SPYKa(,) FY2016 FYZ017 FY3o10 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Investment Public Works Street Maintenance Street Pavement GO Bontls, Oper. Replacement Revenues, Other $ 1,400 $ 570 $ 570 $ 570 $ 570 $ S70 $ 4,250 Street Maintenance Subtptal 5 1,400. $ SM $ 570 5 570 $ 5711 $ SM $ 4,250 Streets FM 2551(Ange Parkway)- Developer Main Street to Parker Road Contributions $ - $ 1,094 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,090 Stacy Road, Phase 2 GO Bonds, Developer (Greenville to FM 1378) Contributions $ - $ 430 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 430 Mult iew and US 75 Interchange GO Bonds, lntergov. $ - $ 1,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 Median Landscaping/ lighting (various localbns) GO Bonds $ - $ 1'" $ - $ 500 $ - $ - $ 1,500 Chaparral Road Streetlights Other $ - $ 340 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 340 Stacy Traffic Signals (Greenville and Angel) Other $ - $ 130 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 130 Ridgeview Drive (Cottonwood GO Bonds, lntergov., Creek to Chelsea) Fees, Other $ - $ 500 $ 4,268 $ 2,500 $ - $ - $ 7,268 ' Existing Signal Upgrades GO Bonds $ - $ 443 $ 490 $ 4% $ 357 $ 412 $ 2,198 Arterial Roadway Partnership Project GO Bonds, lntergov. $ $ $ - $ 600 $ 1,400 $ 1,500 $ 3,500 Ridgemonl Dr. 4a/4b Taxes, General Reconstruction Fund Revenues $ 223 $ 500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 722 New Traffic Signal Construction GO Bonds $ - $ 350 $ - $ 500 $ - $ 250 $ 1,000 Olsen IS Beverly Elementary Sidewalk Improvements Other $ - $ MO $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 200 GO Bonds, lntergov, Alma Drive Improvements Other $ 824 $ 2,506 $ 2,600 $ - $ - $ - $ 5,930 2015 Intersection Improvements Interact, Fees, Other $ 1,080 $ 220 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,300 Central Business District (CBO) Street Reconstruction GO Bonds $ - $ 413 $ - $ - $ 870 $ 880 $ 2,163 Ridgewew Drive(Chelua Blvd to US 75) GO Bonds $ $ $ - $ - $ $ 400 $ 400 Strew Subtotal $ 2,126 $ 9,026 $ 7,358 $ 4,596 $ 2,627 $ 3,442 $ 29,175 JJJF�Pxk, Total $ 3,526 $ 91 $ 7,928 $ 5,166 $ 3,197 $ 4,012 $ 33,425 Cary of Allen 269 11 Budge CITY OF ALLEN 1 Capital Projects Expenditure Summary -continued... pn oati 1 TYPE Major Project Total CATEGORY Funding Est thau Projected Projected Projected Protected Protected Projected PROJECT Soume(s) FY2016 FY2017 FY2019 FU019 MORRO FY2011 Investment utilities Wastewater U S 75 Lm Sabnn a 12• Force Main Oper Revenues, Fees $ $ 390 $ 4,200 5 $ $ $ 4590 Wastewater Subtotal $ $ 390 $ 0,200 $ $ ¢ $4,590 Water Bethany Tower Repaint Oper Revenues $ - $ - $ 530 $ - $ - $ - $ 530 Rowlett Tower and Story Ground Storage Repaint Oper. Revenues $ 67 $ 1,420 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,487 Automatic Meter Reacting Open Revenues, fees, RetrofR Other $ - $ - $ 1,100 $ 1,900 $ 2,250 $ 1,750 $ 7,000 Lift Station Maintenance One, Revenues $ - $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 500 Pump Station Maintenance Open Revenues 5 - 5 125 5 125 5 125 5 125 5 125 5 625 water & Wastewater Water Line &Sewer Main Oper Revenues, Replacement Other $ 3,850 $ 2,752 $ 2,250 $ 2,250 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 12,102 Water& Wastewater Subudgel $ 3,850 $ 2,252 $ 2,250 $ 2,250 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 12,102 Utilxies Total $ 3,917 $ 4,787 $ 8,305 $ 4,375 $ 5,425 $ 4,925 $ 31,834 Cdy of Allen 270 FY2017 Budget 1 CITY OF ALLEN CAPITAL PROJECTS IMPACT ON OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE (in 000's) Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected TYPE CATEGORY PROJECT FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 Government Public Safety Government Community Parks Park Facilities Central Fire Station Expansion and Repair $ - $ - $ 25 $ 25 $ 25 Firearms Training Center $ - $ - $ 50 $ 51 $ 52 Land Acquisition $ - $ - $ - $ 12 $ 12 Rowlett Creek Community Park $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,809 Watters Branch Community Park $ 533 $ $ $ $ Community Parks Subtotal $ 533 $ $ $ 12 $ 1,821 Molsen Farm Special Use Park $ - $ $ - $ 675 $ 677 Park Facilli es Subtotal $ $ $ $ 675 $ 677 City of Allen 271 PY2017 Eudgel Debt ' Part of the process of updating the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) each year involves identifying projects that may require funding through debt issuance. On the following pages are long-term scenarios of the City's General Obligation and Revenue debt, based on the projects planned for the next several years. Below are the assumptions used in the development of these scenarios followed by a discussion of the City's debt capacity. Again, this is based on the current plan; future years are subject to change. General Obligation Debt Assumptions The General Obligation debt projections assume that the debt portion of the tax rate will decrease from 0.123727 in FY2017 to 0.098807 in FY2020 due to the growth in valuation. The debt rate is estimated to continue to decrease; however, the city did recently approve a $93 million bond program that will span over the next seven years. The impact of the program as has the potential to increase the City's debt rate during that time period. All years assume a collection rate of 99%. Over the next few years, the portion of the tax rate dedicated to debt reduces from approximately 23% to 19%, assuming the tax rate stays the same, which is below the City's policy limit of 35%. The policy was approved by the City Council in September 2011 to reflect a more conservative approach to debt and to ensure that the operational needs of the City receive a higher tax rate allocation. The assumption for growth in the tax base through FY2020 is 4%, based upon reappraisal of ' existing properties and new growth in residential and commercial property along Highway 121, US 75 Highway, and in areas of vacant land throughout the City. The rate of growth is expected to remain consistent in subsequent years, as reflected in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Commercial activity is expected to continue for another 15 to 20 years until it reaches build out. The debt scenario that follows reflects all currently authorized bond issues. The voters approved approximately $93 million in May 2016 for future infrastructure improvements and public facilities, along with a .04 cent potential tax increase to help cover the additional operating costs associated with these projects. Revenue Debt Assumptions Revenue debt and water and sewer rates are managed according to the City's Water and Sewer rate study. Our most recent rate study was completed in December of 2012. The forward looking impact of the revenues and expenditures in the Water and Sewer Fund is shown in the following "Water/Wastewater Cost of Service Model" table is derived from the rate study. We plan to complete a new rate study in FY2017. Adequate revenues and working capital are projected to meet ongoing operational cost increases, to provide funding for water and sewer infrastructure improvements, and to provide for existing debt service. However, at Council discretion we have not implemented proposed rate increase from our rate study because of the excess reserves in the Water and Sewer Fund. No new debt is planned to be issued in the near future for water and sewer projects. ' Included in the rate study was a population growth factor that was consistent with the City's long-range Comprehensive Plan. The water and sewer bond covenants stipulate a debt coverage ratio of 1.2 times the average annual debt service for the fiscal year on all outstanding bonds. Over the next four years, the rate study projected the coverage ratio to City of Allen 272 FY2017 Budget range from 4.31 to 9.96. Projections also take into consideration a working capital adequacy test of approximately 90 to 120 days of expenditures. The projected days of working capital over the next four years is expected to be approximately 120 days according to the rate model. The actual number of days may be more or less dependent on weather conditions and water restrictions. Debt Capacity In 2011 the City's policy of limiting the debt portion of the total tax rate to 35% would have translated into authorizing approximately $95 million of new debt. From a cash flow and tax rate perspective the 2016 CIP Committee felt that $93 million of new debt was sufficient to cover the needs of the community at the current time. The Committee proposed and voters elected to approve $93 million in new debt and raise taxes for the operating impact of the projects. The recommendation also took into consideration the City's requirement at that time to maintain a reserve of 10% in the Debt Service Fund. During the CIP process the city and finance committee also anticipated the additional impact upon the City due to the operating costs associated with the approved projects. The combination of operating costs and new debt service associated with $93 million of new debt has the potential to raise taxes more than the .04 cents voters approved. As mentioned earlier, the City's debt policy limit is now 35%. The projected growth in the assessed value and fund balance of the G.O. Debt Service Fund indicates that the City has more than enough capacity to issue the debt related to the 2016 Bond Program. Additionally, the City has authorized but unissued amount of $2 million from the 2007 election. There is not ' a current time table as to when this debt will be issued. As mentioned above, the City has the capacity to issue the bonds that have been authorized. It is projected that the percentage of the tax rate dedicated to debt service over the next few years will be between 19% and 23%. Additionally, the debt service long range plan reflects a fund balance that meets the fund balance reserve requirement of 5% to 10% of the annual debt service. I The City has been proactive in building its water and sewer infrastructure. Since completion of the Hillside Water Tower replacement project and the Custer Road pump station and storage project, the City has had adequate storage tanks and water towers in place. The water and sewer projects are primarily cash funded. The system improvements that have been made will essentially provide for future growth as the City reaches build out in population and commercial development. Water and sewer line replacements in the older part of the City, specifically Hillside and Windridge may need to be replaced through cash financing or other sources. At this time, there is adequate additional debt capacity in the Water and Sewer area because the debt coverage ratio is projected to range from 4.31 to 9.96 as mentioned above. City of Allen 273 FY2017 Budget j Actual Revised Proposed Estimated Estimated Estimated 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 BEGINNING BALANCE 889,702 1,293159 1,285,183 1,197,482 1,335,444 1,341 REVENUES: Ad vabrene W. 12,9]8.3]5 12,594,389 13.888,910 13.554 872 13,565,272 12476 461 Delinquent roll tions 9.048 61,887 64,887 67,324 69 ISIS 71,230 PewMBlmemo 47.507 45,421 451421 4],12] U09 49,861 Indictment eamngs 39,926 43,800 431803 43,800 43.800 43.800 Rollback Taxes 120,258 - - - - - Refunding BmMProceeds 24,815,000 7,05.70 - - - - NeLPremmm 3.239.156 - - - - Transfer from an,, Ed. 643.257 250,000 - - - - TIF Former, Tax offset 142.592 162,157 19],4]4 205,572 215.851 228,843 TOTAL REVENUES 41,748,014 20,742,093 13,445,544 13,507,551 13,510,766 12,414,710 EXPENDITURES: Commits., 8 refuMitg exp 9,750 101500 10.500 10.500 10550 Bond Principal 9,275,000 9,0951000 9,760,000 910151000 0.570000 7,010,000 Bond Interest 3,624,319 3,640,232 3,372,833 2,997,638 2,647,347 2,27,565 CO Principal 40.030 40,030 45,090 45,003 50,080 55.000 OO lmerem 20,270 26.230 24,150 21,810 19,4M 16.820 Tax None Principal - - B65,o00 620,000 635,000 - Tax Note lmereu - - 35,702 25,10 12,700 - ' 2017 Issue 634,521 637,175 636,271 ' 2018 Issue 915,723 913,894 ' "191.. - - - - 772,90] Refordiant,dereaVottorewpostagent 28,376,088 7,930,950 TOTAL EXPENOITURE6 41.344,456 20,]50,1]0 13,933,265 13,369,569 11497,915 12,512,857 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,293,259 1,285,183 1,197.462 1,335,444 1,348,345 1.250,067 Revenues Overl(Under) Expenditures 403,557 (8,077) (87,721) 17.982 12.871 (98,248) Reserve argument (10%amt US) 1,296]59 1,280,146 1,392,9] 1,335,97 1,30.741 1,250,245 End F/B mems reserve req No Yea No No No No Amt over( under) regmrere" (0705]) 13,113 (107,094) (03) (428) (178) Feel regmrement IRA arm OIS). 60,379 67.73 898,138 Bell 6]4,3]1 75.123 End I'M mems rea.,. on, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yee Yee A" ovm(undm)requiremem 241,323 653,186 589.044 All 673,944 624,945 Debt portion of tax We: 0.141639 0.123727 0.12379 0.116107 0.11179 O.ON87 Debt%of tax rate: 26.23% 21asl 2179% 2233% 21.49% 1900%. BUD portion 0f tax rate: 0 398361 0406273 0.3M273 0 403893 0,408273 0421193 Total sac rme: 0.54000 0.53000 0.52000 0152000 0.52000 0.52000 Valuation 9,162.3411 10,179,176,133 11.225,448,262 11,6]4,466,192 12,141,444,840 12,69,102,634 % growth in Valuation 9.43% 11.10%. 10.28% 400% 400% 000% New Debt Noted 7,865.000 - 9,567,930 13,497,737 11,104,697 19,745,560 estimated amounts for Issues aulMriaed by the 2016 Bond Ekcuon City 0 Allen 274 FV2017 Budget City Allen rt_ General Fundd Long -Term Plan 2016-2017 Annual Budget II YEAR YEAR YEAR BEGINNING BALANCE 19,094,813 20,3n,129 21,466,504 20,543,059 19,217,768 20,039,623 REVENUES: 11,674,466 12,141,445 12,622,103 Operations & Maintenance . 0.54 0.53 0.396273 0.403893 0408273 Ad valorem taxes Debt Service. 36,623,546 41,136,040 0.123727 44,137,050 0.111727 46,829,410 49,217,710 52,785,994 Salestax 05200001 17,704,665 18,549,549 0.52000L 19,130,032 19,703,933 20,295,051 20,903,902 Franchise fees 7,412,447 7,280,945 7,221,523 7,430,169 7,661,314 7,891,153 Ucal and permits 2,993,829 2,589,100 2,698,645 2,754618 2,807,670 2,863,824 Charges for services 2% 11,454,623 12,308,260 12,200,861 1;208,861 12,208,861 12,208,861 Flues 2% 1,805,230 1,686,182 1,774,749 1,810,244 1,&16,449 1,883,378 Miscellaneous 2% 498,262 507,537 507,919 507,919 507,919 507,919 Imerest earnings 2% 202,924 194,400 194,400 194,400 194,400 194,400 Contributions 2% 636,139 600,838 638,552 644,938 651,387 657,901 Reimbursements 2% 1,196,959 1,405,132 1,339,551 1,352,97 1,366,476 1,380,141 Intergovernmental 11,826 111,826 111,826 112,944 114,n74 115,214 Transfen.n 2% 5,353,099 4,556,699 4,586,821 4,632,689 4,679,016 4,725,806 TOTAL REVEN UES $ 85,893,550 $ 90,926,516 $ 94,549,929 $ 98,189,071 $ 101,550,326 $ 106,118,493 EXPENDITURES: Salary 4% 36,781,529 40,760,270 43,554,739 45,296,929 7,108,806 48,993,158 Benefits 14,202,620 15,264,802 16,270,085 16,92,888 17,597,724 18,301,633 Operations 2% 11,105,117 13,469,291 14,657,682 14,950,836 15,249,852 15,554,849 Wi at Allen Incentive 3% 4,115,534 4,281,893 4,350794 4,524,826 4,660,571 4,753,782 Ca6elas 1,00,000 - - - - - Pte 1,726 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Intelligent Epitaxy - - 250,000 - - - 'Na(PIlCurvenumn Cents, Incentive - - - 2,980,000 - - Supplles 2% 1,867,770 2,433,283 2,077,4" 2,119,013 2,161,394 2,204,621 Maintenance 2% 2,651,938 2,530,360 2,685,913 2,739,631 2,794,424 2,850,312 professional Services 2% 6,351,983 0,516,40 8,827,265 9,003,810 9,183,887 9,367,5" Capital 2% 491,370 177,400 447,662 447,662 447,662 M7,662 "operating Transfers Out 2% 1,052,116 2,345,402 2,341,770 1,500,767 1,514,153 1,527,062 Cash Finance of OF P/a/eds 3,400,000 - - - - - Revenues Over/IUndeG Expenditures 1,234,316 1,137,375 (923,445) 11,325,291) 821,855 2,032,049 ll6lfkAIFT731I1TFIF1lSAlRf3'I.11 1�iil Tax, rata variables: Taxable values thousands 9,162,341 30,179,176 1 11,225,448 11,674,466 12,141,445 12,622,103 Operations & Maintenance . 0.54 0.53 0.396273 0.403893 0408273 0.421193 Debt Service. 0141639 0.123727 0.123727 0.116107 0.111727 00981 Total. 0.681639 0.653227 05200001 0.520000 0.520000 0.52000L 'Notel/Convention Center Incentive paid from Assigned Fund Balance; $2 million assigned in FY2016. "Transfers Out in 2016-2017 include moving $873,445 of Restricted Beginning Fund Balance to a newty created Special Revenue Fund Cd, of Also 275 FY2017 Budget I II FY2017 Budget :a g • 8 k $ m m e Pa m � G' B €: Y m • C c e y r e r S $ -• u E m' � 8 m � -r s� 3 C m • gu 5 ' S FY2017 Budget • 8 k $ m m e m . G' B €: Y m • e y r e r S $ -• u E m' � m � -r s� C C m • gu e m v xE m >o _ �u am e$�oP City of Allen 276 FY2017 Budget • 8 $ m m e >n r S $ -• u E m' � gu FY2017 Budget ORDINANCE NO. 3422-9-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2016, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017; PROVIDING THAT EXPENDITURES FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID BUDGET; APPROPRIATING AND SETTING ASIDE THE NECESSARY FUNDS OUT OF THE GENERAL AND OTHER REVENUES FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY; APPROPRIATING THE VARIOUS AMOUNTS REQUIRED FOR SUCH BUDGET; PROVIDING FOR RECORDING OF THE ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, has submitted to the City Council a proposed budget of the revenues and expenditures of conducting the affairs ofthe City and providinga complete financial plan for 2016-2017; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has received the City Manager's proposed budget and a copy of the proposed budget and all supporting schedules have been filed with the City Secretary of the City of Allen, Collin County, ' Texas; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted the necessary public hearings as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The proposed budget of the revenue and expenditures necessary for conducting the affairs of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, said budget being in the amount of $210,795,344, providing a complete financial plan for the ensuing fiscal year beginning October 1, 2016, and ending September 30, 2017, as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager, be, and the same is hereby, in all things adopted and appmved as the budget of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas for the fiscal year beginning October I, 2016, and ending September 30, 2017. SECTION 2. The sum of $210,795,344 is hereby appropriated for the payment of die expenditures established in the approved budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2016, and ending September 30, 2017, a copy of which has been filed with the City Secretary, and is made a pan hereof for all purposes. SECTION 3. The expenditures during the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2015, and ending September 30, 2016, shall be made in accordance with the budget approved by this ordinance unless otherwise authorized by a duly enacted ordinance of the City of Allen, Texas. SECTION 4. All budget amendments and transfers of appropriations budgeted from one account or activity to another within any individual activity for the fiscal year 2015-2016 are hereby ratified, and the budget Ordinance for fiscal year 2015-2016, heretofore enacted by the City Council, be and the same is hereby, amended to the extent of such transfers and amendments for all purposes. City of Allen 277 FY2017 Budget SECTION 5. Specific authority is given to the City Manager to made the following adjustments: I. Tmnsfer of appropriations budgeted from one account classification to another amount classification within the same department. 2. Transfer of appropriations from designated appropriation from one department or activity to another department or activity within the same fund. 3. Transfers from the Gencral Fund and all other Funds of unexpended appropriations in the amount not to exceed $3,700,000 for the fiscal year 2015-2016 are hereby ratified. SECTION 6. The City Council hereby approves the Capital Improvement Program for 2017-2021, as a plan describing and scheduling capital improvement projects for the City of Allen, and authorizes the City Manager to use die funding sources reflected in the plan. SECTION 7. All notices and public hearings required by law have been duly completed. The City Secretary is directed to provide a certified copy of the budget to the County Cleric of Collin County for recording after final passage hereof. SECTIONS. Should any word, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance, be adjudged or held to be void or unconstitutional, the same shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of said ordinance, as amended hereby, which shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 9. All ordinances of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed; provided, however that all other provisions of said ordinances not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. ' SECTION 10. This Onlinarm shall take effect immediately from and o0er its passage as the law and charier in such cues provide. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 13"' DAY OF SEPTEMBER 3016. APPROVED: Stephen rcrrcn, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Peter G. Smith, CI ' ATTORNEY Shel er B. Geo ,CITY SECRARY Ordinance Nu.3J21-9-16, Page 2 City of Allen 278 FY2017 Budget ORDINANCE NO. 3423-9-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, LEVYING THE AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE TAX YEAR 2016 (FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017) AT A RATE OF 50.52000 PER ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (5100) ASSESSED VALUATION ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ALLEN AS OF JANUARY 1, 2016, TO PROVIDE REVENUE FOR THE PAYMENT OF CURRENT EXPENSES; PROVIDING FOR AN INTEREST AND SINKING FUND FOR ALL OUTSTANDING DEBT OF THE CITY OF ALLEN; PROVIDING FOR DUE AND DELINQUENT DATES TOGETHER WITH PENALTIES AND INTEREST; PROVIDING A SEVERABH.ITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, following public notices duly posted and published in all things as required by law, public hearings were held on August 23, 2016, and September 6, 2016, by and before the City Council of the City of Allen, the subject of which was the proposed tax rate for the City of Allen for Fiscal Year 2016.2017, submitted by the City Manager in accordance with provisions of the City Charter and state statutes; and, WHEREAS, the City Council, upon full consideration of the matter, is of the opinion that the tax rate hereinafter set forth is proper and should be approved and adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. There is hereby levied and shall be assessed for the lax year 2016 on all taxable property, real, personal and mixed, situated within the corporate limits of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and not exempt by the Constitution of the State and valid State laws, a tax of $0.52000 on each $100 assessed valuation of taxable property apportioned and distributed as follows: (a) For the purpose of defraying the current expenditures of the municipal government of the City of Allen, a tax of $0.396273 on each and every $100 assessed value on all taxable property; and (b) For the purpose of creating a sinking fund to pay the interest and principal maturities of all outstanding debt of the City of Allen, not otherwise provided for, a tax of $0.123727 on each $100 assessed value of taxable property within the City of Allen, and shall be applied to the payment of interest and maturities of all such outstanding debt of the City. THIS TAX RATE WILL RAISE MORE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS THAN LAST YEAR'S TAX RATE. THE TAX RATE WILL EFFECTIVELY BE RAISED 5.31 PERCENT AND WILL RAISE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS ON A $100,000 HOME BY APPROXIMATELY -10.00. SECTION 2. All ad valorem taxes shall become due and payable on October I, 2016, and all ad valorem taxes for the year shall become delinquent if not paid prior to February 1, 2017. There shall be no discount for payment of taxes prior to February 1, 2017. A delinquent tax shall incur all penalty and interest authorized by ' law, to wit: City of Allen 279 FY2017 Budget (a) A penalty of six percent on the amount of the tax for the first calendar month it is delinquent, ' plus one percent for each additional month or portion of a month the lax remains unpaid prior to July 1 of the year in which it becomes delinquent. ` (h) Provided, however, a tax delinquent on July 1, 2017, incurs a total penalty of twelve percent of the amount of delinquent tax without regard to the number of months the lax has been delinquent. A delinquent lax shall also accrue interest at the rate afore percent for each month or portion of a month the tax remains unpaid. Taxes for the year 2016 and taxes for all future years that become delinquent on or after February 1 but not later than May 1, that remain delinquent on July 1 of the year in which they become delinquent, incur an additional penalty in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of taxes, penalty and interest due, pursuant to Texas Property Tax Code Section 6.30 and 33.07, as amended. Taxes assessed against tangible personal property for the year 2016 and for all future years that become delinquent on or after February I of a year incur an additional penally on the later of the dale the personal property taxes become subject to the delinquent tax attorney's contract, or 60 days after the date the taxes become delinquent, such penalty to be in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of taxes, penalty and interest due, pursuant to Texas Property Tax Code Section 33.11. Taxes for the year 2016 and taxes for all future years that remain delinquent on or after June I under Texas Property Tax Code Sections 26.07(f), 26.15(e), 31.03, 31.031, 31.032 or 31.04 incur an additional penalty in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of taxes, penalty and interest due, pursuant to Texas Property Tax Cate Section 6.30 and Section 33.08, as amended. SECTION 3. The City shall have available all the rights and remedies provided by law for the enforcement of the collection of taxes levied under this ordinance. SECTION 4. The tax roll as presented to the City Council, together with any supplements thereto, be and the same arc hereby approved. SECTIONS. Should any word, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance, be adjudged orheld to be void or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of said ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. All ordinances of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed; provided, however, that all other provisions of said ordinances not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 13 rll DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2016. APPROVED: Stephen Terrell, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Weller G. SndtK CITY ATTORNEY Shelley B. George, CITY SECRETARY Ordinance No. 23-9-16, Page 2 City of Allen 280 FY2017 Budget RESOLUTION NO. 3032-9-11(R) ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE DEBT MANAGEMENT AND FUND BALANCE RESERVE POLICY FOR THE CITY TO REFLECT NEW ACCOUNTING REQUIREMENTS AND CHANGE THE MAXDMIUM ALLOCATION OF TAX RATE FOR DEBT SERVICE; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City government has recognized the need to carefully account for public funds, to manage municipal finances wisely and to plan the adequate funding of services and improvements; and, WHEREAS, the City of Allen has adopted a debt management and fund balance reserve policy to provide the structure of continuing fiscal stability, reduce financial risk and maintain adequate contingency assets for present and future requirements; and, WHEREAS, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board has issued Statement No. 54 to establish accounting and financial standards for all governments that report governmental funds and to establish criteria for classifying fund balances into specifically defined classifications and clarifies definitions for governmental fund types; and, WHEREAS, implementation of Statement No. 54 requires the City to amend its debt management and fund balance reserve policy; and, ' WHEREAS, to further reduce financial risk and maintain continuing fiscal stability the City will adopt and establish a working capital policy for enterprise funds which do not report "fund balances," and will accordingly amend the time of the policy; and, WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the City to change the maximum percentage of tax rete allocated for debt service; and, WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend its "Debt Management and Fund Balance Reserve Policy", through the adoption of the amended "Fund Balance, Working Capital Reserve and Debt Management Policy," attached hereto as Exhibit "A." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The "Debt Management and Fund Balance Reserve Policy" is hereby amended by the adoption of the amended "Fund Balance, Working Capital Reserve and Debt Management Policy;' as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. All provisions of any resolution of the City of Allen, Texas, in conflict with the provisions of this Resolution be, and the same is hereby, repealed, and all other provisions not in conflict with the provisions of this Resolution shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately from and after its passage City of Allen 281 FY2017 Budget DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN ' COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 27rn DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2011. APPROVED: Stephen errell, MAYOR ATTEST: Shelley B. Geo , CITY SEcRETA11Y Resolution No. 3032-9-11(R), Page 2 City of Allen 282 FY2017 Budget U 1 IW4.1111111r\ CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS FUND BALANCE, WORKING CAPITAL RESERVE AND DEBT MANAGEMENT POLICY revised September 27, 2011 City of Allen 283 FY2017 Budget PURPOSE ' The purpose of this document is to establish key elements for the financial stability of the City by setting guidelines for fund balance, working capital reserves and debt management. Adherence to a debt management policy signals to rating agencies and capital markets that a government is well managed and should meet its obligations in a timely manner. Debt levels and their related annual costs are important long- term obligations that must be managed within available resources. It is essential that the City maintain adequate reserves to mitigate financial risk that can occur from unforeseen revenue fluctuations and unanticipated expenditures. To allow for flexibility and guidance, this policy establishes ranges of reserves to make it possible for the City to provide continuous operational services to the public and to issue future debt. Nothing in this policy shall restrict the reserves from exceeding the stated ranges or goals. To ensure stable tax rates, it is essential that the City maintain adequate levels of unrestricted reserves to mitigate current or filum risks from revenue shortfalls, economic downturns, unanticipated expenditures and impacts from weather. Furthermore, anticipated cash financing of projects may result in the fund balunces and/or working capital reserves to exceed the ranges while funds are accumulated. DEFINITIONS Enterprise Fonds — are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises where the intent is that the costs of providing goods and services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges (i.e. Water and Sewer, Solid Waste). ' Fund Equity — A fund's equity is generally the difference between its assets and its liabilities. Fund Balance — An accounting distinction is made between the portions of fund equity that are spendable and nonspendable. In accordance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 54, Fuad Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions, the City classifies governments fund balance into five categories: (1) Nonspendable fund balance — includes amounts that are not in a spendable form or are required to be maintained intact. Examples are inventory or permanent funds. (2) Restricted fund balance — includes amounts that can be used only for the specific purposes stipulated by external resource providers either constitutionally or through enabling legislation. Examples include federal gouts and general obligation bonds. (3) Committed fund balance — includes amounts that can be used only for the specific purposes determined by a formal action of the government's highest level of decision-making authority. Commitments may be changed or lifted only by the government taking the same formal action that imposed the constraint originally. (4) Assigned fund balance — comprises amounts intended to be used by the government for specific purposes. Intent can be expressed by the governing body or by an official or body to which the governing body delegates the authority. In governmental funds other than the general fund, assigned fund balance represents the amount that is not restricted or committed. This indicates that resources in other governmental funds are, at a minimum, intended to be used for the purpose of that fund. (5) Unassigned fund balance — is the residual classification of the General Fund and includes all amounts not contained in other classifications. Unassigned amounts are technically available for any purpose. City of Allen 284 FY2017 Budget Governmental Funds — are typically used to account for tax -supported activities (i.e. General Fund, Debt ' Service Fund). Working Capital Reserve — is the excess of current assets over current liabilities. It is the amount of liquid capital needed in the enterprise funds to maintain the flow of capital from cash to inventories to receivables then back again to cash. A. FUND BALANCE POLICY 1) Committed Fund Balance: a) The City Council is the City's highest level of decision-making authority and the formal action that is required to be taken to establish, modify, or rescind a fund balance commitment is a resolution approved by the Council at the City's Council meeting. b) The resolution must either be approved or rescinded, as applicable, prior to the last day of the fiscal year for which the commitment is made. The amount subject to the constraint may be determined in the subsequent period. 2) Assigned Fund Balance a) The City Council authorizes the City Manager and/or Finance Director as the official authorized to assign fund balance to a specific purpose as approved by this fund balance policy. 3) Minimum Fund Balance a) General Fund i) It is the goal of the City to achieve and maintain an unassigned General Fund balance that is within a range of 60 to 90 days of annual expenditures. ii) If unassigned General Fund balance falls below the goal or has a deficiency, the City will establish a timeframe and work plan to replenish the fund balance. The work plan may include tax increases, fee increases, reduction of services, and/or reduction of expenditures (i.e. hiving freeze, salary freeze, or reduction of tmvel/training). b) Debt Service Fund i) On an annual basis, the Debt Service Restricted Fund balance shall be maintained in an amount that is within a range of 5% to 10% of the required annual principal and interest payments. ii) For purposes of long term financial stability, a reserve in excess of 10% may be prudent in order to reduce volatility of the tax rates between the General and Debt Service Funds. iii) The fund shall remain in complete compliance with bond issue covenants. 4) Order of Expenditure of Funds a) When multiple category of fund balance are available for expenditure (for example, a construction project is being funded partly by a state grant, bonded debt, funds set aside by the ' City Council, and unassigned fund balance), the City will start with the most restricted category and spend those funds first before moving down to the next category with available funds. City of Allen 285 FY2017 Budget 5) Minimum Enterprise Fond Working Capital Reserves ' a) If applicable, all funds shall remain in complete compliance with bond issue covenants. B. b) Working capital reserve shall be maintained in an amount that is within a range of 90 to 120 days of annual expenditures in order to provide for potential unanticipated needs or the impact of weather. c) If unassigned working capital falls below the goal or has a deficiency, the utility rate plan study will be utilized to determine the appropriate course of action when determining rates and establishing a timeframe to replenish working capital reserves. The City's Charter (Article V, Section 5.1) states that the City of Allen has the power to borrow money against the credit of the City for any public purpose that is not prohibited by the constitution and laws of the State of Texas. Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution, applicable to cities of more than 5,000 population states that the maximum tax rate shall not exceed $2.50 per $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property. This policy improves the quality of decisions, provides justification for the structure of debt issuance, identifies policy goals, and demonstrates a commitment to long-term financial planning, including a multi-year capital plan. 1) Capital Improvement Program a) A capital improvement program shall be prepared, submitted to, and approved by the Council ' annually pursuant to the City Charter, Article N. b) The capital improvement program shall consist of at least a 5 -year priority listing of long term capital projects, accompanied by a financing plan which reflects potential financing options for all projects in the plan, and is supported by the appropriate sources of revenue. The financing plan shall be in accordance with the debt management policies contained herein. c) It is the intent of these policies that authorized projects and associated financings be included as part of an adopted capital improvement program. 2) Debt Issuance Guidelines a) Debt issuance will be utilized by the City only in those cases where public policy, equity and efficient use of limited resources favor debt over other funding methods. Decision criteria considered shall include the following: i) Debt shall be self-supporting whenever possible. Self-supporting debt in this context will either be revenue bonds secured by a specific revenue pledge (i.e., water and sewer revenues) or general obligation debt including certificates of obligation where the debt service will be paid from user fees or other specific revenues even though legally there is an ad valorem tax pledge. ii) Debt shall be primarily used to finance capital projects with a relatively long life expectancy, i.e., generally ten (10) years or greater unless technology related. ' iii) Short term debt may be issued as authorized by the City Council when circumstances or opportunities are present and such issuance will not adversely affect the operating funds, the ability to make debt payments, or jeopardize the financial integrity of the City or the component units. City of Allen 286 FY2017 Budget iv) Debt shall be issued or structured in such a way so that the term of the financing does not ' exceed the useful life of the asset. v) The method of the debt sale shall be determined based upon the current market conditions. vi) Debt refunding opportunities shall be monitored for potential savings or modifications to certain covenants. vii) The City will conduct its debt management functions in a manner designed to maintain or enhance its existing credit ratings. viii) Credit ratings shall be requested for long term debt except when long term debt is issued as a private placement Bond insurance for long term debt shall be reviewed for its financial feasibility. Is) Investment of bond proceeds shall be in compliance with the City's investment policy. x) The City shall have a program to comply with arbitrage rebate monitoring and filing. A) The City shall follow all mandated bond disclosure requirements. xii) The City shall follow all bond covenants. 3) Debt Issuance purposes and Revenue Sources a) General capital improvements shall be financed in accordance with the capital improvements ' program or as authorized by Article V of the City Charter, by City Council or the City Manager. Funds shall be available for the financing of general improvements in accordance with the following: i) Current property tax revenues and future property tax revenues generated by increases in valuation shall have priority allocation to the repayment of existing and future general obligation tax supported debt. Remaining property tax revenues, together with sales tax and other general fund revenues shall be used to fund the City's operating budget. ii) To the extent funds described above are in excess of that requited by the City's general fund operating budget, all or a portion of the excess amount shall be used for payers -you -go financing of general capital improvements or assets. iii) It shall be a goal, but not a requirement, of the City to finance a portion of the city -at -large capital improvement budget with pay-as-you-go financing with current resources remaining from yearend savings. iv) Debt service payments on general obligation bonds, not abated by other revenues, shall be paid from the debt service property tax levy. v) Outstanding bonds will be retired according to the debt repayment schedules. vi) Refunding of debt is desired when the net present value savings will exceed 3% of the existing debt service or when the net dollar savings will exceed $150,000. Negative ' arbitrage and opportunity costs will be considered for advance refundings. Bond refundings may also be considered in order to modify prior bond covenants or accomplish other specific objectives. A negative net present value savings may be incurred in these cases. City of Allen 287 FY2017 Budget ' vii) Long term debt will not be issued by the City to finance projects for other governmental entities that have the authority to issue tax-free or taxable bonds on their own behalf for those purposes. If the other governmental entities and the City are partners in a project requiring debt issuance, then long term debt issuance by the City may be considered. viii) Assumptions for taxable assessed valuation increases and revenue growth shall be conservative andjustifiable. b) Debt issued for water, sewer and other purposes for which operating and capital needs are supported by user fees, shall first be considered for issuance in the form of revenue bonds, certificates of obligation, or other debt instruments secured by the appropriate user fees. User fees shall be adequate to support operating requirements and revenue bond covenants for each purpose. Certificates of Obligation secured by operating revenues may also need to be secured with property taxes. 4) Debt Issuance Limits and Repayment Schedules a) The City shall use the following limits to guide issuance of debt: i) The City should not allocate more than thirty five percent (35%) of its tax rate towards debt. ii) It is the goal of the City that the outstanding debt consisting of general obligation bonds, certificates of obligations, and capital leases that are supported by property taxes should not exceed a direct debt burden ratio (tax debt to taxable assessed value) of two percent (2.0%). ' iii) It is a goal of the City that property tax supported debt service, consisting of certificates of obligation and general obligation debt payments should not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of expenditures for the general fund and debt service combined. iv) If the City debt status is not at the levels stipulated by these policies at the time of their adoption, a transition period in years will be set for each policy individually. b) Repayment schedules shall be designed to relate to the useful life of the asset and generally be in accordance with the following: i) Twenty (20) years for most general obligation public improvement debt Debt will generally be structured with even payments over the life of the issue although principal reductions in early years may be used to accomplish specific tax rate objectives. ii) Ten (10) years or less for debt related to assets that have a life expectancy of 10 years or less. Debt will generally be structured with even payments over the life of the issue or matched against associated projected revenues. iii) Twenty years or more (20+) years for capital projects of citywide significance and where justified by the magnitude of the project and asset life. Debt will generally be structured with even payments over the life of the issue although principal reductions in early years may be used to accomplish specific tax rate objectives. iv) On an overall basis, the City's general obligation debt portfolio will generally be structured ' to retire at least fifty percent (50%) of the City's indebtedness within ten (10) years if the debt repayment is planned for twenty (20) years. City of Allen 288 FY2017 Budget v) On an overall basis, the City's water and sewer revenue debt will generally be structured to retire at least forty-five percent to fifty percent (45%50%) of the system's indebtedness . within ten (10) years if the debt repayment is planned for twenty (20) years. I vi) If debt is issued that exceeds twenty (20) years, then it shall be a goal to structure the debt repayment with level debt service payments or, in the case of revenue bonds, with an amortization schedule that allows for the fastest debt repayment schedule while maintaining appropriate debt service coverage mhos. 5) Management a) It shall be the responsibility of the City Manager and his staff to maintain all necessary files associated with the issuance of City debt. b) The City Manager shall submit to the City Council a debt service fiscal impact statement as part of the annual budget process involving the planned issuance of debt in the capital improvements program. The fiscal impact statement shall contain, at a minimum, an estimate of the debt service levy to be required at the time of long term debt issuance and a calculation showing the impact of this additional levy on the existing debt service levy at that time. The fiscal impact statement shall provide information on any projected user fee rate increases in the case of revenue bond or self-supporting debt financing. City of Allen 289 FY2017 Budget U WHERE IS ALLEN, _ TEXAS? CITY OF ALLEN City of Allen is located approximately 25 miles north of Dallas, Texas. City of Allen 290 FY201 ] Budget I 1 F CITY OF ALLEN MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL INFORMATION 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR Form of Government The City of Allen utilizes a council-manager form of government. The council-manager system combines the strong political leadership of elected officials in the form of a council or other governing body, with the strong managerial experience of an appointed local government manager. The form establishes a representative system where all power is concentrated in the elected council and where the council hires a professionally trained manager to oversee the delivery of public services. Per the Home Rule Charter for the city, the Allen City Council shall consist of the mayor and six council members elected by numbered places and are elected at -large by the registered voters of Allen to serve three-year, staggered terms of office. Each member of the Allen City Council serves citywide. The mayor and city council members are as follows: Stephen Terrell Mayor Term: 2014-2017 Years of Service: 20 Kurt Kizer Councilmember, Place 1 Term: 2015-2018 Years of Service: 5 Ross Obermeyer Councilmember, Place 2 Term: 2014-2017 Years of Service: 15 Joey Herald Councilmember, Place 3 Term: 2015-2018 Years of Service: 9 Robin L. Sedlacek Councilmember, Place 4 Tenn: 2016-2019 Years of Service: 10 Gary L. Caplinger Mayor Pro Tem Councilmember, Place 5 Term: 2015-2018 Years of Service: 11 Baine Brooks Councilmember, Place 6 Term: 2016-2019 Years of Service: 5 Councilmembers Sedlacek and Brooks were re-elected for another tens in the May 2016 election. The average experience for Allen's City Council is just under 11 years per councilmember. The City Manager is another critical piece of the management and delivery of city services to the city's residents. The City Manager, appointed by the City Council, is the City's Chief Administrative Officer. The primary responsibilities of the City Managers Office include providing for the effective implementation of the City Council's policies and priorities, coordinating the activities of all city departments and ensuring responsible organizational and fiscal management. Appointed by the City Council in January 1999, Mr. Peter H. Vargas is the City's Chief Administrative Officer. With more than 30 years of municipal experience, Mr. Vargas is responsible for the daily activities and services of the city, as well as implementing policies set by the City Council. Geography Land Area - 27.11 square miles Population as of 7/1/2015 - 98,143 Allen is home to one of the only remaining stone dams in the United States. The remaining site includes the stone dam, a foundation for a pump house and a foundation for a water tower which is designated by the Texas Historical Commission as a State Archaeological Landmark. City of Allen 291 FY2017 Budget II Ul CITY OF ALLEN MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL INFORMATION 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR Community Profile The City of Allen incorporated in 1953 and has experienced many growth spurts over the last 60 years bringing the population from as low as 400 to its current inhabitants of just over 98,000. Decade Population Percent Increase 1970-1979 1,940 194.4% 1980-1989 8,314 328.6% 1990-1999 18,309 120.2% 2000-2009 43,554 137.9% 2010-2014 84,246 93.4% Est. 2015 98,143 16.5% Now that the growth is starting to slow down and the demand for city services is at its all-time high, the focus is to maintain a high level of service for all residents. 20,000 16,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 7,401 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Est. 2015 Population - Age Breakdown 19,609 16,281 ¢¢te ¢0 ¢¢te ¢¢te ¢0 ¢¢te ¢¢te ¢¢te ¢¢te ¢¢te eats ¢¢te ¢J¢t h, yC p4 p�-1 sd p-1 i ¢d 9.1 aJ bi i a a o 0 0 0 0 �` e¢c Jc0 y Da ya �a t) 1 11 ya a ha ya ¢t ti 1 ti ti 9 P h b° 0 � yJ¢ b The City of Allen remains a city of young, highly educated professionals that demand the highest quality from their municipal services. Citizens are actively engaged in the community as members of service organizations, home owners associations, religious groups, civic clubs, parent -teacher associations, etc. The direction from City Council has been to make Allen a "cradle to grave" community that provides all avenues of entertainment, education, shopping, healthcare services, and transportation offerings to allow residents to do everything they need within the city limits. City of Allen 292 FY2017 Budget II I1 I CITY OF ALLEN MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL INFORMATION 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR DART On -Demand service is available for those residents with disabilities and elderly residents Additionally, Allen is known for having a great portion of city resources dedicated to its parks and recreation services. Neady 800 acres of developed park land and nearly 50 miles of hiking and nature trails are located throughout the city and incorporated into almost every community subdivision within the city limits. Demooranhics and Economics With the majority of property tax dollars coming from residential properties, City Staff and Council must be keenly aware of the impact that rises and falls in the valuations of homes have on the ability to operate as a city. Due to increases in the valuation of homes in recent years, City Council has chosen to consistently lower its tax rate at a level which will still allow for a high-level service offering, while not putting an increasing burden on its citizenry. Property Tax Breakdown . Residential ■ Commercial . Personal Property ■ Exempt City of Allen 293 FY2017 Budget — 0.553 CITY OF ALLEN MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL INFORMATION 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR History of Tax Rate 0.552 0.55 0.52 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 ■ Total Ta Rate FY2017 Proposed Tax Rate 0.9 0.8 0.7 ' 0. 0.55 • • 0.4 • • • 0.3 • • 0.2 _ 0.1 • • • 0 cea Qosl O �a� tae°- `ata �o� Oca O,E•c cP f' et` P Q• �a Q- �e Qac City of Allen 294 FY2017 Budget I L CITY OF ALLEN PRINCIPAL TAXPAYERS January 1, 2016 Taxpayer Type of Business 2016 Taxable Value Percentage of Total Assessed Valuation The Village at Allen LP Mixed use $ 147,302,454 1.31% AT&T Mobility LLC Telephone services Allen Independent School District 123,113,770 1.10% Watters Creek Owner LLC Mixed use Technology/Mobile 117,750,824 1.05% Chelsea Allen Development LP Retail 865 89,327,906 0.80% AT&T Services Inc Telephone services 2.37% 83,591,374 0.74% Cisco Systems Inc Data Center Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital 81,174,520 0.72% Creekside Acquisition LP Apartment Complex Information Processing 60,819,953 0.54% Benton Pointe Apartments Inc Apartment Complex 400 44,795,236 0.40% BH Settler's Gate Apartments LP Apartment Complex 0.95% 44,001,257 0.39% Oncor Electric Delivery Company Electric Company 37,616,080 0.34% Total $ 829,493,374 7.39% Total Assessed Valuation $ 11,225,448,262 CITY OF ALLEN MAJOR EMPLOYERS September 30, 2016 City of Allen 295 FY2017 Budget rememage or Approximate Number Total Allen Company Product or Service of Employees Employment Allen Independent School District Education 2,391 6.67% CVE Technology Group, Inc. Technology/Mobile 900 2.51% Experian National Data Center/Credit Bureau 865 2.41% Frontier Communications Telecommunications 850 2.37% City of Allen Municipal Government 775 2.16% Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Hospital/Medical Offices 700 1.95% Jack Henry & Associates Information Processing 600 1.67% Andrew Distributing Retail Beverage Distributor 400 1.12% PFSweb Information Technology/E-Commerce 340 0.95% MonkeySports Sports Equipment Retailer 203 0.57% City of Allen 295 FY2017 Budget I Glossary Accrual Method of accounting that recognizes the financial effect of transactions, events, and inter fund activities when they occur, regardless of the timing of related cash flows. Activity Aspeciied and distinguishable line of work performed by a division. ADA Americans with Disabilities Act Ad Valorem A tax computed from the assessed valuation of land and improvements. Also Allen Independent School District Appropriation An authorization made by the legislative body of a government which permits officials to incur obligations against and to make expenditures of governmental resources. Specific appropriations are usually made at the fund level and are granted for a one year period. Appropriation The official enactment by the legislative body establishing the legal authority for Ordinance officials to obligate and expend resources. Arbitrage The ability to obtain tax-exempt bond proceeds and invest the funds In higher yielding taxable securities resulting in a profit. Arbitrage restriction requirements describe the circumstances in which investment in materially higher yielding securities is allowed without compromising the tax-exempt status of the bond issue. The rebate requirements identify what must be done with profits earned from those securities under the arbitrage restriction requirement. Assessed Valuation A value that is established for real or personal property for use as a basis for levying property taxes. (Note: Property values are established bythe Central Appraisal District ) Assets Resources owned or held by the City which have monetaryvalue. Balanced Budget A budget adopted by the legislative body and authority by ordinance where the proposed expenditures are equal to or less than the proposed resources. Bonds A written promise to pay a sum of money on a specific date at a speafied interest rate The interest payments and the repayment of the principal are detailed In a bond ordinance. The most common types of bonds are general obligation and revenue bonds. Budget A plan of financial operation embodying an estimate of proposed means of financing it. The "operating budget" is the financial plan adopted for a single fiscal year. The "proposed budget" designates the financial plan initially developed by departments and presented by the City Manager to the Council for approval. The "adopted budget" is the plan as modified and finally approved by that body. The approved budget is authorized by ordinance and thus specifies the legal spending limits for the fiscal year. Budget Adjustment A legal procedure utilized by the City Staff and City Council to revise a budget appropriation. Budget Document The compilation of the spending plans for the various funds, along with supporting schedules, tables and charts which, in total, comprises the annual revenue and expenditure plan. Budget Control The control or management of the organization in accordance with an approved budget for the purpose of keeping expenditures within the limitations of available appropriations and revenues. CAFR Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Capital Outlay An expenditure which results in the acquisition of or addition to fixed assets, and meets these criteria: has an anticipated useful life of more than one year, can be permanently identified as an individual unit of property; belongs to one of the following categories: Land, Buildings, Structures & Improvements, Equipment; constitutes a tangible, permanent addition to the value of the City assets; cost generally exceeds at least $5,000; does not constitute repair or maintenance, and, is not readily susceptible to loss. City of Allen 296 FY2017 Budget Glossary Capital Reserve Funds that have been appropriated from operating revenues which are to be set aside for designated types of maintenance to the existing infrastructure CAN Cable Access Television CDBG Community Development Block Grant CIP Capital Improvement Program Contingency Fund A budgetary reserve set aside for emergencies or unforeseen expenditures not otherwise budgeted. Cost Center A section of the total organization having a specialized function or activity, and segregated cost and revenue data. COG Council of Governments Covenant A binding agreement, contract. Crime Index The Crime Index is composed of selected offenses used to gauge fluctuations in the overall volume and rate of crime reported to law enforcement. The offenses included are the violent crimes of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault, and the property crimes of burglary, larceny -theft, motorvehicle theft, and arson. Current Taxes Taxes that are levied and due within one year. CVB Convention and Visitors Bureau ' DARE Drug Abuse Resistance Education DART Dallas Area Rapid Transit Delinquent Taxes Taxes that remain unpaid on and after the date on which a penalty for non-payment is attached. Debt Service Fund A fund used to account for the monies set aside for the payment of interest and principal to holders of the Cit✓s general obligation and revenue bonds, the sale of which finances long-term capital improvements, such as facilities, streets and drainage, parks and water/wastewater systems. Depreciation (1) Expiration in the service life of capital assets attributable to wear and tear, deterioration, action of the physical elements, inadequacy or obsolescence. (2) That portion of the cost of a capital asset which is charged as an expense during a particular period. EMS Emergency Medical Service EMT Emergency Medical Technician EOC Emergency Operations Center Encumbrances Obligations in the form of purchase order, contracts or salary commitments which are chargeable to an appropriation and for which a part of the appropriation is reserved. When paid, the encumbrance is liquidated. Enterprise Fund A fund established to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises-- where the intent of the governing body is that the costs of ' providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges EPA Environmental Protection Agency City of Allen 297 FY2017 Budget I U U Glossary Expenditures The cost of goods received or services rendered whether cash payments have been made or encumbered. Fiscal Year A twelve-month period designated as the operating year for accounting and budgeting purposes in an organization. The City of Allen has specified October 1 to September 30 as its fiscal year. FLSA Fair Labor Standards Act Fund An accounting device established to control receipt and disburse income from sources set aside to support specific activities or attain certain objectives. Each fund is treated as a distinct fiscal entity with a self balancing set of accounts. Fund Balance The excess of a fund's current assets over its current liabilities; sometimes called working capital in enterprise funds A negative fund balance is often referred to as a deficit. Funding Provides budgetary resources to cover the total cost of a program or project at the time it is undertaken. GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles GASB Governmental Accounting Standards Board General Fund The fund used to account for all financial resources exceptthose required to be accounted for in another fund. The General Fund is tax supported. General Obligation Debt Monies owed on interest and principal to holders of the Citys general obligation bonds. The debt is supported by revenue provided from real property which is assessed through the taxation power of the local governmental unit Generally Accepted Detailed accounting standards and practices for state and local governments as Accounting Principles (GAAP) prescribed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) GIS Geographic Information System Governmental Funds Funds generally used to account for tax -supported activities. There are five different types of governmental funds: the general fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds, capital projects funds, and permanent funds. GO Debt General Obligation Debt HOA Home Owners Association ICMA International City and County Management Association - professional and educational association for government officials Infrastructure That portion of a city's assets located at or below ground level, including the water system, sewer system, and streets. Internal Service Fund A fund used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by one City department or cost center to other departments, on a cost -reimbursement basis. JARC Job Access and Reverse Commute Program LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Liabilities Debt or other legal obligations arising out of transactions in the past which must be liquidated, renewed, or refunded at some future date. This term does not include encumbrances. City of Allen 298 FY2017 Budget Glossary Modified Accrual The accrual basis of accounting adapted to the governmental fund type Basis spending measurement focus. Under it, revenues are recognized when they become both ' measurable" and "available to finance expenditures of the current period." Expenditures are recognized when the related fund liability is incurred except for (1) inventories of materials and supplies which may be considered expenditures either when purchased or when used; (2) prepaid insurance and similar items which need not be reported; (3) accumulated unpaid vacation, sick pay, and other employee benefit amounts which need not be recognized in the current period, but for which larger -than -normal accumulations must be disclosed In the notes to the financial statements; (4) interest earnings on special assessment levies; and (5) principal and interest on long-term debt which are generally recognized when due. Mission Statement General statement of purpose. NCTCOG North Central Texas Council of Governments NIMS National Incident Management System NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NTMWD North Texas Municipal Water District Note A certificate pledging payment, issued by a government or bank. Operating Budget Plans of current expenditures and the proposed means of financing them. The annual operating budget is the primary means by which most of the financing, acquisition, spending, and service delivery activities of the City are controlled. The use of annual operating budgets is required by State law. PEG Access Public Education Government access; Refers to a cable channel operated by a local government ' entity. P.C.O.R.I. Patient -Centered Outcomes Research Institute; non-profit organization established by P.P.A.C.A. P.P.A.C.A. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Performance Indicators Specific quantitative measures of work performed within an activity or program. They may also measure results obtained through an activity program. P.R.I.D.E. People First, Respect, Integrity, Deliver, Excel. The P.R.I.D.E. program recognizes and rewards employees who go the extra mile to provide professional, quality customer service, including all full-time and part-time personnel. Reimbursement Repayment to a specific fund for expenditures incurred or services performed by that fund to or for the benefit of another fund. Replacement Cost The cost of an asset which can render similar service abut which need not be of the same structural form) as the property to be replaced. RFP Request for Proposals RFI Request for Quotes Reserve An account used to indicate that a portion of fund resources is restricted for a specific purpose, or is not available for appropriation and subsequent spending Reserve Fund A backup fund for payment of matured bonds and interest should the Water & Sewer Debt Service Fund fall short of required amounts. Cdy of Allen 299 FY2017 Budget Glossary Revenues All amounts of money received by a government from external sources other than expense refunds, capital contributions, and residual equity transfers RMS Records Management System Rolling Stock Capital items such as motor vehicles, heavy equipment, and other apparatus ROW Right-of-way SAFER Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Service Area Major division within the total organization performing a function, which is composed of departments and is under the oversight of an Assistant City Manager who reports to the City Manager. Service areas include :Administration, Development, and General Government. SDE Spatial Data Engine SH State highway 551 Service Standard Index STEP State Traffic Enforcement Program Strategic Plan Document which lists or describes major goals of an organization along with the strategies that will be employed in attaining them. Subrogation Transferring of financial responsibility to the party who, in equity and good conscience, should Tax Rate pay R A percentage applied to all taxable property to raise general revenues. It is derived by dividing the total tax levy by the taxable net property valuation. Taxes Compulsory charges levied by a government for the purpose of financing services performed for the common benefit. Tax Increment Financing Tax Increment Financing; a tool to use future gains in property and sales taxes to (TIF) finance eligible public infrastructure such as streets, drainage, parking garages, parks, trails, and other Improvements as allowed by law, within a reinvestment zone Tax Increment Reinvestment See Tax Increment Financing; a term used interchangeably with TIF. Zone (TIRZ) TCEQ Texas Commission on Environmental Quality TMRS Texas Municipal Retirement System TNRCC Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission TOOT Texas Department of Transportation TPDES Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System W&S Water &Sewer 1 City of Allen 300 FY2017 Budget