HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1981 - 07/02 - Regularf:HiaBPtlIY WLKf111klP1p
Regular Session
July 2, 1981
Mickey Pierson, Mayor
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jim McClure (arrived at 7:33 p.m.)
H. R. Daugherty
Ward Paxton
Richard L. Chumbley
Glenn Andrew
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called to
order by Mayor Pierson at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 2, 1981, at
Rountree Elementary School, 800 E. Main Street.
Upon a motion made by Councilman Daugherty and seconded by
Councilman Chumbley, the Council voted 6 - 0 to approve and adopt
all items on the Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows:
A. Minutes of June 17, 1981 - Called - Special Session
B. Minutes of June 18, 1981 - Regular Session
C. Ordinance No. 349: An Ordinance of the City of Allen,
Texas, Annexing the Hereinafter -Described Territory
to the City of Allen, Texas, a Total of 8.00 Acres
of Land, More or Less, and Out of the David Wetsel
Survey, Abstract No. 977, Tract No. 1K, in Collin
County, Texas, and Extending the Boundary Limits of
the City so as to Include Said Hereinafter -Described
Property Within the City Limits and Granting to All
Inhabitants and Owners of Said Property all of the
Rights and Privileges of Other Citizens and Binding
All Inhabitants by all the Ordinances, Acts, Resolutions
and Regulations of Said City; Providing a Severability
Clause; and Providing for the Effective Date of Said
July 2, 1981 Page 2
CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
D. Set date for "Proposed Use Hearing" for July 16,
1981 for consideration of use of Revenue Sharing
Funds for the Fiscal Year 1981 - 82 Budget.
Appearance by Vernon Hayes to
Present Petitions on Proposed
Location of Wastewater Treat-
ment Plant at Wilson Creek Site (Agenda Item III)
Vernon Hayes, 926 Wandering Way, appeared before the City
Council and read the caption of the petitions into the record as
"We the undersigned residents of the City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas, do hereby oppose the plan (Alternate C) as
proposed by the North Texas Water Municipal District for
the location of a water treatment facility and/or land-
Mr. Hayes presented the petitions to the Council and advised
that they represented just a portion of the petitions being cir-
culated at the present time.
Mayor Pierson accepted the petitions and advised that the
petitions would be on file in the City Secretary's Office and
that the other petitions being circulated could be given to the
City Secretary when they are completed.
There was no action taken on this item.
Review of Abandoned and
Junk Vehicles Ordinance (Agenda Item IV)
Chief of Police Richard Carroll reviewed with the Council the
Texas State Laws on abandoned motor vehicles, as well as, the existing
City Ordinances No. 80 and 132. Chief Carroll pointed out various
discrepancies between State Law and the existing ordinances which
need to be corrected in order for the Police Department to enforce
the law.
Chief Carroll proposed to the Council that the existing
Ordinances No. 80 and 132 be repealed and a new "Abandoned and
Junk Vehicle Ordinance" be adopted, and advised of what the
new ordinance would contain.
The Council discussed with Chief Carroll various aspects of
the law, such as fees for handling the enforcement of the ordinance,
penalty for violation, definition of various types of motor vehicles,
use of the words "public hearing" as opposed to "hearing", City
official who will conduct the hearing, and the law as it pertains
to vehicles in garages.
July 2, 1981 Page 3
Review of Abandoned and
Junk Vehicles Ordinance (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV)
Chief Carroll advised that the new proposed ordinance would
be forthcoming at the next regular Council meeting.
There was no action taken on this item.
Review of the Status of
the Jupiter Road Bridge (Agenda Item V)
City Manager Jon McCarty updated the Council on the history
of the grant program for the Jupiter Road Bridge project with the
Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation,
advised of the letter from the Highway Department authorizing
the bridge replacement program, and pointed out the City's respon-
sibilities in the project, being the acquisition of right-of-way,
relocation and/or adjustment of utilities and services, provide
208 of the actual cost for the bridge replacement, and assume all
maintenance responsibilities for the new structure.
The Council discussed the construction schedule of the bridge
replacement coinciding with the widening of Jupiter Road, funding
of the project being with bond funds, and the fact that the bridge
replacement has been in the Master Plan.
Upon a motion made by Councilman Daugherty and seconded by
Councilman Chumbley, the Council voted 7 - 0 to authorize the
City Manager to execute the agreement for construction and mainte-
nance,with the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation,
for the Jupiter Road Bridge replacement project and authorization for
City Staff to proceed with negotiations for additional right-of-way
and preliminary engineering on water and sewer line relocations.
Review and Authorize Engineering on
Raising of the Hillside Water Tank (Agenda Item VI)
Ron Fix, City Engineer, presented to the Council a project
schedule and estimated project cost for the raising of the existing
Hillside 500,000 gallon elevated water storage tank and reviewed
the schedule and costs.
The Council discussed the cost of building a new tank as com-
pared to raising the existing tank, the plans for an additional
water tank on the west side of U. S. 75 in the future, the better
insurance key rate as a result of raising the tank, and how the
raising of the tank will be accomplished.
Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded by
Councilman Farmer, the Council voted 7 - 0 to authorize the
initiation of the engineering required for the raising of the
Hillside Water Storage Tank.
July 2, 1981
Page 4
Mayor Pierson recessed the regular session of the Allen City
Council at 8:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:00 p.m.
Authorize Execution of Contracts
Related to the Acquisition of
Right -of -Way on Bethany Road
City Manager Jon McCarty presented
showing the existing Bethany Road, the
Road, and the adjacent property owners,
Charles Forbes, and John Deere Company.
(Agenda Item VII)
to the Council a small plat
proposed realignment of Bethany
those being Exxon Corporation,
Mr. McCarty reviewed the plat with the Council and provided
an update on the agreements between the property owners for some
land exchanges which will be closed on July 13th. At that time,
the property owners involved will dedicate the right-of-way for
the new proposed realignment of Bethany Road, the City of Allen
will in turn abandon the old right-of-way of the existing Bethany
Road (see proposed Ordinance No. 350), and commitments will be
made as to the paving of Bethany Road (see proposed Resolution
No. 351).
Mr. McCarty reviewed the following proposed ordinance and
resolution with the Council:
Ordinance No. 350: Providing for the Abandonment of a Portion
of Old Bethany Road, Comprising Approximately 1.7 Acres +, from
U. S. Highway 75 (on the west) to a Specific Point East Thereof,
in the City of Allen and County of Collin, Texas, Within the Limits
Hereinafter More Fully Described; Providing for the Sale and Con-
veyance Thereof to Charles A. Forbes, Trustee; Providing for the
Terms and Conditions of the Abandonment and Conveyance Made Herein;
and Providing an Effective Date.
Resolution No. 351: Authorizing the Execution of Certain
Contracts Concerning the Construction and Reconstruction of a
Portion of Bethany Road in the City of Allen.
The Council discussed with the City Manager the status of paving
Bethany Road from the Southern Pacific Railroad Tracks to State
Highway 5 and the verbal commitment of the adjacent property owners
to pay for the paving of it. Two property owners had recently
indicated their reluctance to pave that portion at this time due
to the heavy financial burden it would impose upon them.
There was further discussion on the status of the paving of
Bethany Road from State Highway 5 to Jupiter Road and the continued
extension of Bethany Road to Allen Heights Drive in the future as
a major thoroughfare of the City of Allen and the development of
property adjacent to it.
July 2, 1981 Page 5
Authorize Execution of Contracts
Related to Acquisition of Right -
of -Way on Bethany Road (cont'd) (Agenda Item VII)
Upon a motion made by Councilman Chumbley and seconded by
Councilman McClure, the Council voted 7 - 0 to adopt Ordinance
No. 350 and Resolution No. 351 as presented.
Tax Report - June 30, 1981
(Agenda Item VIII -A)
Walter Curtis, Tax Assessor -Collector, presented to the Council
the Schedule of Taxes Receivable as of June 30, 1981.
The Council briefly reviewed the figures on the report.
There was no action taken on this item.
Request from Allen Sports Authority (Agenda Item VIII -B)
Mayor Pierson advised the Council of the request from the Allen
Sports Authority, in a letter dated June 12, 1981, to request a site
on City -owned property to construct a 20' x 20' permanent building
to house the equipment needed to carry on the Allen Sports Authority
programs. The use of the portable building behind the Allen Library
on McDermott is not adequate at this time. The ASA suggested the
three (3) acre site where the large ground water storage tank exists,
located at F.M. 1378 and 2170.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of the require-
ments that were needed for the approval of this site.
The Council discussed the need for the building, the proposed
site suggested by the ASA, the security problem at that site, the
construction of the building, recommendation from the Parks and
Recreation on the proposed site, and perhaps finding another location
more suitable.
It was the consensus of the Council to authorize the City
Manager to work with the ASA Board on the details of a location
for the building and the construction of the building and to
advise the Parks & Recreation Board of this request and ask for
their comments and/or recommendations as to a site for the building.
General Discussion:
Mayor Pierson advised the Council of the upcoming Collin
County Public Officials Meeting to be held on Thursday, July 9, 1981
and asked for the names of Council Members who would be attending.
Mayor Pierson advised the Council of a breakfast to be held
by the Regional Transportation Council in Dallas on Tuesday,
July 7, 1981 at 7:30 a.m., and passed around the letter invitation
for the Council Members to review.
July 2, 1981
General Discussion:(cont'd)
Page 6
Mayor Pierson advised the Council of a meeting of the Soil
Conservation Service Water Shed Planning Committee to be held on
Tuesday, July 7, 1981 at 1:30 p.m. at the Collin County Commissioners
Court. He advised that he would be attending that meeting with
the City Manager.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that a revised
budget calendar had been included in their packets at the request
of Councilman Daugherty.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of the status
of the Texas Power & Light Rate Case filed with the City of Allen
on March 6, 1981. A Public Hearing on this rate case would be
forthcoming in August.
At the request of Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the City Manager
updated the Council on the status of the new proposed Zoning
Ordinance and the meetings needed for review. The Council also
discussed the existing moratorium on zoning cases, when it will
expire, and perhaps the need to extend the moratorium until the
new zoning ordinance is adopted.
At the request of Councilman Paxton, the City Manager answered
questions regarding the existing ordinance for cutting of tall grass
and weeds, the enforcement of it, and the status of some properties
in the City that are in violation of the ordinance.
Councilman Paxton also requested the status of a study being
done by City Staff on the drainage of water from the development
of City -owned property for the City Service Center/City Hall Complex
and how it will affect the adjacent residential properties.
Councilman Chumbley requested that City Staff undertake a
study on the costs of enlarging the covers on the top of backstops
to prevent balls from coming into the stands.
At the request of Councilman Paxton, the City Manager updated
the Council on the status of the land obtained for use as temporary
soccer fields. Councilman Paxton further requested that the City
Staff provide a report on the costs of bringing existing soccer
fields into proper condition, the number of fields (being soccer
and baseball fields) needed to provide adequate support for the
soccer and baseball programs and the costs involved.
Mayor Pierson pointed out consideration needed to be given
also to the replacement of a community center for community meetings
since the City Departments have taken over the existing community
July 2, 1981
General Discussion:(cont'd)
Page 7
Councilman Daugherty requested that consideration be given
to establishing truck routes on plats for new subdivisions due
to the large amount of damage to residential streets by large
trucks or consideration of an ordinance to establish truck routes.
With no further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman
McClure and seconded by Councilman Paxton to adjourn the regular
session of the Allen City Council at 10:28 p.m. The Council voted
7 - 0 in favor of the motion.
These minutes approved this the 16th day of July , 1981.
Mickey Pierson, MAYOR