Min - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1969 - 01/16 - RegularJan. 16, 1969 The Commission met at the City Hall at 6:30pm. All members were present. Mr. Jack Hedgcoke appeared to petition for a zoning change from B to C,D,&E on his property at West Avenue E and North Second Street. This is Lot 1 Block 12 of the Whisenant Addition. Papers relative to this petition are filed in Hedgcoke folder in the commission records to be kept in the City Hall under the care of the City Secretary. Mr. Hedgcoke stated his intention to build an 8 unit apartment on the property if the zoning change is granted. Mr. Patrick Kirkland, Dallas, Texas who identified himself as builder presnted and discussed some of the details of the proposed apartment. There being no more objections to the petition a vote was taken by the Chairman The motion passed by a vote of the 4 for and 1 against (Mr. Posey voted against) (con't) A letter was prepared directed to the Council informing them of the Commission's recommendation that the request for the zoning change be granted. The next meeting of the Commission was set for Monday Jan. 27, 1969 at the City Hall. The adoption of operating rules of the Commission are to be discussed. Motion to adjourn - Howard Sinder, 2nd Mr. Haggard. Motion carried.