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ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
WHEREAS, the City of Allen believes it is in the public's best interest to have a Police Department which
provides professional and uniformed service during Public Safety Emergencies; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Allen finds that establishing policies and procedures for the Allen Police Department
creates continuity and insures professionalism and training; and,
WHEREAS, a uniform policy applied equally throughout the Department creates confidence in the minds of
administrators and employees.
SECTION 1. The Police Department's General Orders attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein are
hereby approved and adopted.
SECTION 2. All provisions of the ordinances of the City of Allen, Texas, in conflict with the provisions of
this Ordinance, be, and the same are hereby, repealed, and all other provisions not in conflict with the
provisions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 3. If any article, paragraph, subdivision, clause or provision of this ordinance, as hereby
amended, be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional for any reason, such judgment or holding shall not
affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, as amended hereby, other than
the part so declared to be invalid or unconstitutional.
SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage as the law and charter in such
cases provide; and it is accordingly so ordained.
Stephl, MAYOR
4:a-2& g462LA
REVIEW DATE: 01-2006
issued 02-26-03
Chief of Police
CALEA STANDARDS: 26.1, 52.1-52.3
NOTE: This General Order is for internal use only and does not enhance an officer's civil or
criminal liability in any way. It should not be construed as the creation of a higher standard of
safety or care in an evidentiary sense, with respect to third party claims. Violations of this
General Order, if proven, can only form the basis of a complaint by this Department and only
in a non -judicial, administrative setting.
Appeals and Grievance
Behavioral Cause Investigations
Burden of Proof
Complaint (Defined)
Criminal Misconduct
Emergency Relief from Duty
Internal Affairs Division
Personnel Incident Fom
Internal Affairs
Internal Investigations
Lineups (Employee Photographs)
Lockers (Search Of)
Laboratory Examinations
Medical Examinations
Time Limits
This General Order establishes procedures for the filing, investigating, and dispositions of
internally and externally originated complaints against employees of the Allen Police
Department. These complaints include all alleged or suspected violations of the Code of
Conduct, Department General Orders, the City of Allen personnel Rules and Regulations, the
Charter or Ordinances of the City of Allen, or the laws of the State of Texas or the United
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General Order 300— Discipline/Complaints Against Police Personnel 301
The image of the department depends on the personal integrity and discipline of all
Departmental employees. To a large degree, the public image of this department is
determined by the professional response of the Department to allegations of misconduct
against it or its employees. The Department must competently and professionally investigate
all allegations of misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance by employees and complaints
bearing on the Department's response to community needs.
A. The Department encourages citizens to bring forward legitimate grievances regarding
misconduct by employees. Department members shall receive complaints
courteously and shall handle them efficiently. All officers are obligated to explain
the complaint procedures to inquiring citizens.
B. The Department recognizes that its personnel are often subject to intense pressures in
the discharge of their duties. The employee must remain neutral under circumstances
that are likely to generate tension, excitement, and emotion. In such situations,
actions, and events frequently result in misunderstanding and confusion. It is to the
advantage of all employees to have a procedure for the investigation of the more
serious allegations and underlying circumstances so that complaints can be resolved
in light of the complicated pressures of police work.
C. A copy of"How to Make a Complaint" will be posted in the public area of the Police
Department, provided to media representatives, and may be given to any citizen
requesting information on how to make a complaint against the Department or an
employee of the Department. A copy of"How to Make a Complaint" is found in the
appendix of this order.
A. Discipline - A method of training or developing any employee by proper supervision
and instruction. Discipline may be positive (awards) or negative (punishment).
B. Disciplinary Action - Punitive measures taken against an employee as the result of a
complaint(s) of one or more violations which have been sustained by administrative
investigation. These measures include written reprimand, suspension, demotion or
C. Discipline (Positive) - Positive discipline is oriented towards seeking voluntary
compliance with established policies, procedures, orders. Methods of positive
discipline include:
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Recognition of excellent job performance through rewards or awards
a. When positive feedback concerning an employee's performance is
received from people outside the Department, the person who
receives the information shall make a record of the comments which
will be passed to the employee and the employee's supervisor.
Normally, when the Chief receives positive comments about an
employee, he will write an acknowledgment thanking the citizen.
Copies of the citizen's statement and the Chief's response are sent to
the officer involved, the supervisor and, if a significant action, a copy
of all correspondence is placed in the employee's personnel file.
b. Truly exceptional acts should be clearly and promptly identified to the
Chief of Police. Such acts may be the basis for special awards or for
special recognition by citizen -community groups or media coverage.
2. Discussion and Counseling
D. Complaint Defined - Any allegation of conduct by an employee which is:
1. Unconstitutional;
2. Unlawful; or
3. In violation of Departmental policy or City of Allen personnel rules
E. Misconduct - shall be defined as any non-compliance with any rule or procedure in
this General Orders Manual, other Departmental or City orders, administrative
regulations or the City of Allen Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual that may
result in disciplinary action.
Non -Disciplinary Action - Oral or written counseling given to employee to bring
attention to noted job performance deficiencies or chronic regulation infractions in an
effort to induce voluntary compliance.
G. Personnel Incident Form (APD -28) - Form, used by the supervisor who initially
receives information, to report details of alleged employee misconduct or to report
favorable actions of an employee.
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H. Preliminary Investigation - To determine if the allegation is valid by a person(s) with
personal knowledge.
Level I Complaints
1. Crime - Complaint of involvement in criminal conduct, such as bribery,
theft, perjury, etc.
2. Excessive Force - Complaint that the use or threatened use of force against a
person was unreasonable or unjustified.
3. Arrest/Detention - Complaint that the restraint of a person's liberty was
improper or unjustified.
4. Entry - Complaint that entry into a building or other property was improper
and/or that excessive damage was caused to the property to gain entry.
5. Search - Complaint that the search of a person or property was illegal,
improper or unjustified.
6. Harassment or Discrimination - Complaint that taking, failing to take, or the
method of police action was predicated upon factors that were irrelevant,
such as race, attire, sex,age, etc.
7. Serious Rule Infractions - Complaint such as disrespect toward a supervisor,
intoxication on duty, sleeping on duty, neglect of duty, false statements,
malingering, reckless or dangerous driving.
J. Level 11 Complaints
Demeanor - Complaint that an employee's manner, gestures, language or
other actions were offensive or inappropriate or gave the appearance of a
conflict of interest or misuse of influence.
2. Minor Rule Infraction - Complaint such as tardiness, faulty driving or failure
to comply with established Department or City policies and procedures.
Personnel complaints shall be conducted in accordance with Section 614.022, Government
Code, as interpreted by the City Attorney's office.
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A. Persons wishing to make formal complaints must do so by submitting a written
statement of the complaint, accompanied by their signature. A notarized affidavit is
preferred, but not required.
B. A signed letter of complaint may be sufficient after verification that it is not fictitious
or signed with a fictitious name. This determination shall be made by the Chief of
Police or his designee.
C. An internally originated complaint may be made by any Department supervisor or
other employee, by submitting a written statement with signature or by notarized
D. Internal Affairs Division personnel may serve as the complainant of an externally
originated complaint that cannot or will not be made by the original complainant as
outlined in paragraph A of this Section. This, however, will only be done upon the
showing of substantial evidence that a significant violation has occurred.
Personnel complaints shall not be accepted more than thirty (30) days after the alleged
incident except for the following exceptions:
A. When the complaint involves a criminal violation, the criminal statute of limitations
will prevail. However, such limitations shall not prevent the Chief of Police from
taking disciplinary action deemed necessary to preserve the integrity of the
B. When the complainant can show good cause for not making the complaint within the
specified time limit, thecomplaint may be accepted. This determination shall be
made by the Chief of Police.
C. When otherwise authorized by the Chief of Police.
Anonymous complaints shall be investigated by the Internal Affairs Division, only at the
specific direction of the Chief of Police. If a preliminary investigation identifies a violation,
the formal complaint shall be signed by a member of the Internal Affairs Division.
A. All Level I complaints may be formally investigated by Internal Affairs personnel
unless otherwise authorized by the Chief of Police.
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B. Level B complaints shall be initiated by Personnel Incident Form (APD -28) and
conducted at shift, unit or division level with prior approval and appropriate staff
supervision. Level II complaints which are conducted at the shift, unit or division
level shall be subject to non -disciplinary action only, unless progressive discipline
applies. Level B complaints which are investigated at the shift, unit or division level
may be subject to disciplinary action, only at the authorization ofthe Chief of Police.
Level B complaints may be forwarded to the Internal Affairs Division for a formal
investigation, at the request of a supervisor, with the approval of the Chief of Police.
Level B complaints which are formally investigated by Internal Affairs shall be
subject to the full range of disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of
A. All Employees
Non -supervisory personnel shall utilize their chain of command to report
infractions. Non -supervisory personnel may report infractions directly to the
Internal Affairs Division, if the infraction involves a person in their
immediate chain of command or the infraction is of a Level I classification.
2. Any employee who gains knowledge of a reported infraction shall
immediately submit a memorandum outlining the details of the reported
infraction to his supervisor as soon as practical. Each participating employee
in a complaint investigation shall submit all affidavits and memoranda that
are required by the investigator of the complaint.
B. Supervisors
Supervisory and command personnel shall initiate an APD Personnel Incident
Form (APD -28) when they become aware of an infraction by any member of
the Department.
2. Violations designated as Level II infractions shall be investigated entirely at
shift, unit or division level. Non -disciplinary action, unless forwarded to
Internal Affairs for a formal investigation, will also be conducted at shift, unit
or division level.
3. Violations designated as Level I infractions shall be forwarded directly to the
Internal Affairs Division in a detailed Personnel Incident Form.
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4. Any employee who initially becomes aware of another employee's
involvement in a Level I incident, shall inform the on -duty supervisor or his
designee. If the violation is of a serious nature, the on -duty supervisor or his
designee shall notify the respective Division Commander. The Division
Commander shall then notify the Assistant Chief of Police or the Chief of
Police directly. In any event, the Chief of Police will be informed of the
details of the incident. The Chief of Police or his designee will then
determine whether to relieve the accused employee from duty.
C. Internal Affairs Division
The Allen Police Department's Internal Affairs Division is comprised of
employee(s) selected by the Chief of Police. While the employee(s) may
have other duty assignments, the Internal Affairs function shall take priority.
2. Internal Affairs shall conduct an investigation at the request of any employee
of the Department, who feels justifiably threatened by a false accusation or
contrived situation involving false evidence. An employee, who is the victim
of sexual harassment as defined in the City of Allen Personnel Policies and
Procedures Manual, is authorized to report that accusation directly to the
Internal Affairs Division.
3. Internal Affairs Division shall investigate:
a. all Level I complaints unless otherwise directed by the Chief of
b. all complaint referrals from the City Manager unless otherwise
directed by the Chief of Police;
all allegations of excessive force.
4. Internal Affairs personnel shall exercise staff supervision over all Level II
investigations as outlined in Section VIII., B. of this General Order.
D. Traffic Citations/Arrests
Supervisors who initially become aware of complaints from citizens regarding a
dispute over points of law regarding their guilt or innocence in the issuance of a
traffic citation or subsequent to an arrest shall be documented as prescribed by the
Chief of Police.
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However, if a citizen can furnish sufficient evidence that a violation of law or
Departmental policy has occurred, the complaint, at the discretion of the Chief of
Police, may be investigated.
A. Level I Complaints
1. Citizens who telephone or appear in person, between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00
P.M. on weekdays and wishing to make a complaint against an employee,
will be referred to the Internal Affairs Division.
2. When Internal Affairs personnel are unavailable, complainants shall be
referred to an on -duty Patrol Supervisor who will:
a. interview the complainant in person or by telephone to obtain all
pertinent information so that the complaint may be placed on a
Personnel Incident Form (APD -28);
b. advise the complainant that the complaint must be made in writing
and signed by the complainant, if it is to be formally investigated. If
the complainant desires to sign the complaint, the supervisor shall
advise him to appear in person so that an affidavit may be obtained. If
the complainant cannot appear in person, advise the complainant to
send a signed letter, addressed directly to the Chief of Police;
C. send the original affidavit, if obtained at the time of the initial
complaint and the Personnel Incident Form (APD -28), without
employee response, directly to the Chief of Police. No copies of the
affidavit shall be forwarded to any other individual(s);
3. The Chief of Police or his designee shall examine the content of the
complaint to determine if it meets the requirements of a complaint, i.e.
alleges a violation of the law or the regulations of the Department and/or the
City of Allen.
4. The Chief of Police will have Internal Affairs personnel assign a control
number to the case and he will then designate an investigator to examine the
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5. The accused employee may be required to report to Internal Affairs at the
onset of an investigation, if the Chief of Police or his designee deems it
necessary and may be required to respond, both orally and in writing, to the
B. Level II Comnlaints
Citizens who telephone or appear in person between 0800 and 1700 hours on
weekdays and wish to make a complaint against an employee shall be
referred to the Internal Affairs Division.
2. When Internal Affairs personnel are unavailable, complainants shall he
referred to an on -duty supervisor who will:
interview the complainant in person or by telephone to obtain all
pertinent information, so that the complaint may be placed on a
Personnel hicident Form;
b. send the original Personnel Incident Form to the Internal Affairs
Division for further determination of complaint classification;
3. When a Level II complaint is received by Internal Affairs and the
investigation is to be completed at the shift, unit or division level, the
investigative file will be set up and delivered to the appropriate shift, unit or
division supervisor who shall investigate the allegation. The investigation
will be properly documented and submitted to the Chief of Police for
C. The accused employee may be required to report to the Internal Affairs Division at
the onset of an investigation and may be required to respond, both orally and in
writing, to the complaint.
A. The supervisor who initially becomes aware of an alleged or suspected Level I
violation shall immediately notify their respective Division Commander and shall
then forward a Personnel Incident Form (APD -28), detailing the violation, directly to
the Internal Affairs Division.
B. Investigative personnel of the Internal Affairs Division will examine the content of
the Personnel Incident Form (APD -28) to determine ifthe requirements of a complaint,
i.e. allegations of a violation of law, the General Orders ofthe Department or the City
of Allen Personnel Policies and Procedures, are stipulated.
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C. Internal Affairs personnel will assign a control number to the case and then report to
the Chief of Police, who will designate an investigator to examine the allegation.
D. At the discretion of the Chief of Police, if the investigation is to be conducted at the
shift, unit or division level, the investigative file shall be set up by Internal Affairs
and delivered to the appropriate supervisor.
E. If the investigator is a supervisor not assigned to Internal Affairs, that supervisor
shall, at the conclusion of his investigation, forward the entire investigative file,
including all copies, directly to the Internal Affairs Division. A supervisor not
assigned to the Internal Affairs function, assigned to investigate a complaint, serves
only in a fact finding role and shall include a finding as to classification of the
complaint, i.e. sustained, not sustained, unfounded, etc., but shall not make a
recommendation as to discipline. No copies shall be retained or forwarded to any
other individual(s).
F. The accused employee may be required to report to Internal Affairs at the onset of an
investigation, if deemed necessary and may be required to respond, both orally and in
writing, to the complaint.
A. Requirement to Answer Questions
An employee shall be required to answer questions relating to his duties and
can be disciplined for refusal to answer such questions. (Refer to Garrity v.
New Jersey, 385 U.S. 483 and Gardner v. Broderick, 392 U.S. 273.)
2. Any such required statements could be used against the employee in a
disciplinary action or civil proceeding. The statements would not be
admissible in subsequent criminal action.
B., Supervisor's Presence During Interview
An accused employee may request that his immediate supervisor or other member of
his chain of command be permitted to attend an interview regarding an investigation
of non -criminal conduct. The supervisor may attend in an observation capacity only
and shall not take an active part in the interview. An employee's supervisor shall not
be permitted to attend an interview regarding an investigation of criminal conduct.
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C. Counsel's Presence During Interview
The accused employee will not be permitted to have counsel present during
an interview concerning an internal investigation. The Fifth Amendment
right to counsel does not apply to administrative matters. (Refer to Garrity v.
New Jersey, 385 U.S. 483 and Gardner v. Broderick, 392 U.S. 273.)
2. An accused employee is not entitled to receive the Miranda wanting during
an administrative investigation. The employee shall be directed to read and
sign the Internal Investigation Wanting and shall be provided with a copy.
D. Search of Equipment
I. Internal Affairs personnel may, at the direction ofthe Chief of Police, conduct
reasonable searches of Departmental equipment (lockers, desks, vehicles,
etc.) and facilities for the purpose of identifying and securing evidence that
may be utilized as part of an administrative investigation. This type of search
may also be conducted by supervisory personnel when Internal Affairs
personnel are unavailable and the need for an immediate search exists. The
search must be approved in advance by the Chief of Police or his designee
and the circumstances shall be documented by the supervisor, in a
memorandum to the Chief of Police, through the chain of command.
2. Employees of the Department have no right to or expectation of privacy in
departmental equipment including lockers, desks, vehicles, in personal
equipment utilized while on duty or to provide police services.
E. Special Examinations
An accused employee may request, by memorandum to the Internal Affairs
Division, to undergo a behavioral cause investigation, blood test or polygraph
examination, if he believes such would be beneficial to his defense. The
Chief of Police shall authorize or deny all such requests.
2. The Department may require an accused employee to submit to a behavioral
cause investigation, polygraph examination, medical or laboratory
examination. The results of such examination would be limited to
administrative use, except as provided by law.
3. Should the accused employee refuse to take the test, after being ordered by
the Chief of Police or other competent authority, the accused employee may
be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination for refusal to
obey a lawful order, insubordination.
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Polvgraoh Examination
1. In some cases, a complainant may undergo a polygraph test to substantiate his
allegations made against an employee in an affidavit. When the test reveals
no deception on the part of the complainant, the accused employee may be
ordered to submit to a polygraph test.
2. Should the accused employee refuse to take the test, after being ordered by
the Chief of Police or other competent authority, the accused employee may
be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination for refusal to
obey a lawful order, insubordination.
3. Should the investigation originate from an internal allegation, the involved
employee(s) may be ordered to take the polygraph examination, when in the
best interest of the Department. Section F(2) above shall apply.
G. Medical and Laboratory Examination
The Chief of Police or his designee may, based on personal observation, require a
Department employee to submit to a test for alcohol or drug use while on duty. The
results may be used in the disciplinary process. Refusal to submit to the examination
will be grounds for disciplinary. action, up to and including termination.
L If the employee is believed to be under the influence of alcohol, an on -duty
Supervisor or Internal Affairs Investigator shall administer the test. The
highest ranking officer available shall witness the test and sign the report.
The portable breath testing instrument (P.B.T.) will be used to perform this
2. If the employee has a reading of .01 or higher or there is other competent
evidence of impaired abilities to perform duties, the officer may be relieved
of duty by the Chief of Police or his designee.
3. If the employee is believed to be under the influence of self administered
drugs, he may be compelled to submit to a blood and/or urine test. The test
shall be administered under medical supervision where hygienic safeguards
are met. The sample will be handled using the same safeguards as evidence
in a criminal process.
4. If the test shows positive results or there is other competent evidence of
impaired abilities to perform duties, the officer shall be relieved of duty as
soon as possible by the Chief of Police or his designee.
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5. If an employee refuses to submit to any test, the supervisor may relieve the
employee from duty for failure to cooperate in an administrative
H. Photograph and Lineup Identification Procedures:
Officers may be required to stand in a lineup for viewing by citizens, for the purpose
of identifying an employee accused of misconduct. Refusal to stand in a property
conducted lineup is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
I. A photo identification back of Department employees may be maintained, for
the purpose of identification, by citizens, of an employee accused of
misconduct. Photographs of employees for the identification book are
required by the Department and shall be used when narrowly related to the
employee's job.
2. Photographs or videotape pictures of employees, with or without an
employee's consent, may be taken for the purpose of internal investigations
as related to the employee's job when the employee is suspected of
A. Upon conclusion of an investigation, complaint(s) will be classified as:
1. Unfounded - Allegation is false or not factual.
2. Exonerated - Incident complained of did occur but was lawful and proper.
3. Not sustained - Insufficient evidence either to prove or disprove the
4. Sustained - Allegation is supported by sufficient evidence.
5. VNR - Violation not related to initial complaint.
B. Upon completion of the investigation, Internal Affairs personnel shall forward the
file to the Chief of Police for his review.
C. The Chief of Police or his designee will notify the complainant of the final
disposition, except when a pending criminal case might be compromised by
disclosure of this information.
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D. Regardless of disposition, all complaints that are investigated shall be submitted to
the Chief of Police for review. The Chief of Police may forward the investigation to
the appropriate Division Commander so that preventive measures can be taken to
avoid similar complaints in the future.
A. All complaint investigations shall be considered confidential and, except as provided
below, no portion of the investigations may be reproduced without the expressed
authority of the Chief of Police.
B. Any employee or external complainant, upon written request, shall be provided with
a copy of his own work product. All copies, when the original has become part ofthe
investigative file, must be stamped as "confidential" and issued by the personnel of
the Internal Affairs Division.
C. Investigative reports shall not be released, except that which is required by law under
open records statutes or that which is authorized by the employee in writing.
D. Information that is considered public under open records statutes includes:
1. Name of the complainant;
2. Name(s) of the employee(s) complained on;
3. Brief synopsis of the complaint including date, time, and location;
4. Disposition of the complaint including disciplinary action, if any.
E. The Internal Affairs Division must respond to any subpoena for records. However, it
is the policy of this Department to contest all such subpoenas. If a court of
competent jurisdiction orders Internal Affairs to produce the records, the order will
be complied with, after consultation with the City Attorney's Office.
A. When the investigation of a sustained complaint has been completed and it has been
reviewed by the legal staff, the completed case file will be forwarded to the Chief of
Police or his designee.
B. The Chief of Police or his designee will solicit recommendations for disciplinary
action from the immediate supervisor of the involved employee(s) and from each
member of the Executive Staff.
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General Order 300 - Discipline/Complaints Against Police Personnel 314
For purposes of this General Order, the term "immediate supervisor" shall
include only those holding the rank of Police Corporal or above.
C. All recommendations of discipline will address the following areas:
1. Seriousness of the offense;
2. Previous history of the involved employee(s);
3. Review of prior performance evaluations for the involved employee(s);
4. Identification of any previous disciplinary action administered for violations
which are the same or similar in nature. This is to ensure consistency in
discipline; and
5. The final recommendation for discipline.
D. All proposed or initial drafts of disciplinary recommendations shall be reviewed by
the Police Legal Advisor prior to submission to the Chief of Police.
E. When all recommendations have been received in the Office of the Chiefof Police, a
meeting will be held, with all personnel involved in the recommendation process, to
conduct a final review and analysis of all recommendations received.
A final decision will then be rendered by the Chief of Police.
A. All disciplinary action will be based on substantial evidence. "Proof beyond a
reasonable doubt" or "a preponderance of the evidence" is not required. (Refer to
Edmonds v. McNeal, 596 S.W. 2d 403.)
Substantial evidence is defined as such evidence that a reasonable mind
might accept as adequate to support a conclusion. It is that quality of
evidence necessary for a court to affirm a decision of an administrative board.
2. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is defined as such proof as precludes every
reasonable hypothesis except that which it tends to support and which is
wholly consistent with the defendant's guilt and inconsistent with any other
rational conclusion.
3. Preponderance of evidence is defined as evidence which is of greater weight
or more convincing than the evidence which is offered in opposition to it.
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B. Level II Infractions
Level I1 infractions which are classified as sustained, following an administrative
investigation shall be subject to the following non -disciplinary actions only, unless
formally investigated by the Internal Affairs Division or if progressive discipline
1. Verbal Warning - The purpose of a verbal wanting is to allow a supervisor to
bring to the employee's attention the need to improve his work performance,
work habits, behavior, or attitude, and to serve as a warning against further
unsatisfactory conduct. The supervisor shall utilize the occasion to identify
and define the area needing improvement and inform the employee as to how
such improvement can be realistically achieved. The supervisor shall
document the verbal warning on a Personnel Incident Form and forward it to
the Chief of Police for disposition. Upon request of the employee, the
documentation of the verbal warning may be removed from the file and
destroyed after a period of one year.
2. Written Warning - The purpose of a written warning is to bring, to the
employee's attention, the need to improve his performance, work habits,
behavior or attitude, where a verbal warning has not resulted in expected
improvement or when action more serious than a verbal warning is
warranted. The supervisor shall document the violation on a Personnel
Incident Form and forward same to the Chief of Police, through the chain of
command, with a recommendation for a written warning. Upon approval the
form and the written warning, issued by the supervisor, shall be placed in the
employee's departmental file. If not approved, the supervisor shall retain the
option to issue a verbal warning, unless otherwise directed. Upon request of
the employee, the written warning may be removed from the file and
destroyed after a period of one year.
3. Training - When additional training is warranted and approved by the Chief
of Police.
C. Level I Infractions
Level I infractions, which are classified as sustained, are subject to the
following types of disciplinary action and can only be assessed by the Chief
of Police. The Assistant Chief of Police may assess the following types of
disciplinary action with prior approval from the Chief of Police, or if the
Chief of Police is incapacitated for any reason.
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a. Written Reprimand
b. Suspension;
C. Demotion;
d. Termination.
2. Disciplinary action involving potential monetary loss by the employee,
including suspension, demotion or termination, shall only be assessed
subsequent to the completion of a formal internal investigation. The Chief of
Police may solicit recommendations for disciplinary action, as he deems
3. Sustained Level I infractions are also subject to the non -disciplinary actions,
described in paragraph B of this Section, if so ordered by the Chief of Police.
A. Complaints Involving Alleged Criminal Violations
All criminal investigations involving Departmental employees shall be
conducted by personnel of the Criminal Investigation Division, unless
otherwise directed the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police may, at his
discretion, direct Internal Affairs personnel or an outside law enforcement
agency to conduct a criminal investigation involving a Department employee.
2. When an employee of the Department is apprehended in the act of
committing a criminal violation, the following shall apply:
a. If the offense is a Class C misdemeanor and the employee is issued a
citation, the officer who issues such a citation shall inform his
supervisor, who will forward a copy to the Chief of Police.
b. If the employee is subject to custodial arrest, the employee shall be
taken to the proper detention facility and booked on the appropriate
charge. The arresting officer shall immediately notify his supervisor
who shall then immediately notify his respective Division
Commander. The Division Commander will make the notification
required by General Order 3200- Notification Procedures.
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" —Page 17 of 48
General Order 300—Discipline/Complaints Against Police Personnel 317
C. If the criminal offense is a Class `B" or above, the employee's
supervisor shall immediately notify the Chief of Police or his
designee to make the determinations described in Section of this
3. Any time an employee of the Department learns that a law enforcement
agency, other than the Allen Police Department, has arrested or issued an
arrest warrant for an employee of this Department, the employee shall
immediately report the information concerning the arrest and/or the warrant
to the Chief of Police.
B. Devartmental Vehicle Accidents
When the investigation of an accident, involving a Departmental vehicle
reveals misconduct of a Department employee, the act shall be investigated in
accordance with the provisions of this General Order and General Order
4500, Agency Owned Vehicles.
C. Emergency Relief from Duty. Suspension or Discharge
Any supervisor has the authority to impose emergency relief from duty, for an
employee until the next business day, when it appears that such action is in
the best interest of the Department and/or the employee. Whenever an
employee is relieved from duty, the Chief of Police shall be immediately
2. Only the Chief of Police or his designee has the authority to place an
employee on administrative leave with pay. Whenever this occurs, the
employee shall be assigned to the Internal Affairs Division, pending the
outcome of the administrative investigation or termination of administrative
3. When an employee is temporarily relieved from duty, his supervisor shall
collect the employee's badge(s), Department issued weapon(s) and police
identification card. When an employee is discharged, the supervisor shall
ensure that all city -issued property and equipment used by the employee is
turned in. In either case, the supervisor shall forward, through the chain of
command, a written report detailing the items that he has collected. If an
employee is placed on administrative suspension, Internal Affairs personnel
shall seize the above stated items from the employee.
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" — Page 18 of 48
General Order 300- Discipline/Complaints Against Police Personnel 318
When discipline is administered by the Assistant Chief of Police appeals and grievances may
he filed by the employee to the Chief of Police within five (5) working days. The appeal
must be in writing and must state the specific reason(s) for the appeal and/or grievance. All
other appeals and grievances may be filed by any employee in accordance with the City of
Allen Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.
A. A Behavioral Cause Investigation is an administrative investigation which is
conducted, when an employee exhibits unusual or abnormal behavior. This may
either be observed behavior by the employee's supervisor(s) or a perceived
behavioral deficiency, which is claimed by the employee. The employee may be
referred, at the City's expense, to a licensed psychologist who will examine the
employee and make a determination as to his fitness for duty, in light of the
observed/claimed behavior.
B. Authority and Responsibility
The Chief of Police may initiate a Behavioral Cause Investigation whenever
he believes it is in the best interest of the employee and/or the Department.
2. The employee's supervisor may recommend, to the Chief of Police, a
Behavioral Cause Investigation based upon the nature of the complaint and/or
the accused employee's disciplinary record.
3. An employee, who is the subject of a Behavioral Cause Investigation, will be
referred to the designated Departmental Psychologist.
C. Who May Undergo a Behavioral Cause Investigation
Any Department employee who exhibits unusual or abnormal behavior,
which can reasonably be expected to prevent that employee from
accomplishing his assigned duties.
2. Any Department employee who exhibits unusual or abnormal behavior
which, if not restricted, can reasonably be expected to place that employee or
another person in danger.
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" - Page 19 of 48
General Order 300—Discipline/Complaints Against Police Personnel 319
3. Any employee who perceives a personal behavioral deficiency and requests
such an investigation and such request is approved by the Chief of Police.
D. Self -Injection into a Behavioral Cause Investigation
If an employee feels that he has an emotional, stress related or other problem
that has resulted in a complaint, he may request a Behavioral Cause
Investigation by contacting the Investigators of the Internal Affairs Division.
2. The purpose of self -injection into a Behavioral Cause Investigation is to
identify the cause of the unusual or abnormal behavior, on the part of the
employee and to provide him with professional assistance in redirecting or
changing his behavior.
3. The final diagnostic evaluation will be presented to the Chief of Police, by
Internal Affairs personnel, for consideration in determining what action is to
be taken, as a result of the original complaint.
E. Interview with Psychologist
I. All employees entering a Behavioral Cause Investigation shall be interviewed
by a Psychologist licensed to practice in the State of Texas, who may be
provided with the biographical and Departmental history of the employee, as
well as any profile resulting fium the applicant -level psychometric testing.
2. Any information obtained by the Psychologist, which does not relate to the
specific incident or problem under investigation, will be considered
privileged communication and shall not be entered into any Departmental
file or history on the employee.
Handling of Mentally Disturbed Employees
When a supervisor becomes aware that an employee has reported for duty
exhibiting, or while on duty exhibits questionable behavior, the employee
shall be removed from any assignment which necessitates contact with the
public. If necessary, the employee maybe temporarily relieved of duty by his
supervisor and referred to the Internal Affairs Division for immediate action.
Internal Affairs personnel shall notify the Chief of Police as soon as practical.
2. When a supervisor becomes aware of a suspected behavioral problem and/or
any of the administrative actions have taken place as described in Section
XVIII, paragraph F.1., he shall submit a confidential memorandum to the
Chief of Police, through the supervisor's chain of command, for his
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" — Page 20 of 48
General Order 300 — Discipline/Complaints Against Police Personnel 320
A. Any previous directive, rule, order or regulation that pertains to this subject matter
and its amendments shall remain in full force and effect for any violation(s) which
occur prior to the effective date of this General Order.
B. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this General Order is, for any reason, held
to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of
this General Order.
C. All training on this General Order will be in accordance with General Order 100,
Written Directive System, Chapter VIII, Training.
D. The effective date is stated in the header block of this General Order.
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" — Page 21 of 48
NUMBER: 1600
REVIEW DATE: 01-2006
Chief of Police
CALEA STANDARDS: 33.8.1, 33.8.2
NOTE: This General Order is for internal use only and does not enhance an officer's civil
or criminal liability in any way. It should not be construed as the creation of a higher
standard of safety or care in an evidentiary sense, with respect to third party claims.
Violations of this General Order, if proven, can only form the basis of a complaint by this
Department and only in a non -judicial, administrative setting
Career Development Interest
Goals Training
Individual Growth
A. To provide employees of the Allen Police Department with a means to explore and
expand their interests and abilities to successfully meet departmental tasks and
B. To allow employees and supervisors of the department the ability to envision long-
range planning for individual career choices.
This policy will set forth guidelines to provide, to the degree possible, counseling, training
and professional development opportunities to members of the department to prepare and
progress in their job assignments as well as individual growth opportunities.
' Career Develonment — The progression from a simpler or lower to a more advanced, mature,
complex stage of a profession or occupation.
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" — Page 22 of 48
' General Order 16101 Career Development 1601
A. Career Development Forms (APD -284) will be created and maintained on each
departmental employee.
B. Each employee's career development plan will be initiated and discussed with them
by supervisory personnel throughout the year, and especially at annual performance
C. It is each employee's responsibility to monitor and update his career development
plan, and follow-up on prior training requests for which he has submitted, but has
not received written response, concerning the status of the request.
A. Each departmental employee will be required to complete a career development
form. Division Commanders will monitor career development plans of respective
members of their divisions, and most be prepared to discuss them with the Chief of
Police or his designee.
' B. Below are guidelines explaining the process, listing categories of which information
is necessary to formulate accurate career development plans. These guidelines are to
include, but are not limited to the following:
Education Level of the employee;
2. Certification Level;
3. Other Education/Experience/Certifications;
4. Future Goals;
5. Promotional Goals;
6. Specialized Interest;
7. Training/Interest.
C. Copies of the completed forms will be monitored and/or updated periodically. The
Master Plan consisting of original documents will be maintained in each employees
training records by the Training Coordinator.
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXRDiIT "A" — Page 23 of 48
General Order 1600 / Career Development 1602
A. Training under the career development plan will be on a voluntary basis to develop
new skills in areas of individual specialization and interest for each employee.
B. The training should enhance the employee's skills, knowledge and abilities with the
goal of enhancing the employee's opportunities for advancement or increasing
individual job satisfaction.
C. This type of training can be achieved through specialized training, in-service
training, field training programs and formal education.
A. Any previous directive, rule, order or regulation that pertains to this subject matter
and its amendments shall remain in full force and effect for any violation(s) which
occur prior to the effective date of this General Order.
B. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this General Order is, for any reason,
held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining
' portions of this General Order.
C. All training on this General Order will be in accordance with General Order 100,
Written Directive System, Chapter VIII, Training.
D. The effective date is stated in the header block of this General Order.
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" — Page 24 of 48
NUMBER: 1700
REVIEW DATE: 01-2006
Chief of Police
CALEA STANDARDS: 31.1.1,31.1.2,
31.2.1, 31.2.3, 31.3.1,31.3.2, 31.3.3,
31.3.4, 32.1:1, 32.1.2, 32.1.3, 32.1.4, 32.1.5,
32.2.1, 32.2.4, 32.2.5, 32.2.7, 32.2.8.
NOTE: This General Order is for internal use only and does not enhance an officer's civil
or criminal liability in any way. It should not be construed as the creation of a higher
standard of safety or care in an evidentiary sense, with respect to third party claims.
Violations of this General Order, if proven, can only form the basis of a complaint by this
Department and only in a non -judicial, administrative setting
Comprehensive Background
Recruitment Program
The purpose of this General Order is to provide employees with a basic structure of the
hiring process utilized by the Allen Police Department. This is not a rigid structure and is
flexible in some areas according to needs within the department.
To establish guidelines for the hiring process used by the Allen Police Department in an
effort to create a fair and impartial system to ensure that the best -qualified applicants are
found for the department.
The Hiring Process is one of the most important aspects in a professional, contemporary law
enforcement agency. The Hiring Process will consist of eleven phases, with each phase
cultivating its own standard; therefore each phase must be successfully completed prior to
proceeding to the next phase.
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" — Page 25 of 48
General Order 1700/Hiring Process 1701
A. Phase One
1. City of Allen application completed and turned in to City of Allen Human
Resources Department.
B. Phase Two
1. Screening of application by City of Allen Human Resources Personnel and
Internal Affairs Division.
a. Appropriate documents must be submitted to verify eligibility.
b. copies of documents will be accepted.
C. Phase Three
1. Written Examination
a. Applicants must have a minimum passing score of 70 or above to
successfully pass the examination.
' b. Scores will be posted at the testing site immediately following the
examination once all tests have been graded. All applicants who pass
the examination will be told to proceed to the physical assessment
testing site.
C. Non -Sworn applicants will proceed to the next phase of testing for the
particular position applied for (i.e. typing tests, etc.).
D. Phase Four
1. Physical Assessment
a. The physical assessment will be conducted immediately following the
written examination. All applicants who successfully passed the
written examination will be allowed to take the physical assessment.
b. During this phase there is a pass of fail score. All applicants must
successfully pass each phase of the physical assessment within the
guidelines set forth. Each applicant will be given two (2) attempts at
each phase before a failing score is administered.
' 1. 1.5 mile run 14:36 —16:28
2. 300 meter run 63.0-71.0
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" — Page 26 of 48
General Order 1700 / Hiring Proem 1702
3. Vertical Jump 16.0" — 18.5'
4. 1 rep maximum bench press .64% -.82% of the body weight
5. Sit-ups (in one (1) minute) 29-35
6. Push-ups (in one (1) minute) 25 — 28
Each Applicant must sign an informed consent form prior to taking
the physical assessment releasing the Allen Police Department of any
d. This testing is usually for sworn positions only, but could be used for
testing ofjailer applicants who may have to perform some of the
same physical functions that a swom officer would have to during his
tour of duty.
C. Personal History Statements will be given to each applicant who
successfully passes each phase of the physical assessment. The
applicants will be given 10 days to return the completed Personal
' History Statement to the Internal Affairs Division. Incomplete
Personal History Statements will be rejected.
E. Phase Five
Comprehensive Background Investigation
a. The background investigator will conduct a preliminary interview
with the applicant prior to starting the investigation to ensure that all
information is verified on the submitted Personal History Statement.
b. Any information discovered during the background investigation that
was not included in the Personal History Statement either by omission
or falsely reported will be grounds for rejection.
C. Each applicant who is rejected from the process due to the results of
the background investigation will be notified in writing by the
Internal Affairs Division. Applicants who are temporarily rejected
from the process will be given a time frame in which he may re -apply
with the Allen Police Department.
d. Each applicant who successfully completes the background
investigation will proceed to an oral interview board. The applicant
will be notified verbally and in writing as to the date, time and
location of the board.
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" —Page 27 of 48
' General Order 1700 / Hiring Process
F. Phase Six
1. Oral Interview Board
a. Each applicant must have a minimum score of 14.0 to successfully
pass the oral interview board.
b. Upon successful completion of the oral interview board the applicant
will receive a conditional job offer from a Division Commander prior
to proceeding to the next phase.
C. Each applicant who fails the oral interview board will be notified
verbally and in writing as to the results.
G. Phase Seven
1. Polygraph Examination
Applicants will he administered a polygraph examination by a trained
polygraph examiner selected by the department.
' b.
The applicant must successfully pass the polygraph examination with
a no deception indicated result prior to proceeding to the next phase.
Admissions made during the polygraph examination will be used to
assist in determining the applicant's acceptability.
H. Phase Eight
1. Psychological Examination
Applicants will be administered a psychological examination by a
licensed psychologist selected by the department.
The applicant must receive a minimum rating of 4.0 or above to
successfully pass this examination.
1. Phase Nine
1. Medical/Physical Examination
' a. A medical examination, conducted by a licensed physician chosen by
the department, will be administered to all applicants. This
examination will consist of the following:
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A^ — Page 28 of 48
General Order 1700/ Hiring Process
1. Hearing Test — all applicants must posses hearing with less
than a 30 decibel loss at every level tested, either corrected or
uncorrected in each ear. Uncorrected hearing cannot exceed a
60 decibel loss in each ear.
2. Vision Screening — all applicants must posses 20/20 vision,
either corrected or uncorrected in each eye, unless vision is
corrected by the use of contact lenses or glasses, which must
be worn on duty and/or during all law enforcement related
activities. Applicants must be free of dichromatic color
blindness, night blindness or any other visual deficiencies or
3. Physical Capacity Assessment;
4. Metabolic Panel;
5. Spiromitry Base Line Exam;
6. an EKG; and
' 7, a Physical Examination conducted by the physician.
b. The Physical Capacity Assessment is usually conducted for sworn
positions, but could be used for other positions that might require the
use of their physical strength to perform the duties of their position.
J. Phase Ten
1. Drug Screen Examination
a. All applicants will be administered a drug screen analysis, by a
facility selected by the department, prior to being appointed to a
probationary status.
K. Phase Eleven
1. Final interview with the Chief of Police
a. Upon successfully completing the final interview with the Chief of
Police, the applicant will be given a final job offer and a date of hire.
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" — Page 29 of 48
General Order 1700 / Hiring Process
A. Each applicant will be notified in writing if he failed any portion of the hiring
process. Applicants who are temporarily rejected from the process will be given a
time frame in which they may re -apply with the Allen Police Department. The time
frame will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will depend on the severity of
why the applicant was disqualified or rejected.
A. Recruits who are required to attend the police academy must successfully pass the
program in order to maintain employment with the City of Allen. Upon successfully
passing the TCLEOSE examination and completing the academy program, Police
Recruits will enter the Field Training Program. Recruits will be required to
successfully complete the Field Training Program and their remaining probationary
time period prior to being removed from the probationary status.
B. Recruits who are hired that hold a Basic Peace Officer License will be placed in the
Field Training Program. These recruits will be required to successfully complete the
Field Training Program and their remaining probationary time period prior to being
removed from the probationary status.
C. All recruits will attend a Probationary Police Officer School and must successfully
pass the program in order to satisfy the requirements of their probationary status.
A. Police Officers who are hired with prior experience will be designated as a lateral
entry. The level in which they fall into as a lateral entry will be determined on a
case-by-case basis and approved by the Chief of Police. To be considered for a
lateral entry each applicant must successfully pass each phase in the hiring process.
A. The Recruiting Officer will be responsible for the recruitment of qualified applicants
for positions within the Allen Police Department. Responsibilities of the Recruiting
Officer shall include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Advertising through newspapers, websites and personal contact;
2. Distribution and collection of advertising items (i.e. brochures, posters,
videos, etc.);
3. Traveling to universities and community colleges during their job fair
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" — Page 30 of 48
General Order 1100/ Hiring Process 1706
4. Initiating the Hiring Process, as described above, once a vacancy within the
department becomes available.
B. The Recruiting Officer will be under the direct supervision of the Internal Affairs
Division, and will receive the proper training in the recruitment of personnel once
assigned to this position. The Recruiting Officer will also continue to obtain updated
information to enhance the Recruitment Program.
A. Any previous directive, rule, order or regulation that pertains to this subject matter
and its amendments shall remain in full force and effect for any violation(s) which
occur prior to the effective date of this General Order.
B. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this General Order is, for any reason,
held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portions of this General Order.
C. All training on this General Order will be in accordance with General Order 100,
Written Directive System, Chapter VIII, Training.
' D. The effective date is stated in the header block of this General Order.
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" — Page 31 of 48
Swot Personnel
NUMBER: 3700
EFFECTIVE DATE: 12 - 02 - 03
REVIEW DATE: 12 - 2005
issued 07-20-00
Chief of Police
NOTE: This General Order is for internal use only, and does not enhance an officer's civil
or criminal liability in any way. It should not be construed as the creation of a higher
standard of safety or care in an evidentiary sense, with respect to third party claims.
Violations of this General Order, if proven, can only form the basis of a complaint by this
Department and only in a non -judicial, administrative setting.
Career Development
Promotional Process
Education and Training Requirements
Experience Requirements
Medium Sized Department
Police Corporal
Police Sergeant
Police Lieutenant
Police Captain
Assistant Chief of Police
Large Sized Department
A. The purpose of this General Order is to establish guidelines and requirements for
promotions within the Allen Police Department, ultimately allowing officers to
pursue three levels in their career development. The first emphasizes "in-service"
training in pursuit of the Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Master Peace Officer
Certificates issued by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer
Standards and Education (TCLEOSE). The second concentrates on the completion
of formal education through an accredited college or university of the employee's
choice and the third being promotional opportunities.
B. This General Order is a revised version of the five (5) yew plan which details
career development standards for all sworn personnel of this Department.
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXIIIBIT "A" — Page 32 of 48
General Order 3700 / Promotional Process and Requirements 3701
A. In an effort to define this Department's role in the promotional process, a written
directive is required which vests, in an identifiable position, the authority and
responsibility for administering the agency's role in that process. This General
Order describes the procedures of the Allen Police Department used for each
element of the promotional process for all sworn personnel.
Note: Should the promotional process begin prior to the December 31 dateline of each
calendar year and extend into the next calendar year, the standards established for the
previous year shall apply to that specific promotional process.
A. Medium Sized Department — is defined as a law enforcement agency comprised of
fifty (50) sworn officers up to and including two hundred fifty (250) sworn
B. Large Sized Department — is defined as a law enforcement agency comprised of
any number of swom officers exceeding two hundred fifty (251 and up).
' IV. Requirements for January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004
L Education and Certificate Requirements
a. TCLEOSE Intermediate Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Four (4) years of law enforcement experience; either
b. Four (4) or more years continuous service as a Police Officer with
the Allen Police Department; or
C. One (1) year of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years prior, full time law enforcement
1. Education and Training Requirements:
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" — Page 33 of 48
General Order 3700 / Promotional Proem and Requirements 3702
a. TCLEOSE Intermediate Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.; and
C. Must have begun working toward College Semester credits, either
enrolled or previously completed and awarded semester credit(s);
d. Prior experience at the rank of Corporal or above, in a medium or
large sized department, may be substituted for college credits, with
the approval of the Chief of Police.
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Five (5) years of law enforcement experience;
b. Three (3) years of service with the Allen Police Department; and
C. Most currently hold the rank of Police Corporal; or
d. One (1) year service with the Allen Police Department and a
' minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Corporal or
above held with a medium or large sized department.
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Advanced Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.; and
C. Twenty (20) College Semester credits.
d. Prior experience at the rank of Sergeant or above, in a medium or
large sized department, may be substituted for college credits, with
the approval of the Chief of Police.
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Eight (8) years law enforcement experience;
b. Three (3) years of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of one (1) year experience at the rank of Police Sergeant;
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" — Page 34 of 48
General Order 3700/ Promotional Process and Requirements
C. One (1) year service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Sergeant or above held with a medium or large sized department.
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
TCLEOSE Advanced Certificate;
High School Diploma or G.E.D.; and
Twenty five (25) College Semester credits.
Prior experience at the rank of Lieutenant or above, in a medium or
large sized department, may be substituted for college credits, with
the approval of the Chief of Police.
2. Experience Requirements:
Ten (10) years law enforcement experience;
Three (3) years of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of one (1) year experience at the rank of Police Sergeant
or above; or
One (1) year of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Lieutenant or above held with a medium or large sized department.
1. Education and Training Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Master Certificate; and a
b. Bachelors Degree
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Twelve (12) years law enforcement experience;
b. Five (5) years of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of one (1) year experience at the rank of Police
Lieutenant or above; or
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" — Page 35 of 48
' General Order 3700 / Promotional Process and Requirements 3704
C. One (1) year of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Lieutenant or above held with a medium or large sized department.
V. Requirements for January 1, 2005 throueh December 31, 2005
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Intermediate Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Four (4) years of law enforcement experience; either
b. Four (4) or more years continuous service m a Police Officer with
the Allen Police Department; or
C. One (1) year of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years prior, full time law enforcement
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Intermediate Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.; and
C. Fifteen (15) College Semester credits;
d. Prior experience at the rank of Sergeant or above, in a medium or
large sized department, may be substituted for college credits, with
the approval of the Chief of Police.
2. Experience Requirements:
' a. Five (5) years of law enforcement experience; either
b. Three (3) years of service with the Allen Police Department; and
ORDINANCE NO. 2265.2-04
EXHIBIT "A" — Page 36 of 48
' General Order 3700 / Promotional Process and Requirements 3705
a minimum of one (1) year experience at the rank of Police
Corporal with the Allen Police Department; or
C. One year of service with the Allen Police Department a minimum
of three (3) years experience at the rank of Corporal or above held
with a medium or large sized department.
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Advanced Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.;
C. Forty five (45) College Semester credits;
d. Prior experience at the rank of Sergeant or above, in a medium or
large sized department, may be substituted for twenty (20) college
' 2. Experience Requirements:
a. Eight (8) years law enforcement experience;
b. Three (3) years service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of one (1) year experience at the rank of Police Sergeant;
C. One (1) year service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Sergeant or above held with a medium or large sized department.
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Advanced Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.;
C. Sixty (60) College Semester credits;
ORDINANCE NO. 2265-2-04
EXHIBIT "A" — Page 37 of 48
General Order 3700 /Promotional Process and Requirements 3706
d. Prior experience at the rank of Lieutenant or above, in a medium or
large sized department, may be substituted for twenty (20) college
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Ten (10) years law enforcement experience;
b. Three (3) years of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of two (2) years experience at the rank of Police Sergeant
or above; or
C. One (1) year of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Lieutenant or above held with a medium or large sized department.
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Masters Certificate;
b. Bachelors Degree.
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Twelve (12) years law enforcement experience;
b. Five (5) years of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of two (2) year experience at the rank of Police
Lieutenant or above; or
C. Two (2) years service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Lieutenant or above held with a medium or large sized department.
VI. Requirements for January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Intermediate Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.;
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' General Order 3700 / Promotional Proem and Requirements 3707
C. Fifteen (15) College Semester Credits;
d. Prior experience at the rank of Corporal or above, in a medium or
large sized department, may be substituted for college credits, with
the approval of the Chief of Police.
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Four (4) years of law enforcement experience; either
b. Four (4) or more years continuous service as a Police Officer with
the Allen Police Department; or
C. One (1) year of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years prior, full time law enforcement
1. Education and Training Requirements:
' a. TCLEOSE Intermediate Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.;
C. Thirty (30) College Semester credits;
d. Prior experience at the rank of Sergeant or above, in a medium or
large sized department, may be substituted for fifteen (15) college
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Five (5) years of law enforcement experience; either
b. Four (4) years of service with the Allen Police Department and
a minimum of two (2) years experience at the rank of Police
Corporal with the Allen Police Department; or
C. One (1) year of service with the Allen Police Department a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Corporal or
' above held with a medium or large sized department.
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General Order 3700/ Promotional Process and Requirements 3708
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Advanced Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.;
C. sixty (60) College Semester credits;
d. Prior experience at the rank of Sergeant or above, in a medium or
large sized department, may be substituted for twenty (20) college
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Eight (8) years law enforcement experience;
b. Four (4) years service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of two (2) year experience at the rank of Police
' Sergeant; or
C. One (1) year of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Sergeant or above held with a medium or large sized department.
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Advanced Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.;
C. Associate Degree or seventy-five (75) College Semester credits;
d. Prior experience at the rank of Lieutenant or above, in a medium or
large sized department, may be substituted for twenty (20) college.
2. Experience Requirements:
' a. Twelve (12) years law enforcement experience;
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' General Order 37001 Promotional Process and Requirements 3709
b. Four (4) years of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Sergeant or above; or
C. One (1) year of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Lieutenant or above held with a medium or large sized department.
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Master Peace Officer Certificate; and a
b. Bachelors Degree.
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Fourteen (14) years law enforcement experience;
' b. Eight (8) years of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of two (2) years experience at the rank of Police
Lieutenant or above; or
C. Three (3) years service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Lieutenant or above held with a medium or large sized department.
VII. Requirements for January 1, 2007 throueh December 31, 2007
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Intermediate Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.; and
C. Thirty (30) College Semester Credits;
d. Prior experience at the rank of Corporal or above, in a medium or
' large sized department, may be substituted for fifteen (15) college
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General Order 3700 / Promotional Process and Requirements
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Four (4) years of law enforcement experience; either
b. Four (4) or more years continuous service as a Police Officer with
the Allen Police Department; or
C. One (1) year of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years prior, full time law enforcement
1. Education and Training Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Intermediate Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.;
C. Forty-five (45) College Semester credits;
d. Prior experience at the rank of Sergeant or above, in a medium or
large sized department, may be substituted for up to 20 college
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Five (5) years of law enforcement experience; either
b. Four (4) years of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of two (2) years experience at the rank of Police Corporal
with the Allen Police Department; or
C. One (1) year of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Corporal or
above held with a medium or large sized department.
1. Education and Training Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Advanced Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.;
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General Order 3700 / Promotional Process and Requirements 3711
C. Associate Degree or sixty-five (65) College Semester credits;
d. Prior experience at the rank of Lieutenant or above, in a medium or
large sized department, may be substituted for up to 20 college
2. Experience Requirements
a. Ten (10) years law enforcement experience;
b. Four (4) years service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of two (2) year experience at the rank of Police
Sergeant; or
C. Two (2) years service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Sergeant or above held with a medium or large sized department.
I1. Education and Training Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Advanced Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.;
C. Ninety (90) College Semester credits;
d. Prior experience at the rank of Captain or above, in a medium or
large sized department, may be substituted for up to 20 college
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Twelve (12) years law enforcement experience;
b. Five (5) years of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Sergeant or above; or
C. Two (2) years of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Sergeant or above held with a medium or large sized department.
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General Order 3700/Promotional Process and Requirements 3712
1. Education and Training Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Master Peace Officer Certificate;
b. Bachelor Degree;
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Fifteen (15) years law enforcement experience;
b. Eight (8) years of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of two (2) years experience at the rank of Police
Lieutenant or above; or
C. Three (3) years service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Lieutenant or above held with a medium or large sized department.
' VIII. Requirements for January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Intermediate Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.; and
C. Forty-five (45) College Semester Credits;
d. Prior experience at the rank of Corporal or above, in a medium or
large sized department, may be substituted for up to 15 college
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Four (4) years of law enforcement experience; either
b. Four (4) or more years continuous service as a Police Officer with
' the Allen Police Department; or
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General Order 3700 / Promotional Process and Requirements 3713
C. One (1) year of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years prior, full time law enforcement
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Intermediate Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.;
C. Associate Degree or sixty-five (65) College Semester credits;
d. Prior experience at the rank of Sergeant or above, in a medium or
large sized department, may be substituted for up to 10 college
2. Experience Requirements:
' a. Five (5) years of law enforcement experience; either
b. Four (4) years of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of two (2) years experience at the rank of Police Corporal
with the Allen Police Department; or
C. One (1) year of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Corporal or
above held with a medium or large sized department.
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Advanced Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.;
C. Ninety (90) College Semester credits;
d. Prior experience at the rank of Lieutenant or above, in a medium or
' large sized department, may be substituted for up to 10 college
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' General Order 3700 / Promotional Process and Requirements 3714
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Ten (10) years law enforcement experience;
b. Five (5) years service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Sergeant; or
C. Three (3) years service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of four (4) years experience at the rank of Police Sergeant
or above held with a medium or large sized department.
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Advanced Certificate;
b. High School Diploma or G.E.D.;
C. Bachelor Degree;
' 2. Experience Requirements:
a. Twelve (12) years law enforcement experience;
b. Five (5) years of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Sergeant or above; or
C. Three (3) years of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Lieutenant or above held with a medium or large sized department.
1. Education and Certificate Requirements:
a. TCLEOSE Master Peace Officer Certificate;
b. Bachelor Degree and graduate of either the F.B.I. National
Academy or the Leadership Command College (formerly GMI) of
' the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of
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General Order 37001 Promotional Process and Requirements 3715
2. Experience Requirements:
a. Fifteen (15) years law enforcement experience;
b. Eight (8) years of service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of three (3) years experience at the rank of Police
Lieutenant or above; or
C. Four (4) years service with the Allen Police Department and a
minimum of four (4) years experience at the rank of Police Captain
or above held with a medium or large sized department.
1. Phases of the promotional process are as follows:
a. Validated Written Examination Administered;
' b. Oral Interview Board;
C. Top three (3) candidates will interview with the Chief of Police.
d. Candidates must pass each step in the promotional process before
proceeding to the next phase.
2. Police Corporal written examinations will be conducted in February of
each year. Should there be no current position(s) available at the time of
the examination; an eligibility list will be established. The list will be in
effect from February through the last Friday of January the following year.
1. Phases of the promotional process are as follows:
a. Validated Written Examination Administered;
b. Oral Interview Board;
C. Top three (3) candidates will interview with the Chief of Police.
Id. Candidates must pass each step in the promotional process before
proceeding to the next phase.
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' General Order 3700 / Promotional Process and Requirements 3716
2. Police Sergeant written examinations will be conducted in January of each
year. Should there be no current position(s) available at the time of the
examination; an eligibility list will be established. The list will be in effect
from January through the last Friday of December the same year.
The selection process shall include, for Lieutenant, Captain and Assistant
Chief of Police, those written examinations, oral boards, assessment centers
or other procedures as deemed necessary by the Chief of Police.
A. Any previous directive, rule, order or regulation that pertains to this subject matter
and its amendments shall remain in full force and effect for any violation(s) which
occur prior to the effective date of this General Order.
B. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this General Order is, for any reason,
held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portions of this General Order.
C. All training on this General Order will be in accordance with General Order 100,
Written Directive System, Chapter VIII, Training.
D. The effective date is stated in the header block of this General Order.
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