HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1980 - 11/06 - RegularREGULAR SESSION ALLEN CITY COUNCIL November 6, 1980 Present: Mayor M.B. Pierson Councilmen: Rex Womack, Joe Farmer and Richard Cumbley. Absent: Jim McClure, Glenn Andrew and H.R. Daugherty. Plotion Farmer Second Chumbley to approve the minutes of the October 16 regular meeting with one amendment for clarification. The motion to accept the Library study was meant to read "to accept the study for use as a document to assist in library planning." Motion carried 4 for 0 against. Motion Chumbley Second Womack to approve the minutes of the October 20 Special Joint meeting. Motion carried 4 for 0 against. A Public Hearing was held on a request for variance in off street parking requirements on lots 1-2A-9, Block 17, Old Donation, which is the right-of- way along Boyd, Coats and Butler. Clyde Geer, representing the Grover Matthews asked some questions pertaining to the drainage around the project. Motion Chumbley Second Farmer to recommend approval contingent upon a study by the staff and Planning and Zoning for equitable parking requirements for that site. Motion carried 4 for 0 against. A Public Hearina was held on a request for site plan approval to construct mini warehouses on 2.658 acres in the M.See Survey, Tract 4D, Abstract #543, and presently zoned OC -PD. Rob Patterson appeared for Ronnie Crockett. Motion Farmer Second Womack to deny the request. After some discussion the motion and second was withdrawn and changed by Farmer to table this item until the next meeting in order for Mr. Crockett to appear and discuss his plans further with the council if he so chooses. This motion was again seconded by Womack. Motion carried 3 for 1 against. (Pierson) The Firearms Ordinance was read for the first time. Gary Crow on West Way spoke against the council adopting such an ordinance as he said the State was the only one who could regulate the use of firearms and the City could not pass an ordinance prohibitina their use. The staff is to seek legal advise on this matter before the next reading. Motion Farmer Second Chumbley to approve the painting of the water tanks and the reworking of the pump station piping at Hillside and to seek bids on same. Motion carried 4 for 0 against. This was one of the CIP projects in the 1979 bond program. *lotion Chumbley Second Womack to authorize the City Manager to secure easements for the water and sewer lines for the Service Center. Motion carried 4 for 0 against. The inflow and infiltration study, with some amendments will be on the agenda for the next meeting. Charles Wilmut of Gutierrez, Smouse, Wilmut and Associates will present an amended proposal. A change order was presented on the lighting at Hillside and Jupiter Road ball fields. Motion Farmer Second Womack not to light field #3 at Hillside: Motion carried 4 for 0 against. Motion Farmer Second Chumbley to authorize an expenditure in the amount of $22,837.00 less possible savings on an overhead line, from Park Dedication Funds, for work on Jupiter Rd. fields. Motion carried 4 for 0 against. I Four bids werereceived for Janitorial Services for the municipal building, library and police station. Harrison Janitorial - $523.00, State Wide Carpet - $850.03, Poston & Associates - $675.00 and Danny Garlodo - $600.00. Motion Womack Second Chumbley to follow staff recommendation to award contract to Poston & Associates for $675.00. Motion carried 4 for 0 against. Poston & Associates had been highly recommended from several references. Motion Farmer Second Womack to pay CIP bills from 1979 bond funds as follow Franklin Fence Co. 6,100.02 G.O. Bond Funds WHF Electrical Contractors, 19,215.00 " " " Cole Williams 20,794.84 Revenue " Ronald E. Fix 1,101.45 G.O. Bond Funds Ronald E. Fix 807.21 " " " Ronald E. Fix 3,261.13 Revenue " Fisher and Spillman Architects 2,740.53 G.O. " Fisher and Spillman Architects 1,790.97 G.O. " Motion carried 4 for 0 against. The Tax Assessor gave the tax report for October, reporting $102,766.97 collected during that period. The City Manager gave a short report on the Public Utility Regulatory Act of 1978 and will come back to the council at a later date to set up a calander for public hearings on this subject. A Public Hearing is to be held by the Collin County Commissioner's Court regarding the County Subdivision Ordinance and some of our staff will be attending that hearing. A report was given regarding the status of the land purchase for the Fire substation. 3 bids have been received for the purchase of two police cars; however, our Police Chief has learned that we can save approximately $500 per unit if we purchase jointly with the City of McKinney. A letter of agreement is to be sent to the City of McKinney. A change order has been authorized on the renovation of the Police Station in the amount of $838.00 and $200.00, for additional outlet, relocating a lavatory and for vinyl wall covering. Motion Farmer Second Womack to adjourn. Motion carried 4 for 0 against. These minutes read and approved this the 4 day of1980 M.B. Pierso , Mayor Juanelle Dalsing, City Sec.